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Nintendo World Cup is a very fun football/soccer game that I remember playing very much when I was younger. I decided to make a movie of it just for fun, and I thought some of you might be interested in the result. It's not a timeattack, since the half lengths are fixed. In fact, it takes longer than the fastest possible movie would because there are short pauses to display the score every time one of the teams makes a goal. I chose to play as Argentina and used a code (that you get in the game) to skip directly to the final match against West Germany*. My goals for this movie were:
  • Score each goal in a different way
  • Have each player on my team score at least once
  • Allow no player on my team to get tackled
I didn't quite meet the final goal, since the easiest way to get the goalkeeper to score was to let the player I controlled get slide tackled. Some information that might help you understand what's going on at times is that there are three types of kicks. There's the normal kick, the high power kick, and the super kick. Each team has its own super kick, which is performed by either doing a bicycle kick as the ball comes to you or by taking a certain number of steps (this varies with the team) before kicking. You are limited to five of these per half. High power kicks are performed by taking the required number of steps and kicking after you've used up all of the super kicks. One unusual thing about this game is that players can perform real tackles on the opposing players. These are more powerful than slide tackles in that they knock the victim down for a short while. Therefore, Nintendo World Cup doesn't quite follow the real soccer rules regarding fouls. A related idea is that players have some sort of HP. This decreases when they get tackled or slide tackled. If it gets low enough, they'll be knocked out until the next goal. According to a walkthrough on GameFAQs, the HP also determines which of the two players gets injured during a real tackle. This was the reason I tried to prevent any of my team from getting tackled. Here's the link to the FCM that plays the first half of the final match. I'm not sure if I will finish the match, since I've run out of ideas for more goals. Like I said, the original purpose of the movie was just to have some fun playing this great game. To get the movie to play correctly, you must set the second controller to the Zapper (long explanation). I'd like to hear your impressions about the movie and any ideas that you might have for scoring more goals or doing other things in the second half. * The game was first released in 1990, one year after the Berlin Wall fell, so I don't know why it still distinguishes between East and West Germany.
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Are you sure the .fcm file is working how it's supposed to be workin? I used both (U) and (E) to watch your movie, but in the beginning Germany makes the first score and shortly afer that you pause the game and after a while you continue it, but it definitely looks like you didn't intend to do all of that what happens in the movie. I suggest that you check that if you can watch it yourself. I also had some problems with one of my runs so that it desynced (with the rom I used to make it!) in the beginning of the movie. And that's why i abandoned that project. But I do hope that you try to make it work (or tell me what i might have done wrong while trying to watch it) since it would be nice to see some "funruns" once in a while. :)
Which run should I encode next? :)
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It desyncs if you don't have controller two set to the Zapper. I guess I'd better bolden that in the original post. The reason for the weird configuration is that I was trying to see if recording Zapper input with the mouse would be possible in a movie, but I forgot to change it back to normal after realizing that it doesn't work.
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Now that I got your movie working, it looks pretty nice, although it's not most entertaining movie i have seen. I loved the goals you made by making the goalkeeper to ignore the incoming ball (like goals 7 & 8) :D One thing that should make it a bit more entertaining is not to use always the lower right corner to do cornerkicks. Use the upper righ also. You could also try more of those header tricks which you used before the last score. Like bringing the ball from the other end of the field to the other just by using headers or something like that. Pretty nice nice movie but some points it got a bit boring. But I understand it's extremely hard to make a whole-time-entertaining movie of this game. I'll be waiting to see what you're going to invent to the second half of the match.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Maza wrote:
One thing that should make it a bit more entertaining is not to use always the lower right corner to do cornerkicks. Use the upper righ also.
I'll try to get that to work in the second half, if I record a second half. It's harder because there's no time to get into position to intercept the ball on the kick-off. I would have to dribble over to the correct location for the kick to stop right on the line, but the other team (which is always faster in the final match) would catch up. The other option would be to get in place and have someone pass me the ball. That would be easier to achieve, after I find the right spot.
Maza wrote:
You could also try more of those header tricks which you used before the last score. Like bringing the ball from the other end of the field to the other just by using headers or something like that.
Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
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Hello, all. Awesome stuff, Dacicus. I particularly liked the one where you bounced it off the goalpost. I made a movie of match 1 earlier. USA vs Morocco. I didn't really have a goal, so I just sort of I tried to hurt everyone (including myself) as often as possible while doing neat things. If it seemed interesting, I saved, otherwise, I loaded. I think the end result is something terrifically chaotic with a lot of senseless violence... I often hit people just because it's unexpected. My movie is the (U) version, but has an incorrect checksum. The rom I used had hacked graphics, but works just fine. It'll immediately desync if player 2 is set to the zapper. http://savefile.com/files/8355860 I have a lot of tips and general rambling I'd like to share. I don't know if they're already listed on gamefaqs or whatever, but I hope they're of some use to you, and that everyone will try making movies for more... esoteric games like this. ---- -You can hit anyone you want, as long as the ball is in the possession of the opposing team. You can even hit the goalie using this method, but only if he's far enough out of the net, otherwise, he hits you instead. You can also hit people who are offscreen. Using this method, you can get 4 or 5 consecutive hits on the same guy who never even had the ball. -Goalies have trouble passing short-range when they're outside of their net. If you tell your goalie to pass to you when you're standing right behind him, he may very well hit himself in the face with the ball. -On the options screen, setting your teammates to "pass" instead of "dribble" puts the control in the hands of the computer, and reduces your own capacity to be random. -Leaving the goalie in the net reduces the number of players at the enemy goal, and likewise will reduce your options. -Having your teammates shoot "sometimes" actually makes things more random, I've found. You can't expect them to take your commands when they're that close to the goal regardless of what you set the options to. Shooting tends to be less predictable than just passing. -If you have the ball, and your characte is at full HP (I.E., hasn't been hit, AND hasn't done any tackling to enemies) and one of the heavy hitters (the lower right two players on the positioning screen, I think) then you can allow the enemy goalie (or pretty much anyone, for that matter) to tackle you, only to hurt themselves. You can actually take out the goalie this way for the first few matches. It's easiest to stand at the top or bottom of the white chalk rectangle around the goal post, and let him go at you vertically. If he contacts you at the last few frames of his thrust, he'll usually go down instead of you. -If your goalie gets ahold of the ball while he's in the net, you can hit it in midair with a bicycle kick just after he kicks it. This doesn't work on the enemy goalie, of course... There's one trick I never managed to reproduce: I shot the ball just outside the enemy net, causing the goalie to jump and block it. Members of both teams rushed in and started tackling each other, myself included. The goalie stepped in, tackled me, and I somehow flew OUTSIDE of the field. I couldn't get back in until someone scored. I'm assuming that this is next to impossible because it requires being hit by the goalie while standing flat against the edge of the field, and that means NOT holding the ball, or else it'll just go out of bounds. Obviously, if you don't have the ball, then why is the goalie going to attack you? When your own goalie is out of the net, you can hit him with a superkick. This will cause the enemy goalie to FLY INTO THE AIR as if he had been on the receiving end. This holds true even if the poor bastard is already down for the count. -Even with all the tricks I just listed, there could be hundreds of other crazy things on 2-player mode. Who knows? ------- A few things to avoid -Passes where the ball is airborne. -Catching the ball with your chest. It's a vulnerability, because as soon as the ball touches you you're open to being tackled. Try to let it land on your feet whenever possible. -Similarly, pressing A+B+left/right when you stop the ball with your chest causes you to drop it and jump out of the way... perhaps so that an unwary Morrocan can run with it while you pummel his friends. :D -Too many sprites in the same place causes lag and flickering- if you decide to KO the enemy team, make sure they don't all drop on the same part of the field. -Don't KO the enemy team. Even if I wanted to see how quickly I could annihilate their side of the field, I'd be painting myself into a corner with nothing to do for the rest of that half of the match. What makes this game so much fun at times is the enormous for fast-paced and unpredictable action, and that means having opponents.
