Some stuff not in the latest vid:
For the 50 rupee chest in the mysterious wood, you can walk up to the edge just above you and spinattack, to break the breakable block one block down/right of the chest. Then you walk left-up-right, swing the sword, and push the moveable block out of the way to get the chest more easily.
Something else you may think about doing is going to that cave to get the chest, going through the cave, out past the mushroom, damage boosting past the pit, and grabbing the tail key from the wrong side. I've never done it on a cartridge personally, but I'm almost positive it's possible. You still need the magic powder later on tho. :/
Also, a possible route change. On the first/second times you go to animal village (before level 4 - first time, to talk to the cook bear guy, and the to bring marin along), going up and getting the face key may be faster. I doubt it, but it's something to look into, and I haven't timed it personally.
Boss trick on the nightmare moldorm in the egg: If you hit him as he's coalescing, and keep pressing the button fast enough, you can defeat him without him ever moving. You can see me start to do it in the vid, but I somehow lose it partway through. :/
Finally, this page: