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Finally, This game has been TASED
I also wanted to say, that this game Rocket Power Beach Bandits is a super fun underrated game with a very good Story Mode.
Now Let's Talk about the Basics of Rocket Power Beach Bandits
Basics Of the Game
Moving Around: So for starters, you can Move Around with the analog Stick, You can jump by pressing the A button. Now to move the Camera with a C controller Stick also if you press the Z Button will zoom out a bit.
Combat: For Combat, it's simple! you press the B button to pull a hockey Stick and press the B button to throw at the robots and damage them, also you can press the R button to Aim at Robots Correctly.
Vehicles: In Rocket Power Beach Bandits we have 5 vehicles, which are a Skateboard, RollerBlades, Jetski, BumperKarts and Hoverboards. So the thing is you noticed that the Jetski, Bumper Karts and Hoverbaords are not in the option in the menu that's because we only can ride these vehicles at certain Levels.
Twister Cam: So for the Twister Cam the only thing you need to know about Twister Cam is that I can take pictures of Evidence of Golem Industries so we can bust them but... you won't be seeing me taking pictures a lot... until we get to Twister Snoops a lot 2.
Now let's talk about the TAS
Now once the gameplay started as you can see I grabbed a silver coin. What does a Silver coin do you may ask?
What Silver Coins does is it helps you progress through the story mode Because i needed 15 Coins to be able to play the Shooting Gallery so that we can get to The Lakes which is the next Level.
Level 1 Ocean Shore Day 1 and Halfpipe Skateboard: Now this is the very first Level Of The Game which teaches the basics of how to use a Skateboard and do tricks also you can see that I try to get kinda low on the ramp and jump and do a trick so that way we can speeds things up a lot. now you notice that once I got to 24000 points I started to play around a bit and not do tricks. I did that because over 25000 points I got a gold coin but in this TAS I'm not going for Gold Coins they are nothing special yet.
Level 2 Masks Of the NetherWorld: Very simple and very fun level to tas. All you have to do is Collect 20 Masks Before the time runs out if the time runs you fail and have to redo the level. but now you see REGGIE ROCKET GO SUPER FAST. Now at the end where i jump to get my final mask when I get close to a rail, I press up to get through and then do a trick!
Now once the Masks of the Netherworld are done, you going to see me Collect Silver Coins, once I leave The pier I collect more SIlver coins once I get on the ramp with rollerblades there is one trick that I didn't tell you about. That you can ride the wall with the roller blades by pressing up so i can stay on the wall, also the physics are very weird when I do that as you can see. Now once i talk to the Little Girl whatever her name is. i did that so i could activate another level called Shooting Gallery so we could get a Bus Ticket to The Lakes.
Level 3 Shooting Gallery: For this Level just hit the targets. The way how this works if I hit the Green target I get 5 points, if i hit the blue target i get 20 but if i hit it again i get 50 points, if I hit the yellow target I get 10 points there is also a red target that gives 50 points. once i get to 745 points i just randomly just because I don't want 750 points so i won't hit gold.
Level 4 A Fence Too High: Very simple the goal is to find a way to get over the Fence but I did skip where I jumped where the window is now i jump and I managed to do another to get to the fence. you might be wondering why does that work. here is my answer. i don't know it just works.
Level 5 A Bridge Too High: Now here is another Skip! So now you will Otto climb on the vines and now he jumps on some platforms now he did another big jump now you going to see him turn right a little bit he did because he want to get another side and if I didn't turn right the skip wouldn't work just because slide down.
Level 6 Pumping Station 1: Now let me talk about the normal route of this level usually in casual gameplay you would go all the way to the right side to jump on the boxes to get where the boxes is then go to back to the pump station to climb on the ladder to push the button and it will do a little cutscene of showing the door is opening so that's the normal route. but in speedrun, we just go to the left side of the pump station and jump on this tiny rock and jump over the gate usually you only need Reggie to do this jump but also Otto can do it, and Twister but the only one who can't do it is Sam because he short lol. Now here is another Skip just in 1 level you will be seeing i go for a wall clip to push a Robot to the door so once i manage to jump over the robot i be able to clip myself to the other gate and im able to get to go to the next level.
Level 7 Pumping Station 1 Interior
SO for this will see something crazy. So for this level you will see that i abuse Skateboard physics by going super fast while jumping on the side of the ramps and sorry i really can't explain whats going but ill i can say is its super Fast!
Level 8 Water, Water, Everywhere: Not much about this we just need to reroute the water now we have this level done!
Level 9: Forest Maze: Now in this Level here is the optimized route so we go straight and then we go right, left and then we take a damage boost while going to the right and then we take another damage boost left so thats the end of the level.
