
Experienced player (749)
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First of all, here's what I really like of the new site: *The profile pages are now easy to access. *Being able to go to a specific page for forum posts that have a lot of replies *The embedded video link when submitting a run. Here's things that I would like: *A way to sort/filter unrated movies *Night mode *A way to give more information from a run when searching, such as the category and the time. Here's an example to explain why it can be an issue: https://i.gyazo.com/578c6fbe01abc622c418d52f1a88bea7.png In this screenshot, there's 1 current any% submission, 1 current 100% submission, and 1 obsolete any% submission, but there isn't a way to tell which is which. I don't know how situational this issue is. (Also, the Spanish page for game ideas doesn't seem to be updated) *Very minor: the page for the threads related to the site should be in the General section of the forums, not in the "Other" section. I always forget that there is a section for the site stuff since it's so far down the page. *The padding may be a little too big for elements of arrays in some sections of the site. If we look at the page for the pending submissions for example, what used to fit in half a web page now cannot be shown at once. *The ability to sort in the movies page *It may be something that was forgotten, but why can we not sort the pending submissions by time? *Quotes in the forums should be smaller than the regular text. Bugs and possibly unwanted behaviour: *If the featured run on the main page has a text that is too long, the "watch" button gets hidden. *Awards don't seem to show up properly in the forums. Overall very happy with the update. Don't let the long list of possible improvements deceive you, I do think the new site's better.
Banjo-Tooie runner, DTC 8, 9, 10, and 11 winner, but more importantly, "When's GR?" Current projects: Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge - 100% (50 minutes) Mario Party 1 - All Boards (est: 4-6 hours) Mario Party 3 - All Minigames (est: 40-50 minutes, not sure) "Ooooh, I saved some more subpixels. Look at those sweet subpixels. You can't look at them, because they're subpixels, but they look so good." - The8bitbeast "It's as if I knew what was going to happen. It's as if I had the plan written in front of me and I was reading it. I mean, I do have it in front of me, but I'm not reading it." -garagedooropener
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I feel that the current UI doesn't make it quite obvious enough how to contribute movie ratings yourself - it took me a while looking at the publication layout to figure out the "Rating:" was a hyperlink. I feel that perhaps instead having an explicit (Rate this movie) hyperlink following the rating data itself would be more clear to users, and also that such a link ought to be placed on the page for viewing existing ratings too.
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A new feature of the new code base I wanted to show awareness of. Homepages are now automatic, nobody has to ask for one. The page will be /HomePages/[username], and can be accessed from your profile (linked from username in menu bar when logged in). This privilege can be taken away from a user, of course.
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Woohoo! Will definitely start testing this and compare my notes with the quantium website notes. edit: I've skimmed through the 1st pages of posts and started updating my old notes. What is the preferred method of showing my test results? Asking this because I don't see the problems mentioned in this thread being reflected in the github issues. Current state of my notes (not updated fully, yellow means not checked for new site) to demonstrate what I would show instead of creating N number of new issues: edit: I have removed the sheet as I have found at least 2 issues that could be abused. Please PM me if you want to check out my sheet! Also, the search... Holy moly it is lightning fast!!! edit2: (Note, I'm just an old tester of this site) no design document? Now I know why there are many inconsistencies abroad pages. While the structure of tasvideos content probably won't change only the number of data to be parsed, there should be a standard. Otherwise who and how does he/she agreed upon different visual changes? Replying to the most frequent problems: - yes, there should be a scroll to top of the page (not represented in github issues) - colorblindness and dark mode: use DarkReader as mentioned by someone already in this thread or other CSS changing extensions. I prefer to use DarkReader which automatically changes the colors and you can manually configure it with sliders and options and save it to use your own style whenever you visit that domain. - "width of content area" yes, I also see this as a huge problem: the overall content of the pages got scattered and way more distances than previously. It became the opposite of being compact.
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Proper dark mode is being worked on, with a little surprise as well.
