Helper to Hero
Ninja [4:32.87] (???)
Hammer [3:34.02] (???)
Stone [3:04.32] (ISM)
Beam [5:07.64] (???)
Plasma [3:14.59] (ISM)
Bomb [4:07.07] (ISM)
Mirror [5:49.22] (???)
Sword1 [4:02.04] (???) new!
Sword2 [4:12.19] (mugg)
Copy [3:56:15] (???)
Yoyo [5:56.25] (???)
Parasol [3:49.30] (WaddleDX)
Wing [5:34.07] (ISM)
Ice [4:20.74] (???)
Fighter [5:47.89] (???)
Metaknight [3:46.57] (???)
If anything is wrong, please pm me about it. Also, since dic.nicovideo doesn't allow streaming anymore you will have to change the URLs for yourself. Also, if the videos don't work, make sure to get/update Adobe Flash player.
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old post:
I planned to do Jet and Suplex, but those aren't very interesting to me. There's an issue with luck-manipulation with Suplex (Bugzzy) that stopped my progress. I'm currently not TASing anything in Kirby USDX, but that might change sometime. And maybe I'd like to try a more interesting helper like fire or fighter? In any case, I don't like to overlap with other's projects, but on the other hand I don't want to claim certain helpers which in the end won't be done due to my laziness... Well, that's all I can say now.
I'll contact ISM and WaddleDX if I plan to do another HelperToHero TAS.