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SoulCal, I have no idea why you would turn down more recognition. Basically, you're willing to limit yourself to a much smaller audience as long as they all understand it's you, rather than a larger audience among whom a small proportion will mistake your work for another's. Suppose keeping your TAS unpublished and exclusive to your own video channel means you get approximately 1,000 viewers (I checked how many views your videos have gotten). Now suppose that publishing your video means that it gets 10,000 viewers, 2,000 of whom fail to recognize that it's your work while 8,000 say, "Hey, this guy SoulCal has made something really great." On what planet is that a bad thing? Edit: And I'd like to echo AngerFist's above sentiment.
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Bobo the King wrote:
SoulCal, I have no idea why you would turn down more recognition. Basically, you're willing to limit yourself to a much smaller audience as long as they all understand it's you, rather than a larger audience among whom a small proportion will mistake your work for another's.
Again, recognition is only 1 reason out of about 5 I've listed. One of the bigger ones though is we have exceptions to the rule, making the rule arbitrary. I've listed my other reasons in past posts, so I'm not going to sound like a broken record any longer by repeating myself. I agree with AngerFist this discussion should move on, and be more productive.
Bobo the King wrote:
Suppose keeping your TAS unpublished and exclusive to your own video channel means you get approximately 1,000 viewers (I checked how many views your videos have gotten). Now suppose that publishing your video means that it gets 10,000 viewers, 2,000 of whom fail to recognize that it's your work while 8,000 say, "Hey, this guy SoulCal has made something really great." On what planet is that a bad thing?
TVC doesn't get but 500-1000 views with 1/2 the content it posts, and it has 5000 subs. And I couldn't care less about my view count anyway.
"AngerFist wrote:
SoulCal, if you want your run to solely be uploaded on your channel then fine.
If someone high up on the TASVideos ladder can agree to this, then I will gladly submit my dtm the moment it happens. New runs bring new people to the site, so we all benefit. My encode also has annotations which explain many common questions people have (sorta similar to the audio commentaries on some TASes). I've had quite a few people say they're very helpful when trying to follow along when they're confused, but there'd still be a run for download w/o them.
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Bobo the King wrote:
SoulCal, I have no idea why you would turn down more recognition. Basically, you're willing to limit yourself to a much smaller audience as long as they all understand it's you, rather than a larger audience among whom a small proportion will mistake your work for another's. Suppose keeping your TAS unpublished and exclusive to your own video channel means you get approximately 1,000 viewers (I checked how many views your videos have gotten). Now suppose that publishing your video means that it gets 10,000 viewers, 2,000 of whom fail to recognize that it's your work while 8,000 say, "Hey, this guy SoulCal has made something really great." On what planet is that a bad thing? Edit: And I'd like to echo AngerFist's above sentiment.
You're in the wrong community if you're doing it purely for the recognition. However, I would personally favour submitting the run within the coming weeks. That way the movie can be verified, and can be improved at some point down the line. There is no way I would have taken on games like Karate Kid, Chuck Rock and Quackshot if the previous movies weren't there.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
You're in the wrong community if you're doing it purely for the recognition. However, I would personally favour submitting the run within the coming weeks. That way the movie can be verified, and can be improved at some point down the line. There is no way I would have taken on games like Karate Kid, Chuck Rock and Quackshot if the previous movies weren't there.
Wanting to create something with the intention of receiving recognition or praise is a driving factor for plenty of people in life (especially authors and artists). It produced an entertaining TAS that (if submitted) would certainly be in contention for a couple awards next year, so I'm not sure how it's a bad thing. Along with SoulCal, I'm also curious why the rule doesn't apply to the three movies SoulCal listed, when clearly there were to be no exceptions. Is it simply an oversight or are they intentional exceptions? If they are intentional exceptions to the rule, then I would think that you would have to question this being the "wrong community to do it purely for recognition". Also, I don't see how those runs could be corrected. It would risk alienating some of the most popular authors that this site has. If those three runs aren't corrected, but SoulCal's TAS isn't allowed to be solely hosted on his YouTube, then it becomes an insult to SoulCal. It would be because either A) He's not as recognizable as the authors in those three runs or B) Because of his game choice/he didn't TAS SM64, OoT or MMX6 (two of the three being the most popular games on this site). Besides, the attention that SoulCal is showing to his upload on YouTube is pretty impressive. He answers any and all questions in the comments in a snappy fashion, which is something you don't see too often with authors. Anyways, I'm pulling for ya SoulCal. Stick to your guns.