Level 10: Log Jam: Not Much about this we just jump on the logs to get to the other side and then it's done.
Level 11 Pumping Station 2: Now in this level see another crazy Wallclip. so at the beginning of the Level i went to the right to take a damage boost by the Crab Robot so now here is the best part now we jump on top of where the pump station gate is and jump down where the robot is and CLIP UNDERGROUND and jump back up where gate and boom. CRAZY SKIP
Level 12 Pumping Station 2 Interior: Same thing like the other level ABUSE SKATEBOARD PHYSICS!
Level 13 Twister Snoops Around: So now let's talk about the normal route in this Level. so in the normal route, you are are supposed to take 4 pictures of Evidence of the Golem Industries but in this level... nah we going for another wall clip. so check this out, at the beginning of the level I take a damage boost by one robot and this here is the part where is rng dependent sometimes the robot spawns in the front which is bad the correct robot spawn I want is the left side and right side. so there is nt really a way to manipulate the rng but I managed to get a good rng. so the robot spawns to the left side so I forced him to run and then jump push the robot to get a wall clip and the level is done!
Level 14 Zip Line Ride: So for this level, the main goal is to find the handle but now at the beginning of the level you will see I jumped on another platform and did a tight shortcut jump and its way much faster. so once I grabbed the Handle i go back and took 2 damage by robots but the the handle on the steer you will be steering at the end of the level and thats it simple as that!
Level 15 Central Lake: Nothing much to it i change characters and picked Reggie because she is the tallest out of Otto,Twister and Sam. just because they can't ride jetski.
Level 16 Wave Madness: Very fun and cool Level i ride the Jetski and i have 5 Laps and that's it!
Level 17 Sharbot Grotto: So for this level, Reggie has to lure the Sharkbots to take down 4 generators to open big gate. now once the Gate is opening we are going to do a Skip by doing perfect timing jumping on the wall and go over rails or whatever you call it. so yeah that's the skip!
Level 18 Pumping Station 3 Interior: Now for this level is a bit hard to explain so ill try my best. now in the first area we press 3 switches, to go the 2nd area now we press another 3 switches and go to the far left side get on this big ramp and press another switch to open the gate. now go back the 2nd area and press 3 switches and go to the other side go to the ramp and press another red switch button now it opens up the gate. once it opens you will see the Water going all the way up now once that is done go to another big ramp inside of the mouth and the level is done!
Level 19 Something Fishy Going on : now we facing a boss called Buramandi Shark and it's very simple level you go to do is lure Buramandi where 2 big ramp rocks and hit him on the head 3 times that will be the end of the level!
Level 20 Ocean Shores Day 2: Collecting a few silver coins in the pier and then talk to officer Shirley.
Level 21 Halfpipe Roller Duel: Same thing as Halfpipe Skateboard try not to get gold coins and not hit over 40,000 points...
Level 22 The Brains that ate California: So once the Roller Halfpipe is done now we collect some silver coins and talk to Oliver and now we have to talk to Eddie who is so called the prince of the Netherworld... i did try to skip the cutscene but it turns out talking to Eddie spawns Oliver at the pier so it wouldn't work. now after we talked to Eddie now we go to the carnival we collect a few more silver coins to hit 15 and then talk to Oliver again and try to beat his score is 500 points so you will see that I went over 500 points but the game say to get a gold coin i must score 750 points but i didn't do i only score 745 points so I won't get the gold coin. now once that level is done.
Level 23 Stink Bomb Derby: nothing to crazy can be done just collect 20 Stink Bombs while riding on a skateboard its really simple.
Level 24 Wishing Waters: So for the very start you will see I will be doing a skip by taking a damage boost over the fence and taking another damage boost. now i gotta climb up to elevator and then cutscene will see the cutscene when team rocket power pull down the lever which is secret hide out and now once the cutscene is done now i take another damage boost from a crab and wishing waters is done!
Level 25 Experimental Robot Lab: So for this level we going to do Impossible Skip. So in a normal route, we are suppose to collect the Robot Parts to make a Robot so... no we won't do that, you will see im trying to make the robot that has crang on his head following and once he stops I go for a crazy Wallclip and navigate out the wall and hit the loading zone so i can get to the level called Brain Drain.
Note: This is skip is impossible to do in RTA because you easily go back in bounds or you can easily fall off the map.
Level 26 Brain Drain: since the level we need to open the door and go to the shower thingy now you going to see me lure robot at a certain position so i take damage boost to get to the other side and now press the button but now there is time limit which is 15 seconds so I need to go quickly to the before the time limit is over now i have to wait go to get another platform. now we wait, wait, and wait... now we jump over there is going to be a cutscene where the guy Cyrax will try to mess with your mind, now to deal with this you go press the button to stop him. now we going to straight and press the button to give the brain to our robot now the level is done.
