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At TASVideos we typically aim for fastest time. But today, I decided we should mix it up a bit. So I have submitted a movie that aims for longest time.
Since one could simply make a TAS of a non-timed game where the character stands there, I decided that the Longest Time goal needed some basic ground rules:
  • Game must have a timer
  • Do not die
  • Do not complete the game more than once
  • Always make "progress" in the game
And with these goals in mind I present to you, an infinitely long TAS. On a side note, this TAS beats the previous record of longest submission of 41 days by infinity days.
Since it is difficult to encode an infintely long tas, I have decided to Live stream this movie for the duration of its submission life!


To achieve a never ending TAS, BizHawk 1.4.1 is required. I coded in a movie parameter called loopoffset. When this is present, BizHawk will loop back to this frame after reaching the end of the movie. In this case, I put LoopOffset 1275 into the movie file. It will play the first 1275 frames, then loop 1276 to the end of the movie endlessly. Now the challenge is simply to find a segment of input such that the game will continue to play!


I have confirmed sync up to 50 million frames. (It would have kept going but an ill-timed Windows update thwarted my plans!) 50 million was enough for it to completely wrap the lives and score addresses at least once.

Noxxa: Claiming for judgement so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I can judge it so that I ca--ERROR TEXT OVERFLOW
Noxxa: Initially, I figured to just follow my first judge instincts, which is to automatically reject. However, I figure that if I actually watch it, it's probably good enough to accept.
So, I'll just go and watch the run now. When I'm done, I will accept it. Until then, I'll keep it at rejected.

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I guess the definition of optimization for a run like this would be that you'd want to do things that would be as efficient as possible given a different goal. (For instance, in the NetHack run dwangoAC and I are making, we're up against a huge framerule, but we try to maintain entertainment by accomplishing each individual task as fast as possible even though we could dawdle and still make the frame rule.) EDIT: And a concrete definition: an "infinite loop" TAS could be measured for optimality by how many frames it runs for before it loops for the first time, smaller is better. ("Continues making progress through the game" is harder to define, though.) Still, this seems like a genuinely interesting category due to the planning involved and the knowledge about the game required; you have to have a sufficiently good handle of the game that you know your input will keep working forever.
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I want to get off Mr.Bones' wild ride
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By entering the warp zone to world 1, doesn't this run breaks its own "always make progress" rule?
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
By entering the warp zone to world 1, doesn't this run breaks its own "always make progress" rule?
Yeah, but the score(not sure for the "mario life point") still progress, despite it reset at some point.
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KwyjiboPrime wrote:
I’ve been watching it for a while, and I don’t really see a change in enemy pattern…
Hammer Bros have different patterns, so sometimes Adelikat kills one on the bottom and sometimes he doesn't.
I also noticed bullet bills changing pattern, now btw, what the hell is Crown+blue brick lives?
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I'll watch it later when I have some spare time.
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Is there a version of Tetris where the highest speed remains playable, and the RNG can be wrapped in a reasonable timeframe? Seems like that would be the purest example of continuous progress. It wouldn't be as entertaining as this loop, though.
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Could someone upload an encode? It would be much appreciated.
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GigaWatt wrote:
Could someone upload an encode? It would be much appreciated.
Who needs encodes when there's a live stream? <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Well, I'm impressed. It's also interesting that the submission module supports infinity as a time.
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CoolKirby wrote:
It's also interesting that the submission module supports infinity as a time.
I assume Adelikat coded that on the fly the best part of this TAS is its stream’s chat, lol
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subanark wrote:
I wonder how many iterations it would take for score/lives/position to sync up such that the exact memory state of the game was identical to a previous one. Once you can show this, you know it will go on forever.
Each loop gains 25150 points and 14 coins. x * 14 = y * 100 (x is number of loops; y is arbitrary) The least common denominator shows that 14/100 = 7/50 so we know that at the end of the 50th loop, coins will be reset to 0 a total of 7 times. Doing the same thing for score: x * 25150 = y * 10000000 Again, the least common denominator for 25150/10000000 is 503/200000. So every 200000 loops the score will have looped 503 times. Fortunately 50 divides into 200000 easily. So at the end of 200000 loops the coins will be 0 and the score will be 0 and as soon as that loop ends (starting with the first input frame of 1-1) we can consider that a "complete run". Each run is about 5800 frames @ 60fps (best I can tell). If I have the numbers right, that's a minimum of 223 and three-quarters days. If anyone knows the frame count and rate better than I feel free to recalculate. RNG is another matter. Each loop is slightly different from the last thanks to Hammer Bros and Bullet Bills. I assume that's all the randomness that occurs here. Otherwise it would require seeing how many times the RNG changes in a single iteration and recalculating. Lives is still going up (according to my calculations it's on loop ~66900 at time of this writing) and I don't know it's upper limit or if there is one. Again, according to calculations he should have at least 9369 lives. If lives is stored as a byte (which it should) then there's apparently no issue with it increasing and looping. We won't know for sure until it gets closer to 32767 at which point a signed word would become negative.
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It's STILL going on? I never realized infinity was this long.
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NFITC1 wrote:
Each loop gains 25150 points and 14 coins.
Unfortunately no. Sometimes an iteration will kill a hammer bros for 1000 points, and other times it will not due to the hammer bros randomness Not sure how you would correctly calculate things based on this EDIT: and I can confirm that lives is stored as a signed 8 bit number.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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Post subject: will check back on may 12th to see if still running
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I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Post subject: Challenge accepted
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alden's subject wrote:
will check back on may 12th to see if still running
Challenge accepted!
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adelikat wrote:
Unfortunately no. Sometimes an iteration will kill a hammer bros for 1000 points, and other times it will not due to the hammer bros randomness Not sure how you would correctly calculate things based on this
Oh yeah, I forgot. I just saw it happen, too. That does throw things off. I guess then it would depend on finding the pattern of hammer bros killings (that sounds fun :) ) and factoring that in. Somehow I doubt it's as easy as "one every X iterations" and is probably more like third iteration, then fourteenth iteration, then twenty-first, then thirty-seventh, etc. It looks like the only randomness involved are in 3-1 (the two hammer bros and the bullet bill). I might take the time to count the RNG steps and see if I can find a pattern to it. Sounds like a bit of a wasted effort, though.
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Awesome work, Adelikat!
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Could it be possible to create a screen saver out of the run?!
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
By entering the warp zone to world 1, doesn't this run breaks its own "always make progress" rule?
"Progress" in this case would just be defined as moving forward and actively trying to complete the levels, in strict contrast to standing still in order to run up the timer. The levels are being played throughout the video and Mario reaches the end of each one, so it counts as progressing each time.
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samurai goroh wrote:
Could it be possible to create a screen saver out of the run?!
THIS. Edit: Damn, now I'm stuck with this song forever. ><'
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♪♫This is the song that doesn't end♫♪
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This is probably the most unique April Fools joke I've seen here. Great job, adelikat!
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NFITC1 wrote:
It looks like the only randomness involved are in 3-1 (the two hammer bros and the bullet bill). I might take the time to count the RNG steps and see if I can find a pattern to it. Sounds like a bit of a wasted effort, though.
There's actually a bit more randomness than that, because the pirana plant timing is very very slighty different. I had to adjust my jumps to avoid this problem as well.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects