Post subject: A few MORE snes9x n00b issues...
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K, so... so sue me if this is a flame-worthy topic, but new topics tend to be the fastest way to get answers to your questions around any specific forum. -I'm having a similar psx adapter controller error as was addressed in another thread but it's more complicated than that. The controller I'm using isn't even plugged into to said adapter. I'll try using it with the adapter not plugged in but I expect it won't make a difference. -Is there an auto-fire/turbo feature in snes9x? Cause if so, I'm not seeing it. -Should I even use the controller? I mean I could understand it making more sense to try and play tricky sections with your fingers right near the save-state keys, but I find it also harder to play on the keyboard. Should I just adapt? Have patience with me please. ^^; EDIT: Okay... I've looked around a little more at what's in the new and enhanced snes9x and I think I've got a few more pressing questions to answer. What will and what will not interrupt a movie recording? -movie frame advancing? -slowing down? -savestate overlapping/switching? -can I pause or slowdown my gameplay and still have that be recorded normally? I just KNOW this post reaks of n00bishness and I'm about to get linked to some sort of guide. -_-;
Post subject: Re: A few snes9x n00b issues...
Editor, Player (91)
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If you have a question, please read the FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered. Seen this somewhere? How about following the instruction. This resolves a few of your questions, but not all.
Player (247)
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You dont play games here, you produce video files. and for that precision, nothing is better than the keyboard. So good luck
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This page was especially helpful. Thank you. I will try to look harder/read up more in the future. Oh, and as for my n00bishness; I'll make up for it with at least one SNES speedrun video. You'll see.
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Laugh if you want. How to play a sav-file?
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(-: FAQ :-)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Foda wrote:
and for that precision, nothing is better than the keyboard.
how is a keyboard any more precise than a digital gamepad??
Player (247)
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When pressing directions on a digital gamepad its common to press a diagonal unintentionally.
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>Laugh if you want. How to play a sav-file? I don't know what kind of movie file this is or for what emulator it is supposed to work. It is not listed among the known formats in the FAQ. Are you completely sure it's a movie file? Where did you get it?
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FODA wrote:
When pressing directions on a digital gamepad its common to press a diagonal unintentionally.
Who says that you need to use all four directions on the digi pad? :P I only use it for left and right, and use other buttons for up and down (I even have buttons for quicksave and quickload). So, there are no inaccuracies at all, and it's a lot more comfortable than keyboard imo.
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Ok, I knew the best way to learn was to actually do it. I understand far more now than I did before. Okay; just two more questions: 1) When I try to map the diagonals to certain keys, the down-left and down-right get mapped to the same button even if that's not what I map. Any tips? 2) The frame advance thing is bizarre for recording... anyone have any tips for using it effectively? Thanks, well, I'm off! *jumps into the n00bcopter and crashes it into the side of a cliff* EDIT: Cross off number 2 from that list. "Showing input" and "Not being retarded" helped to fix that. ^^; EDIT # 2; Sigh, I'm still not great at this. How do I stop resume a movie correctly? Every time I try it just says the snapshot isn't from the movie and wipes my progress... Am I supposed to use the 'record from now' feature? Can I resume recording while paused/frame-advancing? EDIT to-the-moon; not record from now... record from now = useless for bisqwit's tool-assisted videos. HELP!>!? :D EDIT x 1000; Hey lookie what I found in a locked thread about movie resuming below!
1) Play the movie in NOT read-only mode. Otherwise, load-state just seeks to the save-state position and keeps playing the movie.
OMG! I lose! Look at my embarassing mistakes all over the internet! That must be the problem.
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So, um... I didn't wade trough all your edits and tried to make sense of them. Can you state again what problem you have, if any?
Player (247)
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Dont map diagonals to keys unless you really need it. map instead the normal 4 ways (up, down, left, right) and when you need diagonals press both buttons at same time.
Player (208)
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Yeah, you must have a really bad keyboard if you can't press two arrow keys at the same time.
