Most recent changes in texts

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555 556 557 880 881
3225S (r10) adelikat 2:15 PM Diff
3774S (r1) mtvf1 2:12 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r6) Nach 10:42 AM Diff
1277M (r5) CoolKirby 9:15 AM Diff
2117M (r2) CoolKirby 8:56 AM Diff
1156S (r7) Brandon FCM -> FM2 7:56 AM Diff
2161M (r2) CoolKirby 7:27 AM Diff
2169M (r4) CoolKirby 7:17 AM Diff
2142M (r2) CoolKirby 6:34 AM Diff
3773S (r1) feos 3:21 AM Diff
3772S (r14) Aktan 1:45 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r8) KAGE-008 12:31 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r7) KAGE-008 12:22 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r6) KAGE-008 12:19 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r5) KAGE-008 12:18 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r4) KAGE-008 12:16 AM Diff
3772S (r12) Baxter Run accepted 12:03 AM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r3) KAGE-008 11:15 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r2) adelikat formatting 11:11 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008 (r2) KAGE-008 11:06 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008/NESMapperBugs (r1) KAGE-008 11:05 PM Diff
HomePages/KAGE-008 (r1) KAGE-008 10:58 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r187) AnS FM3 files are also accepted 10:31 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Features (r128) AnS added FM3 format to the table and fixed FM2 format info 10:17 PM Diff
2171M (r4) CoolKirby 9:38 PM Diff
2171M (r3) feos :D 5:56 PM Diff
2171M (r2) feos 5:50 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r100) Nahoc 4:41 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r99) Nahoc 4:40 PM Diff
2171M (r1) Brandon 4:14 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r36) feos Roles#Publisher 3:35 PM Diff
3764S (r15) Nahoc 3:20 PM Diff
Movies (r83) Nahoc 2:40 PM Diff
2170M (r1) natt 2:38 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r35) natt typo 2:21 PM Diff
3746S (r4) adelikat 1:45 PM Diff
GameResources/GB/BatmanReturnOfTheJoker (r2) Brandon Datatizing... 6:22 AM Diff
3285S (r14) adelikat 3:22 AM Diff
3138S (r8) Brandon Datatizing... 1:43 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/RamSearch (r15) Brandon Addresses. 5:50 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/RamWatch (r11) Brandon Addresses. 5:49 PM Diff
MemorySearch (r17) Brandon Addresses. 5:48 PM Diff
TASingGuide/TASHowTo (r17) Brandon Added the addresses tool link to the memory search section. 5:46 PM Diff
SubmissionInstructions (r44) Brandon Suggested using the addresses tool in submissions. 5:42 PM Diff
3187S (r17) Brandon Datatized RAM addresses. 5:16 PM Diff
3308S (r6) adelikat 2:24 PM Diff
3187S (r16) Brandon 7:37 AM Diff
3187S (r15) Brandon Publication underway. 6:58 AM Diff
MovieStatistics/Codecs (r171) Ilari Update this... 5:37 AM Diff
3256S (r13) FractalFusion fix 5:33 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros2 (r25) Brandon Datatized the addresses / updated the currently published movies. 4:11 AM Diff
3772S (r8) Baxter 2:41 AM Diff
HomePages/Ilari (r18) Ilari Why the heck this link is there (and test editing wiki) 12:57 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r31) feos Publish the movie 6:31 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r98) Nahoc 6:18 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r25) feos Capture the screenshot 5:44 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r24) feos 5:33 PM Diff
1031S (r11) adelikat 5:23 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r23) feos File names 5:08 PM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r5) Nach Add TSRP2 3:30 PM Diff
3772S (r6) Nahoc 3:08 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/NinjaGaiden3 (r25) Marx 2:19 PM Diff
1370M (r3) arkiandruski 12:27 PM Diff
1509M (r2) arkiandruski 12:26 PM Diff
945M (r7) arkiandruski 12:17 PM Diff
3565S (r11) Brandon 8:32 AM Diff
3226S (r12) Brandon 8:31 AM Diff
3155S (r16) Brandon 8:31 AM Diff
3448S (r9) Brandon Memory addresses. 8:27 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r2) feos Capture lossless AVI 7:34 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r120) Brandon Datatizing... 7:22 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/StarWars (r2) Brandon Datatizing... 7:17 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/SnakeRattleNRoll (r11) Brandon Datatizing... 7:14 AM Diff
2169M (r1) Ilari 7:11 AM Diff
2168M (r1) Ilari 7:10 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/PublicationManual (r1) feos Finally start the page. 7:10 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/HammerinHarry (r3) Brandon Datatizing... 7:03 AM Diff
2167M (r1) feos 6:57 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Gremlins2 (r4) Brandon Datatizing... 6:56 AM Diff
HomePages/ais523/Categorization (r1) ais523 start this off by talking about segmentation 6:51 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Flintstones (r2) Brandon Datatizing... 6:45 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/EmpireStrikesBack (r5) Brandon Datatizing... 6:28 AM Diff
3765S (r3) Nach 6:09 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Castlevania3 (r4) Brandon Datatizing... 5:59 AM Diff
GameResources (r129) Brandon It has to be linked as "AddressesUp" and Ilari needs to push the .htaccess change. 5:15 AM Diff
2235S (r8) adelikat oops 4:13 AM Diff
GameResources (r128) adelikat memory addresses > password generators 4:10 AM Diff
GameResources (r127) Brandon Link to addresses page. 4:08 AM Diff
HomePages/Marx (r5) Marx 2:27 AM Diff
HomePages/Marx (r4) Marx 2:25 AM Diff
Bizhawk/Firmwares (r6) adelikat even more bios info 1:13 AM Diff
Bizhawk/Firmwares (r5) adelikat more bios info 1:10 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r50) adelikat delay upcoming release until next weekend 12:52 AM Diff
HomePages/ais523 (r1) ais523 create; this is mostly just a holding space for subpages 12:47 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros3 (r25) Brandon 11:28 PM Diff
3772S (r3) sonicpacker 5:46 PM Diff
3772S (r2) Nahoc 5:44 PM Diff
3635S (r8) Guga 3:56 PM Diff
3772S (r1) Nahoc 3:05 PM Diff
3568S (r6) adelikat 1:47 PM Diff
1 2
555 556 557 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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