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Player (86)
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Ok. i just tried it then. and no, you cant do what i said.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Judging from the Neptune fight, you don't need very long at all to charge up.
I didn't find it any faster with first charged up shot only.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
And if you're worried about firing useless shots, you could start holding B at a time when you can't fire, such as during slides or screen transitions.
I know. First shot was kind of demostrating that I cannot kill shelled cannon until i get closer, 2nd shot just for entertainming.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I think it might have even caused slowdown at one point, though I'm not sure.
This game has lots of slowdown unless it's played on Super Game Boy.. but I haven't seen the movie so I don't know what mode it's being run in.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
Player (189)
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It has LESS slowdown on Super Game Boy? Huh. That's nice. The current movie is on Super Game Boy, anyway.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (125)
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Aw alright guys, if you guys don't like too much charging, useless shots, etc.. I'm thinking of not submit this one, I'm just putting this as "test run" and make it as my own little guide. I'll try make another more "super-play"ish but it'll be longer to make (judging distance from enemy to start up charging).
Player (86)
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Yea, that can be good. Thats what i was thinking of doing with my SML.
Player (125)
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I have been using Frame Advancement heavily (like ...99.3%) on an actually time-attack of Mega Man 5. Have some taste of this superplay run. I'll continue on testrun, but the final run won't be up until I submit it.
Player (125)
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ARRGH progress in MARS stage is not so pretty even in heavy frame advance, it's weapon switching-fest. Please just ignore timed shot in mini-boss fight in MARS, I'll make it more better timing shot in final movie. (22 or 23 frames invurability on that guy)
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ventuz wrote:
Nice... but can't you do something for the lag? Also, I would have liked it if you keep the weapon charged less of the time, in order to hear the music without that much disturbance :)
Player (125)
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It's going to be less charged shot in final, I'm making this one just as test run (crappy version, such as too long charge up / a bit delay sliding / delay shots) but I wanted opinion from someone if the method is good or if theres better alternative. As for lags, I dont know... It's on the GB / Console too..
Player (125)
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ok.. new test run up, pretty sloppy but it will be better in final. Mars level made my ass hurts... im pretty happy with tactic using Salt Water double hitting MARS, its going to be better in final. (about last monkey, i will make it double hit in final) Anyone got any better suggestion for mars level? like better way around armored turtle, armored spinner guy, rocket in better time saving.
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Umm.. Im having BIG problem, Im having trouble jumping over first stream (after long ladder of boredom) in final run, Mega Man seem to alway get hit 1 frame ahead, or fall 1 frame back. I don't know how did I manage to pull it off in test run. I need someone to hex edit the play from test run to final run.. (LINK deleted, manually re-do it) What I need is frame from 6955 to 7178 copied from test run and to AFTER frame 6796 in time_attack run. I couldn't find proper hex editor that change offset to decimal (I tried changing to decimal, it seem to remain at hex) *edited out link*
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
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I would convert frame number to hex offset like so: open calc.exe, type the frame #, multiply by 2, add 256, click Hex. But, hex editing won't work here that easily, because your time attack run is lagging very differently than your test run. You actually climb up the ladder faster, and jump across the gap slower, in your test run. It shouldn't be too hard to just redo that part with frame advance, anyway. There is only 1 pixel of safety for landing, so if you get hit and fall back you're just moving too far left. The steam is wider near the top so you have to move right after jumping. And the steam is actually too wide to jump over, so you have to wait longer (and/or jump higher) after killing the enemy, long enough for it to fade out exactly when you're about to land on it, which is what you (maybe accidentally) did before. BTW, I think you should redo the "ladder of boredom" to be more interesting, for example I liked how you timed some movement to the music before, and now you mostly just sit there waiting.
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Argh, hex editing didnt work, I guess you're right, my current run lagged in ladder part. I'll try re-do ladder, jumping over 1st stream goin to take forever, like 200 rerecording in frame advance.
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Oh no! It's going to be worthless if you use so many rerecords!
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Done Neptune, around 350 frames faster than test run (50 frames faster in Neptune fight). 2175 re-record counts. Im afraid of Mars stage.
