Most recent changes in texts

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1 2 186 187 188
880 881
7343S (r5) feos Claimed for judging 3:46 PM Diff
7355S (r3) feos 3:43 PM Diff
7332S (r8) fsvgm777 12:51 PM Diff
4608M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #4608 12:50 PM Diff
7354S (r3) feos 11:02 AM Diff
4264M (r5) feos 9:53 AM Diff
7337S (r5) feos 9:17 AM Diff
7360S (r1) Darkman425 Auto-generated from Submission #7360 5:04 PM Diff
2797M (r7) despoa new encodes 5:30 AM Diff
HomePages/GMP (r4) GMP Updated status of my latest projects, added socials section 4:28 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r55) slamo Corrected the copy command for subdirectories 3:19 PM Diff
7353S (r4) GMP Added stats table, suggested screenshot, and more small updates 1:13 PM Diff
2772M (r4) despoa description 1:32 AM Diff
HomePages/OnehundredthCoin (r1) OnehundredthCoin Initial writeup 9:53 PM Diff
2762M (r3) ThunderAxe31 8:36 PM Diff
7357S (r3) Truncated Claimed for judging 8:08 PM Diff
7355S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 6:30 PM Diff
7337S (r4) feos Claimed for judging 6:30 PM Diff
7354S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 6:30 PM Diff
7332S (r7) feos 6:28 PM Diff
2773M (r4) despoa emu version 5:57 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r270) despoa Handy to note 8:16 PM Diff
7332S (r6) feos Claimed for judging 3:38 PM Diff
7334S (r5) feos 3:31 PM Diff
7359S (r2) Alyosha 9:24 PM Diff
7359S (r1) Alyosha Auto-generated from Submission #7359 9:20 PM Diff
7353S (r3) GMP Completed the submission comments 7:47 AM Diff
7233S (r19) DJ_Incendration found the final improvements for the TAS, and edited the comments. 4:23 AM Diff
HomePages/Darkman425 (r8) Darkman425 Added some Gunstar Heroes (Game Gear) notes for now 3:32 AM Diff
7347S (r8) fsvgm777 8:37 PM Diff
4607M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #4607 8:27 PM Diff
7288S (r15) wafflewizard1 1:02 PM Diff
7347S (r7) feos 10:00 AM Diff
MovieRules (r9) feos reworded the part about emulation errors 9:02 AM Diff
7358S (r1) Juarez Auto-generated from Submission #7358 5:37 AM Diff
7343S (r4) Samsara 2:37 AM Diff
7342S (r7) Samsara 2:36 AM Diff
7337S (r3) Samsara 2:36 AM Diff
7332S (r5) Samsara 2:35 AM Diff
7324S (r8) Samsara 2:35 AM Diff
7324S (r7) Samsara 2:35 AM Diff
7288S (r14) Samsara 2:33 AM Diff
7266S (r13) Samsara 2:32 AM Diff
7357S (r1) ShesChardcore Auto-generated from Submission #7357 2:50 PM Diff
7339S (r6) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 12:25 PM Diff
7339S (r5) CasualPokePlayer 12:17 PM Diff
7339S (r3) CasualPokePlayer 1:39 AM Diff
HomePages/ViGadeomes/AcceptableGruefoodProject (r16) ViGadeomes Add new entries to the lists 12:49 AM Diff
4311S (r10) CasualPokePlayer 11:58 PM Diff
HomePages/ViGadeomes (r7) ViGadeomes removing Gunman Clive 11:53 PM Diff
7335S (r6) Memory Claimed for judging 4:17 PM Diff
7327S (r4) Memory I FORGOT TO ACTUALLY REJECT GDI 4:01 PM Diff
7327S (r3) Memory 4:01 PM Diff
DE/VotingGuidelines (r2) adelikat remove listlanguages module 3:52 PM Diff
7053S (r17) natt fix syntax errors 3:43 PM Diff
3767S (r11) natt Fix syntax errors 3:40 PM Diff
SiteHistory (r60) despoa expanding, will do more another time 4:31 AM Diff
SiteHistory (r58) despoa new mupen64 4:17 AM Diff
EmulatorResources (r235) Samsara mupen moved to accepted but not preferred. placement may change based on feedback 3:18 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Mupen (r15) Samsara updated links 3:15 AM Diff
2695M (r3) despoa adding to make it different 2:09 AM Diff
7356S (r2) Memory Claimed for judging 10:22 PM Diff
7356S (r1) clockwatcher Auto-generated from Submission #7356 10:13 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r269) fsvgm777 Nuked stray Close Mupen step and added alternate method for loading a movie file. 8:37 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r268) feos new guide for Mupen64 8:32 PM Diff
GameResources (r144) Dacicus Remove listlanguages module. 5:56 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SMSGG (r10) adelikat remove listlanguages module and fix syntax errors 3:49 PM Diff
2653M (r6) adelikat 3:28 PM Diff
2669M (r2) despoa expanding 6:06 AM Diff
Translations (r21) Samsara the listlanguages module is now automatic on every page 3:32 AM Diff
TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules (r129) adelikat remove listlanguages, no longer a wiki module (built in behavior now) 2:32 AM Diff
LiveChat (r16) adelikat remove listlanguages module, it is automatic now 2:28 AM Diff
System/Languages (r7) adelikat don't need english on here anymore 2:27 AM Diff
2622M (r2) despoa updating to include japanese kana title 1:49 AM Diff
2644M (r3) despoa Japanese title 4:17 PM Diff
7355S (r1) Alyosha Auto-generated from Submission #7355 8:03 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PotentialEmulators (r63) feos update 1:40 PM Diff
7354S (r1) Alyosha Auto-generated from Submission #7354 1:01 PM Diff
7242S (r4) feos 10:37 PM Diff
1840M (r10) despoa updating 8:24 PM Diff
7347S (r6) feos 3:38 PM Diff
7353S (r1) GMP Auto-generated from Submission #7353 3:29 AM Diff
1931M (r6) despoa emu 9:53 PM Diff
1952M (r5) despoa preparing 9:50 PM Diff
HomePages/fsvgm777/JoueurDuGrenier (r35) fsvgm777 New episode out, added CV1 and CV2 to the list, and obsoletion cleanup. 6:15 PM Diff
7347S (r5) KusogeMan 5:44 PM Diff
1221M (r10) Truncated adding Atlas Map flag and link 3:08 PM Diff
7352S (r1) ViGadeomes Auto-generated from Submission #7352 11:24 AM Diff
1952M (r4) despoa emu version 6:49 AM Diff
1913M (r3) despoa emu version 6:44 AM Diff
704M (r3) despoa 6:44 AM Diff
1725M (r3) despoa emu version 12:06 AM Diff
1717M (r3) despoa emu version 12:05 AM Diff
2642M (r7) despoa updating 6:18 PM Diff
1605M (r11) despoa updating 6:17 PM Diff
7310S (r13) arkiandruski 6:13 PM Diff
7349S (r2) Fortranm 11:04 AM Diff
7331S (r13) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 1:27 AM Diff
7242S (r2) feos 6:44 PM Diff
1699M (r3) despoa emu version 7:27 AM Diff
1 2 186 187 188
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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