Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 255 256 257
880 881
2668M (r2) Samsara added console verification link 9:03 PM Diff
7126S (r2) DreamYao 2:43 AM Diff
7126S (r1) DreamYao 2:39 AM Diff
7125S (r2) J.Y 2:41 AM Diff
7122S (r4) arkiandruski 2:25 AM Diff
1229M (r10) Zinfidel Add note about commentary encodes. 9:32 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r29) slamo Flesh out late 80s instructions with screenshots. Update FreeDOS installation and FreeDOS link. 6:59 PM Diff
7125S (r1) J.Y 5:14 PM Diff
7124S (r5) EZGames69 3:06 PM Diff
HomePages/fsvgm777/JoueurDuGrenier (r29) Stovent Add California Games 2:12 PM Diff
4455M (r1) EZGames69 Little Nemo: The Dream Master 1:53 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r28) Dacicus Update Late 80s ROM and BIOS info 3:11 AM Diff
7124S (r1) Doomsday31415 10:38 PM Diff
HomePages/Zinfidel/PixelAspectRatio (r6) Zinfidel Add output examples and update definitions with more. 11:59 PM Diff
7123S (r2) feos 9:31 PM Diff
DreamTeamContest (r12) Noxxa 9:13 PM Diff
4454M (r1) EZGames69 California Games 6:30 PM Diff
4453M (r1) Spikestuff Valkyrie Profile 8:05 AM Diff
7032S (r12) feos 9:30 PM Diff
7122S (r1) Skarsnik 6:47 PM Diff
4452M (r1) fsvgm777 Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! 3:12 PM Diff
7112S (r16) EZGames69 12:23 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r225) Spikestuff Palettes: FCEU(X) and VisualBoyAdvance update. Remind me to fix VBjin later. 11:39 AM Diff
7120S (r5) feos 9:18 AM Diff
7112S (r15) feos 9:16 AM Diff
7032S (r11) feos 8:19 AM Diff
7032S (r10) EZGames69 12:33 AM Diff
7032S (r8) arkiandruski 11:31 PM Diff
7096S (r9) slamo 7:59 PM Diff
7121S (r6) CoolHandMike Wrong module link! put in correct one! 12:15 PM Diff
7121S (r3) CoolHandMike Encode and description 7:42 AM Diff
7121S (r2) Samsara 7:04 AM Diff
7121S (r1) CoolHandMike 6:21 AM Diff
7108S (r30) chillex_drsado update (sorry to break my promise!) 12:10 AM Diff
HomePages/Masterjun/BruteForceInput (r1) Masterjun brute-force 6:37 PM Diff
7108S (r29) Samsara 5:38 AM Diff
7112S (r14) J.Y 12:32 AM Diff
7114S (r3) feos 5:36 PM Diff
4451M (r1) EZGames69 Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos 1:11 PM Diff
HomePages/Samsara/TheList (r27) Samsara <_< >_> 5:49 AM Diff
HomePages/Zinfidel/PixelAspectRatio (r5) Zinfidel More definitions and links. 12:53 AM Diff
Mothrayas (r116) Noxxa awards count 11:29 PM Diff
Mothrayas (r115) Noxxa history update 11:01 PM Diff
7093S (r4) GoddessMaria 4:47 PM Diff
HomePages/Noxxa/AllPlatformsChallenge (r27) Noxxa 32 and final 12:48 PM Diff
4450M (r1) EZGames69 Super Smash Bros. 12:25 PM Diff
7103S (r7) GoddessMaria 11:28 AM Diff
7108S (r27) Samsara 5:42 AM Diff
4449M (r1) Zinfidel Astro-Panic! 5:12 AM Diff
7118S (r19) EZGames69 4:56 AM Diff
7118S (r18) Samsara 4:01 AM Diff
7055S (r4) Samsara 3:41 AM Diff
7103S (r6) EZGames69 3:31 AM Diff
7103S (r5) GoddessMaria 11:20 PM Diff
3768M (r2) moozooh I don't think shooting doors to find bonuses is an important talking point for a run that doesn't do it 3:01 PM Diff
4448M (r1) Spikestuff Digimon World 2:00 PM Diff
7119S (r8) Samsara 1:31 AM Diff
HomePages/Zinfidel/PixelAspectRatio (r2) Zinfidel Add C64 PAL 1:17 AM Diff
7120S (r4) AmaizumiUni 1:13 AM Diff
7119S (r7) Samsara 1:05 AM Diff
7120S (r2) AmaizumiUni 1:04 AM Diff
7120S (r1) AmaizumiUni 12:58 AM Diff
2258M (r9) Spikestuff Boss fights with flashing, lights. 12:29 AM Diff
4446M (r2) Spikestuff Boss fights with flashing, lights. 12:17 AM Diff
7119S (r4) DJ_Incendration Added Spikestuff as co-author as requested. 12:13 AM Diff
7117S (r8) UnopenedClosure 11:53 PM Diff
7118S (r17) Noxxa 10:51 PM Diff
7118S (r15) Noxxa 9:41 PM Diff
7118S (r14) Noxxa 9:39 PM Diff
7108S (r24) chillex_drsado 21 frame improvement 9:38 PM Diff
7118S (r13) Noxxa 9:26 PM Diff
7118S (r12) Noxxa 9:21 PM Diff
2670M (r3) Spikestuff Reworded. 6:20 PM Diff
7101S (r7) fsvgm777 6:16 PM Diff
4447M (r1) fsvgm777 King's Quest: Quest for the Crown 6:13 PM Diff
7119S (r2) DJ_Incendration 4:43 PM Diff
7119S (r1) DJ_Incendration 4:40 PM Diff
2670M (r2) EZGames69 added photosensitivity warning 2:04 PM Diff
7105S (r7) fsvgm777 12:26 PM Diff
4446M (r1) fsvgm777 Mega Man Xtreme 2 12:24 PM Diff
7117S (r6) fsvgm777 8:30 AM Diff
4443M (r2) EZGames69 4:25 AM Diff
1821M (r2) EZGames69 4:25 AM Diff
2068M (r3) EZGames69 4:23 AM Diff
4057M (r2) EZGames69 4:22 AM Diff
4445M (r2) Spikestuff whoops 5:31 PM Diff
7111S (r7) feos 3:22 PM Diff
7111S (r5) feos 3:22 PM Diff
7117S (r5) UnopenedClosure 11:11 AM Diff
7049S (r10) AmaizumiUni 10:44 AM Diff
7112S (r12) feos 2:58 PM Diff
4445M (r1) Spikestuff Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2:10 PM Diff
7112S (r11) J.Y 3:29 AM Diff
7118S (r8) Noxxa 10:58 PM Diff
7118S (r7) Noxxa 10:53 PM Diff
7118S (r5) Noxxa 10:34 PM Diff
7118S (r4) Samsara 10:27 PM Diff
7118S (r3) Samsara 10:22 PM Diff
7118S (r2) Noxxa 10:11 PM Diff
7118S (r1) Noxxa 10:00 PM Diff
1 2 255 256 257
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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