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ok, WIP of final run --> http://ventuz.homestead.com/files/mm5_ta.zip *moan*
Player (125)
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Ok.. when I were working on my own little test run, i realized that next 4 master robots (and the rest..) speed plan need some changes, and Jupiter's level is still pain in the ass. And I started playing Diablo 2 to death... I'm going to try continue working on MM5 run sometime. While you waiting for me to finish MM5 run, enjoy updated WIP --> HERE (up to beginning of Pluto)
Player (125)
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I have finished my little test run at frame 169,727 (47:09). It was pretty sloppy run, I estimate that final run will be anywhere between 150,000 to 167,000 frames. I have found a little neat trick that I can kill one of master robot instantly. But I might won't continue my final run base on this test run (since test run was pretty sloppy).. I might re-create another test run with a changed plan to see if it's a better plan.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1312)
Joined: 12/21/2004
Posts: 2687
Is the finished test run uploaded somewhere? I wouldn't mind watching it, even if it's just a test run that can be improved a lot. And maybe someone will notice some mistakes you wouldn't have, saving you time later. Also, your "LINK TO VBA Re-recording EMU" is out of date, it should point here now. (The speed changing not working that you noticed has been fixed.)
Player (125)
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http://ventuz.homestead.com/files/mm5_testrun.zip I have included snapshot beginning from Pluto stage (load it during playback) if you want skil first 4 / darkmoon. Improvable stuff I know about / need testing I need to try .. theres could be few things i forgot to mention, but tell me anyway if you see improvable / suggestion. --------------------- For most part, bad timings (such as going by enemy many pixals away, delayed sliding, etc) - could save 100+ more frames in final. ---PLUTO--- 59800 - I could wait and let it come up 2~4 more pixal and be able to jump over without taking hit, saves 5~30 frames (along with energy pickup after that hit). 65000 - I'm not sure if this is good idea, take the "S" power-up at this point (fill up everything). Path won't open until you get it.. i think... (testing goes here). 66200 - Probly shoulda switch to normal gun, charge up shot and jump over it, saves 20~50 frames if it works. 67000 - Major sloppy fight (I screwed up here with saving movie snapshot, oh hell). For improved fight -> see next Pluto Fight. Major frame save around 200~600? ---JUPITER--- 71000 - God man.. this level.. su.. I'm thinking of avoid using Break Dash (not big help here) and use it for Uranus (frame losses, but improve later). (testing goes here). 73600 - Bad stopping slide timing, save 5~20 frames when fixed. 78000 - Was trying to see if I can avoid shot, nah.. fix in final, save 200+ frames. ---SATURN--- 83160 - Probly could avoid this guy, had delayed sliding there, saves 30~70 frames if works. 83400 - Guess don't need to shoot it, lagged? saves 1~10 if no charged up shot actually didn't lag there. 83700 - Switch to Bubble Bomb / Salt Water or not? I can't reach and shoot him, saves frame (unknown). (testing goes here). 84650 - Too long jump, save 10~30 frames when fixed. 86050 - Guess don't need to shoot it, saves 10~30 frames when fixed. 86500 - Too long jump, save 10~30 frames when fixed. 87500 - Hm, not sure how did I manage to drop elertric shot early (maybe Saturn's throwing ring dropped it?), save 50~200 frames if I able to drop electric shot whenever I want to. (testing goes here). ---Uranus--- 91740 - Not sure how could I avoid seal faster, save frames (unknown), (testing goes here). 91960 - Pick-up energy if I need it, (Break Dash thing..) frame loss/gain (unknown), (testing goes here). 92270 / 96400 - Just had idea how to kill it faster, saves 200~600 frames each if it works, (testing goes here). 93300 - Took hit.. Switch to better weapon to kill it faster? save frame (unknown), (testing goes here). 93600 - Going use Rush Jet better in final, save frame 5~20. 93950 - Same here, use Rush Jet better in final (without taking floating platform), save frame 30~100. 94450 - Not sure how could I kill this seal faster, save frames (unknown), (testing goes here). 94970 - Same as above. 95900 - Unavoidable, must find a way to kill it, save/loss frame (unknown), (testing goes here). 