
The categories for Generation I of Pokémon games have shifted towards being all about the glitches, and efforts to limit which glitches are allowed to show more actual gameplay have been largely ineffective (see the current any% publication). Since I feel partly responsible for this shortcoming, I'll try with this submission to fix it.
That said, creating this run took way longer than I anticipated or care to admit. The routing alone took months before even starting the first frame of the run, and small improvements came up constantly requiring to re-do parts of it. This is submission is the fifth complete start-to-finish attempt I created, the previous four I re-did because of obvious routing improvements I noticed along the way.

About the run

Goal choice

The goal of this run is to collect all 150 obtainable Pokemon in both versions and obtain the diploma. No glitches are allowed.

Why glitchless?

The main purpose of this submission is to show more of the actual gameplay and variety, which remain unexplored in other categories just because using glitches is faster. The whole dual GB setup wouldn't make any sense when allowing glitches, you'd be faster just not trading at all, and end up with a solo Catch 'Em All run. And history has shown that trying to limit the amount of glitches does not work, the games are too broken and you'll always find ways around it.

Why Coop Diploma?

First of all, I think it's just a fun category, and something most people have not seen as a category. The concept has been explored before, but there was no polished route developed yet, largely because the possibilities for how to go about things are so vast. I considered doing any% glitchless at first, but the route for this is mostly fixed and everyone has probably seen it. A TAS wouldn't add much to it.
In Coop Diploma, you get to do things you wouldn't do in other categories, like fishing, trading, gambling, etc. It shows off most of the things the game has to offer at some point during the run.
Also, I always wanted to explore the dual GB capabilities of BizHawk. There aren't too many dual GB TASes around, and Pokémon Red/Blue is a game that can actually benefit from these capabilities. Having to sync the games up in the middle of the run poses an extra routing challenge.

Emulator Choice/Rant

This run uses BizHawk's dual GB capabilities, and runs on BizHawk 1.7 and later. Due to how dual GB is implemented in BizHawk, it was unavoidable to use the new frame timing introduced in BizHawk 1.7. This frame timing can cause issues that have been discussed before, but being forced to use it gave me some more insight in which problems actually occur. The main issue arises when the joypad input is split between frames. The Gameboy polls the joypad in two stages with 4 bit each, one for the directional keys and one for the buttons. If they end up on different sides of the arbitrary frame boundary, weird things happen. You need to press your directional keys on a different frame than the buttons, even though they are used at the exact same time. In the worst case, multiple joypad polls happen on the same frame, so there is no input frame for you to do the inputs you want, and you need to wait frames until it fixes itself or work around it by using a different set of inputs that doesn't run into this problem.
That's enough of a rant over technical details, I'm happy to have the choice of frame timing at least in the single GB case.

The route

Instead of forcing you to read through the comments here and then match them with the corresponding point in the run, I've created an annotated encoding of the run that contains general information and optimization details, at the top of this submission text.
Big shoutouts to BizHawk at this point for making it easy to create recordings from your input files. The video was created entirely with tools that BizHawk provides without any editing in post. The bars and overlays are done using a lua script, and the subtitles are actual subtitles in the movie (I excluded them in the submitted file). The encoding is done with custom ffmpeg parameters to scale the video (to allow 720p60 playback on YouTube) and to mix the audio streams (hearing one game in each stereo channel is not the most pleasurable experience).

Used tools and resources

This movie, like all my previous movies, was not created in BizHawk, but in a piece of code I wrote to automatically run Gameboy emulation and create BizHawk-compatible movies. This has the advantage that you have full fine control over every CPU cycle, you can inspect the running Gameboy emulation arbitrarily and create automation to complete common tasks or overcome random events. The main disadvantages are that you need complete in-depth knowledge about the game's internals, including ROM addresses for different operations and interesting events, and that it takes a lot of time, likely more than it'll take when doing manual inputs in BizHawk.
You can find the code I used for this movie (and all previous movies) on GitHub, but be warned that this is not a polished or easy-to-use piece of software. It expects you to create a program that creates the run, with no option to do inputs manually while it's running.

