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Post subject: Super Star Wars Trilogy
Joined: 7/3/2004
Posts: 18
Hello everyone, I haven't seen this games being talked about, they are among the hardest snes games ever (just try super empire strikes back on jedi >_<). A time attack of any of the 3 could be very interesting, but the problem with running these games are the mode 7 3-d stages. The sidescrolling stages can be played really fast, cause luke got a cool fast sliding animation. I think that a no damage run is close to impossible, so an all out run i am going to try to attempt. WIP of the first level of super star wars v1.1 in a few hours, please point out obvios errors and such.
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Good luck on this one, I'd love to see this series run. You'll be playing on Jedi mode, of course. :) You should definitely be taking hits to get through faster, though it may be advantageous to save them for bosses. Either that, or manipulate big hearts as needed. I'm sure that you can get helpful boosts from hitting enemies in some places. Ok, I have to give you some advice, kid: Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side. I would switch to Han Solo or Chewbacca just for coolness, unless there's some advantage to the lightsaber. I know I've played through all of them on a real SNES, but after going back to try them again recently, it's much harder than I remember! The first game becomes much easier with save-states since you lose all your weapon powerups when you die. Empire Strikes Back is the toughest in the series, but the force powers could make for a really neat run. Return of the Jedi is probably the best in the series due to unique moves for each character. Han's grenades pack a big punch but Luke could move through the levels very quickly with proper use of the force. Well, what else can I say, may the force be with you...
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I have had the first one planned for a while, but am holding back for now, as snes9x's sound is TERRIBLE in the game. Plasma is not at all friendly on the ears, and is the best weapon in the game. I was going to start the game when the guys finish the zsnes rerecording. Things to note, if your really are going to do it in snes9x: -Any enemy which is able to drop things, can be manipulated to drop anything you want. So there is no excuse for you NOT to have a Thermal Detonator against any of the bosses. It would be nice to see you get plasma in the first level too, as it's extremely powerful. Vader Masks from every enemy after that would be interesting. -Bosses can be heavily manipulated too. Example: It's possible to keep the Sarlaac from attacking or submerging at all. This speeds things up alot, but is pretty tedious to do. -A no hit run on Jedi shouldn't be too hard without losing speed, but I wouldn't worry about that as there are alot of places where taking damage would save time. Especially in the sand crawler. -Stay as Luke, not only will you have the most powerful gun with him by the time you get to Chewie, but you also slide faster with him, and are a smaller target. Probably more stuff to tell, but that's all I can think of for now. Most of stuff is specific level strategies, which are hard to explain and you can probably figure out yourself.
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-Stay as Luke, not only will you have the most powerful gun with him by the time you get to Chewie, but you also slide faster with him, and are a smaller target.
You get to keep weapon power if you switch characters. But you may have a point with the smaller target. Also, the lightsaber seems to do more damage on some enemies and bosses.
Joined: 1/9/2005
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i remember much frustations back in the day when i was playing this game as a kid. i'd LOVE to see runs for these games, if only to bring back memories. good luck :)
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Sorry to bump such an old topic, but I, too, would enjoy seeing something like a Super Star Wars set of tool-assisted speedruns. The games are so badly put together, it wouldn't surprise me if they had an immense amount of exploitable glitches and flukes that would make this series of damned hard games fun to watch.
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I just had to dump this topic as I think a Super Star Wars run would be needed on the site:). I like the Return of the Jedi the most and did find a couple of small tricks while playing it on my SNES a couple of years ago... Oh well, whatever. Shall just ask if there's someone here who would like to TAS any of the games...? 1½ years ago when the topic was created there were some interest at least. And what do you guys say now?
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I was going to TAS at least one of these, but I was going to wait until ZSNES got good sound recording. I seem to remember the sound effects being painful on the ears in SNES9x. However, if you want to, go for it. They would make good runs.
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I suck at TASing really... ;D, that's why I haven't started one my own... And well... Maybe I can learn, hmm. I can see what I'm able to do so I guess I can start practice a bit:). DON'T EXPECT ME TO FINISH! Because I hardly think I can really, hehe. Ok then, haha:D. I will need a lot of help though=). EDIT: Forgot to mention, I'm taking Return of Jedi... EDIT AGAIN: I HATE THIS CONTROLLER! For some reason I can't set up the controls with it. I mark the "a button" marker, press a button and instead of the a button, it becomes "up" on the control, HUH?! Is it my controller's fault or the emulator?
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I think it is probably your controllers up button being held down. Also, are you sure the escape sequence at the end of the game is emulated properly in SNES9X? You might want to check before you start a run in RotJ.
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I have playing through the game to the last level on the emulator. And I didn't beat the level because it's so hard ;D. But it looked fine, I think... About the controller: It works good on other emulators. It's just the SNES one that it messes up with, and it annoys me (Ask my friend.. .he knows;D)
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We should really be ashamed of ourselves for not TASing Star Wars.. How many of them are there for SNES? 3?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Yepp, three. I haven't heard of more than those anyway. For the RotJ run, shall I use Jedi or Normal skill? I have now got the controller to work, shall just learn to use it well, hehe ;D. We will see where it ends. EDIT: Ok... I can nearly say that I give up already...
Post subject: RotJ Glitch
Joined: 10/7/2006
Posts: 4
I found a glitch in RotJ that allows you to jump more than twice in the air. When using Luke, using force freeze just before performing a double jump allows you to perform a second double jump. This is easiest to test with PAR/GG codes for infinite force freeze. This could be a major help in levels that scroll up.
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HAve known about that glitch for a long time:). You could save a lot of time at Jabba's ship with that.
Joined: 6/5/2005
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yes yes yes....these games seem very BREAKABLE plus the way some of the levels are set up, if one can find a gltich to get in walls then massive time can be saved....Plus on teh 'jedi' setting it would be madness!!! DO IT!!!
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Well... I won't anyway, I suck to much of making TAS's. I just wanted to see a TAS of it, and I thought that I could maybe to it myself. But no, I SUCK. Sorry.
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damn....i was hoping this would get off the ground....
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As I said before, I will probably start on them once the new version of snes9x or zsnes are ready to be used. Both fix the horrible sound quality.
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Hurray! I'm hoping that the emulator's going to be fixed:).
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BoltR, you are the man!!! I'll be eagerly waiting for this one....
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Joined: 6/5/2005
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well folks the time has come....I'm going to make this my first ever attempt at a TAS!!!! Don't expect any quickness on my part though cuz i'm still getting the hang of this...any help or words of encouragement would be appreciated...wish me luck!
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HUUURRRAAAY!:D Which one of the games? The third one, yeah?^^
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Well I'm officially announcing my withdrawl from this project...I appologize Tompa....I just have too much to do and just can't seem to get a hang of this stuff.
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I'm not too suprised to be honest. These games are really annoying to TAS. Oh well, too bad...
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