Post subject: code/data logger
Banned User
Joined: 12/23/2004
Posts: 1850
Just a simple feature that would - Create a file the size of the loaded ROM - Mark each byte in that ROM as either code (01), data (02), or both (03) depening on how it's used as the game progresses You could even keep it in memory until close or optional save to prevent tons of disk use, and have an option to load a new one. This would just be useful for finding out what ROM space is used for data and what's used for other things, though, heh... TASing use would be minimal, but this is probably the best place to ask for such a modification. (Note: it'd determine byte type based on how the emulator handles it; if the game requests byte X, it'd mark X as data, but if the CPU was executing it, it'd mark it as code, etc)