Most recent changes in texts

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515 516 517 880 881
4169S (r4) ForgoneMoose 5:17 AM Diff
4169S (r3) ForgoneMoose 4:27 AM Diff
4169S (r2) ForgoneMoose 4:20 AM Diff
4169S (r1) ForgoneMoose 4:16 AM Diff
2075M (r4) CoolKirby parallelism fix 2:06 AM Diff
4168S (r1) Aqfaq 11:06 PM Diff
4167S (r4) Nach 5:14 AM Diff
4167S (r3) Nach 4:50 AM Diff
4167S (r2) Spikestuff 2nd last time I'm fixing this. 4:35 AM Diff
4167S (r1) saomoore94 4:15 AM Diff
4163S (r5) Nach 12:48 AM Diff
TextFormattingRules (r58) adelikat note that headings can not be emedded in tabs 8:05 PM Diff
4165S (r4) Noxxa 3:40 PM Diff
4165S (r3) CoolKirby fixed game name 5:59 AM Diff
4162S (r12) Ubercapitalist Techniques & formatting thanks 5:09 AM Diff
4165S (r2) Spikestuff OC-YTModule fix I EXPLAINED THIS ALREADY! 4:01 AM Diff
4165S (r1) saomoore94 3:50 AM Diff
4164S (r2) feos Judging 4:15 PM Diff
4164S (r1) scrimpeh 3:58 PM Diff
2515M (r1) feos SpongeBob SquarePants: Legend of the Lost Spatula 2:56 PM Diff
4161S (r4) feos Accepting 11:16 AM Diff
4163S (r4) Nach 5:37 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SoulBlazer (r1) FatRatKnight A few tricks. 4:36 PM Diff
4162S (r11) Ubercapitalist edited choice info 4:20 PM Diff
4162S (r10) Ubercapitalist added mercenaries info 4:08 PM Diff
4162S (r9) Ubercapitalist edit branch 3:33 PM Diff
HomePages/feos (r104) feos Meshuggah/Media 10:57 AM Diff
MassMedia (r1) MESHUGGAH 8:11 AM Diff
4162S (r7) Ubercapitalist Edited branch, added link to FAQ 4:48 AM Diff
4163S (r2) saomoore94 12:50 AM Diff
4163S (r1) saomoore94 12:48 AM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r141) natt downgrade mapper 245 status 10:56 PM Diff
4162S (r4) Ubercapitalist Added info 1:49 PM Diff
4162S (r3) Ubercapitalist Added more info 4:20 AM Diff
GameResources/GBA/LadySia (r15) Ansem 2:33 AM Diff
GameResources/GBA/LadySia (r14) Ansem 11:04 PM Diff
2513M (r8) Nach Add ExtremeTech link 4:21 PM Diff
HomePages/WST (r5) WST Added a few TAS projects 3:25 PM Diff
4161S (r2) feos Judging 1:12 PM Diff
2514M (r1) feos Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog 1:11 PM Diff
4162S (r2) FractalFusion 6:09 AM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r32) True Removed Duck Tales (video up), added Battletoads, BT&DD 5:16 AM Diff
4162S (r1) Ubercapitalist 2:37 AM Diff
4159S (r7) Nach 12:51 AM Diff
542M (r5) CoolKirby cleaned up and reorganized 10:35 PM Diff
4161S (r1) CoolKirby 10:15 PM Diff
1259M (r3) CoolKirby fixed formatting, moved sentence 9:47 PM Diff
Movies (r92) CoolKirby Moons only links for systems with >1 movie 9:29 PM Diff
1701M (r3) NitroGenesis 8:14 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r10) Noxxa 6:31 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r9) Noxxa 6:15 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r8) Noxxa 6:07 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/JazzJackrabbit (r7) Noxxa boss health 5:55 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/LadySia (r13) Ansem 12:54 AM Diff
4160S (r4) FractalFusion add nicovideo link 11:06 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r140) natt update mapper 101 status 10:23 PM Diff
4160S (r3) Nach 10:15 PM Diff
4160S (r1) FractalFusion 10:07 PM Diff
Downloads (r50) Nach MPlayer2 seems to be pretty dead, and all the major players now have its most important features 9:07 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/Lsnes/LuaTutorials/GuiAndDrawing (r2) FatRatKnight Updated gaps information. 8:12 PM Diff
HomePages/WST (r1) WST Creating a new wiki page for myself 7:51 PM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Movies (r15) feos 6:05 PM Diff
2513M (r7) Nach Add news sources 5:47 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r86) Noxxa 3:45 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r85) Noxxa 3:36 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r84) Noxxa 3:35 PM Diff
717M (r2) ais523 improve grammar 2:00 PM Diff
GameResources/GBA/LadySia (r5) Ansem Added pictures, quick lever pull update 11:18 PM Diff
4158S (r7) Noxxa 2:35 PM Diff
4158S (r6) Noxxa 2:33 PM Diff
4157S (r10) Nach 2:13 PM Diff
2511M (r3) FractalFusion 2:26 AM Diff
2513M (r6) CoolKirby corrected 2:02 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/PaperMarioTheThousandYearDoor (r19) CoolKirby added new info 11:14 PM Diff
2513M (r5) CoolKirby slightly expanded, briefly explained AGDQ 10:37 PM Diff
2380M (r15) Nach Link to sibling video 9:19 PM Diff
2513M (r3) Nach Start embedded video at approproiate point, link to sibling movie 9:15 PM Diff
2513M (r2) Nach Start embedded video at approproiate point. 9:12 PM Diff
2513M (r1) Ilari Super Mario World 8:58 PM Diff
4159S (r6) Nach 6:22 PM Diff
EmulatorResources (r96) CoolKirby alphabetized lists, corrected a few typos 9:49 AM Diff
2496M (r2) CoolKirby added description 6:46 AM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r30) dwangoAC 6:19 AM Diff
2498M (r2) CoolKirby added description 6:10 AM Diff
ConsoleVerification/Tests (r29) dwangoAC 6:03 AM Diff
4159S (r5) CoolKirby encode 5:17 AM Diff
4159S (r4) adelikat 4:04 AM Diff
4159S (r3) CoolKirby no DelayStageClear also 3:52 AM Diff
1649M (r6) True Changed YouTube link to point to version with input display 3:39 AM Diff
4159S (r2) McBobX 3:28 AM Diff
4159S (r1) McBobX 2:28 AM Diff
4157S (r9) saomoore94 1:39 AM Diff
4156S (r4) feos accepting 11:32 PM Diff
1649M (r5) CoolKirby console verified video link, fixed formatting 9:07 PM Diff
2380M (r14) NitroGenesis 8:44 PM Diff
Bizhawk/NESMapperList (r139) natt mapper 188 and 222 5:29 PM Diff
HomePages/Spikestuff (r32) Spikestuff 3:53 PM Diff
MovieTokens (r24) Noxxa document RatingS and RatingL 2:59 PM Diff
HomePages/Marx (r9) Marx 3:51 AM Diff
4158S (r5) Noxxa 5:39 PM Diff
1 2
515 516 517 880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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