Level 27 Robot Boot School: now at the start of the level you will see a boost pad that i take then i jump to keep the momentum. now you will see i do a 2 badass damage boost by these robots, so now i need to avoid the traps so i won't die, now i have press the switches so that way we can progress through fast as possible now the level is done.
Level 28 factory Floor: so at the start of the level i need to press the button so Otto, Twister,and Reggie to get over the electric floors and the button also opens the door. now we take a few damage boost from these terrible robots. once i get close a cutscene will play press a to skip through like a lot of times now once that 2nd cutscene is over i try to lure the robot with big crane on his head and try go for another WALLCLIP so we can clip into level Called Twister Snoops Some more!
Level 29 Twister Snoops Some More: i don't really explain much to this level but i have to take 4 pictures for evidence so we can get the golem busted and you will see some nice damage boost.
Level 30 Sam Sorts it out Skip: So once we got done with Twister Snoops some more level you will me not going to Level 31 so im going to lure the robot again to do wall clip and go into Level 32!
Level 31 Cyrax Blows his Top: Now for this we need to take out 28 memory Chips to destroy Cyrax now once we get a certain point cyrax summons the 2 robots, now the Cyrax will pull his memory chips away while to robots trying to hit me so i need to avoid them and they self destruct, now once that is done i take down all the memory chips and the level is done!
Now we start off at Ocean Shores Day 3
Level 32: Rocket Delivery: now in this Level we get to use the roller blades and gives Hungry Shoobies there Food and that's it!
Now after Rocket Delivery you will see me collect some Silver Coins...
Level 33 Madtown Competition: so in this level i decided to sacrifice some frames even though it was not a big deal so in this level i needed to grab rocket tokens, so without rocket even if i had a lot of points the mission will fail me so i need 10 rocket tokens. now for entertainment purposes, you will see me doing cool tricks and gaining crazy points!
Now after the Madtown Competition, i collect some more Silver coins to do a level called Bumper Car Demo Derby!
Level 34 Bumper Car Demo Derby: very easy we need to bump into the CPU to take them out and we can beat this very quickly. in this level we have like 4 rounds out it so its going to be nice and easy.
Level 35: Bruised Man Curve: im so excited to show you this insane skip. so now we need to talk to Lars to start the race. once the race starts you will some crazy skip which is the first going on the mountain and do some tricks for rocket power boost and do another jump oh wait ANOTHER JUMP, now you see on top of another mountain with a lot of speed and now i landed Perfect Position where the Rock So it can send me down very fast, now i press A while for so i keep the speed and momentum and i manage to beat bruised man curve 0:35:15 seconds... its big deal because in a normal route Brusied Man Curve is very Big Course. so i skip the whole course!
Level 36 Mondo Mountain: So at the start of the level see me just go a cliff and pause so i did because i so i take fall damage. now i take a few damage boosts on these robots, also try not to go in that chocolate lava pool once i avoid that i just ignore the big robot tank and then i climb on the vines, now i go to left and go to another level.
Level 37 A Rocky Road: in this level, we need to climb up to get to the top of mondo mountain and you will some shortcuts i take in some parts to get through this level faster now i be able to get on the zipline same the like the over levels on the lake i avoid the hazards.
Level 38 Going Up: Same thing like last level but except it doesn't the zipline and the only is goal is going up and that's it!
Level 39 The Guardian Of Volcano: So in this, we need to fight a boss called the Volcano Guardian but no we won't fight him we just do an easy skip by jumping where he is and go behind to go to another area. now you will see me doing a shortcut now i have to wait so the wind in these can give me a boost so once i get to the end the level is done simply is that.
Level 40 Ride The Pipes: So in this level you get see me ride a Hoverboard! but not much to get to the finish line as fast as possible and that's it!
Level 41 Ventilation Nation: So in a normal route of the game go to a room to shut down the fan but no we are doing another SKIP so once we reach the fan very closly so now we are going to switch characters and for some reason, it gives a boost and it ignores the fan. im not sure why though. so yeah that's it!
Level 42: The Volcano Fortress: So there is 2 Skips in the level. now at the beginning of the level you see me do a big jump. which is skip and you may ask how is this skip well. this skip a cutscene at the beginning of Volcano Fortress here is an example. Volcano Fortress Cutscene Skip
Now once we get to the top of the level i am supposed to go to level 43 which is the Robot Army HQ... no we get for another WALLCLIP
Note: I didn't the wall clip is possible but somehow it worked which is insane. This is one of the Hardest wall clips...
Now im going to explain Robot Army HQ i was supposed to go to the Robot HQ just for one reason is to get a Chip so i can open the door back in level 42 The Volcano Fortress Golem Door but nope like i said did i a wall clip so there no need for that so the level is done i skip the Robot Army HQ!
Level 44 A picture's Worth: The same thing like Twister Snoops Some more Take some pictures for some evidence and thats it!
Level 45 The Earthquake Machine: in this level, i need to shutdown 8 earthquake machines so i did a lot of damage from these robots to get it done faster and the level is done now much to it!
Level 46 Golem Senior VS Rocket Power: now this is the boss fight im proud and ill tell you why. so in the beginning of the boss fight you will see wait to do a damage boost on a fireball to get to the other side. but you notice the golem robot guy is not hitting. well that's skip because in normal gameplay you weren't supposed to a damage boost but you need you take down the 3 platforms once that happens the Golem robot guy goes to the other side. so now we did the skip you won't be seeing that. now i get to take down platforms until i get to the last one but you notice i did something unusual i did a DeathCutscene Glitch now I'm going to explain how this work once i take down the platform i jump before the cutscene starts so once i die there a cutscene where golem guy suppose to go up to another the platform but no not we are doing that. i also forgot to mention that you probably noticed I didn't grab checkpoints which is not a good idea but anyway during the Death Cutscene Glitch i get to move and take down one more platform and now i got teleported back. so you might be wondering why i did get teleported. well do you remember when i said i did a death cutscene well, so while i did the death cutscene glitch the cutscene the last cutscene is still active but i have a small amount to time to move around so i could destroy the other platform. so once i got teleported back i back up and grabbed the powerful hockey puck and jumped down paused to ignore fall damage and health damage now jump off and hit the last platform support. So this is the part where Golem Guy goes up but you notice he having a bit of trouble. well, thats because he is trying to where left side of the map where he is supposed to go up.
Sorry i know it's confusing lol
Now i went back up grab the powerful hockey puck which does a lot of damage. Now once Golem is back up on the last platform now i let him damage me so he can take off his shield and i destroyed him very quickly and now the level is done!
Level 47 RollerShowdown: pretty simple easy level just beat Golem Jr on his floating fortress for 3 laps!
Level 48 Wave Duel: Beat Golem Jr on his Floating Fortress while driving a Jetski for 2 laps very easy!
Level 49 Skateboard Shootout: Same thing like Rollwer showdown Beat Golem Jr in 3 Laps!
Level 50 Hoverboard Insanity: Same thing Beat Golem Jr in the 3 Laps!
i would like to thank you
That's the TAS!
i would to thank you to Renim he is one crazy glitch hunter of Rocket Power Beach Bandits and also i like to thank you Yorbxdouble

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Delaying for the time being, until we find out why we keep getting desyncs.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #8884: SJ's GC Rocket Power: Beach Bandits in 2:32:15.08
Experienced player (863)
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Location: Brasil
i watched 1 hour only but it's insane with all the oobs and skips
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Player (156)
Joined: 10/4/2015
Posts: 140
A lot of the platforming is pretty boring and a slog to sit through, besides the bunny hopping. Not your fault, just seems to be a basic platformer. The skating segment skips, however, are awesome. Absolutely loved seeing you fly over the mountains and rocket down at high speed. OOB was great. Yes vote.
Enter the Matrix is a piece of garbage but I'm gonna finish it if it kills me.
Judge, Expert player (2831)
Joined: 3/21/2021
Posts: 297
Location: Switzerland
Hi SJ, I was enjoying the movie when suddenly it started desyncing. It happened around input ~680000 at one of the roller skate challenges. The situation at input 756008 looks like this: I am using Dolphin 5.0-16793 and this ROM whose hash coincides with that of the movie. Any hints of what could be going on? Did I miss any configuration? Edit: adding portable.txt in Dolphin's folder and disabling Dual Core emulation didnt help. The desync happens in the same place nevertheless
Judge, Expert player (2831)
Joined: 3/21/2021
Posts: 297
Location: Switzerland
We have tried to sync this movie unsuccessfully, even after trying different configurations. SJ, when possible, please provide a .zip file with the contents of your 'User' folder in Dolphin. We need this to make sure we have the exact same settings as you had when you encoded the movie.
Experienced player (863)
Joined: 2/5/2012
Posts: 1865
Location: Brasil
trying to sync this as well, it desynscs at 342k frames when walking up a slope and going to the amusement park. im on dolphin 20571
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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om, nom, nom... want more!