Most recent changes in texts

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1 2
740 741 742 880 881
2452S (r1) FractalFusion 7:12 PM Diff
MovieStatistics (r22) Warp Restored rerecord statistics 6:53 PM Diff
2451S (r1) maTO 5:28 PM Diff
2450S (r2) Ryuto 3:11 PM Diff
2450S (r1) Ryuto 2:59 PM Diff
2447S (r2) Nach 12:41 PM Diff
2448S (r5) Nach Accepting 11:29 AM Diff
2449S (r9) Nach Another fix for NameSpoofer 10:33 AM Diff
2449S (r8) NameSpoofer 10:29 AM Diff
2449S (r7) Nach Changed for NameSpoofer 10:25 AM Diff
2449S (r5) NameSpoofer 10:21 AM Diff
2449S (r4) NameSpoofer 10:19 AM Diff
2449S (r3) NameSpoofer 10:17 AM Diff
2449S (r2) NameSpoofer 10:14 AM Diff
2449S (r1) NameSpoofer 10:13 AM Diff
2448S (r2) mmbossman 7:12 AM Diff
2448S (r1) Atma 6:59 AM Diff
2443S (r7) Raiscan 1:19 AM Diff
2439S (r5) OmnipotentEntity 6:46 AM Diff
2439S (r4) Cpadolf 9:41 PM Diff
2443S (r6) mmbossman 8:19 AM Diff
2442S (r6) mmbossman 7:54 AM Diff
2440S (r5) Ryuto 1:50 AM Diff
2441S (r5) maTO 10:11 PM Diff
ArticleIndex (r45) FractalFusion it works now 1:38 AM Diff
2447S (r1) xxstimpzxx 10:08 PM Diff
2446S (r1) FractalFusion 6:50 PM Diff
Staff (r50) Flygon Whoops, I can edit tables 5:25 PM Diff
2445S (r2) MrOmicron 4:59 PM Diff
2445S (r1) MrOmicron 4:50 PM Diff
1145M (r4) moozooh revised the description 4:29 PM Diff
2441S (r3) mmbossman Updated movie file 3:39 PM Diff
2444S (r2) Aglar 1:03 PM Diff
2444S (r1) Aglar 12:46 PM Diff
2442S (r3) Comicalflop adding the stuff 6:07 AM Diff
Encoders/Logos (r6) Flygon Added tiny tidbit 3:35 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r27) Flygon Minor updates 3:19 AM Diff
Staff (r49) adelikat Info changes 3:02 AM Diff
Staff (r48) adelikat Added info about new user role: Movie editor 2:46 AM Diff
1387M (r1) Raiscan 12:40 AM Diff
HomePages/Comicalflop (r242) Comicalflop Gunstar finally done 10:55 PM Diff
2442S (r1) Comicalflop 10:51 PM Diff
2441S (r1) maTO 6:22 PM Diff
2433S (r5) GlitchMan 3:47 PM Diff
2440S (r4) Ryuto 1:36 PM Diff
2440S (r3) Ryuto 1:34 PM Diff
2440S (r2) Ryuto 12:30 PM Diff
2440S (r1) Ryuto 12:22 PM Diff
2422S (r11) Flygon Informing of new screenshot 10:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r24) Flygon Revamped 6:51 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r23) Flygon Updated with importaint info again 1:07 AM Diff
HomePages/AngerFist (r65) AngerFist 12:59 AM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r105) mmbossman Two runs at a time is enough 12:54 AM Diff
1385M (r2) moozooh description 11:10 PM Diff
2439S (r1) illayaya 8:35 PM Diff
1386M (r1) adelikat 7:21 PM Diff
XMLDataFeed (r10) Nach Fixed URL 6:36 PM Diff
1385M (r1) Flygon 1:29 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r141) Bisqwit try something other for the alternative spellings 12:32 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r140) Bisqwit try something other for the alternative spellings 12:31 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r136) Bisqwit Add Hebrew and Japanese spelling of the name 11:36 AM Diff
2422S (r9) Flygon Taken up for encoding 11:02 AM Diff
HomePages/alden/Exhibitions/AVGN (r16) klmz Ghostbusters 6:44 AM Diff
ArticleIndex (r44) FractalFusion let's keep doing this until we run out 6:19 AM Diff
1384M (r1) Flygon 4:36 AM Diff
HomePages/mmbossman (r103) mmbossman Gex 3 update (props to guys on IRC for the soon to be EMPTY QUEUE!) 3:05 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/Movies (r21) adelikat Publication update 1:50 AM Diff
1383M (r1) adelikat 1:47 AM Diff
2427S (r4) adelikat 1:30 AM Diff
2416S (r8) Raiscan Category name = ? 1:23 AM Diff
2438S (r5) adelikat 1:22 AM Diff
2438S (r4) Baxter 1:16 AM Diff
2427S (r3) adelikat 12:48 AM Diff
2427S (r2) FractalFusion emulator info 12:37 AM Diff
2428S (r2) adelikat 12:21 AM Diff
2416S (r7) adelikat 11:33 PM Diff
1382M (r1) Flygon 11:32 PM Diff
2422S (r8) ShinyDoofy 6:31 PM Diff
2435S (r3) mmbossman 4:55 PM Diff
HomePages/alden/Exhibitions/AVGN (r14) klmz Castlevania craze 4:00 PM Diff
1380M (r2) moozooh 's! 3:40 PM Diff
1379M (r2) moozooh description 3:29 PM Diff
1378M (r3) Truncated 1:56 PM Diff
2424S (r5) Flygon Adding encoding message, am I doing it right? 11:43 AM Diff
1381M (r1) Flygon 11:17 AM Diff
News (r6) Nach Removing redundancy, there is already a more button. 10:54 AM Diff
1380M (r1) OmnipotentEntity 8:49 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r21) Flygon Corrected with proper information 7:32 AM Diff
2433S (r4) alden i'm a failure! 2:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Flygon (r20) Flygon Cleaned up, again, yeesh, I am never happy with my own page 9:11 PM Diff
2433S (r3) alden claimed 6:51 PM Diff
1379M (r1) Raiscan 6:15 PM Diff
1378M (r2) moozooh there 5:33 PM Diff
News (r3) Nach Switching news from using forum feeder to topic feeder 4:01 PM Diff
2424S (r4) Cpadolf 2:46 PM Diff
2429S (r8) Power_Rangers 12:54 PM Diff
1378M (r1) Flygon 4:44 AM Diff
ArticleIndex (r43) FractalFusion so that's how it is 3:41 AM Diff
1377M (r1) OmnipotentEntity 1:38 AM Diff
Staff (r46) adelikat Modified roles descriptions. Judges can now replace submission files. 1:35 AM Diff
1 2
740 741 742 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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