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VanillaCoke wrote:
Also, I don't see how those runs could be corrected. It would risk alienating some of the most popular authors that this site has. If those three runs aren't corrected, but SoulCal's TAS isn't allowed to be solely hosted on his YouTube, then it becomes an insult to SoulCal. It would be because either A) He's not as recognizable as the authors in those three runs or B) Because of his game choice/he didn't TAS SM64, OoT or MMX6 (two of the three being the most popular games on this site).
Or it could've been this. :P
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Mitjitsu wrote:
You're in the wrong community if you're doing it purely for the recognition.
C'mon guys, I never said I'm doing it "purely" for recognition. That was ONE concern I had out of 5 I mentioned, but you guys seem to keep trying to say that's all I care about. Sure, I'm willing to admit getting some recognition is good, but who wouldn't after spending 200+ hours on a project? A project which was created for the website, with ZERO profit on my part, and allow me to contribute to the TAS community. Idk how many times I have to mention "it's not just a matter of recognition" (so far, 3) before we can move on and discuss the other issues brought up.
VanillaCoke wrote:
Along with SoulCal, I'm also curious why the rule doesn't apply to the three movies SoulCal listed, when clearly there were to be no exceptions. Also, I don't see how those runs could be corrected. It would risk alienating some of the most popular authors that this site has. If those three runs aren't corrected, but SoulCal's TAS isn't allowed to be solely hosted on his YouTube, then it becomes an insult to SoulCal. It would be because either A) He's not as recognizable as the authors in those three runs or B) Because of his game choice/he didn't TAS SM64, OoT or MMX6 (two of the three being the most popular games on this site).
Thank you for moving the discussion forward. I cannot speak for Grunz or the Mario64 crew, but I agree it might alienate those authors if TVC posted those runs, as it would essentially take away views (and thus money) from those channels. I know there are current improvements to the Mario64 run, and if a new TAS is sumbitted, I highly doubt TVC will post it on youtube. The same goes for OoT.
"jlun2 wrote:
Or it could've been this. :P
I doubt it is bribery, but SM64 and OoT are both monetized. The post reads "TASVideos does not exist to provide hits to your YouTube channel. Everyone's TASes will be more visible under this new arrangement." Both of these sentences are misleading when we have exceptions; two of which are monetized, bring large number of views to their account, and are far more visible than if posted on the TASVideosChannel because of more popularity. If someone has the ability to relocate these past 2 pages to the other topic, then we could continue the discussion there.
Joined: 6/19/2005
Posts: 180
I understand where you're coming from, SoulCal. It makes complete sense that you'd want recognition for what you've done, given the blood, sweat, and tears you've given this project. The big thing about the TASvideos Channel on YT, though, is that there are so many videos uploaded that are done by so many people, that the small few that think that they're all done by one person are either corrected or just never going to understand (the author info is also embedded into official encodes as well). Your concern is noted and appreciated; I've been in the same situation before, though with a different type of project. Whatever happens, however, I truly hope that we can all reach a mutual understanding and come out as better people. As far as the actual run goes, it's looking incredible, and I can't wait to see it get published. All of the effort put in by everyone involved has shown in the finished product of this video. You really should be proud that you and everyone who helped made such a wonderful piece of polygonal zombie-killing art.
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IMPblackbelt wrote:
I understand where you're coming from, SoulCal. It makes complete sense that you'd want recognition for what you've done, given the blood, sweat, and tears you've given this project. The big thing about the TASvideos Channel on YT, though, is that there are so many videos uploaded that are done by so many people, that the small few that think that they're all done by one person are either corrected or just never going to understand (the author info is also embedded into official encodes as well).
I swear if one more person mentions the "recognition" argument again I'm going to punch a baby (I mean, I wouldn't, but this is seriously annoying me at this point). My mistake for even bringing it up in the first place. Move on, next bullet point. But thanks IMPblackbelt about the run looking good. It's thanks to you guys, especially with all the error correction from other users, that this run became what it is.
