Merry Christmas TASvideos!
This is an any% run of the seminal playstation platformer 'Crash Bandicoot'. I first started TASing this game almost immediately after mz released his first pcsx-rr. I realised the huge potential in PSX TASing and wanted to get to know the emulator and used this game as I am very familiar with it. Unfortunately, the emulator was unstable and prone to desyncs and crashes so I put the project on the backburner for a while. I restarted this summer with the more recent v0.1.2.
  • Aims for Fastest Time
  • Heavy Glitch Abuse
  • Heavy Death Abuse
  • Takes Damage to Save Time
  • Contains Speed/Entertainment Tradeoffs
  • Any%
  • Genre: Platform
NOTE: I didn't experience any desync while recording this movie because I used the TAS sound plugin. However, this plugin is not particularly good for this game. The music is fine, but the sfx is almost completely lost. Eternal emulates the sound perfectly, but it may be a massive pain in the ass to edit in for whoever encodes this. Unfortunately I lack the experience to do it myself so hopefully it is not a huge problem either way.

Notes on Tricks, Glitches and Optimisation

  • Movement: Crash's fastest movement speed is with the third mask (velocity = 12), however due to the death requirements it can harldly be used. The next down is spinning (velocity = 10), rather than walking (velocity = 9). However, when crash stops spinning his velocity drops to 7 for two input frames before returning to 9. This makes spinning ultimately slower. If, however, Crash jumps two frames before his velocity drops to 7 it will go straight to 9 instead. This saves a frame every time it is used.
  • Spin Delay (Very Important): Spin Delay is the most annoying thing about TASing this game. The player cannot continually spin and there is usually a delay between the end of one spin and when the other can begin. This seems simple enough, but what is annoying is that it is very inconsistent. I searched through a good bit of the memory trying to find a spin counter of some sort but came out empty handed. My hypothesis is that there is some sort of 'tank' (address) that fills every time a spin is used until full causing delay. This is because, in my experience, the delay is incredibly short near the beginning of a level and longer nearer the end. The fastest movement would be to chain jumps and spins, but because I need to concentrate on collecting boxes in some levels I cannot do this as the delay would force me to run past a box that I require. Also some objects need to be spun in order to become active and so this is also an issue here. If there is anything in this run that looks manifestly suboptimal this is why.
  • The Death Thing: If you complete a level in one life while collecting all boxes you recieve a gem. If you collect a gem from every level you have completed the game 100%. If you complete a level in one life without collecting all boxes the game counts down the boxes that you have missed. This takes time and can be avoided by suiciding in the level. As this is an any% run suicides are often necessary to avoid this, however not in every level as you can often collect most boxes in a level easily en route. The end of level total takes 185 frames plus 18 frames per box so it must be tested if it is faster to suicide. While TASing I was leaning on the opinion that less deaths are better and so where the difference was negligible then life was chosen as a speed/entertainment tradeoff (Road to Nowhere being an example). I stick by my decision to run this game any% to begin with as I feel that the excessive saving times after collecting a gem are more annoying than the suicides (as seen in The Lost City).
  • Gripping: This trick can be used to clear normally impossible gaps. Crash's grip of platforms is very buggy and he can be surprisingly far into a ravine while still having an active ground flag. This is used in many places, but it is not particularly obvious in real time so I abuse it heavily on the first elevator in Slippery Climb. This does not work if crash is in a spinning animation.
  • Spinning Invincibility: If you spin before landing on a spike or enemy you can jump off it before the damage is registered. Saves nice time in many places in Native Fortress and Slippery Climb.
  • 3rd Dimension Abuse: This game has many 2D levels and the designers attempted to have these within 2D parameters, however in some 2D levels it is possible to jump towards the camera and bend around normally impassible objects.
  • Spinning TNT: While running past TNT there is a small frame window where if you spin you will blow up the TNT but will be too far away from the explosion to be killed by it. This is a good way to get rid of the TNT crates and some other nearby boxes.
  • Double Jumping: This only seems to work on the temple levels for some reason. If you are on a moving pillar and you spin and the spin enters the 7 phase as you jump the ground flag is messed up. You will be in the 7 animation in mid air and as if you press X again one frame after this you can jump a second time allowing larger gamps to be cleared.
  • Wall Glitch: You can use the walls in The Lost City and Sunset Vista to push you off the edge while retaining the ground flag and this can be used to escape the level and skip large portions of it. This can only really be used in the horizontal scrolling sections of these levels. In the vertical ones it is possible but you cannot reenter the level. This is used in Sunset Vista, but not in the lost city due to the route.