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Whoa, that video really was chaotic. You had some goals that weren't in my video, but that I thought about doing, such as the one in which one of your players or an opposing player tackles the person with the ball, only to unintentionally score a goal. I might allow some of my players to take some hits in the second half in order to get that to work, since it seems nearly impossible to get an opposing player other than the goalkeeper in the proper position for that to work when I slide. I also like how you just ran the ball past everyone and into the goal a few times. Unfortunately, running any length of distance with the ball but without getting tackled in the final match is pretty hard, so I had to settle for a short run (goal #4 in my video).
Dromiceius wrote:
Goalies have trouble passing short-range when they're outside of their net. If you tell your goalie to pass to you when you're standing right behind him, he may very well hit himself in the face with the ball.
I think goalkeepers have some bonus strength to their kicks just because of their positions, so the passes will sometimes hurt people (including themselves) if they receive them too quickly. I used that property to get one of the opposing players hurt during the play leading up to the last goal. Actually, the player would have intercepted that pass without any trouble had I not pressed the pass button multiple times, so that might affect the strength of the goalkeeper's kick.
Dromiceius wrote:
On the options screen, setting your teammates to "pass" instead of "dribble" puts the control in the hands of the computer, and reduces your own capacity to be random.
I understand what you're trying to say, but I somewhat disagree. If you have it set to "dribble," you have to tell your teammates to pass for every single pass. That's not necessarily bad, but they always pass to you when you tell them to. As far as I know, you can't tell them to pass to each other. I see this as more of a limiting factor in the types of goals I can score, since automatic passes between my teammates could allow me to get into position without having to worry about them getting tackled.
Dromiceius wrote:
If you have the ball, and your characte is at full HP ... only to hurt themselves.
That probably results from the fact that the first teams have less total HP than your team does. I haven't ever had that happen on the final match, which is the only one I'm recording in this movie. If it is because of the total HP, then it probably won't work, since the final team has more HP than you do.
Dromiceius wrote:
There's one trick I never managed to reproduce: ...
That's very weird. I'm not sure how useful it would be in my video, though, unless it allows some really unusual goal to be scored. Did you by any chance look on the map to see where the computer thought your player was? Or did you try to have one of your teammates pass to you when you were gone?
Dromiceius wrote:
When your own goalie is out of the net, you can hit him with a superkick. This will cause the enemy goalie to FLY INTO THE AIR as if he had been on the receiving end.
That it could lead up to an interesting goal. It doesn't always work, though. I've had cases in which I did a super kick and hurt my own goalkeeper who was out of the net at the time.
Dromiceius wrote:
Passes where the ball is airborne.
Why are these bad?
Dromiceius wrote:
Catching the ball with your chest. It's a vulnerability ...
That's true, but it's not really an issue in a TAS situation. You can always re-record if you get tackled. Somewhat related to this is the possibility of doing a super kick off of a standing header. The opposing teams are able to do this later in the game, and I've also tried to get it to work. I'm not sure if it's possible, though, since I failed every time. I think it might be related to what the computer considers a "step" leading up to a super kick. If a standing header cancels out whatever step count you had, then it wouldn't work. That seems to be the case so far, but I'll keep trying to get this to work.
Dromiceius wrote:
Don't KO the enemy team.
It would take considerably longer to KO every player in the final match than in the earlier matches. The half could be almost over by the time you managed to accomplish this, depending on your tactics for doing so. I thought about making that a goal for the second half. Scoring the final goal of the game with all of the opposing players (except maybe the goalkeeper) down might be an interesting finish.
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I think goalkeepers have some bonus strength to their kicks just because of their positions, so the passes will sometimes hurt people (including themselves)...
My theory is that it's actually a matter of range. They can pass just fine as long as the receiver is more than 1 or 2 body-widths away.
That's very weird. I'm not sure how useful it would be in my video, though...
Probably not useful in anyone's video. Unless someone wanted to have their teammates win matches without a center, or something crazy like that. I was behind and a little bit above the net. That's where the passes would go, at least. I could actually run in certain directions (not actually moving anywhere, of course) and have passes sent to me bounce into the net. I'm not sure where the little "I" was on the map, if it was there at all.
That it could lead up to an interesting goal. It doesn't always work, though. I've had cases in which I did a super kick and hurt my own goalkeeper who was out of the net at the time.
