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From the way you guys are talking, BA or RBA somehow allows swords and bombs to be used inside the temple, right? If not then how exactly is the speed/height acquired from these sword-glitch backflips and superslides of ANY use in getting through the door of time?
Joined: 12/20/2007
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IIRC you can use bombs when they're on "B button" in the temple. Can't remember how to put them on "B" tho. Actually, I didn't even remember that you couldn't normally use bombs/sword in the temple. So... I guess get the bombs on "B" and try megaflip... it gives you some height and speed. Or else... Euh... Don't know. Infinite sword glitch (and hovers by the same way) might be impossible in the temple. So megaflip might be the only option to gain enough speed.
Current Project: Zelda Low% Run Status: Rupee Route
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Well you can probably use anything on B since swords work. But the only C item active in the temple is the ocarina.
Joined: 1/3/2006
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who says you need to activate BA in the temple?
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I'm going to be throwing together a quick test run of Master Quest over the next two or three days, so I need to know whether there is a way to do the Ganon's Castle Trials skip without the Hover Boots. I know it's possible to bombchu hover there, but that requires either the hover boots or the hookshot. Is it possible to mega flip into a loading point or clip through the walls in a different trial? I've been messing around with the Icicles in the Water Barrier and the torches in the first room with no luck. Also, which is faster to do after getting the Odd Potion? -Kakariko, superslide to Lon Lon, glitch horse, ride to Kokiri, trade for saw, ride to Lake Hylia -Kakariko, superslide to Kokiri, trade for saw, Superslide to Lon Lon, glitch horse, ride to Lake Hylia As of my experience it seems like the first option, but I haven't got a chance to optimize them and see time differences. Thanks in advance.
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Azorae wrote:
Also, which is faster to do after getting the Odd Potion? -Kakariko, superslide to Lon Lon, glitch horse, ride to Kokiri, trade for saw, ride to Gerudo -Kakariko, superslide to Kokiri, trade for saw, Superslide to Lon Lon, glitch horse, ride to Gerudo
First option looks faster but you might also want to try (if you have enough bombs/chus): Kakariko, superslide to kokiri, trade for saw, superslide to gerudo, megaflip across bridge. Might not be faster and might not even be able to megaflip far enough to cross the bridge. But hey, who knows...
Current Project: Zelda Low% Run Status: Rupee Route
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there's no way to get bombs on B as a child.
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:( On the brighter side of things Acryte is working on new discoveries which may be as useful as skipping a bottle.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I've finally finished the Deku Tree. In total, I'm 28.7 seconds faster than Comicalflop/Guano. Before you watch, a few notes... * I tried the ladder zip. I can't get it to work, as can nobody, and I don't care enough to spend hours trying to replicate it. * Climbing all the way up the vine was faster than getting hit by the skulltula. * I hit the skulltula with the sword because it also boosted Link forwards quite a bit, which was ultimately faster. * On hitting the web, rather than doing a small jump off of it, I just let him fall, then guided him onto the skulltula on the vine. This was 3 frames faster than doing a small jump. * I used a new route for getting to the scrub room. Ended up being 1.5 seconds faster. * It's also faster to not slash the sword so you bounce off the wall. It's faster to just let him fall in normally and climb onto land. * I killed the scrubs with different nuts from what are normally used. Not only does it look ten times cooler, but it's considerably faster too. With that said, here's the m64: I've tested it from the start, and it's in sync, provided you use the same plugins that I did. I've encoded the tree section of the run for those of us who can't run mupen or experience a desynch for some reason. I've also got a video of my rupee route, which I haven't posted here before, so here are both of them. Rupee route: Deku Tree: I haven't included stuff like getting from the store to the tree because it's quite dull.
Skilled player (1098)
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That all looked great to me Swordless :) 28.7s of improvement over Guanoflop is very impressive as their WIP looked really tight. Your execution looked flawless and I can't think of any improvement. It was very fast and entertaining aswell :D I look forward to the next WIP.
