Most recent changes in texts

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622 623 624 880 881
3254S (r5) Dark_Rain 12:25 PM Diff
3254S (r4) Dark_Rain 12:23 PM Diff
3254S (r3) Dark_Rain 12:22 PM Diff
3254S (r2) Dark_Rain 12:19 PM Diff
3254S (r1) Dark_Rain 12:15 PM Diff
3244S (r5) Baxter 11:36 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1027) Brandon 6:56 AM Diff
3253S (r2) t3h_Icy 2:36 AM Diff
3253S (r1) t3h_Icy 2:35 AM Diff
3252S (r1) lapogne36 2:11 AM Diff
3237S (r39) mindnomad 12:54 AM Diff
3237S (r38) Aktan 12:05 AM Diff
3237S (r37) adelikat 11:03 PM Diff
3237S (r36) adelikat 11:01 PM Diff
3249S (r8) The_Mario_with_Famtasia 10:57 PM Diff
PlayerPointsAndRanks (r16) Ilari Sorry Baxter 7:47 PM Diff
3249S (r7) The_Mario_with_Famtasia 7:25 PM Diff
PlayerPointsAndRanks (r15) Ilari Update with "new" ranks 7:22 PM Diff
3249S (r6) The_Mario_with_Famtasia 7:07 PM Diff
3251S (r6) DarkKobold 7:01 PM Diff
3248S (r3) Mukki Judging Underway 6:02 PM Diff
3251S (r5) BYRAIN 5:56 PM Diff
3251S (r4) DarkKobold 5:55 PM Diff
3251S (r3) BYRAIN 5:52 PM Diff
3251S (r2) BYRAIN 5:48 PM Diff
3246S (r5) zidanax Canceling submission, and reasoning 5:27 PM Diff
3251S (r1) BYRAIN 5:15 PM Diff
3249S (r5) DarkKobold 4:47 PM Diff
3250S (r5) Ilari Dummy edit 1:35 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1026) Brandon 1:33 PM Diff
3239S (r8) Brandon Publication underway. 1:01 PM Diff
3250S (r1) MUGG 12:50 PM Diff
LuaScripting/Registers (r1) FatRatKnight Someone come in here and help clean the mess I make. 10:17 AM Diff
3246S (r4) zidanax Changed Sir VG's quote to an indented quote (is there a more elegant way to get it to look like that?) 7:39 AM Diff
3238S (r6) mmbossman 6:32 AM Diff
3239S (r7) mmbossman 6:19 AM Diff
3249S (r4) Brandon Redundant quotes. 1:09 AM Diff
3249S (r3) adelikat 12:48 AM Diff
3249S (r2) The_Mario_with_Famtasia 12:43 AM Diff
3249S (r1) The_Mario_with_Famtasia 12:36 AM Diff
3243S (r5) DarkKobold 11:36 PM Diff
3239S (r5) sgrunt 8:35 PM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r104) Ilari +1855M 6:52 PM Diff
3248S (r1) Randil 3:46 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1025) Brandon 3:43 PM Diff
1855M (r1) Brandon 3:40 PM Diff
3247S (r3) DarkKobold 2:51 PM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy (r70) Bhezt_Rhy WIP Uploaded 1:40 PM Diff
3247S (r2) X2poet 1:38 PM Diff
3247S (r1) X2poet 1:31 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r261) Bhezt_Rhy Added game: Mario & Luigi 9:26 AM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy (r69) Bhezt_Rhy Personality Edit 9:18 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1024) Brandon 7:05 AM Diff
3246S (r1) zidanax 6:47 AM Diff
3239S (r4) mmbossman 5:41 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1023) Brandon 4:44 AM Diff
3237S (r35) adelikat 1:37 AM Diff
3245S (r5) SDR 1:20 AM Diff
3245S (r4) Nach 12:23 AM Diff
3245S (r3) SDR 11:46 PM Diff
3245S (r2) Ilari Fix YT URL 11:30 PM Diff
3245S (r1) SDR 11:03 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1021) Brandon 8:13 PM Diff
PublisherGuidelines (r88) Ilari Halfadmin? How old is this info? 7:37 PM Diff
TODO/PossiblyWrongAspect (r21) Ilari Fix some mistakes from the last edit 6:26 PM Diff
TODO/PossiblyWrongAspect (r20) Ilari Link to movies 6:24 PM Diff
SubmissionInstructions (r42) MUGG removed 404 link 5:41 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1020) Brandon 5:15 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1019) Brandon 4:42 PM Diff
TODO/PossiblyWrongAspect (r11) Nahoc 2:35 PM Diff
TODO/PossiblyWrongAspect (r8) Nahoc 2:10 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1018) Brandon 1:31 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1017) Brandon 1:29 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r12) Brandon DK forgot the M. 1:20 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r260) Nahoc 1:04 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1016) Brandon 11:50 AM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r78) NitroGenesis 11:23 AM Diff
3244S (r4) Baxter 10:44 AM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r11) DarkKobold 4:22 AM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r10) DarkKobold 3:20 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1015) Brandon 3:01 AM Diff
1853M (r4) sgrunt fix link to patch 2:11 AM Diff
1854M (r3) sgrunt 2:11 AM Diff
3241S (r3) AjAX 1:42 AM Diff
3244S (r3) Egor305 12:12 AM Diff
3244S (r1) Egor305 12:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1014) Brandon 11:53 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1013) Brandon 6:17 PM Diff
239M (r4) Brandon Accidentally verified it again, and this one has input display. 5:36 PM Diff
HomePages/Brandon (r1012) Brandon 5:28 PM Diff
3236S (r26) Brandon 5:11 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r9) Brandon Friday the 13th. 5:11 PM Diff
3236S (r25) Brandon Publication underway. 5:01 PM Diff
3236S (r24) DarkKobold 4:50 PM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r103) Ilari +1854M 4:04 PM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy/MyFavoriteTASRuns (r14) Bhezt_Rhy 2:38 PM Diff
HomePages/Bhezt_Rhy/MyFavoriteTASRuns (r13) Bhezt_Rhy Note to editors 2:37 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r8) DarkKobold 2:10 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r6) Brandon My contributions. 1:53 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r5) Brandon Made it so the header shows the syntax instead of creating broken links. 1:30 PM Diff
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622 623 624 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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