Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 367 368 369
880 881
5751S (r5) Fog 3:27 AM Diff
5755S (r3) xxezrabxxx 11:54 PM Diff
3585M (r1) Fog McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure 10:37 PM Diff
5755S (r2) xxezrabxxx 10:32 PM Diff
5755S (r1) xxezrabxxx 10:28 PM Diff
5747S (r5) feos Pub 7:04 PM Diff
5752S (r5) Noxxa 6:41 PM Diff
5747S (r4) Noxxa 6:34 PM Diff
5750S (r7) fsvgm777 6:27 PM Diff
5750S (r6) ThunderAxe31 6:23 PM Diff
3584M (r2) feos Spoiler 3:42 PM Diff
3584M (r1) feos Sonic the Hedgehog 2 3:28 PM Diff
5750S (r5) ThunderAxe31 2:53 PM Diff
3583M (r1) fsvgm777 Mega Man V 2:05 PM Diff
5754S (r2) ThunderAxe31 12:17 PM Diff
5753S (r11) ThunderAxe31 new encode. now watch! 11:19 AM Diff
IT/LegacyPages/MovieRules (r1) ThunderAxe31 11:03 AM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r247) ThunderAxe31 updating emulators 10:50 AM Diff
HomePages/TheCoreyBurton (r45) TheCoreyBurton 7:22 AM Diff
3581M (r3) SnowySideofTown Fixing grammatical/structural errors/better wording 7:19 AM Diff
5749S (r3) Fog 7:18 AM Diff
3582M (r1) TheCoreyBurton Bio Menace 7:18 AM Diff
Encoders/Logos (r116) TheCoreyBurton I am running out of logos here! 4:11 AM Diff
5745S (r4) TheCoreyBurton 4:06 AM Diff
5745S (r3) Fog 3:42 AM Diff
3581M (r1) Fog Dora the Explorer: The Search for Pirate Pig's Treasure 10:53 PM Diff
5754S (r1) Alyosha 8:35 PM Diff
5739S (r6) ThunderAxe31 8:28 PM Diff
5753S (r9) Fog 8:12 PM Diff
3580M (r1) Fog Spy Muppets: License to Croak 4:38 PM Diff
5753S (r6) ThunderAxe31 31-frame improvement 3:31 PM Diff
5752S (r4) feos module 2:47 PM Diff
5744S (r8) fcxiaopengyou 8:27 AM Diff
5749S (r2) Fog 7:35 AM Diff
5745S (r2) Fog 7:33 AM Diff
5751S (r4) Fog 7:32 AM Diff
5743S (r6) Fog 7:32 AM Diff
5742S (r6) Fog 7:31 AM Diff
3579M (r1) Fog Steamgear Mash 7:28 AM Diff
3577M (r2) Fog 3:41 AM Diff
3578M (r1) Fog Psycho Fox 3:41 AM Diff
5752S (r3) Baddap1 1:54 AM Diff
5741S (r9) Fog 11:40 PM Diff
5733S (r4) Fog 11:30 PM Diff
3577M (r1) Fog Psycho Fox 11:19 PM Diff
5752S (r2) Baddap1 11:14 PM Diff
5752S (r1) Baddap1 10:57 PM Diff
3576M (r1) Fog Mickey's Dangerous Chase 9:03 PM Diff
GameResources/DOS/BlakeStone (r1) slamo Getting this started: copied over similarities from Wolf3D page, with some alterations and new stuff. 8:47 PM Diff
5739S (r5) Wobmiar 8:12 PM Diff
5746S (r5) Fog 7:49 PM Diff
5746S (r4) ThunderAxe31 11:18 PM Diff
5751S (r3) Challenger 8:29 PM Diff
5751S (r1) Challenger 8:27 PM Diff
HomePages/Chef_Stef (r59) Chef_Stef Updated Crash 2 TAS info 6:54 PM Diff
5744S (r7) Noxxa 6:52 PM Diff
5740S (r10) fsvgm777 6:39 PM Diff
3575M (r1) fsvgm777 Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin 6:34 PM Diff
5750S (r4) ThunderAxe31 6:27 PM Diff
5750S (r2) fsvgm777 6:19 PM Diff
5750S (r1) zoboner 6:18 PM Diff
5748S (r2) Alyosha 1:21 PM Diff
5735S (r4) feos Pub 9:22 AM Diff
3574M (r1) feos Q*bert 3 9:18 AM Diff
5749S (r1) Chef_Stef 5:27 AM Diff
5748S (r1) Alyosha 2:45 PM Diff
5744S (r6) fcxiaopengyou 7:46 AM Diff
5744S (r5) fcxiaopengyou 7:42 AM Diff
5744S (r4) fcxiaopengyou 7:41 AM Diff
5744S (r3) fcxiaopengyou change movie 7:34 AM Diff
HomePages/dekutony (r223) dekutony 10:09 PM Diff
5746S (r2) ThunderAxe31 6:24 PM Diff
5742S (r5) ThunderAxe31 9:55 AM Diff
5732S (r4) Fog 3:34 AM Diff
5726S (r9) Fog 3:32 AM Diff
5738S (r10) Fog 3:30 AM Diff
5747S (r2) Noxxa 12:08 AM Diff
5743S (r5) Noxxa 12:03 AM Diff
3566M (r2) SnowySideofTown Added content 11:36 PM Diff
3560M (r2) SnowySideofTown Clarifying a little more about the game, to have a bit of an introduction and also telling what's special about the gameplay. 11:09 PM Diff
5747S (r1) Alyosha 10:00 PM Diff
5746S (r1) The8bitbeast 9:35 PM Diff
5741S (r8) ThunderAxe31 8:54 AM Diff
5740S (r8) Tremane 11:05 PM Diff
5738S (r7) Noxxa 10:55 PM Diff
5738S (r6) Noxxa 10:53 PM Diff
HomePages/Stovent (r6) Stovent 10:34 PM Diff
5738S (r5) Noxxa 10:34 PM Diff
HomePages/Stovent (r5) Stovent added stuffs and I took a year 10:33 PM Diff
5735S (r3) Noxxa 10:31 PM Diff
5740S (r5) ThunderAxe31 10:20 PM Diff
5739S (r4) Fog 7:25 PM Diff
5745S (r1) slamo 7:13 PM Diff
5736S (r6) fsvgm777 6:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AllPlatformsChallenge (r13) Noxxa 20! 5:52 PM Diff
5737S (r4) Spikestuff 5:35 PM Diff
5736S (r5) Noxxa 5:34 PM Diff
5620S (r10) hejops added stage by stage comments 1:10 PM Diff
5744S (r2) Noxxa 10:36 AM Diff
5744S (r1) fcxiaopengyou 10:11 AM Diff
1 2 367 368 369
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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