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Track & Field is an arcade game developed and published by Konami in 1983. Track & Field was developed to coincide with the then-upcoming 1984 Summer Olympics, and the original version (Japan's Hyper Olympic) was licensed by the International Olympic Committee. The game features 3 buttons, and no joystick. Track & Field rewards rapid button presses and precise timing in a unique and exciting way, and these concepts would define the genre for years to come. Players would resort to all manner of trickery in an attempt to eke out as many button presses as possible, and button damage was rampant, causing later controls to adopt button guards for the Run buttons, and finally replace both with a trackball. Track & Field also bred fierce competition, particularly because players could compete head-to-head. So much so in fact, that the game was at the center of history's largest arcade video game tournament, the "1984 March of Dimes International Konami/Centuri Track & Field Challenge", with over 1 million contestants worldwide. Of technical interest, the game features early digitized speech, and is one of the first video games to feature parallax scrolling.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: MAME-RR v0.139 v0.1-beta
  • Heavy Luck Manipulation
  • Contains speed/entertainment tradeoffs
  • Whirl Dreck Curds

DIP Switch Settings

  • Credits set to Free Play
  • After Last Event set to Game Continues
  • Bonus Life set to None
  • Data Entered Erased set to On
  • Level of Difficulty set to Easy
Forget the adventure, Track & Field!

Tricks and Glitches

The "Sweet Spot":
In addition to a number of other factors which determine the Distance of a jump or throw, there exists another unseen factor. It is a particular series of Frames during which beginning a jump or throw will result in a greater Distance than otherwise possible--a "sweet spot". The Sweet Spot is only active during 2nd Try and 3rd Try. Note that if the Distance of 2nd Try was greater than the normal maximum Distance, the Sweet Spot will not be active for 3rd Try. During 1st Try, the Sweet Spot is a "Sour Spot", which actually decreases the Distance of a jump or throw! Additionally, Player Speed must meet a minimum requirement in order to enable the Sweet Spot. The minimum Speed requirement for a Try is determined by the result of any previous Tries. The Sweet Spot operates on a cycle of 256 Frames, after which the cycle repeats. During Long Jump and Hammer Throw, the Sweet Spot cycle is divided into 85 subcycles of 3 Frames each, with Frame 1 being excluded from the subcycle routine. The cycle begins on the Frame on which input unlocks for a Try. These 3-Frame subcycles are used in order to coordinate with the 3-Frame RNG cycle, thus allowing any given subcycle the chance for 3 different results via the 3 possible RNG results. The duration of the Sweet Spot window ranges from just 1 subcycle up to 85 subcycles (i.e. 255 Frames, the entirety of the Sweet Spot cycle). The duration of the Sweet Spot window is determined by Player's Speed when a jump or throw begins, the result of any previous Tries, the Frame on which a jump or throw begins, and the RNG. Note that any Speed bonus (e.g. jump timing in Long Jump) is applied prior to the check for Player's Speed. Each 10 cm/sec that the Player's Speed exceeds the current Try's minimum Speed requirement extends the duration of the Sweet Spot by 1 subcycle. Any Sweet Spot subcycles which have been allotted are applied reverse sequentially, starting with the last subcycle in a cycle (i.e. subcycle 85, or Frame 253 of the Sweet Spot cycle). Thus, provided even a minimal Sweet Spot window has been allotted, the ideal result for a jump or throw can be achieved by coordinating the jump or throw to begin on the same Frame that the last subcycle in a cycle begins. The Sweet Spot is of particular significance to Long Jump and Hammer Throw, owing to the limited possibilities for RNG manipulation in those Events relative to other Events (e.g. Javelin Throw). In order for a jump or throw to achieve maximum Distance, the jump or throw must begin during the Sweet Spot window. In this TAS, where applicable, the Sweet Spot is exploited to provide maximum Distance.
RNG Manipulation:
The RNG determines various aspects of the game, but most significantly, it determines the Distance of a jump or throw to some degree. The initial RNG for a jump or throw is determined by the Frame on which the Event or Try began and the Frame on which the Jump/Throw button is first pressed to adjust the Angle. Note that in the case of Javelin Throw and High Jump, RNG can be further manipulated during the jump or throw, after the initial RNG has been set. Thus, the RNG can be manipulated by beginning input on a different Frame during a Try, or by entering different input for the Try (such that Jump/Throw is pressed on a different Frame). During Long Jump and Hammer Throw, the RNG operates on a cycle of 3 Frames. Of the 3 Frames in a cycle, 1 Frame of the cycle is the positive Frame, 1 Frame of the cycle is the neutral Frame, and 1 Frame of the cycle is the negative Frame. Note that under certain conditions, a negative Frame, a neutral Frame, and a positive Frame can all produce the same result. In order for a jump or throw to achieve maximum Distance, the RNG must be set on a positive Frame. Throughout this TAS, the RNG is manipulated to provide maximum Distance, or to provide a specific Distance.


