All recent changes in texts

This page is much like recent changes but it also lists minor edits.
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1195 1196 1197 1296 1297
1670S (r1) upthorn 11:00 AM Diff
HomePages/Randil (r36) Randil 10:27 AM Diff
1669S (r2) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 10:20 AM Diff
1669S (r1) Randil 10:15 AM Diff
949M (r1) adelikat 11:38 PM Diff
1667S (r4) adelikat 8:28 PM Diff
1668S (r2) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 6:05 PM Diff
1665S (r3) adelikat (Minor edit) 5:39 PM Diff
945M (r3) Truncated fixed markup, need screenshot (Minor edit) 4:05 PM Diff
936M (r2) adelikat Screenshot added 2:06 PM Diff
948M (r1) adelikat 1:50 PM Diff
947M (r1) adelikat 1:41 PM Diff
HomePages/moozooh/SM (r12) moozooh some updates. (Minor edit) 4:31 AM Diff
FAQ (r97) FractalFusion take out password generators; reword game resources sidetext 3:52 AM Diff
1667S (r3) Cardboard 12:15 PM Diff
945M (r2) adelikat Movie description updated (could be better though) 11:32 PM Diff
946M (r1) DeHackEd 11:26 PM Diff
OtherEmulators/ZMV (r8) P.JBoy Finished 9:55 PM Diff
OtherEmulators/VMV (r8) P.JBoy 9:54 PM Diff
OtherEmulators/NMV (r4) P.JBoy 9:51 PM Diff
1656S (r8) adelikat 8:23 PM Diff
945M (r1) adelikat 7:43 PM Diff
944M (r1) adelikat 7:05 PM Diff
1667S (r2) Cardboard 6:56 PM Diff
1663S (r4) adelikat 5:36 PM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r60) upthorn (Minor edit) 12:53 PM Diff
1668S (r1) kirbymuncher (Minor edit) 12:41 PM Diff
1667S (r1) Cardboard 11:33 AM Diff
1653S (r11) klmz How many times have I corrected grammar errors in this message? (Minor edit) 9:26 AM Diff
1666S (r1) emu 4:17 AM Diff
1653S (r10) klmz Fixed something wrong in grammar.... 3:46 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Famtasia/FMV (r12) FractalFusion 9:35 PM Diff
1656S (r7) MUGG Screenshots 9:35 PM Diff
HomePages/FractalFusion/DosGames (r13) FractalFusion Keen 6 in 4:52; Keen Dreams run obsoleted 9:21 PM Diff
1665S (r2) Wyster (Minor edit) 6:55 PM Diff
943M (r1) Bisqwit 6:17 PM Diff
1617S (r4) DeHackEd Encoding 5:47 PM Diff
1665S (r1) Wyster 5:18 PM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r10) Deign FF2 Update 6:01 AM Diff
HomePages/Comicalflop (r130) Comicalflop changes 2:11 AM Diff
1645S (r4) adelikat 3:46 PM Diff
1663S (r3) adelikat 3:11 PM Diff
1656S (r6) adelikat 3:07 PM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r9) Deign Metroid Fusion Update 5:02 AM Diff
HomePages/Comicalflop (r129) Comicalflop updates (Minor edit) 4:23 AM Diff
1349S (r6) gocha (Minor edit) 4:02 AM Diff
1656S (r5) adelikat 1:41 AM Diff
1660S (r4) adelikat 6:22 PM Diff
1654S (r4) adelikat 5:34 PM Diff
1664S (r4) adelikat 5:16 PM Diff
1653S (r9) adelikat 5:02 PM Diff
FAQ (r96) P.JBoy Added "Movie formats" and removed the movie file extentions and footnotes. 4:58 PM Diff
1664S (r3) inichi 12:37 PM Diff
1664S (r2) inichi 11:29 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Using (r39) upthorn Updated some gens info (Minor edit) 5:00 AM Diff
EmulatorResources/Using (r38) FractalFusion added movie playback info 4:45 AM Diff
HomePages/BioSpark (r8) BioSpark update 2:52 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r8) Xkeeper copy pasta 12:29 AM Diff
HomePages/Deign (r7) Deign Update with YI progress 12:24 AM Diff
FAQ (r95) Xkeeper haste makes waste 12:15 AM Diff
FAQ (r94) FractalFusion comment 12:11 AM Diff
1664S (r1) inichi 8:27 PM Diff
942M (r2) Kyrsimys slight corrections 7:29 PM Diff
1661S (r2) adelikat 3:15 PM Diff
942M (r1) Bisqwit 3:04 PM Diff
FAQ (r93) Bisqwit re: merging 6:33 AM Diff
FAQ (r92) FractalFusion added recent changes; comment 1:48 AM Diff
1663S (r2) Chamale Screenshot 5:25 PM Diff
1663S (r1) Chamale 4:07 PM Diff
1662S (r5) Chamale Cancelling 3:58 PM Diff
FAQ (r91) P.JBoy a footnote 3:54 PM Diff
941M (r4) FractalFusion pokémon (Minor edit) 5:56 AM Diff
941M (r3) FractalFusion added info 3:59 AM Diff
HomePages/Morrison (r22) Morrison (Minor edit) 2:15 AM Diff
1654S (r3) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 1:55 AM Diff
1662S (r4) Chamale fixed a link problem (Minor edit) 1:31 AM Diff
1654S (r2) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 1:20 AM Diff
1660S (r3) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 1:19 AM Diff
1662S (r3) TASVideoAgent added screenshots 1:07 AM Diff
1493S (r5) Bisqwit 11:46 PM Diff
1662S (r2) DeHackEd Formatting and stuff 10:18 PM Diff
1660S (r2) Truncated removed mistaken strikethrough (Minor edit) 7:14 PM Diff
1662S (r1) Chamale 6:59 PM Diff
1653S (r8) adelikat 6:44 PM Diff
941M (r2) curtmack small grammar fix 3:58 PM Diff
RoutePlanning (r7) Dada 10:15 AM Diff
RoutePlanning (r6) Dada Stressing importance 9:32 AM Diff
1653S (r7) klmz Something wrong corrected. (Minor edit) 8:07 AM Diff
941M (r1) DeHackEd 3:11 AM Diff
1661S (r1) wazkatango 1:25 AM Diff
1660S (r1) Hongbaichaoren 11:15 PM Diff
HomePages/adelikat (r98) adelikat Currently Pubished Movies update (I've been obsoleted D:) (Minor edit) 8:21 PM Diff
940M (r1) Deign 8:03 PM Diff
1659S (r5) hanzou (Minor edit) 7:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Comicalflop (r128) Comicalflop updates 4:02 PM Diff
939M (r1) adelikat 3:22 PM Diff
1659S (r4) hanzou 3:09 PM Diff
1659S (r3) Deign 1:52 PM Diff
1659S (r2) adelikat 1:52 PM Diff
1658S (r2) adelikat 1:05 PM Diff
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1195 1196 1197 1296 1297

FullRecentChanges last edited by adelikat on 8/23/2022 4:06 PM
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