Level Notes

  • N. Sanity Beach
    • Using the mask saves 2 seconds per use, but due to deaths it cannot be used often.
  • Jungle Rollers
    • You must wait for one invincibility to end before getting a new one.
  • Hog Wild
    • Holding up does not add to the speed here. I don't know why I used to think it did.
  • Native Fortress
    • I get huge spin delay on the spinning platform on this level in several places.
    • At the top taking the back route behind the fence is slower.
    • This is probably my favourite level in the run apart from Sunset Vista.
  • The Lost City
    • I collect the gem here so that I can skip Castle Machinery later in the run.
  • Temple Ruins
    • The timed objects in this level were particularly nasty.
  • Heavy Machinery
    • I can use 3D abuse nearer the end where you see it, but not on the earlier parts of the level where you don't.

Baxter: Accepting for publication.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #2511: Mukki's PSX Crash Bandicoot in 45:29.50
Emulator Coder, Former player
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Seems to be largely similar to its sequel in terms of gameplay, and in terms of the two to three levels that seem to keep repeating themselves. For the same reasons as over there, meh vote.
Player (246)
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I'm gonna try to watch this using my greatest hits original copy of the game. I'll brb with impressions. edit: couldn't get it to work. Either using the cd-rom or an ISO generated from it, I keep getting an error after the other: "Please insert disk [1]", 2, 3 and so on, for every frame.
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fine for me (yes voted)
AndyD wrote:
played through fine for me, no desyncs, yes vote the music is fine, but sfx seem to only play about half a second of each one using 0.1.1 and my config:
Joined: 12/27/2009
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I get an immediate desync when trying to play the movie. I use similar configuration as AndyD but I'm using 0.1.2, I have tried to fiddle around with the settings but I cant get it to work. I also get a desync on Crash Bandicoot 2. It would mean a great deal to me if I could get this movie to sync because I have spent a great deal of my youth playing this game and to watch a TAS of it would be awesome.
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Ok, I think I wasn't using the corret bios, now it all worked. Damn, this movie is really complicated. At first I thought the run was sloppy, then it was confusing. I had to come here look for answers (and I found them, thanks for the submission text). I think it is a good run, and if it is published it will need some serious subtitles, especially on the first half of the movie. yes vote. ps.: the emulator paused when the movie ended and I couldn't find the hotkey to unpause it, so I didn't watch the ending :( Will watch on youtube now.
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FODA wrote:
ps.: the emulator paused when the movie ended and I couldn't find the hotkey to unpause it
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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FODA wrote:
I'm gonna try to watch this using my greatest hits original copy of the game. I'll brb with impressions. edit: couldn't get it to work. Either using the cd-rom or an ISO generated from it, I keep getting an error after the other: "Please insert disk [1]", 2, 3 and so on, for every frame.
I got the same thing after I corrupted the header in a movie of mine; have you tried re-downloading the movie?
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
FODA wrote:
I'm gonna try to watch this using my greatest hits original copy of the game. I'll brb with impressions. edit: couldn't get it to work. Either using the cd-rom or an ISO generated from it, I keep getting an error after the other: "Please insert disk [1]", 2, 3 and so on, for every frame.
I got the same thing after I corrupted the header in a movie of mine; have you tried re-downloading the movie?
Nope, it worked after I put an external 1001 bios. Thanks alternative sephiroth!
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To my surprise, I found this one even more entertaining than your CB2 run, which is weird because the movement in this game is a lot more robotic. That trick you used with the moving blocks to get "above" the screen was neat. Yes vote.
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until an official encode is available here is a crappy unofficial one
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Yes vote, a game I've been waiting for a TAS of and it finally arrives :O
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There were some spots where I felt you could've jumped or moved ealier to reach the next platform but despite that, I enjoyed watching this run. I vote yes. Also, whats with the sound?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
There were some spots where I felt you could've jumped or moved ealier to reach the next platform but despite that, I enjoyed watching this run. I vote yes. Also, whats with the sound?
This can be explained by spin delay as outlined in the submission text. It rears its ugly head in most parts of the run, although it is particularly bad in levels such as Native Fortress and the High Road/Road to Nowhere type levels which is probably what you are referring to. The sound bugs are a problem with the sound plugin, it is the only one that is stable and bullet proof to record with and it doesn't do this game well :(
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I'm giving this a yes vote :-)
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Thanks for the encode, errror1! I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this, because I am not a fan of the overhead perspective of these games. However, after a bit, I got used to it, and the level of play was outstanding. Good job Mukki!
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Active player (346)
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That was an amazing nostalgia trip, and a really well-made movie too :P I remember how ridiculously Nintendo Hard this game was, and for that I give you props for destroying it, Mukki. Voted yes whole-heartedly.
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Thanks for the encode, errror1! Overall, I enjoyed the run although the missing SFX killed it a bit. But I'm sure that can be solved one way or the other. Yes vote :) Is there a 100% run in the making? I haven't even found a non-TA 100% run, so a TAS would be really neat.
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I have done an encode using the Midas sound plugin (idea conveyed to me by Aktan, apparently originally suggested by Atma); this yields slightly better sound than the TAS sound plugin. Given the difficulty in getting Eternal to sync for any length of time, this might be the best result we can hope for. Anyway: EDIT: Here it is on DM: (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
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This certainly brings back memories... OH WHAT THE CRUD? STOP KILLING ME STUPID ENEMIES!!! GRRRRR! Great TAS, by the way. The only complaint I have is that you didn't do Lights Out blind like I hoped. I realize it would have wasted time, but I still would have loved to see it. I did like the rest, though. Yes vote.
Lego is awesome!
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legoking831 wrote:
This certainly brings back memories... OH WHAT THE CRUD? STOP KILLING ME STUPID ENEMIES!!! GRRRRR! Great TAS, by the way. The only complaint I have is that you didn't do Lights Out blind like I hoped. I realize it would have wasted time, but I still would have loved to see it. I did like the rest, though. Yes vote.
Funny, when I saw that he didn't do that I thought it was a good "choice". We all know how a TAS works, I just wouldn't be impressed. I'd rather see what's going on.
Editor, Active player (475)
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Finally got around to watching this. I really wish the spin limits weren't in the game, but you certainly made the best of it from what I can see. I really liked that you were able to jump off the spiked poles/blocks in Native Fortress and Slippery Climb - that really made those level really fun to watch. I also found it really funny whenever you would suicide to save time, since it broke up the segments of death-defying jumping. I can just imagine Cortex saying "Poor Crash, his exploits finally caught up to him and he slipped into a pit." Between this and Crash 2, some of my favorite games from childhood have now been TASed. Any plans for Crash 3? :)
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I briefly entertained the idea of making this a triple submission including Crash 3, but I dropped it due to some problems (now solved). One of the main complaints of these runs is the repetitiveness of the levels which is a much bigger issue in Crash 3 as most levels are repeated 3-4 times. However, there is much more than just platforming in that game (i.e. the races and aviation levels) which would go some way towards mitigating the repetitiveness. Like you, I would also love to see a run of that game, and I'm sure that many others would. Crash 3 was released after dual shock and analogue optimisation is not doable on the current release of pcsx-rr as far as I am aware. If that would not impact heavily on the level of optimisation that I could achieve I may start up a .pxm on Crash 3. It probably wouldn't be much of an ordeal, after these projects I could TAS the Crash series in my sleep.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1458] PSX Crash Bandicoot (USA) by Mukki in 45:29.50
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requesting an image change to frame 82756 (or 80380 (which is doing the glitch)): Since the level basically gets broken
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.