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1 2 289 290 291
880 881
6679S (r4) EZGames69 4:13 PM Diff
6667S (r4) feos Pub 3:47 PM Diff
6680S (r5) feos 3:46 PM Diff
6667S (r3) Memory 3:43 PM Diff
6680S (r4) feos Pub 3:36 PM Diff
6698S (r8) Memory 3:35 PM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r69) Spikestuff forgot one got accepted. 3:28 PM Diff
6706S (r4) Noxxa 3:23 PM Diff
6704S (r6) Noxxa 12:49 PM Diff
6680S (r3) Noxxa 12:07 PM Diff
6697S (r4) Noxxa 11:55 AM Diff
6695S (r3) Noxxa 11:54 AM Diff
6689S (r5) Noxxa 11:51 AM Diff
6683S (r3) Noxxa 11:49 AM Diff
6668S (r3) Noxxa 11:44 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r317) MUGG Event 27, 13.18 RTA Emu 10:16 AM Diff
6624S (r4) feos 9:00 AM Diff
6693S (r3) Blazephlozard 8:44 AM Diff
6699S (r3) Noxxa 8:26 AM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r314) MUGG Event 41, 9.48 RTA Emu 8:16 AM Diff
6700S (r3) Maru 8:16 AM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r67) Spikestuff Blep. 6:26 AM Diff
6685S (r4) Memory 2:44 AM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r66) Spikestuff It begins. 2:06 AM Diff
6698S (r7) Memory 1:52 AM Diff
6685S (r3) Memory 1:44 AM Diff
6677S (r6) Memory 1:31 AM Diff
6681S (r5) Memory 1:26 AM Diff
6664S (r4) janus 10:51 PM Diff
6669S (r5) jlun2 5:39 PM Diff
6669S (r4) ThunderAxe31 5:19 PM Diff
6670S (r4) ThunderAxe31 5:19 PM Diff
6678S (r7) Noxxa 3:33 PM Diff
3611M (r3) CoolKirby expand more and fix frames fps 7:39 AM Diff
3767M (r2) CoolKirby TR4 gamelink, grouplink, last sentence expansion 7:21 AM Diff
2209G (r1) CoolKirby game description 7:08 AM Diff
4153M (r2) CoolKirby description 7:08 AM Diff
6715S (r4) Spikestuff enkode 6:05 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem (r9) feos BIOS files with uppercase characters 9:28 PM Diff
6715S (r1) Technickle 9:24 PM Diff
6678S (r6) Noxxa add rom/ram addresses 9:08 PM Diff
6693S (r2) Blazephlozard april fools is dead 9:05 PM Diff
6678S (r5) Noxxa let's see how much this explodes everything 8:10 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r312) MUGG Fox 10MM RTA 6.87 (old was 6.88) 7:56 PM Diff
6714S (r1) Technickle 7:34 PM Diff
6713S (r1) Shentok 7:06 PM Diff
6681S (r4) Memory 6:30 PM Diff
6677S (r5) Memory 5:06 PM Diff
4153M (r1) Spikestuff Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation 2:22 PM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r65) Spikestuff That's all folks. (inb4 jinx) 2:01 PM Diff
6666S (r2) fsvgm777 12:35 PM Diff
6616S (r19) feos del(ete/ayed) 11:49 AM Diff
6687S (r3) ThunderAxe31 wasting is good 10:35 AM Diff
6694S (r2) ThunderAxe31 the meme was fun until it lasted 7:46 AM Diff
6689S (r3) ThunderAxe31 mechanics 7:37 AM Diff
6709S (r4) Noxxa 5:33 AM Diff
6712S (r2) Noxxa 5:32 AM Diff
6675S (r4) Spikestuff Wrote the wrong bomb name. 5:25 AM Diff
6698S (r6) kaan55 Unbroke the submissions page. Sorry about that lol 3:58 AM Diff
6709S (r3) Fortranm 2:54 AM Diff
6684S (r2) dekutony 11:49 PM Diff
6712S (r1) DJ_Incendration 10:16 PM Diff
6711S (r1) Asumeh 8:31 PM Diff
6710S (r1) bentglasstube 8:23 PM Diff
6709S (r1) Fortranm 7:53 PM Diff
6670S (r2) Memory 5:22 PM Diff
6669S (r2) Memory 5:21 PM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r64) Spikestuff Just in case. 5:16 PM Diff
6708S (r1) Spikestuff 5:12 PM Diff
6707S (r1) link_7777 4:58 PM Diff
6680S (r2) Noxxa 4:48 PM Diff
6706S (r2) Noxxa 4:47 PM Diff
6695S (r2) Noxxa 4:47 PM Diff
6704S (r4) Noxxa 4:47 PM Diff
6706S (r1) Winslinator 3:00 PM Diff
6705S (r3) PGCX864 1:35 PM Diff
6705S (r2) PGCX864 1:33 PM Diff
6705S (r1) PGCX864 1:30 PM Diff
GameResources/GC/SuperSmashBrosMelee/Records (r310) MUGG C.Falcon Suicide, Left Suicide, Right Suicide, Bottom Suicide TASes 1:16 PM Diff
6704S (r2) Spikestuff English Title. 12:47 PM Diff
6704S (r1) DJ_Incendration 12:45 PM Diff
6703S (r1) Spikestuff 12:44 PM Diff
6702S (r1) Spikestuff 12:44 PM Diff
6686S (r3) ThunderAxe31 brain 10:53 AM Diff
6683S (r2) Noxxa 9:47 AM Diff
6668S (r2) Noxxa 9:46 AM Diff
6689S (r2) Noxxa 9:41 AM Diff
6699S (r2) Noxxa 9:40 AM Diff
6697S (r2) Noxxa 9:39 AM Diff
6692S (r3) Noxxa 9:39 AM Diff
6686S (r2) Noxxa 9:39 AM Diff
6701S (r2) Noxxa 9:38 AM Diff
6701S (r1) mtbRc 9:37 AM Diff
6677S (r4) PGCX864 9:25 AM Diff
6700S (r2) Maru 8:48 AM Diff
6700S (r1) warmCabin 7:59 AM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AprilFoolsHistory (r63) Noxxa maybe a bit early, but nobody gonna contest this anyway 7:53 AM Diff
6677S (r3) PGCX864 7:20 AM Diff
6677S (r2) PGCX864 7:08 AM Diff
6699S (r1) Masterjun 7:00 AM Diff
1 2 289 290 291
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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