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I think looking down is just fine. It might be because I've played the game to death and know all the levels by heart ... But if it's possible to get the same in-game time while not looking down ALL the time, that should be done. Basically, get the best time possible while looking as good as possible. Right?
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In my opinion, these previews so far are not fun to watch at all, fastest time or not (Edit: due to the look-down).
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
In my opinion, these previews so far are not fun to watch at all, fastest time or not (Edit: due to the look-down).
I respectfully disagree. You bastard. But seriously in a game as highly contested as this speed has to be the main focus.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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notBowen wrote:
I respectfully disagree. You bastard.
Laughing out loud (that one's for Angerfist)
But seriously in a game as highly contested as this speed has to be the main focus.
I understand your point, but at the same time, it just doesn't do it for me. It goes back to speed vs. entertainment, and also I think that knowing this game in a detailed manner will help the look-down method be more entertaining.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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The lookdown method is akin to turning off your TV or monitor and just listening to the run, to me. I used the method, and I respect it, but these videos are supposed to be entertaining. Camera work is very important in a movie, which is, in a loose sense, what these are, and it's just not entertainment to see the floor blur by. Imagine watching a movie like Lord of the Rings and for no reason at all the camera focuses on a single Orc... just some random Orc. He's not even at the battle. He's just somewhere. Then, bam, the camera shows Frodo stabbing an Orc... then back to the random Orc. How many people do you think would enjoy that? It's the same thing. Speed vs. Entertainment. They might have gotten the movie out faster, but now it sucks. They didn't have to do anything complex, or entertaining, they cheated the crowds.
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Perhaps there could be 2 versions of this... One could go for fastest speed... (this movie should be done first) And there could be a second movie that goes as fast as possible without looking at the ground.
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That'd be a bit of a ridiculous distinction for two whole seperate movies. I suppose it's up to the author.
What's a man like me supposed to do with all this extra savoir-faire?
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i don't mind the lookdown, it's all good with me
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If there were two versions, the normal run would obviously obsolete the "looking down" one. A few seconds difference isn't a big enough reason to make a run better than other.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Yeah, even though I haven't played this game in ages I remember that the graphics (yeah they suck now but they were great for the time) was half the fun...watching people get blown up and all. This is just meh.
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I don't see how this lookdown is causing so much bother, I know the levels and objectives and a lot of the common enemy positions very well. So for me lookdown adds that little bit of extra enertainment. My only tip is to speed up conversations with double start, I don't know how common that knowledge is though because it wasn't used for Trevelyn in the Facility. Woulter, are you refering to the Dam on agent. The best time I could achive was 50 secs from memory and thats the PAL version of it. The hardest bit is getting the favourable damage boosts and nailing the padlock shot from a distance.
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I'd say let Jack go for the fastest time he can accomplish, then anyone who wants to go for entertainment as top priority, can have his go at it as well. AKA, are you an elite member? [Who are you?] if you did 0:50 on dam agent, I take it it was tas, please make a vid, I'd like to see it =) I doubt getting the lock from far would save much, maybe the few frames less needed to get back into lookdown and such. Also, one can't truly appreciate a record to the fullest until he's gone through the hassle himself and knows exactly all that it takes. I'm sure there's a decent number of people that doesn't like any N64 at all, should that mean that those games shouldn't be done? there will always be opinions and things not liked, not everyone can be pleased all the time. In the end, if the experts don't like it, imo the job isn't well done, and you betcha the experts would say use lookdown. so again, do a non-lookdown run yourself or get someone to do it (don't badger Jack with it now), then it can be listed separately and the 'noobs' (people that don't know the game well enough) that don't appreciate the aspect of lookdown can be happy too.
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I watched the 53 on SDA and yes I have done a lot faster than that, there wasn't any mistakes it was just that the luck manipulation could of been a lot better. Were they the done on the PAL version. 1. Its possible to go through the gate without pressing the panel 2. There was three damage boosts that could of been had Edit: No it wasn't a TAS and it was done back in 2000 so there is no video of it, its also a real pain to get and maximize the damage boosts. I'm not an elite member either.
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Blublu wrote:
But if it's possible to get the same in-game time while not looking down ALL the time, that should be done.
But should we really let every record get rounded to the nearest second?
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50 is a pretty bold claim. pressing the button takes maybe 1 second extra, and you'd need about 4 extra boosts for each extra other second. so that would at best give you a 51, and I certainly don't see that happening on a real N64, especially not on PAL. though, if you're being truthful about not needing to press the button and still go through the gates without wait (or at least so it saves time), please tell us how, try and make a video or do it on emulator, so we can start using it. you'd get great recognition for it.