Rather than aiming purely for a fast completion, This TAS explores the miscellanea and (im)possibilia of the game, some of which has remained the subject of debate for lo these 35 years. Hopefully, this TAS and its attendant documentation may shed some light on the mysteries of this storied and venerable game. The maximum achievement in each event is demonstrated, as well as all of the secret bonuses. Though the focus of this TAS is not on score, it does achieve a higher single-Match score than the highest recorded score...the hard way. This may be of interest to some. Additionally, the input for this TAS can be modified to loop ad indefinitum, allowing for 100% completion and/or maximum score as desired. Alternatively, the input for this TAS can be truncated for digestibility.
For this TAS, the international version of Track & Field is used and Level of Difficulty is set to Easy. This allows for the lowest possible Qualifying requirements, which saves time during 1st Match, particularly during High Jump. Qualifying requirements are the only game feature that is changed by Level of Difficulty.
Unfortunately, owing to differences in game mechanics and Qualifying requirements, the input for this TAS does not work with Hyper Olympic or the Centuri version of Track & Field, respectively.
Each Event has subtle differences in its input mechanics. The different mechanics are also used in different combinations.

The Events

100 Meter Dash

There is an 8 Frame delay after 1st Run input (leaving the starting blocks) and a 9 Frame delay after 2nd Run input (first step). Press Run 1 on Frame 1060, press Run 2 on Frame 1069, and then Press Run 1 on Frame 1079 to begin with optimum efficiency.
For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
The RNG is determined by the Frame on which the Event begins.
Computer's performance is determined by the RNG and the Player's performance. The faster the Player's Speed, The faster the Computer's Speed. For every 2 or 3 Frames that initial Run input is delayed, the Computer's finishing Time increases. Note that the Computer's maximum Speed is about 1,300 cm/sec. The Computer's minimum finishing Time ranges from 08:92 to 09:15.
Time elapses at a rate of :05 per each 3 Frames, or :01.66 per Frame.
Maximum attainable Speed is 1442 cm/sec. At this Speed, a Player travels at a rate of 5 pixels per Frame.
If a player crosses the Finish Line while traveling at a rate of less than 100 cm/sec, run posture is canceled and the player will walk across the Finish Line.
1 press of a Run button increases Speed by 100 cm/sec.
1 press of a Run button moves the Player forward by 4 pixels.
Minimum run Speed is 100 cm/sec. At this Speed, a player travels at 1 pixel per each 5 Frames, or .2 pixels per Frame. This Speed is attained instantly when a Run button is pressed.
The Player walks at a rate of 1 pixel per Frame. This is equivalent to a Speed of 271 cm/sec to 275 cm/sec--5 times faster than the minimum run Speed!

Long Jump

For 1st Try, Distance is determined by Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, and the jump Angle.
For 2nd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 1st Try, Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, and the jump Angle. Each meter of Distance during 1st Try provides 1 additional centimeter of Distance to 2nd Try.
For 3rd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 1st Try and 2nd Try, Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, and the jump Angle. The Distance of 2nd Try does not provide additional Distance to 3rd Try directly, but it can increase the duration of the Sweet Spot during 3rd Try.
For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
Beginning a jump while the Player's foot is in contact with the Foul line provides additional Distance and Speed to the jump. This additional Speed ranges from 20 cm/sec to 50 cm/sec, in nonsequential increments of 10 cm/sec, based on the proximity of the right edge of the Player's foot to the right edge of the Foul Line. Although this additional Speed may be as much as 50 cm/sec, additional Speed does not guarantee additional Distance, whereas starting a jump from closer to the edge of the Foul Line does. As such, the ideal location from which to start a jump is when the Player's foot is aligned with the right edge of the Foul Line, despite the fact that it provides only 30 cm/sec of additional Speed. Note that there are 2 locations on the Foul Line which provide 30 cm/sec of additional Speed. Ordered from left to right, the ideal location is the 2nd of these 2 locations. Though either location provides 30 cm/sec of additional Speed, the result from the ideal location provides 9 cm of additional Distance, furthering the mystery of this Event.
The ideal jump Angle is 42°.
The RNG is determined by the Frame on which the Event begins and the result of the previous Event or Try.
The nearest location from which to begin a jump is X Upper 2 X Lower 26.
When the Player reaches X Upper 2 X Lower 33, Speed is locked at its current value until the Try is completed.
If a jump begins from the ideal location, the marker is aligned with the right edge of the Foul Line. After the screen has scrolled to the right during the jump, the marker is shifted to the right by 1 pixel relative to the Foul Line, causing the marker to extend 1 pixel beyond the edge of the Foul Line. This has given rise to the notion that it is possible to start a jump beyond the Foul Line without inducing a Foul.
If Speed exceeds 1520 cm/sec, the area around the Speed value turns blue and the "cm/sec" is hidden.
Under certain conditions, the Speed display update is delayed by 1 Frame when a jump is started. This causes the game to display the jump Speed (1300 cm/sec) instead of displaying the Player's Speed when the jump began.
Maximum attainable Speed before the Foul Line bonus is 1517 cm/sec. At this Speed, the Player travels at 5-6 pixels per Frame. Maximum attainable Speed after the Foul Line bonus is 1567 cm/sec.
Maximum jump Speed is 1300 cm/sec. If Speed is 1300 cm/sec or greater when a jump begins, Speed is set to 1300 cm/sec for the duration of the jump. If Speed is 1299 cm/sec or less a jump begins, Speed remains at this value for the duration of the jump. Note that any Foul Line proximity bonus Speed is applied prior to the check for Player's Speed.
If a Try results in a Foul, the cm values become different than normal 2nd Try or 3rd Try values.
1 press of a Run button moves the Player forward by 4 pixels.

