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Rick wrote:
Thereisnospoon wrote:
I don't think you can just go over to Best Buy or Circuit City or something and just get one, can you? Whatever way I have to do it, I'll have to wait until I can come into some cash before I go seriously trying to do this.
Well, I just walked into a Radio Shack and asked if they had a PSX to USB converter. The guy said no. I asked if they could special order one. The guy said no, but he also said I could order it directly through them and have it shipped to my address. I paid for the converter, shipping, and warranty, and received it in the mail 8 days later. It never hurts to ask! All in all, I spent around 13 dollars for the converter, shipping, and warranty (which included shipping insurance, if I recall correctly). I wish you luck!
Player (93)
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Wouter, the rom probably has no difference in the speed unless it's a bad rom, and mupen64 reports if it is. Try changing the video plugin (options > settings). glN64 is set by default, but it doesn't seem to be so good for this game. Jabo's newest plugin works nice for me at least. I don't know how good your computer is but maybe you should try updating your graphics driver. For me, this game actually seems to run smoother than on console (usually)
Rick wrote:
If we can save at least two seconds per level on 00 Agent mode, and I think it's potentially possible (at least on average), I think that a TAS would end up being under half an hour in one single segment.
It should easily go sub 30. My Bunker 2 and Aztec alone save 26 seconds, and they're not perfect.
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Well, everything's sorta slow going with me actually starting the run. I've been low on money and I've been starting work soon, so nay on the N64/PC converter thingy. I am gonna try eBay for it at some point, but I need to make a little money first. I should have about four summer jobs going at the same time, so that shouldn't be a problem. Once I get that, I'm going to take it one level at a time and re-work the level a few times. So basically, I should play this on 00 Agent. Any objections to if I were to play the Aztec and Egyptian levels too? I think you unlock both when you beat the game in 00 Agent, yes?
Player (189)
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Yeah, go ahead and do those, even though they're not part of the story.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (93)
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This game has quite many graphical errors like the sky, the forest on Surface, the ocean on Frigate, and the ground on Depot. The FAQ says: "This is really a vague rule, but because we aim to publish videos that actually look like the original video game system, movies of games that aren't emulated well (have graphical or functional glitches that don't exist on the real console) should not be submitted."
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Well I'm sure someone would be working on N64 emulation then to get Goldeneye to work. I'm not gonna be able to get to work on this right off anyway, so I'm none too concerned about doing so. I wanna do a run of a different game for practice first. It'll help a lot, I think.
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This game is soooo getting done next. Ive been messing around with this and I've figured out how to use the control stick with this emulator. It's very tedious,,, I constantly need to change how far the control stick is pressed,,, for maximum efficiency turning corners, aiming at guys and the like. This will take many, many, MANY rerecords, but I have the patience and the love of the game necessary to succeed. Right now,, I'm doing a test playthrough of the first level. I'm not aiming for complete perfection, just a little something to get used to how this game works in frame advance. It seems I will have to do the whole run in frame advance,,, I fried the MB on my good computer a couple weeks ago. The computer I'm on for the next "until I have money", is made out of spare parts, including a pathetic 900 MHz processor and a videocard made in 1994. Frankly, I'm amazed it can actually run the game (albeit at a sporadic framerate about a sixth of what it should be). When I'm done the Dam, I'll upload the movie file- I will need someone with a sane computer to play it back for me to see if it won't desync with the game running at full speed, and to make sure the graphics look good enough. To me, it looks fine except for some textures, but I blame my videocard for that. Also, I plan on using SRAM for this movie- just to start with the controls changed to 1.2 which is the most keyboard friendly setting, and to take off auto-aim. If this is going to be an issue, please let me know before I start the "real" run. My reasoning for this is that, it saves about 7 seconds on the Dam, and that I'm sure nobody wants to watch me take time to change the controls. Well, guess I'll get to work, with luck I'll have the first level done by sometime tomorrow. There will be many "impossible" shots throughout, so it should be interesting :)
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Here's a teaser screenshot on account of I'm bored:
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heh, actually when I got 2:04 on PAL (it was still the WR), I killed that right tunnel guard with a headshot, and another headshot later on. anyway, you should hit me up on aim (preferred, msn if you have to). I suggest you'd make avi's for each level then I can critizise them.
Joined: 5/4/2006
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Uhm, it would be a problem when submitting the run to get published. The rules are quite clear about not starting from a save. I've seen a number of movies that start by going into the options to change things, so its not a big deal, especially if it saves you time in the run.
Player (68)
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You must start recording from power on/reset. Using SRAM is only allowed in extremely rare exceptions (only 1 game so far that I'm aware of, Super Mario Kart). If you can go to the options and change it at the start of the movie, that is the way to do it (as long as it saves time in the long run). I'll view your movie and give comments if I can. It's been a long time since I played the game, though, so I'm no expert on it. :D
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A possible workaround to the analog stick problem is to set it to the mouse. But it the emulator gets really weird when we do that. Oh, and the configuration 1.2 (solitaire) is the best configuration ever, not only "keyboard friendly".
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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A small update. I WAS outside the mainframe room of the Dam about 2 hours ago. I still have the state there with a pause out of 1:06. Unfortunately, I've encountered some glitch in Mupen that may be caused by loading a state that is no longer part of the movie. This caused a desync I was able to fix initially by loading a state inside the movie and then saving afterwards, and saving over the messed up savestate as well. SOMEHOW, the very slight input difference this state caused stayed in itself when I saved over it, or in the movie file, and has since "infected" all nine other savestats and the m64 file itself. Result? I have a desync back at the security gate. I spent the last two hours trying to fix it with hex, I was only used two buttons at the precise moment of imput difference, and thought it shouldn't be too hard to fix,,, nope, not a chance. I had made six backups along the way in case of something like this happening. But, when I went to look at them, they had all suddenly, miraculously, desynced at the exact same spot. ... Needless to say I'm a bit pissed that I've lost five hours of work on this (seven couting the two hours lost from forgetting to tick a box before recording yesterday). I'm really not looking forward to having to do the modem toss again,,, it took a long time to get it to hit in full strafe. So, it'll likely be a day or two more before I have the first level done, on account of mupen being lush in douchebaggery. Rant end, back to work.