[16:36:31] <Mothrayas> I have to say this argument about robot drug usage is a lot more fun than whatever else we have been doing in the past two+ hours
[16:08:10] <BenLubar> a TAS is just the limit of a segmented speedrun as the segment length approaches zero
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I advise to not start creating a dark mode CSS before a design standard is being created, as it would be twice the work to reflect changes between normal and dark mode CSS. At least I guess you are referring to an alternate CSS. If it can be done in different way which will affect both normal and dark mode, it's ok to start working on. edit: In other words, it would be better to have a complete design of what and how should be displayed considering the functionality and user scenarios rather than having "another" (dark mode css) aspect of the site being revamped after concluding on visual stuffs. edit2: note that you can export DarkReader's CSS, another reason for to not work on this right now.
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We just upgraded the site to bootstrap 5, which makes it extremely easy to do dark themes by swapping out the value of content properties (native css variables). I agree a design doc should be a priority but the dark mode addition is actually really simple and the switch to native vars is helping make the light side more consistent as well.
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The dev site at https://tasvideos.mistflux.net/ has been updated to reflect a series of UI improvements from myself and Masterjun based on the feedback here. Please use Incognito mode to view the changes or hard reload to clear cached styles (ctrl+shift+R in Chrome). List of Relevant Changes Site Upgraded from Bootstrap 4 to 5 New default fixed width container size fixes many concerns listed about the container width being too small Hosting moved back to their CDN and Bootstrap 5's code is generally faster/smaller Enables a path to dropping dependence on jQuery as bootstrap 5 no longer uses it Enables a cleaner implementation of dark mode (coming soon) using native CSS Content Properties Forum Forum usernames centered properly Forum poster roles only wrap at the start of new role names Spacing is improved below/above avatar images in the forum Award art scales better due to responsive sizes User homepage info background and text should have better contrast Submissions and Publications h1 header and card header text is no longer duplicated The header's font should be sized more consistently with the rest of the site Obsoleted movie warnings fixed to fit inside their container and have a background color Submission Console/Game Version/etc now have consistent capitalization, avoid using the label element with no corresponding form/input, and have better spacing The publication page has been completely redesigned by Masterjun Frontpage All remaining tables have been fixed to not overflow the page width on mobile (this is a hotfix pending redesign of tables using grid or flexbox). The Site banner and logo have been recreated and separated thanks to work from myself and feos This in turn allowed the Mega Man logo icon in the banner to now scale more cleanly using responsive sizes, as well as be repositioned as needed for mobile/desktop Tier Icons like Stars/Moons/Console Verified have been given responsive sizes for cleaner scaling Known issues Site news on homepage has extra left margin on mobile A few headings like the main forum heading need a container or margins on mobile Improvements are pending to make individual forum posts less cluttered on mobile Dark mode is coming soon Please follow the instructions at the top of the post for further feedback and thanks for all your help with feedback so far! TiKevin83
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It looks much more appealing than the old design at first glance.
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Finally got around to exploring the new site. I really enjoyed the intro movie on the Welcome page. The new search function SO much more organized and easier to use. I'm looking forward to the more advanced search options one day. Having the featured movie being confined to a scrollable box hinders easy navigation of the home page. Both the featured movie and the TASVideos news bars don't scroll down very far, though, so maybe making the boxes taller would be viable. There will probably have to be a character limit for the description of any featured movie to make sure they will fit nicely on the home screen. In the Starting points section under the Movies tab the 'Movies by category' and 'Search' tabs are non-functioning. There are also several hyperlinks around the site that lead to 'Page does not exist yet', but I'm guessing that's not a concern since this is still in Alpha testing. It'll all be filled in later. I really am looking forward to the new TASvideos. Keep up the good work! -Edit- Just saw the new updates to the site after I posted this. They look great
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Pro tip: If you see two mega man, you forgot to clear cache. So far so good! Here's my newer (redacted as in removed 2 potentially severe issue) sheet. Yellow means not tested against the new version. Probably finish it tomorrow. edit2: fixed link again to be sure https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cFwtpOcOPZDuBo40SsbcBBGyH-otumh5-Ra_4OCzvZk/edit?usp=sharing edit3: finished testing, will need to parse some bigger posts in this thread and check them against github issues. And oh boiiii, that "return to previous site at the previous location vertically" after logging in (or just navigating to another page) is so fucking sweet!
PhD in TASing 🎓 speedrun enthusiast ❤🚷🔥 white hat hacker ▓ black box tester ░ censorships and rules...
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Oh, this is definitely better. For me personally I'd like the content area even wider, but that's nothing that a small Stylus script for personal use can't fix and the new one absolutely feels way less space-wastey. Very good and I'm looking forward to the dark mode. In the movie lists, I think the Submission and History buttons should be on the same row, like the Watch and Download buttons already are. Having them on separate rows just makes the box taller for no reason. ...is what I had typed before I found that there's a Discuss button next to the Submission button on the movie pages but not in the list, and I don't see why that button couldn't be there in the movie list too. But I still suggest still putting the History button on the same row. In the forum, I believe it was mentioned before, but the username and the avatar (and the other stuff) should all have the same alignment because that just looks better: I personally think everything centered looks the best, but everything left-aligned works too. The PM and Quote buttons could be made a little clearer what post they're for—right now, I feel it's a bit ambiguous since the break between different posts isn't quite as clear as on the phpBB forum. The time and subject line of posts having the same colour as the background is a big reason for that, I feel. So making that a different colour, and just maybe a bit clearer lines between posts, would go a long way imo. Or just putting those things "inside" the post, on the same horizontal line as the username like it is in the current forum, which would also save some vertical space, at least for short posts. And definitely needs the ability to go to the last page/post directly from the thread list.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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For now, I'd ask everyone to hold your feedback of the style of Forum Posts. It wasn't included in this update but already looks quite different. Hopefully it's in the next one. There will be another post here when it's ready. Edit: New post styles are now live.
Warning: Might glitch to credits I will finish this ACE soon as possible (or will I?)
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Only a little time since my last feedback, but the changes done in the last update totally changed my mind from "I hate the new site, burn!!!" to "Oh my, I totally love it!". The latest update brought borders between elements which was probably the sole reason of "I hate the design but cannot explain why" complaint from me. I also noticed that table on main have alternating colors for rows, something that is better than old design. What falls out though is that Recommended/Featured movie block does not have a visible outline unlike all other blocks. I can see the outline being there, but its color is between block color and background, while other blocks have color darker that both contents and background. Movie page is also totally great now! I would say that I prefer old design a bit more, but actually separating all the various links in blocks rather than in a single list is totally better idea. I am still waiting for youtube module and game submission history redesign (currently it does not even displays tiers). A small suggestion is to have entry history as an expandable block instead of a only separate page, although the page can still exist to be reachable from other sources. I am also still waiting for ability to sort rated movies by both ratings and in reverse order. Sorting by "last rated" would also be a welcome addition, though I do not know if such info is present in the database. Bugs: -"The rating system" tab cannot be opened. I click it to no avail. -"By default, all registered users can create and maintain a homepage if they choose." text on user homepage is cyan on cyan background. That is as visible as piece of glass in a murky water.
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dart193 wrote:
Bugs: -"The rating system" tab cannot be opened. I click it to no avail. -"By default, all registered users can create and maintain a homepage if they choose." text on user homepage is cyan on cyan background. That is as visible as piece of glass in a murky water.
Tabs broke in bootstrap 5, update for that is PRed alongside dark mode. The user homepage info text is fixed already, if you're seeing this you didn't use incognito or clear cache (or I missed something, but it looks fixed for me).
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Incognito, cleared cache, tried a different browser (Edge, which was never used before) - its slightly purple light cyan on light cyan; requies tilting the screen to read that. Specifically, its RGB 0xC2D6FC on 0xCFF4FC. As of latest checkup, I am not considered colorblind of any kind; this is more of an issue of different displays.
