
posted by feos on 6/6/2024 6:15 PM
The site is expected to be down in about 12 hours due to work being done at the hosting provider. Site staff will be working with said provider.
posted by dwangoAC on 1/11/2024 11:11 PM
Recently, the site admin team took the unprecedented action of unpublishing a run; this news post talks about what happened and the changes we're making to the site movie rules as a result.
In brief, a user submitted a run for an unlicensed game containing a graphic corpse in the end credits. During the judging process, the focus was around determining if the game ran afoul of the existing adult game policy and the game was deemed to not fall into that category. After the run was published with the offending end credit censored, multiple TASVideos members spoke up to let site staff know that the game itself was explicitly focused on acts of genocide. We unpublished the run as soon as we became aware of the sensitive nature of the content. To say it upfront, the site staff would like to collectively apologize to the affected communities for not understanding the nature of the game. This run never should have been published in the first place and we've adjusted the movie rules page to clarify the site's policies around these types of games and content to note they are not permitted on the site in any form:
  • Games and content that break our site conduct policy are not permitted
    • Specifically, this includes games and content that promote targeted harassment, violence, and/or bigotry towards specific individuals
  • Games and content deemed adults-only are not permitted
There were multiple points where a lack of cultural knowledge and awareness led to the run being published and going forward we want to make sure we're diligently identifying runs like this in the judging process before they're published. We feel the rule changes adequately cover this case without being overly restrictive and hope the changes along with your feedback, even for published runs, helps prevent a situation like this happening again. We'd like to thank everyone who spoke up and helped us understand the situation better and we always welcome that same constructive feedback.
posted by feos on 1/8/2024 8:26 AM
Please vote for the choices in the polls linked in Thread #25051: 2023 Awards - Category List. If an eligible option is missing from this list, please let staff know and we will correct it as soon as possible. Voting will be open until, at earliest, 23:59 UTC on January 14th, 2024. Full list of rules and guidelines for nomination and voting.