The superkick has to be to the direction of the enemy net. Either that, or your goalie has to be on the enemy side of the field. I'm not 100% sure.
It would take considerably longer to KO every player in the final match than in the earlier matches...
I gave it a go in this movie of the first half of the final match. Overall, I think it's possible to take everybody out by with 1:15 remaining. My time was about 0:50, I think, but this movie was sloppy. I slid when I could have tackled, went after the ball-guy when I could have been hitting other people, I actually let them SCORE on me once, and there was a goalie kick or two. Allowing anyone to make a long pass costs a bit of time, goalie kicks in particular waste 2 or 3 seconds. Even in the movie I linked just now, in the first 10 seconds one of my teammates made a pass I couldn't prevent, and it disrupts the flow of the game. Although I tried to make things interesting, I started to get a bit mechanical around 2:00. The pass, hit, pass, hit routine gets boring fast. I think it's because I was running out of people to hit... :) With about 50 seconds left, I took on their goalie. I've seen that "super jump" the goalie did lots of times in the past, but I'm not sure how to reproduce it. The only other way I can think of to make the goalie get far enough out of the net to slide/tackle him is to use diving-head-thing to hit him in the back... and that's just crazy talk. There's also what happened around 0:10. It might have been possible to capitalize on that if I hadn't fumbled so many times with the saving and loading. So, it's probably not impossible to take down their goalie, but some better ideas on how to make the bastard more vulnerable would certainly help.
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Dromiceius wrote:
I gave it a go in this movie of the first half of the final match.
Well, it was nice to see West Germany on the receiving end of most of the tackles for once. Good job.
Dromiceius wrote:
Allowing anyone to make a long pass costs a bit of time, goalie kicks in particular waste 2 or 3 seconds.
Okay, I see what you mean. I wouldn't always consider those seconds wasted if they allow me to get into position for some nice goal, though.
Dromiceius wrote:
Although I tried to make things interesting, I started to get a bit mechanical around 2:00.
I know what you mean. That's one of the reasons I'm going for variety of goals in my movie. If I wanted to go for most goals scored, there would probably be one play that I would use all of the time, but it would be very boring.
Dromiceius wrote:
I've seen that "super jump" the goalie did lots of times in the past, but I'm not sure how to reproduce it.
The goalkeeper dives to block the angle between the ball and the net. With proper timing and positioning, you could probably get him very far out of the goal by shooting diagonally so that the ball goes just a little bit above/below locations to which he can run and catch it. That usually gets him to dive.
Dromiceius wrote:
My theory is that it's actually a matter of range. They can pass just fine as long as the receiver is more than 1 or 2 body-widths away.
I'm not quite sure it's that simple. When I got my goalkeeper to hurt the opposing player with that header leading up to the last goal, the enemy would get the ball if I only told the goalkeeper to pass once. The distance didn't see to matter in that case. As far as that glitch that you found, I think I managed to reproduce it once today. I tried to do a diving header on the ball as the opposing goalkeeper was kicking it after catching it, and I flew a pretty good distance one of the times. When I told my teammates to pass to me, the opposing goalkeeper got the ball, and I was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't move, though, so it was slightly different from your situation. The map showed me somewhere around the middle of the opposing goal, but my player's graphic wasn't there. I didn't wait for either team to score, so I don't know if I would have gone back to normal if that happened. One other (probably useless) glitch that I came across while recording my movie was having the ball somehow go through the opposing goalkeeper and the net. At least, I think that's what happened. I was positioned somewhere around the middle of the opposing goal vertically, and probably within the white lines. I kicked the ball, which had rebounded off of someone or something, the goalkeeper dove for it, and it somehow appeared on the other side of the net. Since I was trying to score and since the other team got possession after that weird out, I didn't keep it in the movie.
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I couldn't move, though, so it was slightly different from your situation.
No, I couldn't move either, but I could press the directional buttons to make my teammates anticipate where I'd be when they passed. Kudos on figuring that one out. I can usually make the goalie dive twice just by passing the ball toward the net- this makes my character kick the ball up over his own head, and it freaks the goalie into diving out of the white boundary... The problem is that I still have to give the goalie the ball before I can hit him, so it looks like having two players is the best option. The CPU players never know where to stand.