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dart193 wrote:
Incognito, cleared cache, tried a different browser (Edge, which was never used before) - its slightly purple light cyan on light cyan; requies tilting the screen to read that. Specifically, its RGB 0xC2D6FC on 0xCFF4FC.
The text shouldn't be that color. The background color is right. Text color which I believe was the same before you mentioned your problem is #055160. There is a "fallback color" which probably would be #C2D4FC. Are you sure you don't see two mega man in the top left corner, which indicates some cache remain? Ctrl+Shift+R should resolve it.
PhD in TASing 🎓 speedrun enthusiast ❤🚷🔥 white hat hacker ▓ black box tester ░ censorships and rules...
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I did not see any megamans after the update and had to clear cache to resolve in chrome. On edge there werent any double megamans, this cannot be the issue becauae i never used it at all and, therefore, there is no browsing history, including tasvideos.
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can you link the page with the issue?
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Additional feedback: - Most lsnes builds are still using an insecure HTTP link. - There is currently a bug in the old site where a really long and complex password can be used to log in to the forums but not for the main side. Because of that' I could not log in on the new site. I'm not sure how many people will be affected by this.
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TiKevin83 wrote:
can you link the page with the issue?
https://tasvideos.mistflux.net/Profile/HomePage I have sent you a screenshot on discord, no idea how to post them on forum.
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SmashManiac wrote:
Additional feedback: - Most lsnes builds are still using an insecure HTTP link.
This is not an issue with the new site, but with the old. I can't magically fix this on the new one. If there are https links that can be added, this needs to be brought up in an appropriate thread.
- There is currently a bug in the old site where a really long and complex password can be used to log in to the forums but not for the main side. Because of that' I could not log in on the new site. I'm not sure how many people will be affected by this.
The forum password is the one that is ported to the new site, so this is NOT why you can not log in. Attempting to recreate the old phpbb2 logic can be tricky, I suspect some characters in the password are not quite handled correctly.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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After trying the new submission form, here's my thoughts on it: I like that there's a field to put a video link, however I feel like it'd be good to have a possibility to have multiple videos, since some people also include a commentated version or a version with something different (videos with a special overlay to display information, videos with camera hacks, etc.) in their submission. Something I like from the old way that run descriptions were displayed is that headers had different levels of indentation compared to the text. I think it made things more readable. I wonder if it'd be a good idea to hide the "prefill comments" button once people start typing their run description. I came very close to clicking that button multiple times both on the old interface and the new interface when I had most of my description typed out. The "X" button to close the textbox that starts with "Please read the Submission Instructions before submitting a movie." does not seem to work Once you submit the run, the site says that the run will be available for judging in 1 hour. Is that a placeholder? I thought the delay was 2-3 days before the judging phase could start. Another thing unrelated to the submission form: most of the links in the "Special categories" tab of the Movies page don't seem to work properly, and the "Movies by Category" and "Search" tabs give an error.
Banjo-Tooie runner, DTC 8, 9, 10, and 11 winner, but more importantly, "When's GR?" Current projects: Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge - 100% (50 minutes) Mario Party 1 - All Boards (est: 4-6 hours) Mario Party 3 - All Minigames (est: 40-50 minutes, not sure) "Ooooh, I saved some more subpixels. Look at those sweet subpixels. You can't look at them, because they're subpixels, but they look so good." - The8bitbeast "It's as if I knew what was going to happen. It's as if I had the plan written in front of me and I was reading it. I mean, I do have it in front of me, but I'm not reading it." -garagedooropener
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I may be mistaken, but the one hour delay is for testing purposes, to ensure that things are locked, and to let judges test judge flows. I would expect it to remain a number of days on the live site.
I am still the wizard that did it. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." -- Satoru Iwata <scrimpy> at least I now know where every map, energy and save room in this game is
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Some UI updates were done and deployed recently; including an experimental version of dark mode, for those who want to try it out :)
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
