Post subject: xebra is a whore
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 1203
Why yes, I am. Anyways, I know you all love me to death so go vote for the DotA heroes I designed! I would love to see them in the next version of the game with your support :) . (P.S. Voting thumbs up is preferable :D ) (P.P.S. You should know the DotA forums require registration, but go through the two minute hassle for me!) (P.P.P.S. If you've never played the game, you should, it's ownage. It's a UMS for WC3.)
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
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I have played DotA online a few time, IMO it has waaaaay to much imbalance and waaaay to many heroes (how could I practice each one offline?) Thumb Up for your links anyway. *edit - I decided to try DotA again.. omg.. latest version just have insane long load time, like.. 5 min on 384 ram, 9800 radeon, pentium 4. Lets see, thats like more than a month to practice all heroes. I'm officially no longer playing DotA*
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Such a fun game. 60 heroes, but it doesn't take too long too get used to them(and all the items). When I'm at college, my friends and I average about 3 games a night.
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Oh, and Ventuz, don't fret. Someone managed to fix the load time problem (apparently by dereferencing the strings. I don't know what that really means in the context of WC3 scenarios, or why strings would need to be referenced ... or whatever.) Anyways, there are non-official released of 5.84 and 6.01 with drastically reduced load times (under 30 seconds even on slow comps.) I believe Guinsoo has said he will work that into his next official release, as well.
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Xebra, how much are you involved in making new Dota-versions? I've been playing loads of Dota's lately and I got some thoughts about some heroes and the map itself. Unfortunately I haven't voted for your heroes because I didn't want to sign up there but I wish you luck with them anyways ,)
/Walker Boh
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I don't want to suscribe so what is Dota?
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It's a custom game for WarCraft 3. Defence of the ancients I think. You goal is to destroy the other teams base and you can only chose 1 of many heroes to do so. Also you can buy some cool items to be able to deal more damage. Even though it's kinda simple it's very wellmade, entertaining and addictive ;)
/Walker Boh
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Well, if it is for WC3 then it may be cool. Though, I haven't played that game for a long time.
Joined: 5/3/2004
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I'm not involved at all in making new DotA versions, which is too bad. The current developers are screwing up the game more and more with every new version in the 6 series. Essentially this means designing heroes is completely and utterly futile for me, but I still do it because I'm really good at it, and I thought that anyone here that plays DotA would appreciate my designs. On a side note, I've been sitting on the design for a time-themed hero for a long time simply because I can't think of a name. Any thoughts?
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Oh, also WalkerBoh, I'd love to hear your thoughts on heroes/items/modifications/etc. Once school is out for the summer I may decide to retrigger DotA so that it is smaller, faster, and less buggy. The current developers seem to be universally poor programmers, almost everything they add is bug-ridden to the extreme. (Not that Guinsoo's stuff wasn't just as bad.)
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I can't complain about too many heroes. A few things I've noticed though is that Chen was bugged, atleast in 6.03. His revive skill didn't work properly. Also I think the Stealth Assassin sucks now. He is still pretty cool and his new backstab ability is good and all but the red text that appears when he got a hit in sort of destroys his sneaking ability. Also, why did they remove his death ward? In 6.04 they have changed the terrain from forest to snow. This sucks big time in my opinion because now it doesn't only look horrible and boring but it's also sort of harder to play the map. Personally I like those sort of hidden areas like where Roshan is. It might be just me of all who plays dota but I would appreciate more "secrets" like him ;) Oh yeah! The creeps way points acts stupid also. I didn't see this in v5.xx but maybe I wasn't paying attention. Anyways, if the miss their way point because they attack other creeps or whatever, they go back to the closest way point before they proceed. Can be annoying sometimes when you charge a tower and think you are supported by creeps ;P It's most noticable in the corners of the map. That's what I can come up with right now. I'll add more later if something comes to my mind.
/Walker Boh
Joined: 5/3/2004
Posts: 1203
Here's my newest creation for all your DotA fans our there :) . Vote thumbs up or Sonic 1 never gets finished! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*CHOKE*.
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That's blackmailing. Besides you have to register so it goes over my level of allowed bother for something I really don't want to do in the first place. Sonic 1 is actually one of the few games I can speedrun on this computer (you only need direction+jump most of the time). But I am so not skilled and knowledgable enough to do that. How about this: if you finish Sonic 1, I promise to vote for all of your DOTA heroes, or cancel my account here and never come back.
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Another hero design for all you DotA fans! (Ok, there are like two of you, but whatever.) This one is by far the most interesting of my creations, though don't read it if you are easily offended.
Joined: 5/31/2004
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Wow I love Dota better than ladder. I play it all the time.
JXQ's biggest fan.
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Oops, I haven't been back to that site in a while, it looks like they made some structural changes and all my links are now broken. I'm away from home for a few days, I'll fix them when I get home.
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I just had an exciting session of dota again. Actually it was several dota games with insane heroes in the opposite team. This gave me an idea though. When you reach level 20+ it's not fun to die every other minute since the waiting time is 60+ seconds. On top of that you also lose your money. Tonight I learned that it's possible to buy the hero back if one is rich enough (which will never happen if you every now and then). This gave me an idea of buying time instead of not having afford to buy the whole hero at once. Say that one could reduce the waiting time by maybe 3 seconds for 100 gold. This can't be that hard to make, right? Ok, I haven't made any custom maps because I don't understand it all but just to click that much you can afford can't be that hard? It's possible in maps like Poker TD. Oh well, I don't know if you talk to the dota-makers Xebra but I thought it was a good idea ;) And I still don't want to be a member at their forum.
/Walker Boh