I'm doing a little write-up to give some idea for what kind of dark art I'm performing to get famtasia movies running on fceux.
So, starting with the .fmv, first you'll need a clean dump from famtasia (or a pre-made file you trust the frame-accuracy of).
I run it through vdub to get it to lagarith.
Then I start fceux, Open ROM..., Pause, Record Movie..., Stop Movie.
This sets up the headers and I drag this file from the movie directory to my working directory.
I add the frame data with this python/batch script. (nesmock should work too)
Make sure the names of the .fmv and fm2 match.
The underscore is to keep my utility stuff away from the other files.
IF NOT [%~nx1]==[%~n1.fmv] ECHO drag+drop .fmv & PAUSE & GOTO :EOF
IF NOT EXIST "%~n1.fm2" ECHO "%~n1.fm2" not found & PAUSE & GOTO :EOF
python _py.py %1 >> %~n1.fm2
import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
print("comment author ")
print("comment original_rerecordCount",
int.from_bytes(f.read(4), 'little') + 1)
print("comment original_framecount ")
print("comment original_emulator", str(f.read(64), "utf-8").strip('\0'))
print("comment emulator_conversion nanogyth")
while True:
byte = f.read(1)
if not byte:
byte = int.from_bytes(byte, 'little')
list = ["RLUDBAST"[n] if byte & 1 << n else '.'\
for n in [0,1,3,2,7,6,4,5]]
print("|0|", ''.join(list), "|||", sep='')
Edit in the author and original framecount.
Start the movie in fceux and open Tools/TAS Editor...
Advance frames til the screen is black instead of grey.
Make an avs to load your reference dump.
Load that in vdub and advance to the same point in the movie.
Adjust your windows so you can see the frame number of each.
Make note of the framenumbers then adjust the trim so that the frame numbers will match.
Advance til something notable happens and see if they are still in sync (probably not).
Add/delete frame from the fm2 til they do sync.
Make note of which frame matched and what adjustments you made.
Hopefully the only desyncs occur at lag frames.
I use this lua script to jump to the next lag frame.
until FCEU.lagged();
(is there a way to force an unpause in a lua script?)
Look for a notable frame after the lag and check that fceux and the reference file are still in sync.
If they're out of sync make note of it and maybe double check that they were really in sync the previous time.
Adjust the trim in the .avs and reload to regain sync.
Clone/delete an equal number of frames in TASEdit.
Repeat until the end of movie, save the fm2 and fm3, close everything and check that the fm2 plays correctly.
If you are doing a PAL resync things are much worse.
Fceux didn't have any lag frames after the start for the one file I tried this with.
And things desynced almost every time the screen went black (and there are a lot of scene changed in solstice).