Joined: 8/30/2020
Posts: 123
Location: Sydney, Australia
This game is more of a musical desk toy than an actual rhythm game, and so doesn't have any TASing potential.
I just wanted to post my translations (not localisation) of the game's text, which is almost entirely Japanese, as I didn't see any posted anywhere online. You can consult existing guides for what the controls are (they're barely mentioned in-game, though it's possible the manual, also in Japanese, had more information) and how to play each "instrument". EDIT: I was an idiot and didn't realise the NA/EU releases were actually localised. Disregard all this I guess. It was at the very least good practice for me—I'm now working on Kanji sono mama DS Rakubiki Jiten, which was DEFINITELY never localised.
I'm not fluent in Japanese but I know enough to guide Google Translate to a reasonable result. Tool-assisted, if you will. For reasons unknown, the text is written solely in katakana, though it at least has spaces. (Also, apart from in the name "Marine-Snow", they use 'ウ' or 'オ' for -ō everywhere instead of a chōonpu?) I've included the original text in case future humans want to do a better job.
Level select:
Description for species #1 トレーシー "Tracy":
Please place eggs with the stylus.
The plankton become bigger while
producing sound.
I thought the English name for these guys might have been a mistranslation, but no, it's the common name of various sun-shaped microbes. Their name in Japanese is 太陽虫 (タイヨーチュウ).
Also I've just assumed "なっていきます" means the same as "なっています", either a redundant morpheme or a typo, but it could easily have a meaning I'm not aware of.
Description for species #5 レックレック "Rec-Rec":
Please keep twirling the stylus
over the plankton.
The lights and sounds spread.
This species' Japanese name is 光の輪, literally "ring/circle of light", which I think is just a descriptor and of no relation to the religious group of the same name.
I think "まわしつづけて" is "continue turning" (from "回る"), but Google Translate is also offering it as "continue [to do] in turn".
Description for species #8 マリンスノー "Marine-Snow":
Please touch the heads and bodies
of these plankton with the stylus.
They'll remember your performance.
Again, this species takes its Japanese name from the real-life microbes it resembles, this time 釣鐘虫 (ツリガネムシ), known only as the genus vorticella in English.
Description for species #10 ボルボイス "Volvoice":
This is a plankton that remembers words.
Please tap on its body and talk.
It speaks with various voices.
Title screen:
エンソウ スル
カンショウ スル
Pause overlay:
キュウケイ チュウ
Inside/during the break
I contribute to BizHawk as Linux/cross-platform lead, testing and automation lead, and UI designer. This year, I'm experimenting with streaming BizHawk development on Twitch. nope
Links to find me elsewhere and to some of my side projects are on my personal site. I will respond on Discord faster than to PMs on this site.
Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems. Not problems like "What is software," because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems. For instance, how am I gonna stop some high-wattage thread-ripping monster of a CPU dead in its tracks? The answer: use code. And if that don't work? Use more code.