Javelin Throw

For 1st Try, Distance is determined by Player Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, the throw Angle, and Javelin Speed.
For 2nd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 1st Try, Player Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, the throw Angle, and Javelin Speed. Each 2 meters of Distance during 1st Try provides 1 additional cm/sec of Javelin Speed to 2nd Try.
For 3rd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 2nd Try, Player Speed, Foul Line proximity, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, the throw Angle, and Javelin Speed. Each 2 meters of Distance during 2nd Try provides 1 additional cm/sec of Javelin Speed to 3rd Try.
For maximum Speed prior to the throw, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
The ideal throw Angle is 42°.
When the Javelin is released, Player Speed is replaced by Javelin Speed. Initial Javelin Speed is determined by a Player's Speed when the Javelin is released and the Distance of the previous Try. Base maximum initial Javelin Speed is 1630 cm/sec. During 1st Try, Player Speed must be 1300 cm/sec when the Javelin is released in order to achieve maximum initial Javelin Speed.
Pressing the Run buttons while the Javelin is in flight increases Javelin Speed. For maximum Javelin Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame, press the other Run button on the next Frame, and then release both buttons for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Because this requires entering Run input on subsequent Frames, it is necessary in this case to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2. Run input can begin after the Jump/Throw button is released to increase Javelin Speed. Entering Run input while the Jump/Throw button is being held increases Player Speed, but not Javelin Speed. Although entering Run input while the Jump/Throw button is being held does not increase Javelin Speed, it does change the RNG, which can result in greater Distance. Javelin Speed is increased once per each 2 presses of a Run button. Throw Distance is increased once per each 6 increases in Javelin Speed.
The RNG affects Distance during Javelin Throw more greatly than any other Event--a variance of as much as 9m41!
Because the game uses only 4 digits for Distance, a Distance of 100m00 or greater causes this value to overflow to 0m00 and the Distance is instead measured starting from the point at which the Javelin reached 100m00. For example, a Distance of 100m00 is counted as 0m00, and fails to Qualify.
When the Javelin travels beyond 100m00, Javelin Speed is reset to initial Javelin Speed.
Distance markers on the field often display incorrect values at 100 and beyond.
Unlike Long Jump, Player Speed can be increased up to (and including) the Frame on which the Jump/Throw button is pressed.
Maximum attainable Speed during the approach is 1545 cm/sec. At this Speed, the Player travels at 5-6 pixels per Frame.
Maximum Javelin Speed is 1826 cm/sec.
The last possible location from which to begin a throw is X Major 5 X Minor 11.
1 press of a Run button moves the Player forward by 4-6 pixels.
If Speed exceeds 1520 cm/sec, the area around the Speed value turns blue and the "cm/sec" is hidden.
The earliest possible Frame on which Angle adjustment input can begin is 9 Frames after Jump/Throw is first pressed. The last possible Frame on which Angle adjustment input can begin is 25 Frames after Jump/Throw is first pressed.
The Javelin in released 3 Frames after Angle adjustment input ends. If the Angle is not adjusted, the Javelin is released 3 Frames after the last possible Frame on which Angle adjustment input can begin.

110 Meter Hurdles

For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
Pressing the Run buttons during a jump increases Speed. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed. As with running, for maximum Speed during a jump, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Note that the rate of acceleration is lesser during a jump than while running.
Jumping a Hurdle on the earliest possible Frame increases the window during which the Player is running. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed.
The height and duration of a jump is determined by the duration that the Jump/Throw button is held. Minimizing the height and duration of a jump increases the window during which the Player is running. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed.
The RNG is determined by the Frame on which the Event begins and the result of the previous Event.
Computer's performance is determined by the RNG and the Player's performance. The faster the Player's Speed, The faster the Computer's Speed. Note that the Computer's maximum Speed is about 1,197 cm/sec. The Computer's minimum finishing Time ranges from 12:44 to 12:72.
Time elapses at a rate of :05 per each 3 Frames, or :01.66 per Frame.
Maximum attainable Speed is 1545 cm/sec.
Starting input is identical to 100 Meter Dash, with the same 8 Frame delay after 1st Run input and 9 Frame delay after 2nd Run input.
When a jump begins, Speed is decreased by 300 cm/sec.
After landing, movement is stopped for 1 Frame and Speed is increased by 200 cm/sec. If this Speed increase is applied on the same Frame that Run input Speed increase is to be applied, Run input Speed increase is not applied.
A minor collision with a Hurdle decreases Speed by 300 cm/sec.
A major collision with a Hurdle decreases Speed to 200 cm/sec.
If a player crosses the Finish Line while traveling at a rate of less than 100 cm/sec, run posture is canceled and the player will walk across the Finish Line.
The first Frame of a Hurdle falling has a graphical glitch.
If each Hurdle is Jumped on the last possible Frame, there is not enough space to successfully jump the last Hurdle.