Tools that made creating this run a whole lot easier:

Pokanalysis - Easy and convenient tool to look at maps and encounter tables. Its coordinate system for maps seems like such a small thing, but saves so much time counting squares when defining routes.
pokered - Disassembly of Pokémon Red and Blue. Invaluable for finding out the actual game mechanics and important ROM addresses. The whole approach would be infeasible without a disassembly.
BGB - Gameboy emulator with an awesome debugger. Lets you test out stuff very easily, find interesting RAM addresses and follow the disasssembly through actually running the game.
BizHawk - Supports dual GB emulation even though there's no real demand, just because it's cool to have it. Without this the run wouldn't be possible.

fsvgm777: Site parser mistakenly recognised it as NES, I changed it to the proper GB.
Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: This is really a quite amazing run. It takes routing to unparalleled levels, considering the way both runs have to interact with each other and have to sync up with each other on occasion. It is not just trading between the games out of necessity to fill the Pokédex in both games, but it is also taking into account what Pokémon would be faster to trade over instead of capture in both versions, while keeping the number of trades required even for both games. And having to determine which version to catch (or obtain in other ways) which Pokémon in if they are going to be traded over. And taking into account that one game has to reset for a third Eevee and one of the starter lines. The way the run is handling getting 300 Pokédex entries in total across both games is absolutely astounding, to say the least.
This run is also unique in another way, in that it is a completely glitchless Pokémon Red or Blue TAS, whereas all currently published Generation 1 TASes are very heavily glitched. This provides a nice contrast to those runs, as it shows off a lot of what the game has to offer that other runs never show. The eight gyms are challenged in a proper order, often skipped areas such as Rocket Hideout are entered and cleared correctly, rarely seen features such as trading with NPCs are shown off, and the run even features some slot machine action. This run also shows that the seemingly practically impossible goal of catching them all and getting the diploma without glitches is actually quite possible in a reasonable time frame with two games. Now, I think I have written enough words and paragraphs about this run. Accepting for Moons as a new category.
Spikestuff: Publishing.
Welp, time to "Phone a friend".

