Person who we're cheating off of is right next to us, so nothing really to write home about.
Our one and only manipulation thanks to System Time.
Run up to cheat, and then go back before the teacher moves.
Due to System Time being changed the teacher will move later.
Cheat, move out of the way before the teacher turns around, cheat again.
We wait until a distraction occurs.
Go the long way around to no be in the teacher's cone which is wider than what it appears to be.
Move when the lights go out, and then break line of sight when the teacher approaches.
Obviously you can nest yourself between the chairs to cheat, but funny movement.
We can just immediately cheat.
The safer method is just go to the top end of the desk.
Take long way back to seat due to being next to the teacher.
Cheat immediately and break line of sight, get done quickly when the fight breaks out.
Setup and then cheat with everyone else in the room.
break line of sight by being on the other side of the desk, leave.
Wait for distraction and cheat (and break line of sight for a split sec).
Nothing else happens whatsoever.
We wait, and then we leave.