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While mapping diagonals is unnecessary, you might sometimes find it helpful to map the same key onto two buttons simultaneously if the game requires it at some point and it's hard to hit the buttons at the same split-second/frame. (i.e. to use the spazer+plasma glitch in Super Metroid, I temporarily map left and A as the same key, and to play Tales of Phantasia on hard mode I mapped all four buttons onto one key.) BTW LAOS, good to see another OCRemix guy on here. :) (I also have the same name on both boards.) You'll like making videos; I finally decided to do one myself and almost finished but am getting nasty desyncs.
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DukeNukem007 wrote:
BTW LAOS, good to see another OCRemix guy on here. :) (I also have the same name on both boards.) You'll like making videos; I finally decided to do one myself and almost finished but am getting nasty desyncs.
It's a beautiful thing when it happens mate. There's a fella on the OCR boards who shows up on my bro's forum too. Very cool. Yeah; for all who helped. I appreciate it, I think I've got everything covered now. Now it's just a matter of counting frames and trying... and re-trying... and re-trying to do thing efficiently.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, you must have a really bad keyboard if you can't press two arrow keys at the same time.
Hey, don't make fun of my keyboard! It has self-esteem issues! And what's so great about your keyboard, anyway? *goes and cries in a corner*
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So a lot of my old n00b questions have disappeared... and replaced with new ones! YAY! :D Here's two that I've researched and have been bugging me for a while and very well might be all that's holding me back: 1) I can't seem to press certain buttons together... not keys, it doesn't seem to matter where they're mapped; rather buttons. Namely: Start + L, Start + A, Start + B, < + Y, < + X, and L + A. This is already ruining everything. Any help provided ASAP would be greatly appreciated. 2) What the CRAP is WIP timing and why would I want/not want it. Help please and thanks.
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Less Ashamed Of Self wrote:
1) I can't seem to press certain buttons together... not keys, it doesn't seem to matter where they're mapped; rather buttons. Namely: Start + L, Start + A, Start + B, < + Y, < + X, and L + A. This is already ruining everything. Any help provided ASAP would be greatly appreciated.
Simply: Your keyboard is bad. Cheap keyboards (practically all keyboards today) can only recognize so many keys together. Usually three at most, depending on which keys they are. Try changing the snes9x's keymappings until you have keys you can press together. This is explained in more detail in SNES9x FAQ. (Which you should have read.)
2) What the CRAP is WIP timing and why would I want/not want it.
WIP timing means that the snes9x will emulate the internal works of a certain older version of snes9x. You can safely ignore the whole thing.
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Gotdangit you were right... I need to map them to retarded places but they can all work now. *sigh* Thanks Biskwit. Ewww, got one that works now; but listen to this ugly mapping: A:x B:z X:n Y:b Start:d Select:f L:a R:s and no, I'm not buying a new keyboard. :P
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If you use ZSNES, you could write some "key combinations" to press more than one key at same time, and map that to any key on keyboard/joystick. It is more or less like "macros".
Player (207)
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I would suggest to buy the SNES USB Adapter and just use your original SNES Pad on your PC through it. This way you can press all 8 buttons in the same time without limits at all. Making movies on Snes9x is much easier this way. I bought this Adapter myself and I'm very satisfied. I highly recommend it.
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Okay, I've got a relatively important question here since it can mean the difference between a half decent run and a perfect run. Is there an easy way/method of cracking open the code on these video files so as to change something somewhere in the middle without messing up everything? Like delete a frame here, extend a frame there... make sure everything lines up? Can I just pop this baby open in a text file easy enough? Problem solved?
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The file format spec is at this page: A hex/decimal calculator, the frame number display, this page should be all you need. Oh, and a hex editor Warning: Luck manipulation depends on everything before the point where it happens. Even the smallest change might change the game's behaviour in such a way as to cause trouble. Then again, it might work perfectly. Good luck.
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Less Ashamed Of Self wrote:
Is there an easy way/method of cracking open the code on these video files so as to change something somewhere in the middle without messing up everything? Like delete a frame here, extend a frame there... make sure everything lines up? Can I just pop this baby open in a text file easy enough? Problem solved?
You can do that kind of changes in a hex editor. For this purpose, this guide was made by Blitzag: (I take no responsibility for the accuracy of that guide.) Whatever method you use, you must know that all you edit is merely the recording of which buttons are pressed at which times. Deleting a frame from some point means that all the consequent button press data will happen 1 frame earlier. If the game isn't prepared for that, your movie will desync.