Hammer Throw

For 1st Try, Distance is determined by Speed, the rotation number, the path of the Hammer relative to the playfield, the RNG, and the throw Angle.
For 2nd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 1st Try, Speed, the rotation number, the path of the Hammer relative to the playfield, the RNG, and the throw Angle.
For 3rd Try, Distance is determined by the result of 2nd Try, Speed, the rotation number, the path of the Hammer relative to the playfield, the RNG, the Sweet Spot, and the throw Angle.
For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame, and then press the other Run button on the next Frame. Repeat as needed. This pattern of Run input is unique to this Event.
The ideal throw Angle is 45°.
The RNG is determined by the Frame on which the Event begins and the result of the previous Event or Try.
A throw at the earliest possible safe release point on the last rotation (along the right Foul Line) can travel as much as 3m farther than a throw along the left Foul Line, and can travel as much as 4m farther than a throw to the center of the field.
14 Frames after Jump/Throw is first pressed, Speed is decreased. The amount of this decrease is determined by the rotation during which Jump/Throw is first pressed. If Jump/Throw is first pressed during rotation 1-7, Speed is decreased by 10 cm/sec. If Jump/Throw is first pressed during rotation 8 or rotation 9, Speed is decreased by 50 cm/sec. After this initial decrease in Speed, the Player has an opportunity to recoup the loss by throwing at the appropriate Angle.
An Angle of 45° increases Speed by 60 cm/sec. An Angle of 43° or 47° increases Speed by 10 cm/sec. Only an Angle of 43°, 45°, or 47° can increase Speed.
Maximum possible Speed is 1500 cm/sec.

High Jump

Height is determined by Speed, the RNG, and the jump Angle.
Unlike other Events, there is no need to use the Run buttons to increase Speed during the approach. Rather, the Run buttons are used after the jump has begun to increase Speed, and thus increase the Height of the jump.
For maximum Speed after a jump has begun, press a Run button for 1 Frame, press the other Run button on the next Frame, and then release both buttons for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Run input can be entered starting 2 Frames after the Frame on which Jump/Throw is pressed. Note that it is possible to overflow the Speed value. This value is indicated by memory address 28B3. Unlike other Events, 28B3 does not increase the value at 28B2 when it exceeds a value of 9. Rather, 28B3 can be increased to its maximum value (255) and will overflow to 0 if it exceeds 255. Causing an overflow provides no benefit.
Unlike other Events, the Angle can be adjusted throughout the duration of a jump. Naturally, a 90° Angle is ideal for vertical movement. A 70° Angle is ideal for the peak of a jump.
Each Height successfully jumped is worth 500 points, including the first successful jump.
The 1st successful jump is worth 8,000 points.
The 2nd successful jump is worth 500 points.
If Jump/Throw is pressed on the last possible Frame, the Player will Fault, but the judge will not raise the red flag. This saves 16 Frames compared to simply running beyond the bar.
Without using Run input during a jump, the highest point of a 90° Jump is Y 91.
Using optimum Run input during a jump, the highest point of a 90° Jump is Y 103.

The Bonuses

The game presents various awards to a Player when a particular "secret" condition is met. This involves an amusing cutscene and Bonus points for the Player. The Japanese characters (てん) read "ten".

100 Meter Dash

If the Event ends in a tie, the hero from Tutankham makes a cameo appearance and awards a Bonus of 1,000 points. However, if the result of the Event is a World Record, the World Record announcement supersedes the Bonus cutscene, and the Bonus is not awarded.

Long Jump

If the Distance of 1st Try, 2nd Try, and 3rd Try are all equal, the hero from Tutankham makes a cameo appearance and awards a Bonus of 1,000 points. However, if the result of the Event is a World Record, the World Record announcement supersedes the Bonus cutscene, and the Bonus is not awarded.
A Distance of 9m00 or greater is required on 1st Try in order to achieve the same Distance 3 consecutive times. A Distance of 8m99 or less has different possible cm values on 2nd Try and 3rd Try than it does on 1st Try. 2nd Try and 3rd Try have the same possible cm values. If a Try results in a Foul, the cm values revert to the original 1st Try values. The 100 possible cm values are evenly divided, with 1st Try having 50 possible cm values, and 2nd Try and 3rd Try sharing the other 50 possible values. In this manner, a Player is prevented from receiving the Bonus much more easily with 3 short jumps.