98400 - This is where I wanted to re-do test run, I demand Break Dash (pick up powerup at 91960?, use less Break Dash in Jupiter?), save frame lots... (testing goes here). ---Terra--- 104100 - Improve the fight, saves 100~300 frames. 104700 - I'm going try to not remove brocks in middle (keep 1 of middle brock), saves 50~100 frames if I could alter the fight. ---Space/Death Skull--- 111000 - This is almost autoscroll level, rocks are... 112300 - Now I can begin to end this level quicker, but I must heavily luck maintain their spawning position, and pull 2 close together to kill quicker (did once at 112,850, see it as example), frame save (unknown). (testing? =( ..) 116300 - Hmm, I think charge up shot, THEN shoot normally is faster than charge up again, (test here). ---Inside Death Skull--- 119100 - Probly shoulda use Break Dash back there, and keep it for next same one, frame save/loss unknown. (test here). 120800 / 121120 - Hmm, I think shooting normally is faster than half charged up shot, (test here). 121340 - Ugh, any faster? I think taking hit is quicker. Fixing in final (unless someone suggest me a faster way), save frame 200~300. 112200 - Going to try get 3rd shot go off in final or avoid 3rd shot/hit, and maintain his 2nd jumping in 1 jump, save 20~120 frames. 125100 - Umm that missile went thru but didn't hurt him, fixing in final, saves 30~120 frames. Here, I began getting more lost, made me want to re-do test run even more. This test run will give me warning and better plan. 128350 - His bouncing # is maintainable (lowest bouncing I had gotten was 2 but I needed to move in this test run), and I will make the fight better in final, save frames 80+, (testing goes here). 130800 - Goin to improve this fight in final, saves 100+ frames. Gone more sloppy when I wanted to finish this test run. ---Teleport System--- 133000 - I should go half charged shot instead of full charged shot, must maintain to keep him low jump tho, frame save 50+ if it's... faster? (Or use any remaining Photon Missile, arrgh, re-do test-run to see if I have enough remains). 135250 - Oops, did it again. (I forgot...), Fixing in final. save 100+ frames. 141000 - Accidently save snapshot when I thought next one was MERCURY, fixing in final, save 30+ frames. 141500 - Here, I just had idea pop up, surprise in final, save/lose frames (unknown, but worth showing). ---Arm Bots--- 147000 - I think I can maintain his gift, ugh "S" = time-wasting, save 100+ frames. (test here). 148050 - I shoulda save some Salt Water energy for 2nd Arm Bot. save 500+ frames. (also test for amount needed energy) 149??? - Should put Mega Man far right when 1st Arm Bot dies. save 80+ frames. 152900 - Should put Mega Man far right again. save 80+ frames. ---Wily's Tank Machine--- 154600 - Will fix better bubble bomb shooting at this type of enemy (this frame as an example) for the rest, save 100+ frames. Seem not maintainable timer bomb.. 159400 - I will try jump farther right when tank is destroyed, save 2+ frames. ---Sunstar--- Put Tango in the show? No = saves 30+ frames. 166600 - Will not use Energy tank in final or whatever. Thought I cannot avoid raining shot, but you can interrupt it from shooting him. saves 100+ frames. ----------------- Oh, thanks for fixed v8. And congrat on new title, nitsuja.
Player (125)
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I think am gonna cancel this, I have no motivation to finish it and rerecording pass Dark Moon is very frustrating. If anyone want to take my run and finish it, or make a run from scratch based on my run, cool by me. PM, I'll sent my zip with TA up to Dark Moon, test run, and elusive instant kill (from now) movie... instant kill is soooo cool, but it's just frustrating to finish thru next 4 robot master's stage. *edit - typo*
Joined: 1/31/2005
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I'm afraid your link is unavailable for someone in somewhere... I can't access to http://ventuz.homestead.com
Player (189)
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Whose fault is that?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (125)
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ramond, somehow you have some kind of setting on your computer disallowing you to visit / download some website (i think XP package 2, if your OS is window xp), since you couldn't visit / download geocities as well.
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