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SoulCal wrote:
Bobo the King wrote:
SoulCal, I have no idea why you would turn down more recognition. Basically, you're willing to limit yourself to a much smaller audience as long as they all understand it's you, rather than a larger audience among whom a small proportion will mistake your work for another's.
Again, recognition is only 1 reason out of about 5 I've listed. One of the bigger ones though is we have exceptions to the rule, making the rule arbitrary. I've listed my other reasons in past posts, so I'm not going to sound like a broken record any longer by repeating myself. I agree with AngerFist this discussion should move on, and be more productive.
Bobo the King wrote:
Suppose keeping your TAS unpublished and exclusive to your own video channel means you get approximately 1,000 viewers (I checked how many views your videos have gotten). Now suppose that publishing your video means that it gets 10,000 viewers, 2,000 of whom fail to recognize that it's your work while 8,000 say, "Hey, this guy SoulCal has made something really great." On what planet is that a bad thing?
TVC doesn't get but 500-1000 views with 1/2 the content it posts, and it has 5000 subs. And I couldn't care less about my view count anyway.
"AngerFist wrote:
SoulCal, if you want your run to solely be uploaded on your channel then fine.
If someone high up on the TASVideos ladder can agree to this, then I will gladly submit my dtm the moment it happens. New runs bring new people to the site, so we all benefit. My encode also has annotations which explain many common questions people have (sorta similar to the audio commentaries on some TASes). I've had quite a few people say they're very helpful when trying to follow along when they're confused, but there'd still be a run for download w/o them.
No, I'm afraid I still don't get it. You seem to be hung up on the fact that the rule is arbitrary. So it is. But that isn't a reason to fight the rule, it just gives you the means to fight it, should you choose to do so. So you've chosen to do so. Great. Request that the video of your run link to your YouTube encode, submit your run, and bask in all your glory. You've done great work and should be rewarded for it. Why are we arguing about all this? I reiterate my agreement with AngerFist. Edit: I like big fonts and I cannot lie...
Active player (461)
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Bobo the King wrote:
No, I'm afraid I still don't get it. You seem to be hung up on the fact that the rule is arbitrary. So it is. But that isn't a reason to fight the rule, it just gives you the means to fight it, should you choose to do so. So you've chosen to do so. Great. Request that the video of your run link to your YouTube encode, submit your run, and bask in all your glory. You've done great work and should be rewarded for it. Why are we arguing about all this? I reiterate my agreement with AngerFist. Edit: I like big fonts and I cannot lie...
Let's assume that SoulCal submits his .dtm and requests in the submission text that he wants his channel as the sole host for his TAS. Oh no, that request is denied. Now SoulCal has now relinquished his only bargaining chip. Nooooot the smartest move from his position. Also, here's a thought. Quite commonly, a TAS on the workbench is rejected for an arbitrary goal. So why couldn't a TAS reject the workbench for an arbitrary rule?
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VanillaCoke wrote:
Bobo the King wrote:
No, I'm afraid I still don't get it. You seem to be hung up on the fact that the rule is arbitrary. So it is. But that isn't a reason to fight the rule, it just gives you the means to fight it, should you choose to do so. So you've chosen to do so. Great. Request that the video of your run link to your YouTube encode, submit your run, and bask in all your glory. You've done great work and should be rewarded for it. Why are we arguing about all this? I reiterate my agreement with AngerFist. Edit: I like big fonts and I cannot lie...
Let's assume that SoulCal submits his .dtm and requests in the submission text that he wants his channel as the sole host for his TAS. Oh no, that request is denied. Now SoulCal has now relinquished his only bargaining chip. Nooooot the smartest move from his position. Also, here's a thought. Quite commonly, a TAS on the workbench is rejected for an arbitrary goal. So why couldn't a TAS reject the workbench for an arbitrary rule?
Well, that's why I said he should make the request before submitting the run...
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Bobo the King wrote:
Well, that's why I said he should make the request before submitting the run...
I could've sworn that said something to the effect of "make the request when submitting", but I'm in error so I apologize lol.
