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Well seeing as fateful issue 502 is being considered and may be completed in the foreseeable future, I thought it would be appropriate to add this topic to the forums! For the first time ever (I believe) we may have a rerecording emulator for the current generation of consoles. anyways, Here's my list:
Metal gear solid: any
Super Mario sunshine
Zelda: all
Super smash bros. Brawl/Melee
any FPS
Yeh, just a few.
Umbrella Chronicles. Not something everyone would think is a good idea, being a rail-shooter and all, but definitely something where a realtime gamer can never be as crack a shot as a TASer.
It would be damn good, I think. Especially the Wesker chapters- he'll have an actual reason to be smug! :D
I would like to see super mario sunshine, mario kart double dash, and luigi's mansion. Animal crossing is one of my favorite games as well but I don't think it would be much of a tas lol...
Can't believe Super Monkey Ball 1/2/3 aren't mentioned yet.
Other than that, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Viewtiful Joe, and probably F-Zero GX.
Also, Ikaruga with some interesting goal in mind (dot eater might work).
Eh, not really. I think going for high score and maintaining a very high combo on the highest difficulty would be much more exciting then dot eater.
It's just that the game is so well-competed it's barely possible to squeeze even a dozen more hits in any given stage (some stages, like 1st and 5th, aren't even that hard to full-chain unassisted).
I just realized that a hard mode "reverse dot eater" (not shooting and NOT eating any bullets if possible; essentially a low-score run) will probably be the best possible solution for TASing this game, because it's the one that has never been accomplished, to my knowledge.
Joined: 9/2/2008
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Twilight Princess (GCN): It's faster to do it on that version because of an exclusive trick called the Long Jump Attack by using the Gale Boomerang and a faster Map Glitch.
Super Mario Galaxy:
I wonder how long it will actually take for Luigi (New Game+) to get 121 stars? All of the purple coin missions will look fun to watch.
Don't forget that Metroid Prime 2 will probably recieve "New Wii Play control" edition that will have faster gun pointing but hopefully Retro hasn't tweaked the other mechanics/add invisible walls to prevent sequence breaking.
If WiiWare Titles can somewhat be obtainable and work on Dolphin then:
MEGAMAN 9 Both In-Game and Real times
World of Goo
Eh, not really. I think going for high score and maintaining a very high combo on the highest difficulty would be much more exciting then dot eater.
It's just that the game is so well-competed it's barely possible to squeeze even a dozen more hits in any given stage (some stages, like 1st and 5th, aren't even that hard to full-chain unassisted).
I just realized that a hard mode "reverse dot eater" (not shooting and NOT eating any bullets if possible; essentially a low-score run) will probably be the best possible solution for TASing this game, because it's the one that has never been accomplished, to my knowledge.
I think TASing is about entertainment, and while your suggestion might not have been done before in realtime, it is probably the least attractive TAS to look at... especially for someone that hasn't played the game. Aiming for highscore on hard mode is probably the most interesting, and it would be interesting from another aspect too, and I think there were official tool assisted released, to show like the best possible game. It would be interesting if those would be beaten here.
As for other games... I would in other cases mainly suggest games that are specifically suitable for TASing... but in this case, lots of the games don't even have speedruns, OR the speedruns aren't fully up to date... so I'd love to see a lot of runs:
Mario sunshine and galaxy
Metroid 1,2,3
F-zero GX
Starfox adventures
Beyond good and evil
Zelda WW and TP
Mario Kart DD and Wii
Resident Evil games
Some Sonic game perhaps
Maybe even Wii play - Tanks!
I think TASing is about entertainment, and while your suggestion might not have been done before in realtime, it is probably the least attractive TAS to look at... especially for someone that hasn't played the game. Aiming for highscore on hard mode is probably the most interesting, and it would be interesting from another aspect too, and I think there were official tool assisted released, to show like the best possible game. It would be interesting if those would be beaten here.
You are probably talking about the Ikaruga Appreciate DVD. The good part is that it features absolutely amazing and polished gameplay. The bad part (for us here) is that it's absolutely unassisted, played using arcade sticks on arcade hardware. The Hard mode score on that DVD is 34,289,970 by Yusemi-SWY, the former world record. The current record is 35,445,270 by Gakki. The theoretical maximum is around 37 million (that's with perfect chaining and very extensive bullet eating, including eating through Tageri to last second). Both have been done separately in unassisted conditions, so such a TAS would barely be different from the (imo much more impressive) best examples of unassisted gameplay.
Now dodging bullets without eating them… That's actually impossible in unassisted conditions. All the more impressiveness to the TAS.
