Most recent changes in texts

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1 2
495 496 497
880 881
4361S (r6) Nach 5:07 PM Diff
4362S (r5) feos Updated 3:55 PM Diff
4355S (r13) Fog 3:24 PM Diff
4355S (r12) Fog 3:22 PM Diff
4355S (r11) feos Accepting 3:08 PM Diff
4365S (r8) feos Judging 3:00 PM Diff
4366S (r2) feos Judging 2:57 PM Diff
LuaScripting (r24) adelikat the emulua website died some years ago 1:53 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r3) Aqfaq 11:43 AM Diff
4366S (r1) Dooty 4:30 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r127) adelikat release notes for upcoming 1.7.2 release 11:41 PM Diff
4364S (r10) Noxxa 9:25 PM Diff
4365S (r7) solarplex 2:45 PM Diff
4365S (r6) Aqfaq 2:44 PM Diff
4365S (r5) Aqfaq 2:39 PM Diff
4365S (r4) Aqfaq 2:34 PM Diff
4365S (r3) Aqfaq 2:04 PM Diff
4362S (r3) feos Judging 2:00 PM Diff
4365S (r2) Aqfaq 1:56 PM Diff
4365S (r1) Aqfaq 1:50 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/NDS (r1) Aqfaq List of NDS games with no published movies. 7:53 AM Diff
4364S (r4) £e_Nécroyeur 6:37 AM Diff
4353S (r14) £e_Nécroyeur 6:34 AM Diff
4364S (r1) £e_Nécroyeur 5:45 AM Diff
4363S (r3) PoochyEXE 5:31 AM Diff
4357S (r15) Guga Or not. 12:51 AM Diff
LegacyPages/Vault (r31) Noxxa This bit contradicts actual policy on sports games (e.g. Olympics was relegated to moons) 10:15 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r412) Tompa 10:01 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SNES (r3) Aqfaq Look at this gigantic page, feos! 9:54 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SNES (r2) Aqfaq Look at this gigantic page, feos! 9:52 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SNES (r1) Aqfaq Look at this gigantic page, feos! 9:50 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r126) adelikat attempting to make the prereq installer more noticeable, since nobody remembers it 8:08 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r8) feos check this trick out, Aqfaq 3:14 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r7) Aqfaq update 2:57 PM Diff
4357S (r14) Guga 12:18 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r2) arandomgameTASer 10:39 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r7) arandomgameTASer 10:38 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r6) arandomgameTASer 10:36 PM Diff
2636M (r2) CoolKirby added paragraph about the run 7:28 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r411) Aqfaq Why not just link to the published movies page here? 9:42 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r1) Aqfaq Making a new page 9:28 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r410) arandomgameTASer 9:54 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r409) arandomgameTASer 9:52 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r6) Aqfaq Creating page... 4:23 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r5) Aqfaq Creating page... 4:20 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r4) Aqfaq Creating page... 4:19 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r3) Aqfaq 4:17 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r2) Aqfaq Created page. 4:15 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r1) Aqfaq Created page. 4:14 PM Diff
4357S (r13) Nach 2:05 PM Diff
4363S (r2) PoochyEXE 1:03 PM Diff
4363S (r1) PoochyEXE 12:37 PM Diff
2636M (r1) Spikestuff Super Mario Bros & Super Mario Bros 2(J) & Super Mario Bros 2 & Super Mario Bros 3 9:27 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r4) Aqfaq Full list of GBA titles with no published movie. 9:04 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r3) Aqfaq Full list of GBA titles with no published movie. 9:01 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r2) Aqfaq Full list of GBA titles with no published movie. 8:59 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas/GBA (r1) Aqfaq Full list of GBA titles with no published movie. 8:58 AM Diff
2634M (r2) CoolKirby added description 6:20 AM Diff
4357S (r12) PangaeaPanga Added on-screen comparison encode. 2:40 AM Diff
4360S (r7) Noxxa 1:13 AM Diff
4362S (r1) mtbRc 5:13 PM Diff
2635M (r2) feos Spoiler: Hover over the screenshot 4:29 PM Diff
2635M (r1) feos Treasure Master 2:30 PM Diff
4356S (r12) feos 2:24 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r407) Aqfaq Moved the "old run links" to the top of the page. 12:18 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r404) Aqfaq Added link to old runs from 2004-2005. 12:11 PM Diff
2634M (r1) Guga Double Dragon 3:15 AM Diff
4358S (r3) Noxxa 8:50 PM Diff
4359S (r3) turska 8:09 PM Diff
4361S (r5) Nach 3:16 PM Diff
4360S (r6) Nach 3:15 PM Diff
4361S (r4) Noxxa 3:00 PM Diff
4360S (r4) Noxxa 2:58 PM Diff
4361S (r1) Noxxa 2:38 PM Diff
4360S (r1) slamo 2:38 PM Diff
2633M (r1) feos Castlevania Chronicles 12:55 PM Diff
4355S (r10) feos Judging 1:54 PM Diff
4351S (r8) feos Publication 1:52 PM Diff
4356S (r10) feos 1:46 PM Diff
4353S (r12) £e_Nécroyeur 4:21 AM Diff
4358S (r2) solarplex 3:19 AM Diff
4356S (r8) Samsara added micro500 as co-author, pre-emptively changed comments to fit the new file 2:28 AM Diff
4351S (r7) Noxxa 10:34 PM Diff
4359S (r2) illayaya 5:10 PM Diff
4359S (r1) illayaya 5:06 PM Diff
4358S (r1) Flip 4:07 PM Diff
4356S (r5) feos Updated 5:58 AM Diff
4357S (r8) solarplex 4:32 AM Diff
4357S (r6) PangaeaPanga Added more information about the run. 2:21 AM Diff
2610M (r3) CoolKirby original Frogger movielink 11:21 PM Diff
2610M (r2) Guga 11:02 PM Diff
1891M (r4) CoolKirby F:HB! movielink 10:50 PM Diff
2318M (r3) CoolKirby A2600 Frogger and Frogger II movielinks 10:39 PM Diff
2545M (r3) CoolKirby italicized title, userlink 9:43 PM Diff
4357S (r5) Nach 8:55 PM Diff
2628M (r3) CoolKirby the reason for the longer time 8:47 PM Diff
4357S (r4) PangaeaPanga Removed line to tell admins/judges to replace movie file. Added solarplex as encoder. 8:26 PM Diff
4357S (r3) Noxxa 8:19 PM Diff
4357S (r1) PangaeaPanga 8:18 PM Diff
2630M (r2) CoolKirby fixed English, better word choice 8:17 PM Diff
1 2
495 496 497
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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