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I've been reading this discussion about submitting here. I really don't see the problem. Let me try to get the facts straight here: 1) SoulCal does not want his run on TASVideosChannel, or prominently visible on TASVideosChannel, because dumb YouTubers will misattribute the run to the uploader, or maybe other reasons. 2) Evidently, there are multiple exceptions to the TVC rule because these authors prefer having their run on their own channel. These exceptions can be granted for whatever reason the author wants, including recognition, viewcount, dollars, or anything else they can think of. 3) Thus, SoulCal can easily just state somewhere in the submission that he wants the publication YouTuber to be his own. No issues there, we have been down that road before. So unless I'm missing something, there shouldn't be any problem with submitting?
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Let me try to get the facts straight here: 1) SoulCal does not want his run on TASVideosChannel, or prominently visible on TASVideosChannel, because dumb YouTubers will misattribute the run to the uploader, or maybe other reasons.
It's also because I should not have to check another channel in order to read the feedback, and respond to that feedback, for something I created, unless I choose to do so.
Mothrayas wrote:
2) Evidently, there are multiple exceptions to the TVC rule because these authors prefer having their run on their own channel. These exceptions can be granted for whatever reason the author wants, including recognition, viewcount, dollars, or anything else they can think of.
Idk if the exceptions are granted because the author wants it, or if the site wants it. That hasn't been made clear as to why there are exceptions for a rule for which there were to be no exceptions.
"Mothrayas3 wrote:
Thus, SoulCal can easily just state somewhere in the submission that he wants the publication YouTuber to be his own. No issues there, we have been down that road before.
Am I allowed to submit my dtm and make the request, but if denied I can withdraw my submission?
Mothrayas wrote:
So unless I'm missing something, there shouldn't be any problem with submitting?
Well the partial problem extends from your #3, as we've had no response from someone high up on the site declare a yes or no. I don't want to submit my run and have my request denied, and then lose the rights to my dtm. I also want to point out what, I think, is a flaw with having all the runs posted to 1 channel. If a user subs to a channel, it's generally because of specific content (like a specific game, genre, or console). I had to de-sub from the TVC myself because I saw nothing but a large volume of runs I cared nothing for. People sub to Grunz for zelda, to sonicpacker for Mario/sonic, to Mothrayas for Megaman, etc. There's really not a lot of people that would sub to a channel for a combination of all of those, especially with 1,124 current uploads, many of which are labeled [Obsolete TAS]. I think having a non-specialized channel divides the community instead of it's intend to expand it. I think the TVC is an okay idea, but really only should serve as a place for authors to publish their work if their account still has the file size / time restrictions, or if they don't want to deal with encoding and such themselves. In fact, it would probably be far more beneficial to the site if I requested for someone like sonicpacker to upload my TAS to his channel (since his channel specializes with N64/GC). It's almost guaranteed to get thousands of more views, and promote the site far more than TVC would, which is one of my goals being part of the site anyway. He's already an exception to the rule, so there shouldn't be an issue doing that (this is a hypothetical, I'm not saying I would necessarily do it) Let's continue the discussion here as it is the original thread, and people are discussing it there again.
Editor, Experienced player (556)
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Who TASes for recognition anyway? Would I want recognition for TASing a game called "Beach Babe-o-Rama"? I think TASing should be done for fun only. If your only driving factors in spending hundreds of hours playing a video game is "I want fans and views!" then I will kill you. Anyway uploading the full run to my YT account because I'm an asshole and want money. fooled ya lol
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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SoulCal wrote:
I swear if one more person mentions the "recognition" argument again I'm going to punch a baby (I mean, I wouldn't, but this is seriously annoying me at this point). My mistake for even bringing it up in the first place. Move on, next bullet point.
Some people apparently REALLY want me to punch that baby.
NitroGenesis wrote:
I think TASing should be done for fun only. If your only driving factors in spending hundreds of hours playing a video game is "I want fans and views!" then I will kill you. Anyway uploading the full run to my YT account because I'm an asshole and want money.
