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1 2 123 124 125
880 881
7959S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 6:56 PM Diff
7957S (r6) feos 6:55 PM Diff
7965S (r28) LoganTheTASer 3:53 PM Diff
7999S (r3) LoganTheTASer 3:51 PM Diff
7965S (r27) LoganTheTASer 3:51 PM Diff
7965S (r26) LoganTheTASer 3:50 PM Diff
7965S (r25) LoganTheTASer 3:50 PM Diff
7933S (r5) EZGames69 3:01 PM Diff
HomePages/TheAmazingYucemu (r42) TheAmazingYucemu Homepage Update 12:45 PM Diff
5077M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5077 11:13 AM Diff
7965S (r24) LoganTheTASer 7:58 AM Diff
7965S (r23) LoganTheTASer 7:58 AM Diff
7965S (r22) LoganTheTASer 7:57 AM Diff
7965S (r21) LoganTheTASer 7:56 AM Diff
7965S (r20) LoganTheTASer 7:55 AM Diff
7965S (r19) LoganTheTASer 7:54 AM Diff
7965S (r18) LoganTheTASer 7:54 AM Diff
HomePages/Mizumaririn/Profile (r1) Mizumaririn page created 2:40 AM Diff
Reviews (r74) ViGadeomes 11:29 PM Diff
8015S (r1) g0goTBC Auto-generated from Submission #8015 11:20 PM Diff
7951S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 11:14 PM Diff
HomePages/TheAmazingYucemu (r41) TheAmazingYucemu Nintendo Switch is not responding to my open-source tasbot commands anymore 9:54 PM Diff
2166S (r4) Samsara note added about the new resync 9:47 PM Diff
1248M (r11) fsvgm777 Resync note. 9:32 PM Diff
HomePages/Mizumaririn (r9) Mizumaririn `multi tas comp and some more tasing history` 9:27 PM Diff
HomePages/Mizumaririn (r7) Mizumaririn why you should/shouldn't tas 3dw 7:56 PM Diff
7951S (r4) feos 6:12 PM Diff
5076M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5076 3:53 PM Diff
7941S (r6) despoa adding branch name 3:33 PM Diff
HomePages/despoa/TVTropesSoBadItsHorrible (r4) despoa realized they don't belong here 11:52 AM Diff
5075M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5075 8:01 AM Diff
HomePages/Darkman425 (r18) Darkman425 New Speed Bump game: Waves of Steel 2:27 AM Diff
7948S (r26) despoa Claimed for publication 12:21 AM Diff
7941S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 12:21 AM Diff
HomePages/ViGadeomes (r10) ViGadeomes Reviewer promotion after nearly a year... 11:19 PM Diff
Reviews (r73) ViGadeomes 8:44 PM Diff
7943S (r4) fsvgm777 8:08 PM Diff
7943S (r3) slamo 8:05 PM Diff
7958S (r8) feos Claimed for judging 7:36 PM Diff
7957S (r5) feos Claimed for judging 7:34 PM Diff
7951S (r3) feos Claimed for judging 7:33 PM Diff
7948S (r25) feos 7:32 PM Diff
7948S (r24) feos improvement 6:40 PM Diff
7941S (r4) feos 4:10 PM Diff
7941S (r3) feos 4:03 PM Diff
7927S (r10) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 2:38 PM Diff
8014S (r1) Sonic123TTSLives Auto-generated from Submission #8014 2:22 PM Diff
HomePages/despoa/TVTropesSoBadItsHorrible (r3) despoa misplaced some entries 1:05 PM Diff
HomePages/despoa (r5) despoa 12:59 PM Diff
HomePages/despoa/TVTropesSoBadItsHorrible (r2) despoa added more entries 12:57 PM Diff
7927S (r9) feos 12:56 PM Diff
HomePages/despoa/TVTropesSoBadItsHorrible (r1) despoa will add more later 12:06 PM Diff
8013S (r1) The8bitbeast Auto-generated from Submission #8013 7:03 AM Diff
5074M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5074 2:34 AM Diff
Staff/SoftSkills/Wisdom (r9) feos Synergy is power. Sovereignty is a lie. 9:14 PM Diff
Staff/SoftSkills/Wisdom (r8) feos more about common ideal 9:01 PM Diff
5073M (r1) fsvgm777 Auto-generated from Movie #5073 8:45 PM Diff
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership (r10) feos it's either a cycle of work or dreams about a magical ideal 8:36 PM Diff
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership (r9) feos leadership and social darwinism: how to describe all political problems in a few sentences 8:19 PM Diff
7941S (r2) feos Claimed for judging 5:08 PM Diff
7948S (r23) feos Claimed for judging 5:08 PM Diff
7935S (r10) feos 5:07 PM Diff
5072M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #5072 3:54 PM Diff
7989S (r10) LoganTheTASer 3:19 PM Diff
7938S (r4) fsvgm777 12:01 PM Diff
7938S (r3) ThunderAxe31 11:59 AM Diff
8012S (r1) DigitalDuck Auto-generated from Submission #8012 11:13 AM Diff
5071M (r1) despoa Auto-generated from Movie #5071 7:47 AM Diff
7928S (r10) despoa Claimed for publication 7:11 AM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r351) despoa added wonderswan directions 6:31 AM Diff
7882S (r5) despoa Claimed for publication 6:03 AM Diff
7932S (r4) Spikestuff Claimed for publication 12:43 AM Diff
7961S (r6) Samsara 12:14 AM Diff
7955S (r2) Samsara 12:14 AM Diff
7947S (r2) Samsara 12:14 AM Diff
7946S (r4) Samsara 12:14 AM Diff
7937S (r2) Samsara 12:14 AM Diff
Reviews (r72) Darkman425 Falling into another quick review 12:01 AM Diff
7995S (r6) EZGames69 Claimed for publication 11:52 PM Diff
7989S (r9) LoganTheTASer 11:50 PM Diff
7995S (r5) Samsara 11:49 PM Diff
7928S (r9) Samsara 10:38 PM Diff
7989S (r8) LoganTheTASer 10:14 PM Diff
7989S (r7) LoganTheTASer 10:14 PM Diff
7932S (r3) Samsara 10:10 PM Diff
7882S (r4) Samsara oh wow i'm actually doing a judgement 10:06 PM Diff
Movies (r172) Samsara 2023 list updates 9:30 PM Diff
Movies/From2023ByAuthor (r1) Samsara sure is! 9:28 PM Diff
Reviews (r71) ikuyo unlike, you don't have to pay a subscription for reviews here! 9:18 PM Diff
Reviews (r70) Darkman425 A small China Warrior review 9:10 PM Diff
Reviews (r69) Darkman425 Wario Land 4 reviewed 6:32 PM Diff
8011S (r3) LoganTheTASer 4:15 PM Diff
8011S (r2) LoganTheTASer 4:14 PM Diff
8011S (r1) LoganTheTASer Auto-generated from Submission #8011 4:13 PM Diff
7990S (r2) GoddessMaria Claimed for judging 10:52 AM Diff
HomePages/TheAmazingYucemu (r31) TheAmazingYucemu Homepage update 9:15 AM Diff
GameResources/NES/Rockman (r95) warmCabin Add video for rm1/rm2 walking vs jumping. I might convert it into an old school GIF to keep the vibe going. 9:01 AM Diff
5070M (r2) CoolKirby add gamelink, userlinks, spell out SAGE 8:43 AM Diff
7940S (r6) DreamYao 8:00 AM Diff
5070M (r1) EZGames69 Auto-generated from Movie #5070 4:57 AM Diff
1 2 123 124 125
880 881

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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