Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 292 293 294
880 881
6636S (r16) feos Pub 3:52 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r277) MUGG Added (Emulator) explanation 6:19 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r276) MUGG event 7, 15, 47 rta emu 6:08 AM Diff
4128M (r1) Stovent DK: King of Swing 5:38 AM Diff
6630S (r6) feos Pub 6:06 PM Diff
6630S (r5) ThunderAxe31 6:06 PM Diff
6630S (r4) ThunderAxe31 corrected ROM filename 6:03 PM Diff
4127M (r1) Dacicus NFL Street 2 5:54 PM Diff
4017M (r2) TiKevin83 console verification link 5:48 PM Diff
6651S (r1) EZGames69 3:12 PM Diff
5946S (r6) Jigwally 2:49 PM Diff
6617S (r2) Nach 9:28 PM Diff
4126M (r1) Dacicus Genpei Touma Den 6:52 PM Diff
6650S (r4) EZGames69 2:54 AM Diff
6650S (r3) EZGames69 9:22 PM Diff
6649S (r4) feos Judging 9:14 PM Diff
6650S (r2) EZGames69 8:52 PM Diff
6614S (r7) ThunderAxe31 8:52 PM Diff
6650S (r1) EZGames69 8:19 PM Diff
4125M (r1) Spikestuff Miniature Golf 4:58 PM Diff
61G (r1) CoolKirby description 8:33 AM Diff
20G (r1) CoolKirby description 8:17 AM Diff
1057G (r1) CoolKirby description 7:56 AM Diff
1050G (r1) CoolKirby description to fix red "broken" link 7:35 AM Diff
5830S (r5) Winslinator 1:50 AM Diff
6633S (r10) Dacicus 12:45 AM Diff
6648S (r3) ThunderAxe31 4:48 PM Diff
6641S (r3) feos accepting 12:22 PM Diff
4124M (r1) feos Tengen Tetris 10:51 AM Diff
6648S (r2) Maru 7:47 PM Diff
6508S (r40) Pixiuchu Added RTA time to the list of goals. Didn't notice it was not there lol 4:04 PM Diff
6635S (r13) feos Pub 3:46 PM Diff
6633S (r9) feos 3:46 PM Diff
6633S (r8) feos Accepting 3:45 PM Diff
6619S (r10) Memory 3:32 PM Diff
6640S (r9) feos accept 7:19 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r275) MUGG event 19 rta 7 KOs emu 7:12 AM Diff
6649S (r1) Zinfidel 6:10 AM Diff
6647S (r3) RingRush 1:13 AM Diff
6647S (r2) Maru 9:19 PM Diff
6635S (r12) Maru 9:17 PM Diff
6648S (r1) EZGames69 9:00 PM Diff
6612S (r3) Memory 3:42 PM Diff
6584S (r44) fsvgm777 3:41 PM Diff
6584S (r43) Memory 3:40 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r274) MUGG Pikachu btt rta 6.83 emu (old was 6.90 emu) 2:26 PM Diff
6614S (r5) ThunderAxe31 1:15 PM Diff
6646S (r3) THC98 12:54 PM Diff
4107M (r2) CoolKirby description 11:33 AM Diff
4090M (r2) CoolKirby description 10:59 AM Diff
6640S (r8) feos 6:21 AM Diff
6647S (r1) RingRush 5:28 AM Diff
6646S (r1) THC98 12:06 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r273) MUGG Peach Btt TAS 7.77 (old was 7.80) 2:46 PM Diff
6585S (r4) Dacicus 4:08 PM Diff
6643S (r9) EZGames69 4:02 PM Diff
6643S (r8) EZGames69 4:01 PM Diff
4123M (r1) feos Heart of Darkness 3:58 PM Diff
6640S (r7) aiqiyou 9:34 AM Diff
4122M (r1) Dacicus Fantasy Zone 4:42 AM Diff
6645S (r5) ThunderAxe31 11:51 PM Diff
5986S (r10) Winslinator fixed image links 11:40 PM Diff
6233S (r7) Winslinator fixed image links 11:35 PM Diff
6409S (r8) Winslinator fixed image links 11:34 PM Diff
6188S (r9) Winslinator fixed image links 11:31 PM Diff
5470S (r16) Winslinator 11:27 PM Diff
6645S (r4) Winslinator 11:04 PM Diff
6645S (r3) Winslinator 10:54 PM Diff
6645S (r2) Winslinator 10:38 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r272) MUGG ice climbers btt rta 9.99 (old was 10.25) 7:16 PM Diff
6643S (r7) EZGames69 4:07 PM Diff
6643S (r6) EZGames69 4:03 PM Diff
4121M (r1) Spikestuff Contra 12:01 PM Diff
4115M (r4) Spikestuff Correction requested from Blazephlozard. 7:47 AM Diff
4115M (r3) CoolKirby TCG2 movielink 3:14 AM Diff
6630S (r3) aiqiyou 2:32 AM Diff
4120M (r1) Spikestuff Pokémon Card GB2: GR-dan Sanjou! 12:58 AM Diff
4115M (r2) CoolKirby expanded description 11:43 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r271) MUGG ice climbers btt rta 10.25 (old was 10.62) 10:14 PM Diff
4119M (r1) Dacicus Donkey Kong Country 8:15 PM Diff
6626S (r9) Stovent 8:01 PM Diff
4117M (r2) Stovent oops 7:53 PM Diff
6625S (r4) Dacicus 5:01 PM Diff
6620S (r4) feos Pub 4:13 PM Diff
4118M (r1) feos Alex Kidd: High-Tech World 4:10 PM Diff
6626S (r7) ThunderAxe31 let's avoiding suggesting the idea that we rely on external sources for defining our standards. 3:43 PM Diff
6644S (r2) feos Judging 3:30 PM Diff
6645S (r1) Winslinator 3:21 PM Diff
6625S (r3) ThunderAxe31 1:49 PM Diff
6644S (r1) theballaam96 1:31 PM Diff
6626S (r6) ThunderAxe31 11:18 AM Diff
6623S (r3) Truncated judging 10:33 AM Diff
4111M (r2) CoolKirby description 10:25 AM Diff
3611M (r2) CoolKirby expanded 1st and 3rd paragraphs, improved sentence flow 9:17 AM Diff
6643S (r4) EZGames69 5:46 AM Diff
4117M (r1) Stovent Cross Fire 5:18 AM Diff
6620S (r3) ThunderAxe31 8:05 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r270) MUGG Ice Climbers btt RTA 10.62 - btt RTA total is now sub 3 with console only! 7:28 PM Diff
6641S (r2) feos Judging 6:53 PM Diff
6640S (r6) feos Judging 6:53 PM Diff
1 2 292 293 294
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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