Javelin Throw

If the Javelin reaches Y 253 (the top of the screen), it skewers an alien creature, which falls to the ground and awards a Bonus of 1,000 points. Of the various Bonuses, this is the easiest to achieve (even accidentally) and the most widely known.

110 Meter Hurdles

If the Event ends in a tie, the hero from Tutankham makes a cameo appearance and awards a Bonus of 1,000 points. However, if the result of the Event is a World Record, the World Record announcement supersedes the Bonus cutscene, and the Bonus is not awarded.

Hammer Throw

Unfortunately, there is no Bonus for Hammer Throw.

High Jump

If the result of 1st Try and 2nd Try is a Fault, and a Player subsequently Qualifies, a mole burrows up through the track and awards a Bonus of 1,000 points. The mole also says "NICE".

The World Records

100 Meter Dash

Time: 06:92
There is an 8 Frame delay after 1st Run input (leaving the starting blocks) and a 9 Frame delay after 2nd Run input (first step).
For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
Accounting for the delays at the start and using optimal Run input thereafter yields the fastest possible Time.
Of interest, the 06:92 Time is identical to the NES TAS--despite no pause glitch!

Long Jump

Distance: 9m76
A 9m76 Long Jump on 3rd Try is rarely encountered, but not unheard of. Even under ideal conditions, a Player has only an 85/256 (roughly 1 in 3) chance of doing so. This TAS takes it a step further, achieving a 9m76 on 2nd Try instead (at best a 4/256 chance), and then takes it yet another step further by using only the minimum necessary approach Speed, for a final chance of 1/256 (less than 0.4%).
In order to manipulate the Sweet Spot, this TAS uses a delay of 78 Frames before starting input during 2nd Try.
As this Event is rather more complex, the description is presented as a checklist. For reference, a checklist for a 3rd Try 9m76 is also included, as well as a checklist for maximizing the chance of a 9m76 jump.
Long Jump 9m76 2nd Try Checklist:
In order to achieve a Distance of 9m76 during 2nd Try, the following minimum criteria must be met:
Must be 2nd Try (naturally). The maximum Distance of a Try is determined by the Distance of the previous Try. Each meter of Distance during 1st Try provides 1 additional centimeter of Distance to 2nd Try.
Distance of the previous Try must be 9m00 or greater.
Speed must be 1500 cm/sec or greater when the jump starts. Note that any Foul Line Speed increase is applied prior to the check for 1500 cm/sec Speed. If the addition of the Foul Line Speed increase is sufficient to reach a Speed of 1500 cm/sec or greater, this criterion is met.
The jump must start from ideal proximity to the Foul Line.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during the Sweet Spot.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during a positive RNG Frame.
The Angle of the jump must be 42°.
Long Jump 9m76 3rd Try Checklist:
In order to achieve a Distance of 9m76 during 3rd Try, the following minimum criteria must be met:
Must be 3rd Try (naturally). The maximum Distance of a Try is determined by the Distance of the previous Try. The Distance of 2nd Try does not provide additional Distance to 3rd Try directly, but it can increase the duration of the Sweet Spot during 3rd Try.
Distance of the previous Try must be 9m00 or greater.
Distance of the previous Try must be 9m72 or less. 9m72 is the normal maximum Distance for 2nd Try and 3rd try. If the Distance of previous Try is 9m73 or greater, the Sweet Spot will not be active for the current Try. As such, the Sweet Spot Distance increase necessary for a Distance of 9m76 can only be applied once per Match.
Speed must be 1300 cm/sec or greater when the jump starts. Note that any Foul Line Speed increase is applied prior to the check for 1300 cm/sec Speed. If the addition of the Foul Line Speed increase is sufficient to reach a Speed of 1300 cm/sec or greater, this criterion is met.
The jump must start from ideal proximity to the Foul Line.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during the Sweet Spot.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during a positive RNG Frame.
The Angle of the jump must be 42°.
Long Jump 9m76 Maximum Chance Checklist:
In order to maximize the chance of achieving a Distance of 9m76, the following minimum criteria must be met:
Must be 3rd Try. The maximum Distance of a Try is determined by the Distance of the previous Try. Each meter of Distance during 1st Try provides 1 additional centimeter of Distance to 2nd Try. The Distance of 2nd Try does not provide additional Distance to 3rd Try directly, but it can increase the duration of the Sweet Spot during 3rd Try.
Distance of 1st Try must be 9m63.
Distance of 2nd Try must be 9m72. No more, no less.
Speed must be 1500 cm/sec or greater when the jump starts. Note that any Foul Line Speed increase is applied prior to the check for 1500 cm/sec Speed. If the addition of the Foul Line Speed increase is sufficient to reach a Speed of 1500 cm/sec or greater, this criterion is met.
The jump must start from ideal proximity to the Foul Line.
The Angle of the jump must be 42°.
If all of these criteria have been met, the Distance of a jump has an 85/256 (roughly 1 in 3) chance of being 9m76. Otherwise, the Distance will be 9m72, the normal maximum for 2nd Try and 3rd Try.