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
A possible workaround to the analog stick problem ...
It actually isn't much of a problem, I get MUCH more precise control of the analog this way. It just takes longer.
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Well there goes my project. =P Good luck with it, Rising Tempest. You'll probably do better than what I could ever pull off.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
Also, I plan on using SRAM for this movie- just to start with the controls changed to 1.2 which is the most keyboard friendly setting, and to take off auto-aim. If this is going to be an issue, please let me know before I start the "real" run. My reasoning for this is that, it saves about 7 seconds on the Dam, and that I'm sure nobody wants to watch me take time to change the controls.
Seven seconds, really? Well, if it saves more time than it takes to access the watch at the very beginning of the level (Or can you set the controls before starting the levels?), then do that. Otherwise I would wait until you're first forced to go to the watch menu to pull out some gadget, so you don't have to go through the arm animation an extra time. I don't remember when the game first forces you to use the menu, though. Was there some button combo that let you pull out things like trackers without having to bring up the menu? But sure, you could use SRAM for the test run, I won't be too mad.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Location: Eastern Canada (right click, save as) This SHOULD complete up until the end of the Dam,,,, What I mean is,,, I've been having a wierd desync problem. It has absolutely nothing to do with the input itself. I may explain it in more detail later,,, for now I'd really like if someone with a better computer than me (IE anyone besides me) to play this back and see if it desyncs in the same spot as me (outside the door of the first tower on the dam. If it doesn't desync it will complete the Dam in 1:57, 3 seconds faster than the current WR. Note it may be doable a second faster than this,,, I think I could've gotten more 2 more boosts in the tunnel with less brutality on the guards. If it does desync for whoever watches this (please reply with the result), I might as well just do from outside the tower again,,, I;ve already wasted 4 hours in hex trying to fix this,,, the problem is either lag or some data present in the savestate that will finish the movie without desync, that is not present in the movie file itself. I tried recreating a savestate at this precise frame and it still desynched. I also tried overwriting the movie from that state, and then copying everything after it from a backup file,,, still did not work. I have no idea how to read a savestate in hex, so if this does not work, I'll be doing stuff over again... Also, it would be nice if someone with a better computer, who can actually run this game at full speed, to make an avi of this level (if it works, of course), and subsequent levels, so I can watch my play at full speed. EDIT: Just to add,,, this will not start from S-RAM. This caused me many problems a couple days ago. In this, I just pause out of the Dam once to change the controls/ auto-aim. This loses about 11 seconds real time, but completes the level 5-6 seconds faster (from not having the pause/ unpause animations).
Active player (312)
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You can make an avi yourself. It'll run at normal speed.
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself. It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success." - Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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Yes, it does desynch for me at the door before the first tower. The door does not open and you keep shooting the door. I've also tried different settings but it always desynch at this point, with RAW data turned on it desynched right at the first enemy because you doesn't hit him. Hm, I don't know what could be the solution for this desynch...
.:| |:.
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I can also confirm the desynch at the same place.
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Ok, thanks for your input guys. Guess I'll be doing the tunnel again.
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Location: Eastern Canada (right click, save as) The Dam is done (for real this time). I got some extra boosts in the tunnel and wound up with a 1:55, a second faster than I thought would be possible. Somehow,,, one of the shots on the last guard I killed registered as a body hit. I checked after every second shot or so, but must've forgot to check here. The alarms afterward are frame perfect, so I'm not gonna go back to change that one shot. You wont even be able to see the status screen in the final movie (unless you pause of course). Also, there is one more spot in the tunnel it would've been beneficial to get a boost in (IE not bump into stuff), but I killed the guard to give it on the way down. It wouldn't put me down to 1:54 either, I think. I will try to make an avi myself as pirate-sephiroth suggested, if it works well enough, I can send it to you, Wouter. EDIT: Nope, my computer sucks too much to make one. If someone else could, I would appreciate it, if not, oh well... It'll be a couple days before I have the facility done,,, I will have to play through the level halfway several times until I get the necessary Doak placement (unless I get lucky).
Player (68)
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The movie desyncs almost immediately for me. That first shot is supposed to hit the guy in the head, right? After that, you die while trying to walk through some crates... :(
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Uncheck raw data in the input before watching the movie. It will desync at this spot if you don't.
Player (68)
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Crap... I should have known to try that. :/ *feels stupid* Well, I thought it was very nicely done. If you're going for 100% head hits you already know what to fix. :) Please keep going.
Player (93)
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I made an avi of the wip: There are some little flaws, mostly the beginning where you don't walk in optimal straight lines and you don't align yourself instantly. When you open doors, it might be good to face yourself more straight towards them to open them further away.
Rising Tempest wrote:
It'll be a couple days before I have the facility done,,, I will have to play through the level halfway several times until I get the necessary Doak placement (unless I get lucky).
I'm pretty sure his placement is decided at the moment when you drop down from the vents, it won't change after that, so just manipulate that beginning and go check if he is in the right place until he is. I have a trick that might save a second in Facility: instead of opening the door with the door decoder, shoot with KF7 to attract guards from the other side to open the door.