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MrWint wrote:
even longer without really adding anything to it.
Really? Beating the game isn’t important anymore? lol Since when do 100% runs not beat the last boss?
It's not bad to end a run on 100% celebration screen, which doesn't show up until beating the last boss in most cases though. For the purpose of this run, having two games doing different things at the same time is more entertaining than making both of them beat E4 IMHO, especially when Blue already beats E4 and goes to Unknown Dungeon.
Moderator, Expert player (4104)
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Also, the run does beat the Elite Four and Champion. MrWint is saying that it's not worthwhile to do it another time. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Also, the run does beat the Elite Four and Champion. MrWint is saying that it's not worthwhile to do it another time.
Ah that totally didn’t sound like it happened from the previous posts. Why do you even need to beat the Elite 4… does that unlock the Mewtwo dungeon? Makes sense to not go through them a second time I guess.
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Ah that totally didn’t sound like it happened from the previous posts.
One line before the one you quoted:
MrWint wrote:
you don't have the PP to OHKO your way through like the first time
Why do you even need to beat the Elite 4… does that unlock the Mewtwo dungeon?.
Yes. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Editor, Experienced player (876)
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Posts: 1121
Why do you even need to beat the Elite 4… does that unlock the Mewtwo dungeon?
AFAIK, Emerald is the only one that allows the player to catch a Lv70 legendary before beating the game, and the answer is yes.
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I've made a set of tables describing every obtained Pokémon in the game that are relevant to the two games' final Pokédexes - including when each Pokémon is obtained, how, where, and in what order for each game. Chronological list, divided per game Chronological list, not divided per game List sorted by Pokédex order, divided per game The tables are 300 entries long, confirming that yes, both games get the full 150-mon Pokédex. (Not that this really needed confirming, considering the submission encode keeps track of Pokédex counts and the run collects the Diploma in both games, but still) <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Post subject: Good jorb!
Emulator Coder
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Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
Everyone needs to send Mothrayas brownies.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Finished watching it... This got to be the luckiest TAS ever with all those missed attacks and criticals.
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This has nothing to do with the run, and mostly with the concept, but... This is completely possible to do for later generations (G3+), just with 3 different consoles (GBA, GCN, NDS). Not actually expecting it to ever come to light, but how would that even be TASed?
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Mothrayas wrote:
One line before the one you quoted:
MrWint wrote:
you don't have the PP to OHKO your way through like the first time
Must’ve disregarded that as not making sense because if you can do it once why not twice?
Moderator, Expert player (4104)
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Mothrayas wrote:
One line before the one you quoted:
MrWint wrote:
you don't have the PP to OHKO your way through like the first time
Must’ve disregarded that as not making sense because if you can do it once why not twice?
Because he ran out of PP restoring items after the first time. The Elite Four run depends a lot on Dragonair using Horn Drill, which only has 5 PP, so it has to be restored after almost every fight. PP-restoring items are pretty limited, as they cannot be bought. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Post subject: Why more when you have enough?
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And just to add that, it's already an amazing run. I don't see why he must be doing more than what he did.
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Mothrayas wrote:
PP-restoring items are pretty limited, as they cannot be bought.
Oh, that makes sense. Thought you could buy them.
Joined: 8/7/2011
Posts: 166
Enjoyed the run, though fastfowarded through a lot of it (read all the commentary I saw though) because walking on an optimized path and manipulating RNG to win fights when it's done as easily (always manipulable, never forced to eat an attack you don't want to) as Gen 1 Pokemon. Most interesting part is the routing, which is pretty interesting.
jlun2 wrote:
This is completely possible to do for later generations (G3+), just with 3 different consoles (GBA, GCN, NDS). Not actually expecting it to ever come to light, but how would that even be TASed?
The most obvious hurdle is that, currently, GBA/GCN link doesn't work with VBA-M (It works for other games, but not Pokemon. For Pokemon it just gives an error), doesn't exist in Bizhawk/m-GBA/VBA (not sure on that last one, but it's massively out of date). How much time (if any) could be saved if the N64 Pokemon Stadium Gym Leader's Castle TAS was used to produce the third starter, third Eevee and potentially the Hitmons (only the last stage needs repeating)? If the storage was used to transfer things in large numbers? I don't think it's technologically possible, but an interesting approach.
Joined: 6/6/2004
Posts: 223
Mothrayas wrote:
PP-restoring items are pretty limited, as they cannot be bought.
Oh, that makes sense. Thought you could buy them.