Javelin Throw

Distance: 99m93
Due to the increased level of control during this Event relative to other Events, this is one of the more attainable "maximums" in the game. However, because a throw of 100m00 or greater resets the Distance to 0m00, the tricky part is less about reaching 99m93, and more about approaching 100m00 without exceeding it.
For maximum Speed prior to the throw, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
The ideal throw Angle is 42°.
When the Javelin is released, Player Speed is replaced by Javelin Speed. Initial Javelin Speed is determined by a Player's Speed when the Javelin is released and the Distance of the previous Try. Base maximum initial Javelin Speed is 1630 cm/sec. During 1st Try, Player Speed must be 1300 cm/sec when the Javelin is released in order to achieve maximum initial Javelin Speed.
Pressing the Run buttons while the Javelin is in flight increases Javelin Speed. For maximum Javelin Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame, press the other Run button on the next Frame, and then release both buttons for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Because this requires entering Run input on subsequent Frames, it is necessary in this case to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2. Run input can begin after the Jump/Throw button is released to increase Javelin Speed. Entering Run input while the Jump/Throw button is being held increases Player Speed, but not Javelin Speed. Although entering Run input while the Jump/Throw button is being held does not increase Javelin Speed, it does change the RNG, which can result in greater Distance. Javelin Speed is increased once per each 2 presses of a Run button. Throw Distance is increased once per each 6 increases in Javelin Speed.
The last RNG check for this Event is made on the first Frame that a Run button is pressed to increase Javelin Speed. After Player Speed and initial Javelin Speed have been set, the RNG determines the maximum Distance of the throw. As the RNG alone can mean a difference of as much as 9m41, it is imperative that the RNG be favorable on the first Frame that a Run button is pressed to increase Javelin Speed.
A Distance of 99m93 can be reached on any Try. However, because the Distance of a prior Try can increase the initial Javelin Speed of the current Try, it is rather easier to reach this Distance with each successive Try.
For this TAS, an RNG value is chosen that provides a maximum Distance of a bit more than 100m00, and then Javelin Speed input is ended earlier than necessary to mitigate the final Distance to the desired value.

110 Meter Hurdles

Time: 08:87
There is an 8 Frame delay after 1st Run input (leaving the starting blocks) and a 9 Frame delay after 2nd Run input (first step).
For maximum Speed, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. There is no need to alternate between Run button 1 and Run button 2.
Pressing the Run buttons during a jump increases Speed. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed. As with running, for maximum Speed during a jump, press a Run button for 1 Frame and then release for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Note that the rate of acceleration is lesser during a jump than while running.
Jumping a Hurdle on the earliest possible Frame increases the window during which the Player is running. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed.
The height and duration of a jump is determined by the duration that the Jump/Throw button is held. Minimizing the height and duration of a jump increases the window during which the Player is running. This is necessary in order to achieve maximum Speed.
Accounting for the delays at the start, using optimal Run input, and accounting for landing delays thereafter yields the fastest possible Time.

