- Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.5
- One player, warpless
- Aims for fastest time
- Uses glitches
- Luck manipulation
About this game
It is similar to Bubble Bobble, in a stage you have to kill all enemies and you will go to the next stage. Total 50 stages in this game, every 10 stages is a boss stage. In order to clear a stage, first killing all enemies, and then taking all items if there are. When there is nothing on the screen you will soon go to the next stage.
There are two ways to kill enemies, one is to turn it into a snowball and then kick it, another is to let a snow ball roll through it. Enemy that is killed by the latter way will drop an item, which is usually slower than the form way to clear a stage. Besides, if you only kick a snowball to kill all enemies, there will be some score bonus item fall from the top of the screen, to avoid this you have to kick at least two snowballs. There are also two ways to vanish snowballs: let the snowball roll to the bottom of the screen or bounce 15 times. Few cases there is some snowballs originally should vanish by the latter way, I will change it to the former way to vanish faster.
Enemy that is killed by snowball sometimes drop power up item. Blue potion makes your snow shoot stronger, red makes you move faster, and yellow lengthens your attack range. I get these items in first 2 stages.
In stage 24, 26, 28, there is a man appears at the top, he will vanish when gotten a snow shoot or all enemies are killed. Actually ignore him will not affect the clear time if you kill all enemies fast enough.
In boss stage, you have to give enough damage to the boss to clear the stage. There is a 2-byte memory to count the damage, I express it A+B: A is the number hit by snowballs and B is snow shoots, A is equal to 256B. After beating the boss I will do some action to handle the slot machine as soon as possible.
Tricks and glitches
When you are not invincible, you can let a snowball roll through you and you will move with the snowball. But it cannot use in boss stage, he will instant jump out.
During moving with snowball, when it hits another snowball, sometimes you can change the snowball that you move with. Only used in stage 25.
When a stage begins or leaving from the snowball, you will be invincible for a short time. Some glitches need to use in this condition.
Sometimes you have to push a snowball to clear the stage faster, details in notes.
Jumping under a snowball will make it move upward.
When you kick snowball in the air, you can use jump simultaneously, very useful glitch.
At specific condition using Kick&Jump, your x-axis speed will temporarily enhanced until falling down. Some frames before you falling down, you will ”stand” in the air, during it you can perform a jump. The method of active it: While jumping, 2 frames before you stand on the ground or a snowball, use Kick&Jump. When you use it on a snowball, sometimes you will be involved with the snowball. If it happens, wait 1 frame before jump or jumping 1 frame beforehand, the glitch will active successful.
It needs invincible. When you can use kick (means a snowball in your kick range), if an enemy is also in your kick range, you have 50% possibility to kick the enemy like a snowball. If failed, use kick after/before 1 frame.
It needs invincible. When you push a snowball, you can also push enemies.
Stage 1: Get blue and yellow potion
Stage 2: Get red potion
Stage 5: Because I cannot move with snowball until invincible vanish, I pushed the first snowball and then I can go further before moving with it.
Stage 9: I pushed the last snowball to make it vanish faster. If I kick it first, the snowball will bounce per 13 frames. After pushing it that will bounce per 12 frames.
Stage 10: boss’s HP 5+40
Stage 14: I pushed the snowball to hit the last rolling one to shorten the snowball’s moving route.
Stage 15: Green potion – you can kill enemies by touching them. The item does not affect the clear time.
Stage 17: Pushing the snowball is faster than just kicking it. The route is too long.
Stage 20: boss’s HP 7+7
Stage 25: I pushed the second snowball upward. It is faster than it bounces 15 times.
Stage 30: boss’s HP 3+3 each, make a double kill in passing.
Stage 32: If a snowball hits an enemy that is beaten by Enemy Kick during its vanishing effect, the enemy will be killed like a normal one, so I have to wait some frames to kick the next snowball.
Stage 40: boss’s HP 6+6, I pushed the last snowball and boss, and then I kick the snowball rightward, it makes 2 damages (I do not know how it comes). The boss vanished faster because its X position was out of the screen, I guess. (Normally it should fall down to the bottom of the screen.)
Stage 46: The left enemy will perform a head attack (Also see stage 44), but it attacks leftward first, so I have to be another Y position to avoid it doing so, and then it will attack rightward.
Stage 50: boss’s HP 10+3 each. Two bosses will make bubbles within enemy, fire, blue/red potion or nothing. 12 bubbles are 1 set. Without glitches, the maximum snowball I can make in a set is 8, but using glitches, I can make 9 snowballs in a set.
Finally I make a round score in passing.
Memory address
0089 | stage clear counter |
03D2 | invincible counter |
0476 | X position |
0463 | Y position |
043D | boss 1 damage A |
0428 | boss 1 damage B |
043E | boss 2 damage A |
0429 | boss 2 damage B |
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Nach: Good run. Since 2 players seems to be more entertaining, I'm not going to have this obsolete the 2 player run, but rather spawn a new branch. Since the 2 player run is in the vault, and this is a bit less entertaining, it should be too.
Ilari: I have a set of encodes...