Latest WIPs

posted by teoheel on 11/15/2023 12:34 AM
Famicom: Captain Tsubasa II - Super Striker Successfully dribbled and passed the ball into penalty area. Need to find the way to not waste lots of time with manipulation to get a penalty kick. Author: me Link to video
posted by teoheel on 11/10/2023 2:43 AM
Famicom: Captain Tsubasa II - Super Striker Entered the password for rematch with Brazil (final match of the game, rematch is available after the first match is ended in a draw) with all players on level 1 and Tsubasa has both Drive Overhead and Cyclone unlocked, manipulated the game so Japan will start the game with the ball. Author: me. Just want to know if that game will be approved on TASVideos. I want to make a TAS in the same matter as the TAS I mentioned in description in the video. Link to video
posted by TheBlazingmo on 9/7/2023 4:21 PM
DS: Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Completed: 2 3/4 of All Cups Authors: Just Me Link to video
posted by Winslinator on 11/8/2020 9:26 PM
Thunder Castle WIP file: This completes the first loop of stages in 2:04.566. After four loops, the difficulty stops increasing and thus would be the point of completion accepted on TASVideos. I have no plans to continue working on this so anyone may feel free to continue where I left off! Link to video
This page stands as my personal Front Page, in which I've gathered every links or module I find useful in order to fit my needs.
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870 871
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r7) Aqfaq Update: The number of autoscrollers is over 9000! 9:12 PM Diff
4368S (r7) NhatNM 7:13 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r143) adelikat Released 6:56 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r6) Aqfaq Update: The number of autoscrollers is too high! 6:37 PM Diff
4368S (r5) feos Updated 5:55 PM Diff
4368S (r4) NhatNM change information 5:52 PM Diff
4371S (r6) feos fuck that. forum parser wins. 5:19 PM Diff
4371S (r2) Noxxa 4:41 PM Diff
4371S (r1) TASeditor 4:40 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r140) adelikat add release notes for upcoming 1.7.2b fix release 1:11 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r413) CoolKirby moved N64 page, alphabetized some 11:10 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/N64 (r47) CoolKirby Page moved from N64Wishlist to ListOfIdeas/N64 10:54 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r138) adelikat clarify 1.7.2a revision range, add info about upcoming 1.7.2b release 9:01 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r137) Masterjun what are you even doing 8:28 PM Diff
4370S (r4) feos Judging 2:39 PM Diff
4366S (r5) feos Accepting 2:38 PM Diff
2644M (r1) feos Monster Pro Wrestling 2:33 PM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r116) Nahoc 1:39 AM Diff
HomePages/Nahoc (r115) Nahoc 1:36 AM Diff
GameResources/SNES/SuperMarioRPG (r7) henke37 clearer explanation of the Exor bug 10:34 PM Diff
2641M (r3) CoolKirby a little clearer word choice 9:56 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r136) adelikat 1.7.2a release 1:20 PM Diff
4365S (r9) feos Accepting 7:12 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r134) adelikat add info for upcoming 1.7.2a release 1:40 AM Diff
2642M (r5) arandomgameTASer 12:57 AM Diff
2642M (r3) arandomgameTASer 12:55 AM Diff
4370S (r3) adelikat 10:57 PM Diff
4367S (r5) Guga 10:44 PM Diff
4367S (r4) Noxxa 10:32 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r133) adelikat remove reference to a gba bug fix because it is making some people think that is an officially released and supported core 9:22 PM Diff
2642M (r2) Nach Link to extra episodes 7:14 PM Diff
2643M (r1) Nach Jazz Jackrabbit 7:13 PM Diff
1705M (r2) Nach Update link 6:55 PM Diff
1704M (r3) Nach Update link 6:54 PM Diff
4361S (r7) Nach 6:36 PM Diff
4360S (r10) Nach 6:36 PM Diff
4366S (r4) feos youtube 5:15 PM Diff
4370S (r2) adelikat 4:35 PM Diff
4370S (r1) adelikat 4:31 PM Diff
EncodingGuide/VideoDumping (r106) feos pcsx: multi-disc movies, automated resync link 4:13 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r132) adelikat 3:56 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r131) adelikat 1.7.2 released 3:26 PM Diff
2641M (r1) feos Magician Lord 10:04 AM Diff
4364S (r12) feos Publishing 6:21 PM Diff
2640M (r1) Guga Push-Over 2:32 PM Diff
4359S (r5) Spikestuff 12:52 PM Diff
4359S (r4) turska 12:51 PM Diff
2639M (r3) CoolKirby movielinks to MMX and DKC3, userlink, italics 7:04 AM Diff
2639M (r2) Guga 12:04 AM Diff
HomePages/Nach/Continuances (r13) Nach Another one bites the dust 9:37 PM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r129) adelikat updated release notes 5:45 PM Diff
4369S (r4) Noxxa 5:21 PM Diff
4358S (r6) Guga 3:41 PM Diff
1709M (r8) Guga 3:36 PM Diff
4369S (r3) Mephistus 3:31 PM Diff
4369S (r2) Mephistus 3:28 PM Diff
4369S (r1) Mephistus 3:26 PM Diff
2639M (r1) Fog Super Demo World: The Legend Continues 3:03 PM Diff
4364S (r11) Noxxa 12:45 PM Diff
EncoderGuidelines (r62) Noxxa admin dun liek to do logo approval 12:31 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/N64 (r44) CoolKirby BizHawk info, general update, colors 7:55 AM Diff
Bizhawk/BK2Format (r4) adelikat more documentation 1:32 AM Diff
Interviews (r10) CoolKirby added Cave Story interview/commentary 1:29 AM Diff
Bizhawk/BK2Format (r3) adelikat Some progress on documentation 11:38 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r5) Aqfaq Many autoscrollers out there... and more to come! 8:56 PM Diff
4358S (r5) Guga 5:16 PM Diff
4358S (r4) Noxxa 5:14 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r4) Aqfaq Update; also restoring sports games for the sake of completeness. 4:46 PM Diff
4357S (r16) Fog 4:23 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/SNES (r4) Aqfaq update 4:22 PM Diff
1149M (r8) Guga plural 3:45 PM Diff
2638M (r1) feos Super Valis IV 2:26 PM Diff
4368S (r2) feos Judging 1:59 PM Diff
4368S (r1) NhatNM 1:49 PM Diff
2637M (r1) Fog Dragon View 1:46 PM Diff
4367S (r2) Noxxa 6:06 AM Diff
4367S (r1) ForgoneMoose 12:37 AM Diff
1269M (r5) Guga 11:45 PM Diff
4360S (r9) Nach 6:14 PM Diff
4362S (r8) feos Accepting 5:25 PM Diff
4361S (r6) Nach 5:07 PM Diff
4362S (r5) feos Updated 3:55 PM Diff
4355S (r13) Fog 3:24 PM Diff
4355S (r12) Fog 3:22 PM Diff
4355S (r11) feos Accepting 3:08 PM Diff
4365S (r8) feos Judging 3:00 PM Diff
4366S (r2) feos Judging 2:57 PM Diff
LuaScripting (r24) adelikat the emulua website died some years ago 1:53 PM Diff
ListOfIdeas/PCE (r3) Aqfaq 11:43 AM Diff
4366S (r1) Dooty 4:30 AM Diff
Bizhawk/ReleaseHistory (r127) adelikat release notes for upcoming 1.7.2 release 11:41 PM Diff
4364S (r10) Noxxa 9:25 PM Diff
4365S (r7) solarplex 2:45 PM Diff
4365S (r6) Aqfaq 2:44 PM Diff
4365S (r5) Aqfaq 2:39 PM Diff
4365S (r4) Aqfaq 2:34 PM Diff
4365S (r3) Aqfaq 2:04 PM Diff
4362S (r3) feos Judging 2:00 PM Diff
4365S (r2) Aqfaq 1:56 PM Diff
4365S (r1) Aqfaq 1:50 PM Diff
1 2
484 485 486
870 871

HomePages/Critical_five/Homepage last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:07 PM
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