Hammer Throw

Distance: 99m99
Though it is unlikely, a Distance of 99m99 can be achieved, even in normal play. The original version of this game, Hyper Olympic, provides an additional 50 cm of Distance to any throw, making it eminently more likely to achieve a Distance of 99m99. This version difference, combined with the rarity of encountering a Distance of 99m99 on Track & Field, has led to the common misconception that a Distance of 99m99 is only possible on a cabinet that incorporates the Hyper Olympic ROM set. However, it is possible to achieve a Distance of 99m99 on any arcade version of the game.
As with Long Jump, the description is presented as a checklist.
Hammer Throw 99m99 3rd Try Checklist:
The RNG must be favorable on the Frame on which input unlocks for 3rd Try.
Must be 3rd Try (naturally). The maximum Distance of a Try is determined by the Distance of the previous Try. Each meter of Distance during 1st Try provides 1 additional centimeter of Distance to 2nd Try. The Distance of 2nd Try provides only 1 additional cm of Distance to 3rd Try directly, but it can also provide a Sweet Spot window during 3rd Try.
Distance of 1st Try must be 98m00. If 1st Try Distance is 98m50 and 2nd Try Distance is 99m48, 3rd Try maximum is 99m98.
Distance of 2nd Try must be 99m48. If 2nd Try Distance is 98m98, 3rd Try maximum is 99m98.
Speed must be 1500 cm/sec or greater when the throw starts. Note that any throw Angle Speed increase is applied prior to the check for 1500 cm/sec Speed. If the addition of the throw Angle Speed increase is sufficient to reach a Speed of 1500 cm/sec or greater, this criterion is met.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed on the earliest possible Frame during rotation 9. A throw at the earliest possible safe release point on the last rotation (along the right Foul Line) can travel as much as 3m farther than a throw along the left Foul Line, and can travel as much as 4m farther than a throw to the center of the field.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during the Sweet Spot. This is the tricky part. The Sweet Spot in Hammer Throw is much less predictable than it is in Long Jump. The Sweet Spot may be active at any time after input is unlocked for a Try. The duration of the Sweet Spot is very limited; only 1 or 2 subcycles. To make matters worse, the window of opportunity during which to begin input (before the Player automatically begins to rotate) is only 190 Frames in duration. As such, it does not provide the 256 Frames of a full Sweet Spot cycle, and thus in many cases it may be entirely absent during a Try.
The Jump/Throw button must be pressed during a positive RNG Frame.
The Angle of the throw must be 45°.
In order to manipulate the Sweet Spot, this TAS uses a delay of 15 Frames before starting input during 1st Try, and then uses a delay of 179 Frames before starting input during 3rd Try.
Unlike other Events, Hammer Throw is largely automated, even generating more than 1480 cm/sec of Speed for the last rotation with just 1 press of a Run button. Just 19 presses of Run input are sufficient to reach the maximum Speed of 1500 cm/sec.
It is possible to achieve a Distance of 99m98 on 2nd Try by using the Sweet Spot. However, as with Long Jump, the use of the Sweet Spot during a Try precludes its use on the subsequent Try, thus making it impossible to achieve a Distance of 99m99 during 3rd Try. Using the Sweet Spot on 2nd Try actually causes a Sour Spot, as per Long Jump 1st Try. Maximum Sour Spot Distance is 98m49.
By comparison, Hyper Olympic provides as much as an 85/256 (roughly 1 in 3) chance of 99m99 on 2nd Try, and a 100% chance of 99m99 on 3rd Try--and it can be done twice in a row!

High Jump

Height: 4m85
This TAS never actually requires quite such extreme measures as this checklist indicates, but it does come rather close. The jump during 2m55 starts just 1 Frame before the last possible Frame and generates 192 Speed in order to clear the bar with a 45° peak angle.
High Jump Maximum Height checklist:
Begin the jump on the last possible Frame. Hold the Jump/Throw button until Angle is 88°. The last possible Frame on which to begin a jump is 1 Frame before a 90° jump would cause the back of the Player's head to collide with the bar during the initial ascent.
2 Frames after pressing the Jump/Throw button, begin entering Run input. Continue entering Run input to generate maximum Speed (254).
29 Frames after the Jump/Throw button is first pressed, press the Jump/Throw button for 1 Frame to adjust the Angle to 87°.
1 Frame before the Player's posture changes from vertical to horizontal, adjust Angle to 70°.
Using this technique, the Player will be at Y 100 when he crosses over the bar.
For maximum Speed after a jump has begun, press a Run button for 1 Frame, press the other Run button on the next Frame, and then release both buttons for 1 Frame. Repeat as needed. Run input can be entered starting 2 Frames after the Frame on which Jump/Throw is pressed. Note that it is possible to overflow the Speed value. This value is indicated by memory address 28B3. Unlike other Events, 28B3 does not increase the value at 28B2 when it exceeds a value of 9. Rather, 28B3 can be increased to its maximum value (255) and will overflow to 0 if it exceeds 255. Causing an overflow provides no benefit.
Unlike other Events, the Angle can be adjusted throughout the duration of a jump. Naturally, a 90° Angle is ideal for vertical movement. A 70° Angle is ideal for the peak of a jump.
A 70° Angle is ideal for the peak of a jump. However, in the interest of completing each Try as quickly as possible, this TAS minimizes the duration of each jump by using lower Angles to clear the bar, and also adjusts the Angle to 20° on the earliest possible Frame. A 45° Angle provides the ideal balance between vertical and horizontal movement. Adjusting the Angle directly from 90° to 45° (i.e. holding the Jump/Throw button continuously) on the earliest possible Frame provides greater clearance than adjusting gradually from 90° to 45° (i.e. "tapping" the Jump/Throw button).
As Height increases, the bar is raised. At the initial Height of 2m15, the bar is located at Y 77. The bar is raised to Y 79 for the next 2 Tries (2m25 and 2m30), and is then raised by 1 pixel for every 1 or 2 Tries thereafter, to a maximum location of Y 95 at a Height of 2m55.
When Height reaches 2m47, the bar supports begin to levitate above the base.
When Height reaches 2m56 (i.e. 256), things get weird. The bar is lowered to ground level at Y 44. The bar is raised at a reduced rate, being raised by 1 pixel for every 5 or 6 Tries thereafter. 4m85 is the maximum possible Height. This occurs during 253rd Try. At the Height of 4m85, the bar is located at Y 79. During 254th Try, Height jumps to 2m30, but the bar remains at Y 79. The bar is then raised to Y 80 for 255th Try, the "expected" location during 2m31. After 255 successful Tries, this value overflows to 0. When the value overflows, Height is reset to 2m15 with the bar at Y 77, and the pattern repeats for the next 255 Tries.

