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Editor, Active player (297)
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Speaking about Rock Man 5, I just received a ~40 minute movie of Mega Man 5 from Kopernical. He says it's not as good as the MM4 one though, but I'll publish it anyway if he doesn't announce starting a new version before I start encoding it. I also put the Double Dragon movies (III, II and 2 * I) on hold. They are the classic 2d streetfighting style games, and in my opinion they didn't look very impressive - but on the other hand, I don't like that type of games a lot. The Double Dragon movie I received from Mike Larson was timewise a little better than Phil's version and in my opinion it looked a little nicer in the beginning too, but he says he plans to improve all of them. If the fmvs are wanted enough, I'll post them at the Workbench.
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Yeah, I was overly critical of it when I sent it to you. It is in no way a bad movie. Technically speaking it every bit as good as MM4. It just feels like its missing something. That could be more about the game than the recording, though. In any case I'll be interested to hear what other people think of it.
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Kopernical, you work fast. As soon as you finished MM4 and said you were going to try 5, I decided to play through it myself (not for speed, just for fun). I just finished, and you have produced another Time Attack! My thoughts: -Starting with Gyro Man? Most unexpected. Very artful dodging along the way, especially around those little guns with the shields. -Once again, I love how you use the Rush Jet. Great Manuevering on the Crystal Man and Napalm Man stages in particular -I think you could save a little time here and there by using the Charged Arm Cannon more frequently. For example, on Napalm's stage, you had to stop to shoot at the rockets with the Gyro. One charged shot would have destroyed them faster than two Gyros. Still, 'tis but a second or two. -Great use of the weird Charge Kick on the Wave Man stage, and on Wave Man himself. -Nice arrow exploit on Gravity Man's stage. I didn't even know you could ride those things. Likewise on Stone Man's stage. -I don't know how you bitch-slapped the third Protoman boss. Even in slo-motion he beat me like a pinata. -Excellent work on Wily's first stage. Creative Gravity Hold and precision shooting/jumping/charging against the boss. -I had no idea the Arrow was effective against the Wily Skull Boss. Big surprise. Well, it's a tremendous run, but I think I know why you feel something is missing. The last few boss battles just take too long. Not that's entirely your fault, of course, as the opportunities to hit some of these Wily bosses are few and far between. EDIT: New version submitted, and I like some of the changes. I love abusing the Arrow, it looks cooler (and flies faster) than Rush Jet. But I see what you mean about unnecessary damage, especially in the early Wily levels. Still, faster is faster. You could probably get away with just re-doing the Wily stages.
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Something's been bugging me since I was fiddling with the fifth game a few days ago. Wouldn't it shave a minute or two off if you started with Chargeman and THEN went to Starman to go in order? The Charge Kick would let you slide harmlessly through 95% of all enemies. Like the Arrow, it eats ammo, but it's also faster to just slide right through an enemy than it is to jump over/shoot/etc them. Not by much for a single enemy, but when you start sliding through huge chunks of enemies, it adds up. It'd make Starman's stage (Or was it Gravityman's?) a bit faster since you could just slide through those dumb floor cannons and such. c.c
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I think the time you might save would be expended on Charge Man's stage. As it is now, he just uses the arrow to sail over most of the level. Not to mention the battle with Charge Man himself is a lot slower without the Power Stone.
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Well, then break sequence and go Star -> Stone -> Charge and then hit Gravity. I'm gonna do some tests later to see which route takes the longest, and I'm gonna try and replicate what Kopernical did in his run as far as those stages go. Then I'll combine Arrow and Kick powers to see if there's a worthwhile added time gain. It might not be a gret difference, but I've certainly got nothing better to do tonight.
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BombAHead wrote:
Well, then break sequence and go Star -> Stone -> Charge and then hit Gravity.
Then you're fighting Stone Man without his weakness, too. Any time you break sequence you're adding time to the run that you better be able to make up later. And I believe that relying a lot on Charge Kick will add back as much time as you take off because: 1. You're going to have to make a lot of weapon switches to save the Charge Kick's energy, or 2. Get a bunch of refills for it. Then there is the added problem of doing Charge Man's stage without Napalm Bomb (see below).
feitclub wrote:
As it is now, he just uses the arrow to sail over most of the level. Not to mention the battle with Charge Man himself is a lot slower without the Power Stone.
