Post subject: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Joined: 4/29/2008
Posts: 71
My dad is working for a new video game retailer and coming up with a marketing angle to help promote them efficiently. If you're a gamer, are bored, and feel like helping him and myself out greatly, please fill this out. [= Obviously your identity will not be used or anything. This is just to get in touch with the general gaming audience and what they prefer. Gender? Age? Play on PC or Console? If Console, which one? Do you play: [ ] Alone? [ ] Online? [ ] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc. ) Where do you get your information about games? Favorite games? 1. 2. 3. • Where do you buy your games? • Where do you buy your consoles • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? • Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it []Don’t care []Not living with parents
Former player
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Do you need to live in some certain area for this to be worth anything? I mean, Finland has quite different markets than the States for example.
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Joined: 2/26/2007
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Location: Minnesota
My dad is working for a new video game retailer and coming up with a marketing angle to help promote them efficiently. If you're a gamer, are bored, and feel like helping him and myself out greatly, please fill this out. [= Obviously your identity will not be used or anything. This is just to get in touch with the general gaming audience and what they prefer. Gender? Male Age? 21 Play on PC or Console? Console! If Console, which one? Wii, PS2, GCN Do you play: [+] Alone? [-] Online? [+] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Not especially, but when I play smash bros with my buds we talk a bunch of shit. Where do you get your information about games? I see a game at Walmart, and then check the reviews at GameFAQS. Previously I looked at GameInformer and Nintendo Power Favorite games? *No particular order:* 1. GTA: San Andreas 2. Paper Mario Series 3. Fire Emblem Series • Where do you buy your games? Walmart, Best Buy, PrePlayed (Pre-played games... duh) • Where do you buy your consoles? Um, wherever is closest and has them in stock :) • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Yessir! •Your parents: []Support your gaming [1/2]Dislike it [1/2]Don’t care [+]Not living with parents *Not in original questionnaire, but felt the need to add this distinction.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Joined: 10/15/2007
Posts: 685
Gender? F Age? 25 Play on PC or Console? Yes. If Console, which one? Well, the only major console released in the past two decades I don't own is PS3. Do you play: [x] Alone? [x] Online? [x] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) - Not so much anymore. I haven't been in a tourney in years. Where do you get your information about games? The internets. Favorite games? 1. Super Metroid 2. Sonic CD 3. Disgaea • Where do you buy your games? Online, in stores on a whim. • Where do you buy your consoles? All but the Wii were purchased in a physical store. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Nope. • Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it []Don’t care [x]Not living with parents
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Active player (312)
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I'm bored, so, here it goes: Gender? Really really male Age? 27 Play on PC or Console? didn't get the question completely, but I'd say "More on PC then on console" If Console, which one? Any Do you play: [ ] Alone? [ ] Online? [x] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Yeah, until the point I get bored. Where do you get your information about games? via pigeon couriers Favorite games? wtf there's no order, and I can't remember all of them... so have these 3: 1. Goldeneye 2. Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow 3. Street Fighter EX2 Plus • Where do you buy your games? What? What is "buy"???? • Where do you buy your consoles is that's a new word? • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? All the time, dude. •Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it [x]Don’t care []Not living with parents
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Senior Moderator
Joined: 8/4/2005
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Gender: M. Age: 22. Play on PC or Console: PC + emulators at this moment. If Console, which one: going to buy a PS2 and a Japanese X360 by the end of the year; had NES, Genesis, and SNES in the past. Do you play: [x] Alone [ ] Online [x] In-home groups Do you take your gaming “seriously”: sometimes, especially with arcade games (almost all shmups I play, I'm doing so mainly for score). Where do you get your information about games: random internet sources, including online acquaintances. I usually don't look for it specifically, it all comes to me eventually. Favorite games: many of them (I mean it). Can't decide on less than a dozen, and most of them are of different genres as well. Where do you buy your games: shops, e-shops. Usually I just don't, though. Where do you buy your consoles: the cheapest reliable place I can find. Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console: sure. Your parents: [ ] Support your gaming [ ] Dislike it [x] Don’t care [ ] Not living with parents
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 6/9/2006
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Location: Mettmann
Gender? male Age? 21 Play on PC or Console? pc console If Console, which one? gamecube Do you play: [] Alone? [x] Online? [x] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” in online games yes/ with friends for fun Where do you get your information about games? friends mostly Favorite games? 1. unreal tournament 3 2. smashbrothers melee 3. diablo II • Where do you buy your games? online stores like amazon • Where do you buy your consoles cant remember ;) ordered them • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? no • Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it [x]Don’t care []Not living with parents
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