Match By Match Comments

1st Match

1st Match is the "fun" Match, demonstrating the Bonus for each Event, with 2 exceptions: Long Jump, which must be done during 2nd Match, and Hammer Throw, which has no Bonus.

100 Meter Dash

A late start results in a premature final push from the Player, leaving him winded for the final stretch. He wheezes across the Finish Line for an unlikely tie, just .02 seconds shy of a World Record. The hero from Tutankham appears, absconding with a key, as is his wont.

Long Jump

A Distance of 9m00 or greater is required on 1st Try in order to achieve the same Distance during 3 consecutive Tries. During 1st Match, this would result in a World Record, preventing the Bonus from being awarded. As such, Long Jump during 1st Match is instead used to populate the World Record table with values in excess of 9m00. This allows the Bonus to be achieved during 2nd Match without setting a World Record.
1st Try:
A hair over 9m00.
2nd Try:
The Player nearly leaves his shoes for an unlikely Distance of 9m76.
3rd Try:
A matching 9m04 nicely bookends the World Record.

Javelin Throw

1st Try:
The line judge is unfazed by his brush with death.
2nd Try:
A throw at the minimum Angle has just enough to Qualify.
3rd Try:
"Hey! They're really out there." An overly-lofty throw results in a Close Encounter of the Third Kind.

110 Meter Hurdles

After a belated start, the Player sails past the Computer before stumbling on the 10 Hurdle and coming to an inexplicable stop. The Player struts it out across the Finish Line for a dramatic tie. As with 100 Meter Dash, this Time narrowly avoids setting a World Record. Again, the hero from Tutankham expresses his approval with 1000 points.

Hammer Throw

1st Try:
Too high.
2nd Try:
Held on to that one just a bit too long. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the audience members.
3rd Try:
The Player manages to Qualify with a throw on just the 3rd rotation!

High Jump

1st Try:
This jump starts a bit late. It also fails to lean.
2nd Try:
The Player fails to clear the bar, but does manage to clear the mat.
3rd Try and 4th Try (2m15 and 2m25):
Nothing to see here. Move along.
5th Try (2m30):
The Player's ground pounding has impressed a mole, which burrows up through the track. It is likely a Temminck's mole (Mogera wogura), a species which is known for awarding bonus points. Nice!
6th Try (2m35):
This jump is just far knock down the bar.

2nd Match

2nd Match is all business, demonstrating the maximum achievement for a World Record in each Event, with the exception of Long Jump, which was done during 1st Match.

100 Meter Dash

This is a straightforward trouncing of the Computer. The Computer's Time of 09:15 is the 2nd fastest in the world. The game ignores this.

Long Jump

The Bonus is achieved with the minimum possible Distance.
1st Try:
2nd Try:
3rd Try:
9m00. Trifecta! For the final time, the hero from Tutankham scurries along the sideline to award the Bonus and then is gone, off to explore another ancient tomb, no doubt.

Javelin Throw

1st Try:
"The Distance: zero point zero zero meters." Still good enough for a white flag, apparently.
2nd Try:
99m93. Supremum!
3rd Try:
A mighty heave. 149m08! No, wait...109m08! No, wait...9m08! Aww, shucks.

110 Meter Hurdles

Boing, boing, boing... And the Player invades the Computer's "personal" space. The Computer's Time of 12:72 is the 2nd fastest in the world. The game ignores this.

Hammer Throw

This Event requires a regimented series of 3 Tries in order to achieve maximum Distance.
1st Try:
2nd Try:
3rd Try:
Dressed to the nines! The Player throws the Hammer just so for the unlikely Distance of 99m99.

High Jump

For those with an interest in statistics, this event comprises about 85% of the total time of this TAS.
1st Try through 15th Try (2m15 through 2m46):
Business as usual.
16th Try (2m47)
The bar supports begin to levitate above the base. That's some high-tech stuff!
17th Try through 23rd Try (2m48 through 2m54):
Grinding it out.
24th Try (2m55):
The bar doesn't get any higher than this! The Player believes he can touch the sky as he clears the bar at the stunning height of 2m55. It's smooth sailing from here on.
25th Try (2m56):
The bar is "raised" to ground level. Thanks, devs!
As the result of a premature jump, the Player flops onto the track on top of the bar. Judge says OK!
26th Try through 252nd Try (2m57 through 4m84):
Smooth sailing, as promised.
253rd Try (4m85):
After over a hour of continuous attempts, the Player unleashes a final Homeric leap of 4m85, roughly 1 inch shy of 16 feet. This is just 5 cm from double the existing world record for this event.

Suggested Screenshots

Frame 4301
Frame 10207
Frame 28449
Frame 15682
Frame 56100

Noxxa: This demonstration contains some interesting tidbits, but it doesn't really garner enough interest to publish on the site almost an hour of long jumping, or a hour-long playaround in general. Rejecting.

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