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Doesn't fixed. Either opening TAStudio already hangs up BizHawk (after setting up audio throttle and gbhawk). Relevant exception:
System.ArgumentException: The sum of offset and count is greater than the buffer length.
   at SlimDX.Utilities.CheckBounds(Int32 lowerBound, Int32 size, Int32 offset, Int32& count)
   at SlimDX.DirectSound.SoundBuffer.Write[T](T[] data, Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, Int32 bufferOffset, LockFlags flags)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.DirectSoundSoundOutput.WriteSamples(Int16[] samples, Int32 sampleCount)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Sound.UpdateSound(Single atten)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.StepRunLoop_Core(Boolean force)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.ProgramRunLoop()
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Program.SubMain(String[] args)
Repro steps detailed: 1. GBHawk, Config > Speed/skip > Audio throttle, Reboot core 2. Load a game. Load a movie file or make a movie. 3. Open TAStudio 4. Emulate whatever many frames and just simply click on an already emulated frame. After watching for example 100 frames, go to any of 1~99th frame and exception should be thrown instantly.
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Ok it's fixed. Not sure exactly what's causing it but I can clamp the samples to fix it, so I did. MIght need to be revisited at some point.
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Woohoo it's fixed in BizHawk for sure, thanks :) Also note that in BizHawk 2.3 (latest release) the above exception happened to me a few times with A7800Hawk + Audio throttle without TAStudio involved while drag and dropping various A7800 games. I don't think it's core related but who knows.
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BizHawk 2.3 Colecovision Super Action Controller throws exception after boot recore
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.ColecoVision.ColecoSuperActionController.UpdateWheel(IController c)
   at BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.ColecoVision.ColecoVisionControllerDeck.ReadPort1(IController c, Boolean leftMode, Boolean updateWheel)
   at BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.ColecoVision.ColecoVision.FrameAdvance(IController controller, Boolean render, Boolean renderSound)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.StepRunLoop_Core(Boolean force)
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.ProgramRunLoop()
   at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Program.SubMain(String[] args)
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BizHawk 2.3 Colecovision core: What does the "Use the Super Game Module" does? As far as I see, I don't see any change. According to online results, it should: - increase RAM (stays on 16k) - 4 additional sound channel (only tried on speakers, no difference) edit: And also "Skip BIOS Intro (when applicable)" seems to do nothing as well. Did I miss something special requirement...? I've tried many games with no affect.
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BizHawk 2.3 Colecovision sound bug: - "Looping (1983) (Venture Line) [!]" emits a loud beep constantly. edit: until starting the game - many other games for example "Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [!]" also does the same beep but rather short when starting it Random youtube video with timestamp where this doesn't happens on console: Link to video
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BizHawk 2.3 Colecovision reset button (I probably reported this already maybe on github): On real hardware in Tomarc the barbarian you supposed to start in a random room of the map (the 3 bottom ones). - In BizHawk 2.3 there is no way to get any other room than the right side (only after suiciding and restarting the game with * at the right circumstances) - A youtube video claiming recorded on real hardware starting in the middle one: Link to video - A youtube video playing on the Colecovision Flashback starts at the left side: Link to video
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The super game module is only relevent for games that are made for it (ex Zaxxon Super Game.) It is a fan made module, so no official coleco games will make use of it. But I did forget to add a memory domain for it when it's activated, I just did so now for the RAM. Also I fixed the super action controller crash. I don't hear any beeping in looping though. Can you make a recording of what you hear that doesn't sound right? I'll have to take another look at Tomarc since I totally forgot what happened with that one (even after re-reading the github issue.)
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Loud beeping in Looping and other games: recorded with interim but same as 2.3 -> Link to video - It's a side effect of using "Skip BIOS when applicable" - Only happen when BIOS was skippable - The option skips BIOS for a few games, I should say it's maybe below 50% of GoodCol (GoodTools). Looks like I was unlucky in testing the right, compatible games for this feature. SGM Online information: "- 32 KB of RAM, disabled by default. Can be individually mapped as following: 24KB to address range 2000h-7FFFh, 8KB to address range 0000h-1FFFh (BIOS is disabled). - PSG AY-3-8910, increasing sound channels to 6 + noise." Observation: SGM RAM is 24KB. Super action controller - Fixed!
