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1 2 171 172 173
880 881
7517S (r6) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 4:31 PM Diff
7502S (r9) slamo 4:00 PM Diff
4702M (r2) despoa for those that want to read them 7:52 AM Diff
4702M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4702 6:33 AM Diff
7527S (r1) KusogeMan Auto-generated from Submission #7527 3:54 AM Diff
7509S (r3) Memory Claimed for judging 11:54 PM Diff
7517S (r5) Memory 11:11 PM Diff
7526S (r1) BlueMania_X Auto-generated from Submission #7526 6:43 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/Windows (r1) slamo Getting this started. Borrowed and adapted stuff from the DOS page. 6:00 PM Diff
7451S (r9) fsvgm777 5:53 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem (r30) slamo Point to relevant DOS links in intro, fix rules links 5:28 PM Diff
EmulatorResources/PCem/DOS (r58) slamo Poach part of "What you'll need" section from PCem page, fix rules links 5:28 PM Diff
7371S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 4:34 PM Diff
7499S (r8) Cephla 4:28 PM Diff
4701M (r2) despoa link to game 4:20 PM Diff
7486S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 3:40 PM Diff
4701M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4701 3:39 PM Diff
7520S (r4) KiwiCracker updated to ShesChardcore's improvement 2:29 PM Diff
7486S (r3) arkiandruski 1:15 PM Diff
7494S (r7) feos 7:58 AM Diff
7451S (r8) slamo 5:25 AM Diff
7508S (r2) arkiandruski Claimed for judging 3:12 AM Diff
7507S (r4) arkiandruski Claimed for judging 3:11 AM Diff
7371S (r5) ThunderAxe31 9:01 PM Diff
7499S (r7) despoa treating this as branchless 8:12 PM Diff
7500S (r5) despoa branch name 8:12 PM Diff
4700M (r2) fsvgm777 Add flashing lights note. 7:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Technickle (r1) Technickle 5:37 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r467) feos fixed anchor links to self 4:44 PM Diff
MovieRules (r17) feos unnest 3:57 PM Diff
MovieRules (r16) feos reworded info about intended settings. the meaning was not meant to change. there's unavoidable difference between settings for console and PC games. consoles are much more strict, so emulating something impossible is not allowed, if it speeds you up. on PC, devs usually have to test against the most obvious variants and hope the rest are ok. so if the game doesn't break, allow a bit of room for experiments. 3:55 PM Diff
4700M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #4700 3:52 PM Diff
7488S (r14) Cephla 2:37 PM Diff
Playground (r8) feos stated more clearly that game choice requirements are the same as for normal publications 2:00 PM Diff
MovieRules (r15) feos slightly reworded the point about availability of patches, not to repeat the link to twice 12:49 PM Diff
7525S (r2) memeboi470 11:10 AM Diff
MovieRules (r14) Samsara IPS files for hacks must be easily, readily, and publicly available 10:48 AM Diff
7525S (r1) memeboi470 Auto-generated from Submission #7525 10:31 AM Diff
7499S (r6) despoa Claimed for publication 10:25 AM Diff
4699M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4699 10:24 AM Diff
7524S (r1) Gibran Auto-generated from Submission #7524 7:12 AM Diff
HomePages/feos (r243) feos better command for PrBoom+ 6:22 AM Diff
7242S (r10) feos mentioned removing of save files 6:17 AM Diff
7242S (r9) feos 6:13 AM Diff
7242S (r8) feos linked our mirror of runner 5:57 AM Diff
7501S (r5) feos Claimed for judging 5:42 AM Diff
7494S (r5) feos Claimed for judging 5:42 AM Diff
7502S (r8) slamo 1:44 AM Diff
6377S (r12) TiKevin83 1:24 AM Diff
Reviews (r18) InfoTeddy 7505S has been accepted 11:36 PM Diff
7505S (r4) InfoTeddy 11:35 PM Diff
7504S (r13) slamo 9:23 PM Diff
7504S (r12) slamo 9:19 PM Diff
7503S (r2) slamo Claimed for judging 9:17 PM Diff
7502S (r7) slamo Claimed for judging 9:17 PM Diff
7499S (r5) slamo 9:04 PM Diff
7500S (r4) slamo 8:38 PM Diff
GameResources/SNES/RTypeIII (r1) Darkman425 Created R-Type III page, added most damage source notes and 1st boss HP 7:07 PM Diff
4698M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #4698 4:36 PM Diff
7490S (r4) fsvgm777 4:15 PM Diff
7523S (r1) aiqiyou Auto-generated from Submission #7523 2:22 PM Diff
7522S (r1) Charada_Brazil Auto-generated from Submission #7522 1:20 PM Diff
7490S (r3) arkiandruski 8:50 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/NekoProject2 (r3) feos fps is somewhat known, and cases when it's wrong are not :D 7:49 AM Diff
7420S (r5) fsvgm777 7:13 AM Diff
4697M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4697 5:36 AM Diff
4696M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #4696 12:32 AM Diff
HomePages/Mario_Kart_Wii_TAS_Community (r1) Mario_Kart_Wii_TAS_Community test 9:13 PM Diff
Movies (r157) Fortranm Merge IBM PC lists 6:18 PM Diff
7420S (r4) feos 6:04 PM Diff
7488S (r13) despoa Claimed for publication 4:51 PM Diff
4695M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4695 4:51 PM Diff
7518S (r3) ShesChardcore Looking into IGT discrepancy 3:40 PM Diff
7340S (r5) feos 2:22 PM Diff
SandBox (r21) feos 12:12 PM Diff
SandBox (r20) feos 8:30 AM Diff
MovieRules/History (r16) feos In-game codes are allowed for Moons (2022-06-03) 8:55 PM Diff
7181S (r9) Memory 8:44 PM Diff
MovieRules (r13) feos moves the rule against codes to standard, since it's been decided to stop being a general rule. codes that don't unlock content need to meet moons requirements 8:36 PM Diff
7492S (r5) fsvgm777 7:27 PM Diff
7492S (r4) fsvgm777 7:26 PM Diff
7488S (r12) fsvgm777 7:24 PM Diff
7488S (r11) fsvgm777 7:23 PM Diff
7488S (r10) fsvgm777 7:15 PM Diff
7492S (r3) slamo 5:31 PM Diff
7488S (r9) slamo 5:02 PM Diff
7431S (r6) EZGames69 3:05 PM Diff
4694M (r3) feos attempt to resolve syntactic ambiguity 2:52 PM Diff
7370S (r4) despoa Claimed for publication 12:35 PM Diff
7521S (r1) Cephla Auto-generated from Submission #7521 12:22 PM Diff
7481S (r9) Natetheman223 added note about last level 11:39 AM Diff
4694M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #4694 10:24 AM Diff
7506S (r5) SBDWolf Replaced temporary encode with the updated 1f improvement. 9:52 AM Diff
7520S (r2) KiwiCracker added encode of jeff_town's suggestion 6:16 AM Diff
7519S (r4) InfoTeddy Claimed for judging 3:34 AM Diff
7506S (r4) Truncated Claimed for judging 10:00 PM Diff
7512S (r2) Truncated Claimed for judging 10:00 PM Diff
7520S (r1) KiwiCracker Auto-generated from Submission #7520 7:42 PM Diff
7431S (r5) GoddessMaria 7:15 PM Diff
2627M (r6) Memory remove thing about obsoletion that is no longer true 5:43 PM Diff
1 2 171 172 173
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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