I think TASing is about entertainment, and while your suggestion might not have been done before in realtime, it is probably the least attractive TAS to look at... especially for someone that hasn't played the game. Aiming for highscore on hard mode is probably the most interesting, and it would be interesting from another aspect too, and I think there were official tool assisted released, to show like the best possible game. It would be interesting if those would be beaten here.
You are probably talking about the Ikaruga Appreciate DVD. The good part is that it features absolutely amazing and polished gameplay. The bad part (for us here) is that it's absolutely unassisted, played using arcade sticks on arcade hardware. The Hard mode score on that DVD is 34,289,970 by Yusemi-SWY, the former world record. The current record is 35,445,270 by Gakki. The theoretical maximum is around 37 million (that's with perfect chaining and very extensive bullet eating, including eating through Tageri to last second). Both have been done separately in unassisted conditions, so such a TAS would barely be different from the (imo much more impressive) best examples of unassisted gameplay.
Now dodging bullets without eating them… That's actually impossible in unassisted conditions. All the more impressiveness to the TAS.
I thought there was something tool assisted out... Either way, Perfect bullet eating in combination with perfect combo's for a full run still seems most interesting to watch... certainly at the start, no bullet eating is somewhat boring, as you would just wait, as there isn't too much happening if the enemies don't even get shot. Either way... I somehow think that GC and Wii TASes are farther away than we might hope them to be... but since both runs are opposites, I think there is probably a place for them both.
GameCube Games worth considering
Agent Under Fire
Baldur's Gate
Eternal Darkness
Hitman 2
Metroid Prime 1+2
Paper Mario 1000 year door
Pikmin 1+2
Prince of Persia
Resident Evil 1+4
Sonic Adventure 1+2 and Heroes
Splinter Cell 1+2+3
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball 1+2
Smash Bros Melee
Tomb Raider Legend
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Viewtiful Joe
Zelda Four Swords
Zelda Twilight Princess
There is probably 20-30 games which I've missed out.
Melee--We've seen what's possible in Perfect Control, and all of it was very awesome.
Brawl--Sure, why not?
Metroid Prime--Sub-hour, anyone? Not needing to use save stations alone nets a small advantage, but a small advantage may be all that's needed. Also, a 21% TAS might be possible, as it seems the people at m2k2 were close.
Metroid Prime 2/3--Sounds fun. I think we could manage a lower percent than 16 on MP2E.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle--I so want to TAS this. Having speedran it, I want to know the limit.
All the other Sonic games--They all seem like they would look very good if TAS'd. Except maybe Shadow, but that could hardly be helped.
Twilight Princess--Lots of neat glitches here and skippable cutscenes. Wind Waker's lack of these will probably make it less suited to TAS.
Mario Sunshine--It may not be Mario 64, but it seems just as suited to TASing
Mario Galaxy--I can just imagine the absurd gravity tricks a TAS could pull. Or maybe I can't. But it still seems like it'd be great.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn--Although we already sort of have one at SDA. The other FE would be good, too.
Okami--I just like it
Trauma Center (all)--Somehow I find the idea of trying to do surgery as fast as possible very funny. Plus I'd love to see the X missions TASed. I still can't even beat X-1.
Zelda: Master Quest--Oh, wait...
Anyways, that's all I can think of.
Joined: 6/13/2006
Posts: 3300
Location: Massachussetts, USA
Trauma Center*
Super Monkey Ball
Metroid prime
Sonic Adventure
Starfox Assault*
Star wars Rogue Squadron
Zelda TP, 4 swords
*= I'd be interested in doing
Metroid Prime--Sub-hour, anyone? [..] Also, a 21% TAS might be possible, as it seems the people at m2k2 were close.
Less should be possible abusing the "secret worlds" (or whatever they call OOB travel). Why should a TAS subject itself to unassisted speedrunner's restrictions?
petrie911 wrote:
Twilight Princess--Lots of neat glitches here and skippable cutscenes. Wind Waker's lack of these will probably make it less suited to TAS.
I'd bet that WW has it's own share of glitches. It's just that the game is too crappy for anyone to bother looking for them.
Resident Evil 4 largely depends on the RNG. If you can manipulate consistent fatal headshots and blaze through the game using your trusty starter pistol (+RL for bosses), that'd be cool.
Metroid Prime--Sub-hour, anyone? [..] Also, a 21% TAS might be possible, as it seems the people at m2k2 were close.
Less should be possible abusing the "secret worlds" (or whatever they call OOB travel). Why should a TAS subject itself to unassisted speedrunner's restrictions?
I don't think most secret worlds save any time in Prime. Ice Beam before Flaaghra was the only one I remember being discussed over at m2k2. If you're talking about lowering %, the only theory of 21% currently involves OoB, but it is extremely unlikely that the % could get any lower.
Oh, and SDA lifted the OoB ban.