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There's nothing I can do about the beeping if it's related to the skip bios option. It's a crude hack that may or may not work and have various side effects. I added the remaining memory domain for SGM. It's now split into High / low regions. EDIT: Tomarc: here is how the game picks a starting position:
8377: ED 5F        LD A, R                    AF:0093 BC:00FF DE:000A HL:024C IX:A3B7 IY:A289 SP:73B9 Cy:41437612 CNp-H-zSe
8379: E6 03        AND 03h                    AF:2621 BC:00FF DE:000A HL:024C IX:A3B7 IY:A289 SP:73B9 Cy:41437621 Cnp-h5zse
837B: FE 03        CP 03h                     AF:0210 BC:00FF DE:000A HL:024C IX:A3B7 IY:A289 SP:73B9 Cy:41437628 cnp-H-zse
837D: 20 01        JR NZ, +01h                AF:0293 BC:00FF DE:000A HL:024C IX:A3B7 IY:A289 SP:73B9 Cy:41437635 CNp-H-zSe
8380: 32 53 72     LD (7253h), A              AF:0293 BC:00FF DE:000A HL:024C IX:A3B7 IY:A289 SP:73B9 Cy:41437647 CNp-H-zSe
That R register is an internal counter that increments with each instruction fetch. I don't really see any way for this to be a value different then what it currently is. Extensive testing on ZXSpectrum seems to indicate that it is behaving correctly as well. So, I don't know how it could take any of the 3 values at power on.
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Sonia wrote:
I've been wanting to report those for a while, but only got around to it now. Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (NES) The bottom of the screen shakes constantly at the dancing girls minigame. ... Lagrange Point (NES) Similar to Dracula-kun, the bottom of the battle screen shakes constantly. ... Megami Tensei II - Digital Devil Story (NES) In the battle screen, there's a graphic glitch below "AUTO". ... Necros no Yousai (PCE) Game crashes during the intro, making it unplayable. __________ None of the first 3 bugs exist in Mesen, and Necros no Yousai is playable in mednafen.
Ok I fixed the screen shaking stuff. Turns out VRC IRQ timing was slightly off (being triggered one cycle too early and being clocked at the same time it's enabled.) Actually the first one is more an issue with CPU emulation, it really should be re-cast to check for IRQ's at the correct time, but that's not happening any time soon. Please test any other VRC games that you are interested in to make sure there are no regressions.
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Alyosha wrote:
That R register is an internal counter that increments with each instruction fetch. I don't really see any way for this to be a value different then what it currently is. Extensive testing on ZXSpectrum seems to indicate that it is behaving correctly as well. So, I don't know how it could take any of the 3 values at power on.
Wikipedia article of Zilog Z80 mentions this. I don't know this helps at all, I just tried to search for it, sorry if you already know this.
Wikipedia wrote:
The instructions LD A,R and LD A,I affect the Z80 flags register, unlike all the other LD (load) instructions. The Sign (bit 7) and Zero (bit 6) flags are set according to the data loaded from the Refresh or Interrupt source registers. For both instructions, the Parity/Overflow flag (bit 2) is set according to the current state of the IFF2 flip-flop.
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While playing casually, I have noticed extreme lag during normal gameplay. Changing the speed has no effect and it happens with both Snes9x and BSNES. Even after unzipping BizHawk again (and copying over my SNES data) the problem persists. In fact, it seems to have gotten even worse. I am using version 2.2.2 (x64). I cannot stand the lag. Another issue is that I cannot seem to input 3 buttons at once on SNES (on keyboard). Can I fix these issues?
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Does disabling rewind help?
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feos wrote:
Does disabling rewind help?
It doesn't seem to help... What's even weirder is that the emulation was normal just right now...
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I was skeptical at first thinking it was a my end thing back when the Top Gear 2 TASes came out but once I hit the VBoy I have to question it. Dunno how, or why... and I actually don't know what to write on the actual bug report but here it is, whatever the hell this is to VBoy and Double Res to SNES: Hawk 2.2.2 Dumping (Correct). Normal SNES Hawk 2.3 Dumping (Incorrect). From frame 0 Start recording a bit in and it's double res'd. SNES ---- At least screenshots are fine. :\
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
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BizHawk colecovision power on / reset... Galaxian has a hidden message after powering off and on a few times ( I believe the hidden text should be "I LOVE YOU, JENEANE" considering it's offset is much deeper (0x4645 in ROM) than the previous one (0x0302 in ROM) BizHawk 2.3: No success using power and reset ColEm 4.6: No success using hardware reset (no power on-off feature) CoolCV 0.6.6: No success using backspace (simple reset. no power on-off feature) Additional Tomarc tests: BizHawk: right side room always ColEM 4.6: right side room always CoolCV 0.6.6: Able to manipulate starting room by pressing reset!!!