1. Yes, Charge Man is faster with Power Stone. 2. This is actually one of the places where I question if Arrow is really faster (it lags the screen). 3. Napalm Bomb is also needed to get through that stage quickly. Yes, it lags the screen slightly when it explodes but it is the fastest way to kill those damn chickens (they take 6 shots from the uncharged Mega Buster or 1 charged and 3 regular). Plus there are the rats. You are going to have to stop to kill (or take hits from) AT LEAST 5 enemies in that section without Napalm. Maybe more, as I'm going just from memory here. Doing Charge Man first will make it close to 20 seconds slower than in this video. Doing it without Power Stone or Napalm Bomb I think will add nearly 10 seconds.
BombAHead wrote:
I'm gonna do some tests later to see which route takes the longest
I'll be curious to see what you come up with. More people should be challenging existing movies. But I'm pretty confident that mine is the fastest order.
Joined: 4/25/2004
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What about beating Charge Man with just the Mega Buster? Seems to me it takes longer with all that Power Stone pausing, even though it does more damage per hit...but I think you'd be able to hit him with 2 fully-charged Mega Buster shots in that time, or very close to 2 shots in that time... EDIT: Oh, and during the second Star Man fight, I was surprised you didn't use Water Wave and try to lure him into NOT firing his shield...probably would've been faster since the Wave goes through his shield, so you'd be guaranteed 4 damage every time he hit the ground...
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1. You're going to have to make a lot of weapon switches to save the Charge Kick's energy, or 2. Get a bunch of refills for it.
I'm rusty at the game, so it'll take a go or two to get my speed back up to snuff, but I've gotten Star and Stone beaten at 5:09. More than a bit slow, I realize, but nothing wanted to give me a large energy refill in Stoneman's stage. I did manage to get one during the final outdoor bit so I could fly over most of it, but it took a good three dozen tries. As for the point listed above... I'm probably going to try outright avoiding most enemies if at all possible. Unless they're right on top of me or impossible to slide through, they're getting jumped or otherwise passed by. With any luck I'll pick up large refills for the Kick as I'm sliding along. It eats energy about as good as the Arrow. I'm really hoping the time lost by breaking sequence will be made up. I need to compare Starman times. Which is faster in Starman's stage? Killing or avoiding? With that crazy underwater-style gravity, I managed to leap over both laser-shooting robots. Since I'm using VirtuaNES and can't slow down past 10%, I'm sure I'll be adding seconds here and there, but...
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BombAHead wrote:
I've gotten Star and Stone beaten at 5:09.
It's difficult to compare by time with different orders (Stone Man's stage is longer than Gravity Man's) but that is pretty slow. Comparing on a level by level basis is best and I timed my Star Man level at 1:26 from the moment of gaining control to the moment of killing Star Man. There are still several things that can be improved on that level, too.
BombAHead wrote:
but nothing wanted to give me a large energy refill
Get used to it. Some of mine took several hundred tries.
BombAHead wrote:
Which is faster in Starman's stage? Killing or avoiding? With that crazy underwater-style gravity, I managed to leap over both laser-shooting robots.
I think you have to avoid the bouncing things at the beginning (too hard to hit them without wasting time) but the rest of the enemies should be just a quick to kill. The laser-shooting robots especially. Jumping them lags the screen, doesn't it? And you can kill them without stopping.
BombAHead wrote:
Since I'm using VirtuaNES and can't slow down past 10%
I did the whole thing at 20%. Anything slower annoys me too much. I know, I need to get over that :-)
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Gah, my freakin' thumbs. @.x; Stuff like this is maddening. I've got the idea, I just don't have the patience to test it out. My thumbs are absolutely killing me. And yeah, I'm 7:22 after Charge, so I'm going WAY too slow here. Plus there's a storm passing through, so I'm prolly gonna hafta shut the computer down at some point... y'know, providing the power doesn't zap. Chargeman's level isn't tough at all without Napalm. Hell, if you got enough refills, you could sail over 90% of it. X.x There are two Rock-sized gaps that have mice you'd either need to avoid, kill, or take damage by sliding through them. But aside from those, it's smooth sailing. I didn't go for grabbing any refills since, as I said, my thumbs were killing me at that point. I waited and leapt over the mice and simply used the slide on all the outdoor parts. Those stupid rock-chucking things towards outdoor area 2 suck, though. Seems like they take 7 hits to kill. Couldn't be six so you could do it in two quick bursts. ><; If anyone else feels like giving it a go, feel free. I dunno how you guys do this so often. @.x Must have better gamepads than I. That or the keyboard = less stress on one's fingers. I'll get this done eventually, I'm sure, but...@.x
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BombAHead wrote:
Chargeman's level isn't tough at all without Napalm. Hell, if you got enough refills, you could sail over 90% of it.
I guess I didn't try that but how badly does it lag the screen? I tried Rush Coil and it was pretty bad.
BombAHead wrote:
Those stupid rock-chucking things towards outdoor area 2 suck, though. Seems like they take 7 hits to kill. Couldn't be six so you could do it in two quick bursts. ><;
I believe they take 3 to kill. Don't forget the period of invincibilty; you can't just stand there and blast them to kill them quickly like in other Mega Man games.
BombAHead wrote:
I dunno how you guys do this so often. @.x Must have better gamepads than I. That or the keyboard = less stress on one's fingers. I'll get this done eventually, I'm sure, but...@.x
This is one of the reasons why I don't do that many :-) But those later Mega Man games have to be among the most difficult to time attack because perfecting the sliding is so annoying. And I do use the keyboard. I don't know about anyone else, though.
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kopernical wrote:
But those later Mega Man games have to be among the most difficult to time attack because perfecting the sliding is so annoying.
I have been working on a version 3 of my Mega Man 6 run and I have to say that the sliding is the most annoying aspect of the game. Every time I jump from a slide I have to try tens of times to get it right. Version 3 will definitely be the last version you will see from me, if I ever even get it finished.
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I guess I didn't try that but how badly does it lag the screen? I tried Rush Coil and it was pretty bad.
Actually, it isn't that bad. I think it's worst around those hens, but my memory is horrible. And I did forget that dumb invinc period. >< I knew something was strange when I nailed the last of those guys with 4 shots. *scowl* Ah well. I just have the ideas. I'll leave it to the GOOD players to try pulling it off. And yes, sliding is evil and dumb. That's probably what killed my right thumb, hitting slide all the time. It's the first time I tried doing that (sliding whenever possible, that is) and buh... x.X My thumb's too sore to play much of anything at the moment. If I continue trudging along, I'll have to wait until it heals up, yo. Check it out sometime, though. Go beat Starman, then head straight to Chargeman's level to test the lag levels. Couldn't hurt. o.o
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http://www.globetown.net/~rockmovie/waterman.mpg Please copypaste the URL to the address column of a browser if you see the movie. -When you jump on super-arrow, you can somewhat save energy. -If it is timely, you can scroll on with a small soap ball. I have some ideas for megaman5, and I will open the technique to the public.
Editor, Active player (297)
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Note that to download the MPG from globetown.net, you must copy&paste the link (don't click directly). If using wget, set --user-agent=Mozilla.
Active player (436)
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OMG!!! That was awesome! Finally somebody decides to give a shot at Megaman 5. Nice to see you Mister FinalFighter -_^
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Super Arrow is by far my favorite of Rockman's weapons.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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Oh yeah, saving energy by jumping. Didn't someone suggest that for the Rush Jet in Mega Rock Man 3?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Emulator Coder
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lol. nice.
Active player (276)
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http://www.globetown.net/~rockmovie/chargeman.mpg ChargeManStage -I am saving energy by the jump. -I jump before the screen scrolls After the screen scrolls The jump continues when making it pushing the jump button it. Because I can set up super-arrow fast, the time can be saved. http://www.globetown.net/~rockmovie/watermanhika.mpg WarterManStage - Comparison with the past movie
Active player (436)
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.......... Just saw your tricks and ideas. How on earth do you find these ideas? As always, beautiful tricks...
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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That jumping on the Super Arrow is going to be a very big timesaver. I can already think of 4 or 5 places where it will really come in handy. Wonder why I never thought to try it :-/
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http://www.globetown.net/~rockmovie/gyairo.mpg Gyro Man level - As usual, saving energy by jumping - Lots of luck-manipulated energy upgrades When exiting the lift, jumping just before scrolling. The jump continues in the next screen.
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Heavy luck I would say ^_^ At this speed, should we expect soon his finished work?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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