As stated by me before:
SoulCal wrote:
I'd like to also point out I'm not saying this due to YouTube monetization or getting video views. In fact, I cannot even monetize Resident Evil 4, because Capcom claims copyright to some of the cutscenes, and I have actually received a strike on my account for my previous WIP for the Krauser knife cutscene
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SoulCal wrote:
<snip> Let's continue the discussion here as it is the original thread, and people are discussing it there again.
Replied in that thread.
http://www.youtube.com/Noxxa <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Before I submit the run, I would like someone to attempt to sync it on their computer. No reason to submit in the first place if no one else can verify it. To TAS, I used a Dolphin build by RachelB, but it should sync on build 3.0-389. The game is Biohazard 4 with the ID G4BJ08. Any takers? RachelB also created an A/V hack version of Dolphin, but I have been unsuccessful in getting that build to sync, because it adds frames to the beginning. The 3.0-389 build of Dolphin doesn't have the A/V hack, so encoding becomes very inconvenient.
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SoulCal wrote:
Before I submit the run, I would like someone to attempt to sync it on their computer. No reason to submit in the first place if no one else can verify it. To TAS, I used a Dolphin build by RachelB, but it should sync on build 3.0-389. The game is Biohazard 4 with the ID G4BJ08. Any takers? RachelB also created an A/V hack version of Dolphin, but I have been unsuccessful in getting that build to sync, because it adds frames to the beginning. The 3.0-389 build of Dolphin doesn't have the A/V hack, so encoding becomes very inconvenient.
Sorry, but I don't have the iso of this. Maybe try to PM RachelB for help on this. :)
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Thanks to A-M and Realmyop on commentary for our French audience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6CELj8b6aU
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SoulCal wrote:
Thanks to A-M and Realmyop on commentary for our French audience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6CELj8b6aU
It's not ok to post on the TASVideos channel. It's absolutely ok to post on channels of people who pay you. Brb, I'm going to go see if there's a job offer for TASing and video gaming.
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jlun2 wrote:
It's not ok to post on the TASVideos channel. It's absolutely ok to post on channels of people who pay you. Brb, I'm going to go see if there's a job offer for TASing and video gaming.
What makes you think they paid me? They created unique commentary in a separate language to explain the video, which helps people understand what it is. I have nothing wrong with that, because the viewers benefit from more knowledge about the game being discussed. If anyone can improve the entertainment value with what I create, by all means please do so. TVC would just be nothing more than a copy of the same material.
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SoulCal wrote:
What makes you think they paid me? They created unique commentary in a separate language to explain the video, which helps people understand what it is. I have nothing wrong with that, because the viewers benefit from more knowledge about the game being discussed. If anyone can improve the entertainment value with what I create, by all means please do so. TVC would just be nothing more than a copy of the same material.
And people will of course never confuse them for being the makers of the TAS. Also, since the feedback to your run is in another language, clearly it'll not bother you at all to go to someone elses channel to read them, since you probably won't read them, giving how you've complaint about it before.
Joined: 12/31/2009
Posts: 174
jlun2 wrote:
SoulCal wrote:
What makes you think they paid me? They created unique commentary in a separate language to explain the video, which helps people understand what it is. I have nothing wrong with that, because the viewers benefit from more knowledge about the game being discussed. If anyone can improve the entertainment value with what I create, by all means please do so. TVC would just be nothing more than a copy of the same material.
And people will of course never confuse them for being the makers of the TAS. Also, since the feedback to your run is in another language, clearly it'll not bother you at all to go to someone elses channel to read them, since you probably won't read them, giving how you've complaint about it before.
SoulCal was clearly listed as the author in a large font for a minute. They also said it was a TAS and I assume some other info about it (possibly including that they didn't produce the run and other stuff to prevent "CHEATER" comments). As for the feedback, SoulCal's channel is listed in the description so if somebody had constructive feedback, they can send it to him directly. Even if SoulCal wouldn't be able to handle the feedback, it is still more than minimal feedback from the French community compared to TVC.
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Zanoab wrote:
SoulCal was clearly listed as the author in a large font for a minute. They also said it was a TAS and I assume some other info about it (possibly including that they didn't produce the run and other stuff to prevent "CHEATER" comments).
And of course, if the same thing was done on the TVC, noone would know that it was SoulCal's run. >.>
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