I tried downloading nitsuja's thingy, but it made my SNES emulator run at 40/60 frames, and everything was crappy and slow. So I deleted it. I don't know how it's supposed to work, but so far all it did for me was make my emulator slow down, so unless someone can help me on whether or not it's its own program or an extension of SNES, I will leave it alone.
I am starting from scratch, and won't start each next level until I have perfected the previous level. yesterday I tried to do all climbing in the bonus and I always miss a star. I will attempt tonight to slow down the speed even further, but I doubt it will yield better results becuase quite frankly I think the game physics of rope jumping won't permit me to hit all the stars, even though I come close to getting all sometimes. We'll see where tonight brings me.
Edit: I think I got it. at relle slow speeds, when rope jumping on one single rope (as is the case to get the stars in the bonus) you can jump on the first fram possible to get maximum speed. But I'm slowly waiting for diddy to swing around the rope just a little to jump up the direct middle of the rope each time. I get a little more success with that, I'll see if it works
DCK2-102% Stage 1-2 Star Bonus nailed
YESS!!!! After three days I have finally got the bonus done. Yes indeed by jumping a frame or two after diddy grabs the rope and swings around it, and ends up halfway between the rope, if you jump then you practically climb the rope right up the middle. This way I can in fact grab all the stars. Then I jump up in between the ropes to get the middle column very fast by falling, and precede to get the right column the same way as the far left column. Loads of seconds saved.
The rest of the movie is much smoother than the previous movie up to stage 3, with the rambi dismount (not as smooth as I wanted it, but saved a second) smoother climbing in stage 2, saved frames on the "kill the monsters" level (but look sloppy when I "wiggle"), more smoooth climbing, of course the star bonus much seconds saved and getting the final DK coin and target much smoother.
Does this look more TAS calibre and worthy of publication, as compared to my previous movie? Slowing down more does seem to improve quality, so I will accept the more time it will take for now since I see results.