Gender: Male Age: 23 Play on PC or Console? PC Do you play: [X] Alone? [ ] Online? [ ] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) I play for challenge, and tend to be interested in older, arcade-ish games that require a serious effort/practice to reach the ending. Where do you get your information about games? Slashdot (though my interest in gaming news is passive.) Favorite games? 1. Deus Ex 2. Grand Theft Auto 3. Baldur's Gate II • Where do you buy your games? Local retailers. • Where do you buy your consoles Haven't bought one in about a decade. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Probably. (Again, a decade ago.) • Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it [X]Don’t care []Not living with parents
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Editor, Active player (475)
Joined: 5/23/2006
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Location: Washington, United States
Why not, this looks like fun :) Gender? M Age? 18 Play on PC or Console? Consoles If Console, which one? Wii, occasionally PS2 Do you play: [X] Alone? [ ] Online? [X] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Not really. I tend to not worry about winning/losing when playing with friends. Where do you get your information about games? Friends who bought a game, various online websites Favorite games? 1. Super Smash Bros Brawl 2. Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando 3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess • Where do you buy your games? I tend to get games as birthday/Christmas gifts, but when I buy one myself, I get it at Game Crazy or Gamestop. • Where do you buy your consoles? Any retailer that has one when I want it, e.g. I bought the Wii at Target when they got some in stock. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Yes, I got my Gamecube used to save some money. •Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it [X]Don’t care []Not living with parents
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Experienced player (828)
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Sure, why not. Gender? Male Age? 25 in a month Play on PC or Console? Console, with random freeware games on PC If Console, which one? N64, PS2 Do you play: (very infrequently) [x] Alone? [ ] Online? [ ] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Nope Where do you get your information about games? Here, a couple random internet sites (gamepro mostly) Favorite games? 1. God of War 1/2 2. Tony Hawk series (up to THUG) 3. Chrono Trigger • Where do you buy your games? Wherever they sell used PS2 games • Where do you buy your consoles? Got my PS2 at Target • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Nope • Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it []Don’t care [X]Not living with parents[/quote]
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
Joined: 9/30/2007
Posts: 103
Gender? Why does this matter? Will you fill the game with ponies if I'm female? That would be rad. Age? 19 Play on PC or Console? Console games, although with a broken Playstation, a better PC-monitor then TV and my other consoles stashed away in closets, I tend to play on emulators on the PC. If Console, which one? Any not this-gen, pretty much. Do you play: [x] Alone? [ ] Online? [x] In-home groups? - Most games I play doesn't support online. Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Yes. Where do you get your information about games? The internet and tips from friends. Favorite games? - Well, based on what I play now... 1. Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core 2. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 3. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night • Where do you buy your games? Mostly internet-stores. • Where do you buy your consoles? Pretty much the same places as the games. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Purchased, yes. I don't trade in games beacuse it's not worth it. • Your parents: [x]Support your gaming - One support it [x]Dislike it - One thinks it's the spawn of the devil []Don’t care []Not living with parents
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Neophos wrote:
Gender? Why does this matter?
For the same reason everything else does.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Joined: 3/7/2006
Posts: 720
Location: UK
Gender? Male Age? 21 Play on PC or Console? PC mainly If Console, which one? PS2 Do you play: [x] Alone? [x] Online? [x] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Yeah. I like to win, but I like to lose more, that way I get better. :) However, the attitude is not very predominant where I live, so I rarely get chances to compete. Where do you get your information about games? I generally don't! I just buy what I want to, then make my own decisions. Favorite games? 1. Final Fantasy IX 2. Klonoa 2: Veil of Lunatea 3. uh, no idea. • Where do you buy your games? Usually at the local Gamestation. • Where do you buy your consoles? I haven't bought any new consoles since my GBA, and that was also from Gamestation. • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? Yup, I traded in my old GBC for the GBA! Also, I have traded in old (tired-out) games for new ones. • Your parents: [ ]Support your gaming [ ]Dislike it [x]Don’t care [ ]Not living with parents
Voted NO for NO reason
Player (93)
Joined: 5/10/2005
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Neophos wrote:
Gender? Why does this matter?
Yeah, I was wondering that too. Everybody knows there are no girls on the internet, so what's the point? Seriously though, the reason it matters is because it's the most interesting question on this poll. I don't know about you, but I kinda like girls, so I'm not so interested to hear what a guy has to say..
Joined: 10/15/2007
Posts: 685
Science has proven there are girls on the internet. They're just even more insane than the ones who never touch a computer.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Joined: 9/30/2007
Posts: 103
nfq wrote:
Yeah, I was wondering that too. Everybody knows there are no girls on the internet, so what's the point? Seriously though, the reason it matters is because it's the most interesting question on this poll. I don't know about you, but I kinda like girls, so I'm not so interested to hear what a guy has to say..