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Alyosha wrote:
Please test any other VRC games that you are interested in to make sure there are no regressions.
Ok. I tested the following games: Akumajou Densetsu Contra (J) Ganbare Goemon Gaiden Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 Getsu Fuuma Den Gradius 2 Mouryou Senki Madara TwinBee 3 Wai Wai World Wai Wai World 2 Didn't notice anything abnormal in any of them, so I guess everything is good. However, I found an unrelated, non-NES regression. R-Type (SMS) The title screen got completely destroyed in version 2.3: Looks correct in 2.2.2:
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Dumping for 2.3 on GBHawk crashes at the exact same spot. these are the error messages:
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
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Try other dumping options. We can't debug ffmpeg.
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Spikestuff wrote:
I was skeptical at first thinking it was a my end thing back when the Top Gear 2 TASes came out but once I hit the VBoy I have to question it. Dunno how, or why... and I actually don't know what to write on the actual bug report but here it is, whatever the hell this is to VBoy and Double Res to SNES: Hawk 2.2.2 Dumping (Correct). Normal SNES Hawk 2.3 Dumping (Incorrect). From frame 0 Start recording a bit in and it's double res'd. SNES ---- At least screenshots are fine. :\
About Virtual Boy I think that because starts frame 0 with Anaglyph, but it changes to Side by side in frame 1. While this is being fixed you can dump with the config AVI/WAV and enable Resize video to avoid this problem (probably you know it I don't know why I'm saying this (?)). The VB resolutions are: (anagliph / side by side) 1x: 384 x 224 / 768 x 224 2x: 768 x 448 / 1536 x 448 3x: 1152 x 672 / 2304 x 672 4x: 1536 x 896 / 3072 x 896
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Nope. It's due to something being changed for the quick way of AVI Dumping since Config and Record AVI/WAV works fine. (You're also telling someone who does a lot of Virtual Boy encodes about something that was working fine in the first place mind you.) Edit: Also you missed the text that said " Start recording a bit in and it's double res'd."
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
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Colecovision reset button: Observations: 1. In BizHawk and CoolCV, pressing the reset button usually corrupts the title screen depending on the game. Some games have very nice reset routine (cabbage patch kids maybe?) fully avoiding this corruption while others corrupt depending on the screen for example Tank Wars or donkey kong. 2. This kind of screen is different between the 2 emulator. edit: CoolCV doesn't delete RAM on reset (a fact shared by the author) 3. Burger Time has a glitch that abrupts game and jumps to the title screen. When this happens, the screen won't have any corruption. 4. Mike Matei recorded live stream also doesn't have corrupted screen when restarting. edit: 5. A homebrew game Knightmare with a similar glitch as Burger Time also doesn't have any corruption and as the uploader says, his scores are zeroed (the audio playing after a crash is correctly emulated in BizHawk) So..... I believe that there shouldn't be this corruption.
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Colecovision games not starting up (only tested interim build but probably same as BizHawk 2.3, edit3- these things doesn't happens in CoolCV): - Most of Daniel Bienvenu's games says "TURN GAME OFF BEFORE...": Bejeweled, DP's Valentine Game, Deflektor Kollection, Ms. Space Fury etc. - Some Opcode games crash straight at the very first frame or a few more: Yie-Ar Kung Fu, Space Invades collection, Pac-man collection etc - edit: Regarding opcode games, using Super Action Controller or Turbo Action controller moving the disc X/Y (your mouse) able to reset or crash the game. This seems to be a correctly emulated bug. edit3: CoolCV using Roller Controller doesn't crashes or reset in this case, only "pauses" emulation (I can't verify if they are just lag frames) - edit2: Sammy Lightfoot crashes after starting the game. Colecovision SGM: - according to SGM tests, the RAM's are correctly allocated - on various games I still only see the 1/3 of the screen (top) and not the remaining spaces (middle, bottom). For example Cosmo Fighter 2. - nearly all pixelboy games works perfectly and some newer homebrews from other authors
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Some bizhawk (2.3) bugs: When I use different video configuration with glide: (playing Castlevania LOD N64) And problem when I choose the high resolution of the expansion pak :
GAW sms... Totally destroyed