One other (probably useless) glitch that I came across while recording my movie was having the ball somehow go through the opposing goalkeeper and the net.
That's weird. After thinking about it a bit, I think it might have something to do with the way the game detects collisions on a diving goalie. If the ball was above him when he dove for it, it might have collided repeatedly, which would cause weirdness. Likewise, if someone is standing where the ball wants to go after it hits him, that might cause irregularities. It's probably worth looking into, at any rate.
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Well, I played around with the movie some more, and I finally finished it. The second half consists of fewer goals than the first half (only 9 more), since I couldn't come up with many creative ideas. Actually, I scored most of them on accident and then reproduced them. Two of them are repeats of a sort: Number 30 is very similar to number 29 in that I get the ball to go into the goal while it's doing the preparatory part of the super kick. This causes some weird behavior, since the camera follows an invisible ball for a little while as though it's still moving around the field. The other repetitious goal is number 32. I run and then do a super kick to finish off the match, which is basically what I did for the very first goal. Since I don't score as much in the second half, I made it a sort of unofficial goal to try to get the opponents' health down enough so that I could tackle them and hopefully knock them out. I managed to do this to the center player. He goes down permanently with around 10 seconds left. I also got the health of three other players down to numbers that allowed me to tackle them, but I didn't knock any of them out. I was one HP away from knocking out one of the defenders, but I decided to go for the last goal instead. My favorite goal from the second half is the one in which a super kick bounces off the bar, hits the diving goalkeeper, and bounces off him into the goal. I also managed to slide tackle an opposing player after he got a rebound inside the box, and the ball bounced into the goal. I had attempted to do something like that in the first half, but it didn't work out. Based on the sound for that goal, I think it was considered an own goal. A similar thing happens if you slide tackle an opposing player and the ball goes out; the computer apparently considers the other player to have touched the ball last, so your team gets it. You can see a demonstration of that in the second half as well. Here's the link to the movie. Remember to set the second controller to Zapper in order to get it to play back correctly. I might do another for fun movie of this game. If I do, I will probably play as Cameroon against Argentina (the slowest and fastest teams, respectively). The scoring probably won't be as one-sided in that one. Feel free to tell me your impressions of the movie.
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Holy moley, I was JUST looking at this thread yesterday when I was looking to see if anyone'd done this game before at all. I was thinking of a Cameroon vs. Argentina 4P playaround, it'd WORK it'd just be kinda tricky. Uh, really tricky ;P. But WOW here you are. I'm gonna watch this and edit with comments, K
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Or just reply with comments *shrug* A bunch of the goals in the first half made me laugh, but those times where you would go a few dozen seconds without scoring but just passing kinda dragged the movie down. They looked they could have been done on the console in one run pretty easily. Sure, in the second half there were a couple funny moments when you were doing that, but fortunately it didn't go the WHOLE half. Still not a bad game overall, I especially liked how you'd get the other team to dribble it out of bounds haha
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I loved the part when you headed the ball down the field the wrong way in the second half only to clobber one of the German players with it halfway down the field.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Twisted Eye wrote:
I was thinking of a Cameroon vs. Argentina 4P playaround
I don't think that's possible. The only teams you can choose in the versus mode are USA, France, W. Germany, England, and Italy, and you can't have more than two players in the tournament mode.
Twisted Eye wrote:
but those times where you would go a few dozen seconds without scoring but just passing kinda dragged the movie down.
Do you mean in the first half or the second half? I know that happened a lot in the second half.
JXQ wrote:
I loved the part when you headed the ball down the field the wrong way in the second half only to clobber one of the German players with it halfway down the field.
I don't think I actually meant to do that. I was just clearing the ball away from the goalkeeper, and the German just happened to be in the right (wrong for him?) place.
