this thread TRD159 asked for a BizHawk version of the current lua script for this game (for Snes9x) made by pirohiko. I was very curious about this game (always heard of, never bothered to play), so I made a version of the script myself, you can get it
The layout is like this:

On the left you find the player info (taken from the original script);
On the top you have some misc info like frame counter, camera coordinates and the label for the spawning area (it's a square with 64 pixels beyond the game screen);
On the bottom you find the RNG info (taken from the original script);
And on the game screen you have an indication on every active sprite, with the format "#slot (sprite id/type)".
I'm not familiar with the game, but I'm sure there should be a lot of info this script could display in the future.