Skilled player (1102)
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I always loved this game, yeah sure gex is annoying, but i think the levels are so diverse and downright interesting. I think given the right route this could be a very entertaining TAS. I'm currently going through what route would be fastest. (i.e what remotes to gain.) I haven't heard of any glitches to pass through gates or anything yet, but im open to info.
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I'm really only looking forward to the tron-eqsue and ninja-esque levels on this. Most of the game is really repetetive, though. Good luck finding shortcuts!
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Joined: 11/30/2005
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That was a good game when I had my n64. I hope you can complete a run of it. Gl
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I know of one shortcut now. Timing your jump you can get into the Lion's head early, directly after the Mecha Rez battle. Before i even begin to do my proper TAS i hope to TAS each individual level to denote the fastest 33 and hopefully get some shortcuts. Some routes are obvoiusly faster than others so this might not take as long as i'm originally thinking.
Joined: 6/4/2004
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I think Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko would also make a good run. You may want to consider that, as well.
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I have been actually. If this TAS goes well then i will definitely consider that for my next project. Here is my progress so far -- -From reset to game 14s -from start point to 'out of toon' 6s
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Ok. I have just VERY roughly TASed the first three levels in 'out of toon'. This is very approximate as i only used slowdown and load state, no frame perfection.....yet. This was just to give a vague idea of what could be done fastest. Teetering Rock -- 01:25s approx. Two Hunters -- 01:25s approx. (prob. a bit faster) 5 mushrooms -- 01:20s approx. (probs a bit faster)
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If you ever finish this, I will surely watch it. I have the game, but coulnd't finish some levels back then. didn't know where to go I think :s
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Wouter Jansen wrote:
If you ever finish this, I will surely watch it.
So far the chances of me finishing this are looking good. I am enjoying the game and i have the will to see it through. The ROM also seems pretty sound, however, when i watch back through my progress the last five seconds or so usually desync. This is easily surmountable by letting the game run for an extra five seconds. I just hope it's not a sign of things to come...
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I had this game a really long time ago and couldn't beat it. It was pretty annoying at times because I couldn't figure out what to do or how to do things. I was actually thinking about requesting this game to be done so I am glad to see someone started it. Good luck
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Yes it is unexpectadly difficult in places. In its day i could complete it fairly comfortably, but now i myself am guilty of ringing up gamefaqs to refresh my memory.
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Okay, i've got the start of my route worked out. -- smash five purple mushrooms --hunt the two hunters --climb to teetering rock --Gilligex Isle --Smash 5 blood coolers --survive the haunted mansion. This means that i will get all remotes for the first part of the media dimension, apart from the haunted elevator (too long). This also means that i will only need four remotes from the next area to fight Mooshoo Pork, however i will probably pick up a few more before moving on. I'm going to TAS properly what is listed above because this area is separate from the rest. This way the first part of the TAS will be under my belt and i can post it up here for viewing.
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Right, i've just TASed up until my first remote (yay!) This includes the intro and the 'whack five mushrooms' challenge in out of toon. Total time -- 01:25 -- 1200 rerecords approx. This means that the level only took 01:05, which shows that i am beating my original predictions very comfortably.
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UPDATE -- Watching back over my movie i decided to redo a section and in doing so i discovered a way to skip the level menu and the intro video for each level. A massive find which at the very least should save a good 5-10 minutes on the final time. Also, i decided to go back to the start and take a few seconds to enter the menu and turn off Gex's voice. This will save a lot of time as well. Unfortunately the world will have to make-do without listening to Gex's wisecracks throughout this run.
Joined: 1/3/2006
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I love you for doing this run! keep on rockin
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Right. After a lot of redoing i am happy with the first two remotes. I've done the whole intro thing, smash 5 mushrooms and hunt the two hunters and have entered the third part (but have saved in the black screen between level selection and the begginning of play.) Total time -- 00:02:56 I'm planning to do the third part and then giligex isle before zipping my progress and posting it up here for some feedback on what i've done so far. Stay tuned for that coming soon, i have a free weekend almost, so i should get a lot done.
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Massive MASSIVE setback and i have to start all over again. Look in the N64 questions thread to find out why. I was just about to post it up here as well.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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You can probably keep going; see my post there.
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Location: United Kingdom Here is my progress so far. This is 3 remotes and the first boss in less than 5 minutes. Watch it and get back to me here. I'd rather get critisim now than on the workbench after pouring my life into it.
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twas nice to watch after not having played for years. I really can't help you, since I know so little about the game. just some things look imperfect tho, eg killing the elmer fudds.. but perhaps it can't be done faster, I wouldn't know :p
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After hitting an Elmer Fudd he is invincible whilst stars circle his head and he only becomes vincible when he lifts his gun. I am confident that i got this frame perfect, but i'll take another look. Thanks for the feedback and for watching my progress.
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yeah I assumed there was an invicibility period. so I suppose it's pretty good so far :p =)
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UPDATE -- Just finished the first remote in Smellraiser, with a time of 6:30. I will post a new WIP as soon as i get the fifth remote and have gotten into the next area. The remote i have just done is looking pretty impressive. Also, a note on my WIPs; -- I don't change joystick sensitivity because this game is modeled on the PSone engine which doesn't have that privilege, so it doesn't make a difference. -- The camera is extremely erratic in this game. It turns of its own accord and takes the controls with it making Gex shakey. This doesn't waste time it just looks bad. The reason i didn't change it is it sometimes helps and changing it back and forward would waste more time than it would save. -- In the level i have just done i use a lot of shortcuts. The majority of shortcuts in this game are in the levels themselves. Those familiar with the level design in Smellraiser should notice how much i skip out. -- The only timesaving technique i have found so far is that if Gex karate kicks into a wall he will be able to automatically perform a double jump. Very useful in Smellraiser. Not useful in 'Out of Toon' (why it is never used).
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Location: United Kingdom Here's the new WIP. It's the first two remotes from Smellraiser. I'm skipping the third to save time. Please give feedback (especially critical, however i do enjoy a pleasant word) it is very important to me.
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provide savestates please.. I can't bother to watch already seen again, and for some reason when I make my own it just goes wrong. I don't care if they're 2 MB or whatever.