"Hey, girls apparently like game X! I'm so gonna start playing it now!" ? Awesome.
moozooh wrote:
For the same reason everything else does.
It's marketing research. Not game design. If they happened to get in a lot of research claiming that girls love whatever-game-they're-making, would they suddenly change the focus of the marketing to cater to females (which nowadays would probably mean pink and ponies)? Age matters so they know to market it towards kids or adults, online/home if whether they should market the online features or the singleplayer... But gender? Just seems like an unnecesary split.
Senior Moderator
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What kind of reasoning is that?
Neophos wrote:
Will you fill the game with ponies if I'm female?
Neophos wrote:
It's marketing research. Not game design.
Answered your own question.
Neophos wrote:
If they happened to get in a lot of research claiming that girls love whatever-game-they're-making, would they suddenly change the focus of the marketing to cater to females (which nowadays would probably mean pink and ponies)?
I don't know where any of this come from. First of all, "they" is unknown here, and what's more important, the survey covers basically the entire videogame market. There is nothing wrong with knowing who plays games and how. The likes of you also complain that games are commonly perceived as guys-only hobby because — get it — there is no reliable researches on girl players. Ironic, huh.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 10/15/2007
Posts: 685
Not that it makes much of a difference. Most girl gamers I know play the same games the guys do, up to and including the Call of Duty and Madden swill.
Kirby said so, so it must be true. ( >'.')>
Joined: 11/11/2006
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Location: United Kingdom
Gender? M Age? 19 Play on PC or Console? Both. If Console, which one? I play on all 3 Latest gen consoles. I occasionally play the others. Do you play: [x] Alone? [x] Online? [x] In-home groups? Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) I like to try and beat friends. I get somewhat annoyed if I don't and they brag, but I don't flip out and throw chairs or anything. Where do you get your information about games? The internets. Favorite games? I hate this question. There are so many games that I feel are excellent games (Portal, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Majora's Mask) but to me they seem to be the popular choice for some people. Instead I'm going to list some games that I think are pretty cool in concept providing they don't get milked for all they're worth. These are in no order, though. 1. Rock Band 2. Team Fortress 2 3. Audiosurf Where do you buy your games? Online, in stores if I'm impatient. Where do you buy your consoles? All but the Wii were purchased in a physical store. Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? In my earlier years of gaming, yes. Lately, not so much. Your parents: [x]Support your gaming []Dislike it []Don’t care [x]Not living with parents
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
Post subject: Marketing people probably don't like me too much
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
Posts: 1522
Gender? Man Age? 26 Play on PC or Console? Both If Console, which one? Have Atari 2600, NES, Genesis, N64, Gamecube, GBA Do you play: [ ] Alone. All alone. Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc. ) I probably would if I didn't suck so bad :S Where do you get your information about games? Favorite games? Off the top of my head: 1. Fool's Errand and 3 in Three 2. Final Fantasy 3j, Chrono Trigger 3. Civilization, SimCity, SimTower, SimAnt (playing as the spider) • Where do you buy your games? nowhere recently -- • Where do you buy your consoles Garage sales, cash strapped friends, hand-me-downs and gifts • Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? I've gotten some carts from thrift stores back in the day. I would never sell my precious old crap though. • Your parents: Don't live with them and they don't care.
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: Re: Gaming Survey for my dad's new marketing project
Editor, Active player (297)
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Satyrium wrote:
My dad is working for a new video game retailer and coming up with a marketing angle to help promote them efficiently.
Good luck with that. I'm from Finland and my answers are probably those less than desired by marketers. Gender? Nominally male Age? 30 Play on PC or Console? By average*, neither If Console, which one? NES Do you play: [ ] Alone? Yes [ ] Online? By average, never [ ] In-home groups? By average, no Do you take your gaming “seriously?” (want to beat friends, win tourneys etc.) Never. I like to know enough that I can help them surpass me, but for that, personal achievement is not necessary. Where do you get your information about games? Today, the Internet. Favorite games? Star Control II (PC), Final Fantasy VII (PC), Chrono Trigger (SNES) Where do you buy your games? By average, nowhere. Where do you buy your consoles? By average, nowhere. (But if I wanted to buy one, I would likely buy it online, or get someone's used one for nominal price.) Have you ever traded in or purchased a second hand game/console? By average, no. Your parents: []Support your gaming []Dislike it []Don’t care []Not living with parents Not living with parents. *) By average = excluding the opposite happening so rarely or so long time ago that it's not worth mentioning.
Joined: 4/29/2008
Posts: 71
Thank you very much to all who responded. It helps a lot. [=