Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 274 275 276
880 881
6883S (r1) Samtastic 1:44 PM Diff
6882S (r1) nymx 5:16 PM Diff
6881S (r1) DrD2k9 5:14 PM Diff
6880S (r1) DrD2k9 5:14 PM Diff
GameResources/PSX/SymphonyOfTheNight (r12) ForgoneMoose 9:18 PM Diff
6869S (r3) Samsara 8:54 PM Diff
4286M (r1) Zinfidel Castlevania Legends 5:33 PM Diff
6878S (r12) arukAdo 4:57 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r209) fsvgm777 Add settings for TurboNyma 10:13 AM Diff
6879S (r3) TheAxeMan 4:55 PM Diff
6879S (r2) TheAxeMan Add screenshot suggestions 4:53 PM Diff
6879S (r1) TheAxeMan 4:44 PM Diff
6878S (r4) EZGames69 4:17 PM Diff
6878S (r3) Samsara 4:11 PM Diff
6878S (r2) arukAdo 4:10 PM Diff
6878S (r1) arukAdo 4:08 PM Diff
6864S (r6) fsvgm777 1:57 PM Diff
6864S (r5) arkiandruski 1:43 PM Diff
6873S (r7) Samtastic 11:21 AM Diff
6871S (r8) Elomavi "Fixed" link to 2nd video for real this time 8:48 PM Diff
6871S (r7) Elomavi "Fixed" link to 2nd video 8:44 PM Diff
Bizhawk/LuaFunctions (r177) adelikat update docs to 2.5.1 4:13 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r416) adelikat BizHawk 2.5.1 released 4:03 PM Diff
4180M (r2) feos console 9:44 AM Diff
4285M (r1) Spikestuff Pokémon: Crystal Version 5:59 PM Diff
6870S (r6) Samsara 4:35 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r414) adelikat release notes for upcoming 2.5.1 release 2:35 PM Diff
6877S (r4) dekutony 4:47 AM Diff
6868S (r4) slamo 4:17 AM Diff
6868S (r3) slamo 10:41 PM Diff
4171M (r2) feos explain confusing obsoletion 4:32 PM Diff
3086M (r2) feos explain confusing obsoletion 4:30 PM Diff
6865S (r2) arkiandruski 3:34 PM Diff
6877S (r3) dekutony 3:36 AM Diff
6877S (r2) dekutony 1:14 AM Diff
6877S (r1) dekutony 11:36 PM Diff
6876S (r2) Samsara 8:33 PM Diff
6852S (r18) feos 8:31 PM Diff
6852S (r17) Samsara 8:18 PM Diff
4284M (r1) Zinfidel Resident Evil 4 2:13 AM Diff
561M (r11) tormented 1:26 AM Diff
4283M (r4) tormented 1:19 AM Diff
6874S (r11) Spikestuff encode. 4:01 AM Diff
4278M (r2) CoolKirby paragraph about the run, gamelinks, other run link 10:10 PM Diff
3287M (r3) CoolKirby updated movielink, gamelinks 10:09 PM Diff
6874S (r10) DreamYao 4:56 PM Diff
6874S (r9) DreamYao 4:38 PM Diff
6874S (r8) DreamYao 4:36 PM Diff
6874S (r7) DreamYao 4:31 PM Diff
6874S (r6) DreamYao 4:24 PM Diff
6874S (r5) DreamYao 4:21 PM Diff
6874S (r4) DreamYao 4:20 PM Diff
6874S (r3) DreamYao 3:47 PM Diff
6855S (r4) Memory 2:09 PM Diff
4283M (r1) Zinfidel Men in Black: The Series 3:10 AM Diff
6876S (r1) fruitbatsalad 8:17 PM Diff
6843S (r8) feos 5:20 PM Diff
6843S (r7) feos 4:47 PM Diff
6872S (r4) Memory 4:35 PM Diff
6875S (r1) ktwo 3:58 PM Diff
6874S (r1) DreamYao 3:48 PM Diff
6873S (r2) Samtastic 11:18 AM Diff
6873S (r1) Samtastic 10:45 AM Diff
6870S (r5) Samsara 7:51 AM Diff
6821S (r13) Samsara 7:47 AM Diff
6872S (r3) homerfunky Corrected mistakes 7:32 PM Diff
6866S (r5) Samsara 7:55 AM Diff
6851S (r8) fsvgm777 7:16 AM Diff
2515M (r4) Spikestuff 6:51 AM Diff
2515M (r3) TiKevin83 6:49 AM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/SubmissionStatusMapping (r7) adelikat account for admin overrides and document pre-window judgement statuses 11:48 PM Diff
6851S (r7) feos 9:26 PM Diff
6872S (r1) homerfunky 9:15 PM Diff
4256M (r2) TiKevin83 7:48 PM Diff
6863S (r3) Memory 4:23 PM Diff
6856S (r6) Memory 4:21 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/SubmissionStatusMapping (r3) adelikat add more scenarios to document 3:26 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat/SubmissionStatusMapping (r1) adelikat start this page, attempt to document some things 3:17 PM Diff
6857S (r2) feos 1:25 PM Diff
6858S (r6) feos 1:25 PM Diff
4281M (r1) fsvgm777 Baba Is You 1:10 PM Diff
6852S (r15) Samsara 1:04 PM Diff
4280M (r1) Zinfidel Shadow of the Ninja 7:40 AM Diff
6859S (r3) GoddessMaria 1:08 AM Diff
6871S (r3) Memory 9:50 PM Diff
6871S (r2) Elomavi 9:40 PM Diff
6871S (r1) Elomavi 9:35 PM Diff
6870S (r1) strizer86 7:21 PM Diff
6864S (r4) arkiandruski 5:53 PM Diff
6850S (r6) hellagels 3:44 PM Diff
6821S (r12) Samsara 7:23 AM Diff
6869S (r2) Samsara 7:23 AM Diff
6862S (r3) Samsara 5:09 AM Diff
6832S (r17) slamo 9:07 PM Diff
6860S (r15) lexikiq add alternative temp encode 5:05 PM Diff
6852S (r14) Samtastic 12:02 PM Diff
6852S (r13) Samtastic 10:02 AM Diff
6864S (r3) EZGames69 3:51 AM Diff
6866S (r3) Samsara replacement file! 12:24 AM Diff
6867S (r2) Samsara 12:03 AM Diff
1 2 274 275 276
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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