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Magical so far, I loved how you mixed up the deku sprouts' deflection angles in order to still achieve the regular 2-3-1 order. Brilliant thinking right there, keep up the good work!
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Awesome job. Can't wait to see the rest of it, and it's about time someone got to work on this...
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Link moves so fast the camera can't keep up. He's moving in on Sonic's turf.
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Good job dude. A shame we couldn't get that ladder zip to work, but oh well... it's not like it could have had any other uses anywhere if it indeed does work... Everything was far tighter than Guano and my work (some of it was from sidehopping all the time rather than the 'uphill and downhill only' thing that I swore by...). I hope the quest to find out if leaving the forest early will work is found soon so that it won't negatively affect your progress. This is a great run in the making, I'm proud to have consistently (and exclusively) watched the WIPs to give feedback. The first OoT and MM runs had a lot of shock value because they were completed; time to show them what tool assisted zelda extreme optimization looks like!
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When I try to use Direct64 v0.5.03.25, I get the error message: "Error creating Direc3D device!" It happens whenever I load a ROM, and then Mupen crashes. Is this a problem with my video card? Anyways, I saw it on youtube and it looks great so far, good luck with the rest.
Joined: 5/24/2004
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Swordless Link: Thanks for the WIP. Looks great to me.
Joined: 7/16/2006
Posts: 635
I get the same problem, and I too am wondering how to fix it. BTW, do you get some message about how an "exception has occured" when running Jabo's 1.6? That's another thing I've been trying to figure out.
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Nice improvement
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RattleMan wrote:
Kuwaga wrote:
Mh, it's been a while since I've actually played the game, but afaik you need all three spiritual stones. If you play the SoT without all three the door doesn't open and they kind of freeze in mid-air or something, don't they?
You can't get the Song of Time without all three Spiritual Stones. Once you have all three and go to HTCM, the cutscene of Impa and Zelda escaping plays, Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time in the moat, you pick it up, and that's when you learn the SoT.
This wasn't my point. Try using cheats to get the SoT, then play it in the ToT. Iirc the door stays closed if you don't have all three stones. And iirc the spiritual stones kind of fuse into one above the pedestal and get stuck there instead.
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Kuwaga wrote:
RattleMan wrote:
Kuwaga wrote:
Mh, it's been a while since I've actually played the game, but afaik you need all three spiritual stones. If you play the SoT without all three the door doesn't open and they kind of freeze in mid-air or something, don't they?
You can't get the Song of Time without all three Spiritual Stones. Once you have all three and go to HTCM, the cutscene of Impa and Zelda escaping plays, Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time in the moat, you pick it up, and that's when you learn the SoT.
This wasn't my point. Try using cheats to get the SoT, then play it in the ToT. Iirc the door stays closed if you don't have all three stones. And iirc the spiritual stones kind of fuse into one above the pedestal and get stuck there instead.
Its not possible with standard cheats in PJ64 to assign just the SoT to Link's quest status, other than checking the give all quest status items box. You can get round it you play the SoT on the carpet exit and re-enter ToT and play the same tune again. Personally I think if Link has the just the SoT and no stones then the door will open normally the first time.
Joined: 10/20/2006
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Yea, I was using a memory freezer back then, hoping to find some new BA tricks. And, among other things, I tested if it was possible to open the door with only the SoT. Tested it again today and it works. >_< It appears those annoying aliens succeeded again at putting fake memories into my brain. :(
Joined: 1/10/2006
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you know you don't need ladder zip right? Climb the vines and then use fast grab on to skip a rung. Then open the chest. Afterwards jump down on the platform thing and then quickly fall off it and move under it. It will crush you and spawn you at the door. Unsure if it's faster tho.
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my respect for making youtube videos, they are really helpful to those people with mupen-trouble (like me)
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Defective Processor is not letting me help with this run. Will hopefully be getting a replacement soon. Maybe this might solve my computer issue. BTW, good job on the improvement.
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Location: Oregon You guys seen this? This should allow you to skip the deku tree all together, which would be good for a tas. Sorry if you've already seen it, but i found it a few minutes ago and wanted to put it up just in case.