In a pinch you could buy multiple copies of TM07 and any other buyable TM it can learn, overwriting the moves with each other as a crude way of restoring PP, but the "can't learn more than 4 moves" dialog boxes are rather time-consuming every time.
Joined: 12/29/2007
Posts: 489
jlun2 wrote:
This has nothing to do with the run, and mostly with the concept, but... This is completely possible to do for later generations (G3+), just with 3 different consoles (GBA, GCN, NDS). Not actually expecting it to ever come to light, but how would that even be TASed?
By intentional design, you've never needed more than one type of console to complete any Pokedex: 151 and 251: Possible with only GBx 386: Possible with only GBA (need all five of R/S/FR/LG/E) 493: Possible with only NDS (need all five of D/P/Pt/HG/SS) 649: Possible with only NDS (need either all seven of DPPtHGSSBW, or all seven of Pt/HG/SS/B/W/B2/W2) 721: Possible with only 3DS (need all four of X/Y/OR/AS) Event-only 'mons at the end of the Pokedex excluded, naturally. The release of Emerald made it possible to get the Gen III diploma without Colosseum or a GCN. The release of HGSS made it possible to get the Gen IV diploma without Pal Park or a GBA (or a DS Lite since the DSi came out around that time). The release of ORAS made it possible to get the Gen VI diploma without Pokemon Bank or a NDS. These are all games released at the end of a generation. None of this is a coincidence. (Less impactfully, the release of XD made it possible to get the Gen III diploma without R/S, and the release of B2W2 made it possible to get the Gen V diploma without D/P.)
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Zowayix wrote:
493: Possible with only NDS (need all five of D/P/Pt/HG/SS)
How would you get Regigigas and the three regis? You can't catch Regigigas without having the three regis, and the only way to get the regis without transferring them from RSE is having a fateful encounter Regigigas in Platinum. Do they count as event-only for this even though they are like regular legendaries in other aspects?
Joined: 12/29/2007
Posts: 489
Oh crap, that slipped my mind since I usually don't think of Regis as event-only 'mons. In that case one would need to wait until B2/W2 for NDS-constrained Regis to be available.
Joined: 2/5/2011
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I really enjoyed this a lot. You get to see so much more that the other categories don't really offer, I'd definitely love for this to get published on the site.
If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before :P
Editor, Experienced player (876)
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Zowayix wrote:
Oh crap, that slipped my mind since I usually don't think of Regis as event-only 'mons. In that case one would need to wait until B2/W2 for NDS-constrained Regis to be available.
You can't send PM to Gen 4 from Gen 5. There is no way to get Regis in Gen 4 without the use of Gen 3 games or an event. There is no surprise that Gen 2, 4, and 5 require certain Pokemon to be sent from previous games since they are compatible with the generation before them, respectively.
Joined: 11/8/2013
Posts: 9
Back to the movie at hand, I kind of wish Blue would've evolved Gloom during Seafoam Islands fishing, so we could have an awesome simultaneous legendary bird screenshot. Oh well. Voting yes regardless.
Joined: 4/6/2006
Posts: 6
I'm very impressed by this run, MrWint. The amount of planning necessary to keep the two runs synchronised for trading time and stock is nearly mind-boggling. Definitely voted yes! I wonder if there are any more Pokémon that Red could have caught or evolved in order to save a trade or two? Obviously, three limiting factors are the amount of XP attainable in the run, how much cash is available for evolution stones, and how much time would be needed to catch another Pokémon. Something to roll around in my head, I guess :) I hadn't realised that the link cable had been successfully emulated yet. What a pleasant surprise!
Joined: 3/5/2013
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This video offers something I've not seen in other videos of Pokemon, while still keeping the essential level of proficiency I've come to expect from these videos. Admittedly, it's a little slow at times, but most Pokemon videos are. Voted yes.
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Kara Jade wrote:
I wonder if there are any more Pokémon that Red could have caught or evolved in order to save a trade or two? Obviously, three limiting factors are the amount of XP attainable in the run, how much cash is available for evolution stones, and how much time would be needed to catch another Pokémon. Something to roll around in my head, I guess :)
There are, notably Butterfree, Tentacruel and Sandslash, but trading from Blue to Red is not the limiting factor, but trading from Red to Blue. These trades from Blue to Red are just fillers to balance out the trades, Red could have easily obtained them itself. But Blue is the side that needs to be faster, so Blue does not do anything to obtain a Pokémon that would be slower than trading it, including in-game trades (Mr. Mime, Lickitung, Jynx) or the Old Amber, which is why more trades than absolutely necessary are made. In the first two attempts, I optimized by the number of trades, and had a whole set of trades less. I assumed that less trades means a lower time, but that's not always the case.
Kara Jade wrote:
I hadn't realised that the link cable had been successfully emulated yet. What a pleasant surprise!
The link protocol (if you even want to call it that) of the Gameboy is very crude and low-level. It's basically swapping bytes one at a time on a clock. It's easy to emulate since the game actually needs to do all the hard parts of the communication protocol.
Joined: 10/16/2006
Posts: 174
The amount of planning that went into this run must've been insane! How could I not vote yes?