Post subject: spiderman games?
Joined: 8/9/2004
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It would be cool to see a speedrun of Spiderman the movie or Mysterio's Menace.
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I was working on this over the summer in secret, until I started working solely on something else, leaving it incomplete. It felt silly for me to have it just sit there, since someone else may like it enough to give it a try. (don't kill me P.J.Boy.) Also, I am not 100% confident that what I have is 100% optimal (though it's very close.) Plus, I thought I'd show just how TASably cool this game is. I completed 6 of the 16 missions, and didn't quite make it past mission 7. HERE is the .vbm. This game is fast. Insane fast. It's the fastest action TASable spiderman game to my knowledge. While it may not have the fastest swinging speed of some of the other GBA games, the quick reaction time and the glitches I exploit make Spiderman complete these missions with ease. Here's what's going on in this WIP: A horizontal web pull is the fastest movement in the game, up to speeds of 1800 (1792 occurs most, since 1800 requires you to be right next to the wall.) You can pull yourself towards a doorway and go underneath it. However, I found that the aerial B move preserves your momentum. During your arm swing attack, you will hover above the ground. If you then press A to jump.... you will jump and keep the same speed you had before. Whammo! Spiderman is now Bunnyman as he bunnyhops through levels. This glitch lets you breeze through horizontal sections real fast, and I've even defied gravity and jumped while floating over pits. Real weird/cool stuff. You can cancel the animation that spidey makes when transforming into black suit by being in mid air. swinging on a web and kicking an enemy does the most damage from what I've looked at. You can "ceiling hug"; when you web sling up and right, you'll pull yourself diagonally to the wall, and with perfect timing you can keep doing this when you're touching the ceiling. Not as fast as bunnyhopping, but still pretty fast and handy in some situations. I don't think my vertical ascension up walls is optimal though. I didn't test as much as I should have. There might be other things here and there that I missed. (Edit: thanks PJ for the RAM list.) So yeah, hope you guys like that movie. I may continue with it all the way, or someone else may come along and improve it. Either way is good. Edit: mmbossman's working on this it seems! yay!
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Lawd that's fast. A lot of the levels seemed to have the same ideas behind them, but it's definitely still entertaining.
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0x0200B6D8: Black Suit Counter
0x02027F88: Search and Rescue 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02027F8C: Search and Rescue 1 Vertical Speed
0x0202A5D4: Search and Rescue 2 Horizontal Speed
0x0202A5D8: Search and Rescue 2 Vertical Speed
0x0202BB84: Goblin Hunt Horizontal Speed
0x0202BB78: Goblin Hunt Vertical Speed
0x020182D0: Goblin Hunt Fight Horizontal Speed
0x020182D4: Goblin Hunt Fight Vertical Speed
0x020166B8: Spidey Saves 1 Horizontal Speed
0x020166BC: Spidey Saves 1 Vertical Speed
0x0201819C: Spidey Saves 2 Horizontal Speed
0x020181A0: Spidey Saves 2 Vertical Speed
0x020337BC: Sandstorm Horizontal Speed
0x020337C0: Sandstorm Vertical Speed
0x02024534: The Dark Side Horizontal Speed
0x02024538: The Dark Side Vertical Speed
0x02023FC0: Court Disorder 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02023FC4: Court Disorder 1 Vertical Speed
0x0201A0C8: Court Disorder 2 Horizontal Speed
0x0201A0C4: Court Disorder 2 Vertical Speed
0x02031488: Follow That Limo Horizontal Speed
0x0203148C: Follow That Limo Vertical Speed
0x02016D20: Follow That Limo Fight Horizontal Speed
0x02016D24: Follow That Limo Fight Vertical Speed
0x02017ABC: Kingpin's Mansion 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02017AC0: Kingpin's Mansion 1 Vertical Speed
0x02023650: Kingpin's Mansion 2 Horizontal Speed
0x02023654: Kingpin's Mansion 2 Vertical Speed
0x02023D88: Totally Amped Horizontal Speed
0x02023D8C: Totally Amped Vertical Speed
0x0201ED9C: Totally Amped Fight Horizontal Speed
0x0201EDA0: Totally Amped Fight Vertical Speed
0x0202A9D8: Subway Rumble 1 Horizontal Speed
0x0202A9DC: Subway Rumble 1 Vertical Speed
0x0202AA90: Subway Rumble 2 Horizontal Speed
0x0202AA94: Subway Rumble 2 Vertical Speed
0x02026A44: Subway Rumble 3 Horizontal Speed
0x02026A48: Subway Rumble 3 Vertical Speed
0x02027870: Toxic Shock 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02027874: Toxic Shock 1 Vertical Speed
0x020278DC: Toxic Shock 2 Horizontal Speed
0x020278F0: Toxic Shock 2 Vertical Speed
0x02025D44: Bombs Away 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02025D48: Bombs Away 1 Vertical Speed
0x02027504: Bombs Away 2 Horizontal Speed
0x02027508: Bombs Away 2 Vertical Speed
0x0203325C: 'Copter Chase 1 Horizontal Speed
0x02033260: 'Copter Chase 1 Vertical Speed
0x02034E28: 'Copter Chase 2 Horizontal Speed
0x02034E2C: 'Copter Chase 2 Vertical Speed
0x0201D144: 'Copter Chase Fight Horizontal Speed
0x0201D148: 'Copter Chase Fight Vertical Speed
0x020289A4: Sand Hassles Horizontal Speed
0x020289A8: Sand Hassles Vertical Speed
0x020218F0: Sand Hassles Fight Horizontal Speed
0x020218F4: Sand Hassles Fight Vertical Speed
0x0202F678: Quick Sand 1 Horizontal Speed
0x0202F67C: Quick Sand 1 Vertical Speed
0x0201F774: Quick Sand 2 Horizontal Speed
0x0201F778: Quick Sand 2 Vertical Speed
0x0201F660: Quick Sand Fight Horizontal Speed
0x0201F664: Quick Sand Fight Vertical Speed
I have also made some level route plans (see next few posts) for those who don't know what they're TASing (ala. Comicalflop) EDIT: Updated list
Active player (347)
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Location: Toronto, Canada the hell did you pull out so many addresses so quickly? I've tried cheat search for my runs and found nothing. A little help would be appreciated...