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Disable the security! Surface and Bunker are done. Surface can be improved in my next version by getting more boosts, I didn't spend much time on it since I wanted to do the Bunker. Times are 1:50 for Surface, 1:05 for Bunker. I played around with the Klobb in Bunker while waiting for Boris to do his thing. And for those who hate the lookdown, I only used it at the end, all those black guards really lag the game. It's gonna take a couple days to do the Silo, some testing will be required to find the best places to shoot the KF7 to get guards to open doors for me.
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eh, do you watch all the wr videos and such? doesn't seem like it, since it looks like you like taking all those awkward lines that wouldn't help your time. the door in the building can be opened from quite far, I couldn't really determine if you did it as early as possibly, but it seemed late in slowmotion. and worst of all, you didn't go in front of the first hut you go past, which would be a much straighter line to the hut with the GL. so, next time you better get like 1:45, because that seems not unlikely. as for b1, I can't really say much about it from watching in slowmotion, except open the damn door for Boris.. and.. 1:05 seems not justified for the strat used and the amazing headshotters and such. I'm fairly sure I could get 1:04 on N64, if I'd get a cooperating Boris. my 1:07 fail was horrible ;) also, you could let Boris go into the MF room there, THEN stop him so he's closest to his spot, and take out guards while you're there etc.
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The movie desyced for me when I you were approaching the switch in the Dam. Woulter its not easy but the guard on the other side can be manipulated to open the gate from the other and more importantly from far away and more importantly he's in a perfect postion to give constand damage boosts as well as the alarm guard. Its been a while since I played this game, but I've played it to death and for about 1-2 months I was having frequent visitors every night playing multiplayer Goldeneye for about four hours. I still know the game very well since I've unlocked everything twice and also done many favours by getting the cheats, the facilty, archives and caverns were the most common requests.
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I don't know what you're trying to say and why you can't write correctly (should we call you ACK?) but there's no way you'll ever get away with simply saying you got 0:50 and making up some strategies without any sort of real backup. if you could do it back then, you can at least find a way to make us use the strat you used in order to effectively save 3 seconds *cough*. oh, I suppose it was pretty tough to get to understand the physics of your action replay, which is understandable if you try to claim such a time and fail to understand you need to give clearer explanations. Also you had the worst reason ever in 'it was done back in 2000 so there is no video of it', as if we invented sliced bread after then.
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I'm don't record everything I do espeacially back then, since I didn't have a DVD or tape recorder. I don't know what you mean when you say "making up some strategies without any sort of real backup". I personally have to admit that its not clear why the guard on the other side opens the gate on rare occasions. oh, "I suppose it was pretty tough to get to understand the physics of your action replay" I hope your not suggesting I was using cheats *cough * turbo mode "Also you had the worst reason ever in 'it was done back in 2000 so there is no video of it" Someone claimed back then that they got 50 seconds, which like you I ridiculed. I couldn't see how it was possible, thats how I discovered damage boosts followed by lookdown and then the strange guard opening the gate. This is exactly like my 4:40 OoT situation, where I was in no position to fully prove my run.
Ersatz wrote:
EDIT: actually AKA, it would be best to just drop the argument.
I think so, its deadlocked so don't bring it up again. Ridicule it if you want but don't completeley disreguard it OK.
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EDIT: actually AKA, it would be best to just drop the argument.
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Has anyone else seen these other GE tool assisted runs? They look very nice, and beat the real world records by a decent amount.
They're off to find the hero of the day...
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wow excellent find!
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I'm not disregarding anything, but if you aren't even willing to replicate it in any manner just to show us that your strat works and that 50 is indeed possible, then it won't sail. like I said, boosts only save 1 second at most, which would be insanely rare. lookdown doesn't save incredibly much, let's say half a second. 53's I'm sure are all high decimals. there's more to it than just what you mentioned unless you prove me wrong. There's no legit reason for not being able to get like 52, still beating the current WR, while being a whole damn 2 seconds off what you believe to be your own record, thus giving you enough time for error as well. All we ask for you to show us enough to make us believe it, otherwise everyone could stand up and claim runway agent 0:20 and whatnot without needing to explain themselves. surrre. if you really are honest, I suggest you help us out, we'd be very grateful and you'll be respected a lot. PS: I'll keep bringing it up until you or show enough proof, or admit that you were lying. Be man enough to take the consequences of your own actions.
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Wouter Jansen wrote:
pS: I'll keep bringing it up until you or show enough proof, or admit that you were lying. Be man enough to take the consequences of your own actions.
Take it somewhere else then. It's not constructive at all and you are just being an immature ass. He claims 50 seconds and admits he can't prove it. What info he has given you you claim isn't enough. Fine. He can't persuade you any more without proof he doesnt have. Drop it. He can't prove it; so the current record stands. Simple as that.
<i>A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.</i>