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Post subject: added descriptions (sry for bad english, I'm in a hurry)
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This is one of the games I attempted TASing but gave up on. Since it doesn't look like I'll ever complete a publishable movie, I'm posting all the tricks/glitches and info I remember. My first thought was "How many players / what mode?". I tried out the 4-players option, but was soon demotivated by how difficult it was to control 4 players simultaneously and how long a single game took (10 ingame minutes = ~14 minutes!). Imo, it would definitely be quite an accomplishment if someone actually made a 4-players movie! So I took a break from the game and started again a few months later. This is what was done back then. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/147003646/NWC%20demo.fcm I later regretted the own goal, I thought it was funny but I should have played with the goalie more and then should have used the own goal glitch or something (If you pass and the ball is inside your goal in the first frame of the shot, the game somehow thinks you have scored a goal.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRYMkTdfG54 Out of Bounds - Glitch http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/729093554/nwc2.fcm Basicly, if a player is just about to land from a diving header, and he gets hit by a powershot, he flies through the ground. I wanted to use that one and let the enemy shoot into my goal, and the ball should stop just when the game ends. Another glitch http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1986861508/nwc3.fcm If hit by a powershot after performing a bycicle kick and recovering from the lag frames of said bycicle kick, you fly as if you were hit, but your player still performs whatever move you wanted to do. This way, you can go up really high while performing another bycicle kick or a diving header. This does also work when the goalie shoots the ball or when walking across stones (only in multi-player mode). Funny use of the above glitch http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1407175864/nwc1.fcm I used the above glitch to perform a diving header while flying high through the air. The ball is stopped by the goalie and promptly shot away again. I hit the ball with the diving header which produced a powershot which is high above the ground. *You can score from corner balls. *Enemies can't hit you when you are in a proper location. *The goal actually has poles which can be hit with a diagonal shot. (The ball only has to fly slightly diagonally) This is all I can recall atm. If there are questions or someone is going to make a TAS using these tricks, don't be afraid to ask for help.
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nwc2.fcm haaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahhaa oh hello
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Just wanted to add that I'd really want to see a full TAS of this game. Used to play it a lot in childhood...
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MUGG: What version of FCEU did you use for those movies? The Out of Bounds glitch just seems to freeze the game when the opposing player is about to tackle you. Is that what it's supposed to do? AKheon: What do you mean by a "full" TAS? BTW, I've done some work on hacking this game and found some useful RAM addresses (e.g., player positions, steps taken) in the process. If anyone wants those, just ask.
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I used FCE Ultra 0.98.15 Basicly, if a player is just about to land from a diving header, and he gets hit by a powershot, he flies through the ground.
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Well, a TAS that is complete. With preferably glitch demonstration included as well (speed/entertainment tradeoffs).
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Due to the recent soccer TAS I might be inspired to once again try to make a playaround TAS for this game. The problem is that I think I'm not very good at making a playaround type of movie, and watching the game being played can get boring fast in my opinion. There seems to be an out-of-bounds glitch with which you can access the place by the goal and behind it which might make a playaround more interesting but it is not yet reproducible. I'm also thinking that the sequel, Kunio Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League, is a lot more suited for a playaround TAS as it has a lot of gameplay depth. A movie of this game would also only be about 5 minutes long while Nintendo World cup takes 13 minutes according to my calculations and there isn't much you can do during this much time. I would have problems using the sequel though, since I never played it and it is very complicated for me (so far I'm currently looking at the move list guide at gamefaqs). For example, I don't know what exactly the use of items and talking to players does. I'm not aware of all the powershots in the game, and I don't know any good glitches. Perhaps I should start a new thread when there's interest.
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I decided to make a short playaround of Kunio's Nekketsu Soccer League. This game is very well suited for TASing, there are some nice bugs and tricks to do (even though they aren't always well reproducible). And I think I did well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7wg3r83bHU At the time I made this I didn't know how to change settings related to weather conditions so I went on. The gameFAQs guides didn't cover this very well. Now I know I accidently skipped it (just press A/down at the screen which asks you where to play, and what the ground is like...). A playaround should definitely have some tornados and lightning in it since it would be more pleasant to watch. I might restart a new playaround later, but not now.
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MUGG: There's a translation of the Soccer League game available. That might help with the options.
Current Projects: TAS: Wizards & Warriors III.
Editor, Expert player (2324)
Joined: 5/15/2007
Posts: 3905
Location: Germany
I know. My problem was that I didn't know you could scroll the screen down at the settings menu.