Most recent changes in texts

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574 575 576 880 881
3669S (r8) McBobX 3:32 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r98) MUGG event 20 9:51 AM Diff
3665S (r7) turska 9:43 AM Diff
3670S (r2) Noxxa 6:40 AM Diff
3670S (r1) STBM 6:21 AM Diff
3669S (r7) McBobX 8:38 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r78) adelikat add mapper 197 to the list (not done and not documented) 7:56 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r77) adelikat Mapper 50 finished 7:21 PM Diff
3669S (r6) Truncated needs more info 6:49 PM Diff
3666S (r5) Truncated rejected 6:39 PM Diff
3669S (r4) McBobX 6:37 PM Diff
3669S (r2) McBobX 6:36 PM Diff
3669S (r1) McBobX 6:35 PM Diff
2071M (r4) Nahoc 5:02 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r80) Nahoc 5:01 PM Diff
2088M (r2) Nahoc 4:58 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/NESAccuracyTests (r192) Parseus Updated HalfNES (r213) and puNES (0.64). 4:03 PM Diff
1984M (r5) Guga 3:52 PM Diff
2088M (r1) Guga 3:47 PM Diff
2087M (r1) natt 12:48 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r76) adelikat upgrade mappers 24 & 26 (VRC6 sound implemented), add rows for mappers 120,172,173,254 which are not in the Disch docs or nesdev wiki 12:18 AM Diff
2086M (r9) BioSpark removed ambiguity 5:36 PM Diff
2086M (r8) NitroGenesis 4:29 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r75) adelikat remove interim status on a bunch of mappers 1:28 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r21) adelikat add links to mac and linux releases of 1.04x 1:26 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r20) adelikat 1.0.5 released! 1:09 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r19) adelikat update release notes 11:02 PM Diff
3668S (r3) Noxxa 8:13 PM Diff
3664S (r9) natt ...gnissecorP 7:19 PM Diff
HomePages/natt/YoutubeFormatList (r34) natt rss pulled at Fri, 03 Aug 2012 18:00:21 +0000 6:05 PM Diff
2086M (r7) Zeupar Made several minor changes. 11:18 PM Diff
2086M (r6) NitroGenesis 9:01 PM Diff
2086M (r5) NitroGenesis 8:58 PM Diff
1234M (r3) NitroGenesis 8:49 PM Diff
2086M (r4) natt 8:47 PM Diff
System/WikiEditNote (r7) Nach Adding alternate for alternate button text 4:10 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r18) adelikat release notes for the upcoming 1.0.5 release 12:30 AM Diff
1289M (r3) Zeupar Deleted a dead link. 11:05 PM Diff
2086M (r3) Nach Restructure alternate encode 8:45 PM Diff
2086M (r2) natt 5:38 PM Diff
2086M (r1) natt 5:28 PM Diff
3655S (r5) natt processing 4:32 PM Diff
3663S (r6) Guga 8:29 PM Diff
3668S (r2) Noxxa 7:39 PM Diff
3668S (r1) WinEpic 6:46 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/JPC (r28) Truncated clarification on movie recording and author info 4:12 PM Diff
3666S (r3) Truncated claimed 12:40 PM Diff
3663S (r3) turska 11:45 AM Diff
3667S (r1) mtvf1 9:18 AM Diff
3666S (r2) Cooljay 6:01 AM Diff
3666S (r1) Cooljay 4:54 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r73) adelikat mapper 96 implemented 3:10 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r72) adelikat mapper 245 implemented 1:01 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/NESAccuracyTests (r191) adelikat bizhawk passes an APU test 12:11 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r70) adelikat finish mappers 74 and 194 6:36 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r69) adelikat mapper 192 implemented 6:13 PM Diff
HomePages/NitroGenesis (r86) NitroGenesis removing stuff that hasn't been updated in forever 4:45 PM Diff
HomePages/natt (r15) natt add Doom page link 4:42 PM Diff
HomePages/natt/Doom (r2) natt clarify -complevel 4:38 PM Diff
HomePages/natt/Doom (r1) natt well, this looks like a mess 4:28 PM Diff
2080M (r4) adelikat clarify tas vs unassisted time 2:49 PM Diff
HomePages/FractalFusion (r110) FractalFusion update 7:21 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r68) adelikat Mapper 234 implemented 3:42 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r69) Ilari .gz is no longer supported (use .omr instead) 10:10 PM Diff
Helping (r79) Ilari Who reads these pages??? 9:52 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r68) turska make things uppercase for consistency 8:11 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r67) FractalFusion .tas -> .tas/BKM 8:10 PM Diff
3665S (r6) turska 7:11 PM Diff
HomePages/Ilari (r13) Ilari Let's use that module for something... 6:57 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r67) adelikat mapper 52 implemented 6:53 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules (r62) Ilari A new module 6:53 PM Diff
2943S (r8) NitroGenesis deleted dead encode link 5:09 PM Diff
3034S (r7) NitroGenesis Removed dead encode link 5:06 PM Diff
3665S (r5) NitroGenesis Embed 4:47 PM Diff
2085M (r2) Noxxa 4:33 PM Diff
2048M (r3) NitroGenesis 3:59 PM Diff
2063M (r3) NitroGenesis 3:58 PM Diff
2084M (r2) NitroGenesis 3:57 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r66) adelikat mapper 50 decent 3:38 PM Diff
2085M (r1) natt 2:46 PM Diff
3665S (r4) FractalFusion replaced submission file 6:36 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r65) adelikat remove needed category 1:32 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r64) adelikat mapper 45 implemented 1:29 AM Diff
430M (r3) NitroGenesis 12:48 AM Diff
430M (r2) NitroGenesis 12:40 AM Diff
1631M (r3) NitroGenesis 12:29 AM Diff
3665S (r3) NitroGenesis might as well fix shit I made while I wait for a judge to replace the file 12:22 AM Diff
1029M (r4) Zeupar Reworded several sentences. 12:14 AM Diff
3665S (r1) NitroGenesis 12:12 AM Diff
2083M (r2) NitroGenesis 10:56 PM Diff
1780M (r9) Noxxa sounds better imo, and is more widely used 9:28 PM Diff
1780M (r8) Zeupar Derp. 9:21 PM Diff
1780M (r7) Zeupar Reworded a couple sentences and other minor changes. 9:18 PM Diff
1824M (r3) Zeupar Made several changes. 9:10 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r79) Nahoc 8:51 PM Diff
3664S (r6) Noxxa 8:38 PM Diff
2084M (r1) Guga 8:37 PM Diff
3664S (r5) Guga 8:28 PM Diff
2083M (r1) feos 7:55 PM Diff
3662S (r4) Guga 7:45 PM Diff
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574 575 576 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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