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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Joined: 6/13/2006
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Oh it's very easy actually. When doing certain moves Spiderman has the exact same speed. For example, I can do a web swing and know that at max speed it's 1250 (same works for vertical moves). I (or PJ) just search in new missions for values that are 1250. Easy stuff. Plus, the missions are so simple to play/get through (most of them that is) that PJ had no problem getting them.... he also had the entire game beaten when the ROM came out.
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theenglishman wrote: the hell did you pull out so many addresses so quickly?
I've had those addresses down for months
comicalflop wrote:
I (or PJ) just search in new missions for values that are 1250.
Actually, I just done the normal "when you don't move it's =0, when you walk right it's >0, when you web-sling it's >previous value, repeat going leftwards swapping the >s with <s"
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Thought I'd mirror this to the forum: Right, some notes: Do the Kingpin route 1st, the up attacks are more useful (you have to do the Mad Bomber levels afterwards anyway). Press Start to skip all the story text (instead of A which scrolls though it). You can skip the animation that gives spiderman into the black suit by simply being in mid-air. You have to be touching the ground, ceiling or a wall before the game detects you touching an end-of-level-blue-thumb-thing. When you press A in mid-air, you start web swinging. Using this is a good way of stopping all movement, because you can stop the web swinging animation by doing a web attack (pressing R). When holding L and pressing A, you do a dash. When doing a dash, you can go through enemies. With no contact what-so-ever. As does a forwards roll (Down, L and A) Bunny Hops: A bunny hop is when you press B (or L+B) in mid-air and spiderman swipes his arms downwards (L+B does a slide kick). You keep your horizontal speed when hitting a wall while bunny hopping. While bunny hopping, you don't land, but you can jump; which is used a lot to keep your speed at ground level. It also keeps your vertical speed when rising, see frame 2250 of the Court Disorder vbm for how it can be abused. I strongly advise that you variate between bunny hop kicks and bunny hops, otherwise it will just get repetetive and look bad. Damage Values: With each power-up, add half the original value Punch: 10 Ducking Punch: 10 Running Punch: 12 3rd punch in punching combo: 25 Up Attack Punch: 30 Area Attack Punch: 30 Kick: 15 Ducking Kick: 10 Running Kick: 18 3rd kick in kicking combo: 35 Up Attack Kick: 40 Area Attack Kick: 40 Bunny Hop: 15 Bunny Hop Kick: 25 Pulling with web attack: 5 Barging with web attack: 15 Web Swinging: 25 With Black Suit Punch: 40 Ducking Punch: 40 Running Punch: 45 3rd punch in punching combo: 65 Up Attack Punch: 90 Area Attack Punch: 90 Kick: 40 Ducking Kick: 40 Running Kick: 75 Up Attack Kick: 100 Area Attack Kick: 100 Bunny Hop: 45 Bunny Hop Kick: 55 Web Attack: 20 Pulling with web attack: 90 Web Swinging: 55 Dash: 65 Black Suit Guage: The value needed to get black suit is 28. You get 1 for dealing 10-24 damage, 2 for 25-34 damage and 3 for 35+ damage. Speed Values: Maximum speed with a web sling: 1792 Maximum falling speed: 1800 Speed when web swinging: 1000 Speed when web swinging and holding forward: 1250 Speed when web swinging and holding backwards: 500 Dash speed: 1280 Roll speed: 768 Maximum running speed: 691 Maximum air speed: 750 Court Disorder. It is possible that going through the fire at frame 1900-2000 is slower than going through the passway underneath it. Kingpin's Mansion. Totally Amped. Subway rumble. Toxic Shock. At frame 1480, I have to travel left a couple of blocks, otherwise it wouldn't have updated the counter at the top-left, which is needed to complete the level. Bombs Away. The others will take a bit longer to make jfyi EDIT: Added Subway Rumble, Toxic Shock and Bombs Away vbms, added a note on bunny hopping, added bunny hop kick to damage list, added a note about dashes, added roll to speed list, deleted statement about follow that limo
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If anyone is curious, I'm continuing to slowly work on this, and I'm making steady progress (at a snail's pace). I'm in the middle of 3-1 and have gained roughly 3 seconds on Comicalflop's WIP, but since I don't know how long the last 5 or so levels are, I can't give an estimated time of completion (however between 10-15 minutes is almost definitely possible). I'll continue to chug along in my spare time, so don't expect regular updates, but if you'd like to see the WIP, just ask whenever I'm on IRC. Hey, that rhymed.
Living Well Is The Best Revenge My Personal Page
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Don't worry, bossman, I am interested. Although, 14.9999 minutes of spiderman is 14.9999 minutes too long, for my taste at least. ;)
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Progress is slightly stalled on this, due to real life. I'm through 18/30 segments, and have a time of about 9 minutes so far, so 15 minutes for a total time is reasonable. I know that no one will probably read this, due to it being an obscure GBA game, but if you take the time to watch CFlop's previous WIP, you'll know what kind of a treat you're in for. And if you want to watch my WIP, PM me on IRC or on the forums. The next you'll hear from me about it will be a submission:)
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