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So apparently that MLP movie has a good soundtrack. I don't really follow the show anymore, but I have to admit I have been listening to One Small Thing more often than I'd like to admit to myself. Thanks, Ferret
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I have been unusually slow at watching new episodes, for some reason. Laziness perhaps. Anyway, just watched the next episode on my to-do list, ie. Triple Threat. It wasn't as utterly nonsensical as the previous episode (as I commented before), but still pretty nonsensical nevertheless, especially the beginning. Spike acting like a complete idiot might be expected (if anything can be expected from Spike, given that his character is anything but established, of all the characters in the franchise), but why did the ponies go along with it? It made no sense. At least the last quarter of the episode somewhat saved it a bit. Not completely, but at least it made it slightly better. I hope these nonsensical plots don't continue.
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Looks like the Solar Empire wins... Princess Luna, one of the best ponies now became one of the worst. All thanks to YouTube's corrupt algorithm. Videos related to the New Lunar Republic are deleted. Channels were getting terminated. Google asked people to send an appeal to reinstate the channels only to turn out to be a big bust. It's like Viacom all over again but ten times worse. Apparently, there is an underground group called "New Lunar" is a code word used for pornography. The Brony fandom is officially in shock because of YouTube's automated child protection program. It reminds me of back in the days of dial-up, There was an internet service named AOL, they were the most prime back in the days. But what upsets some younger users is blocking websites from being by said users if there nothing explicit (other than websites that involve shopping and/or gambling). Blocking websites that involve heavy violence, sexual content, and coarse language is one thing, but blocking sites that don't have them is an abuse of the algorithm of parental controls. Wow! Such a huge paragraph. Anyway, uploader beware, The New Lunar Republic is off limits. It's against YouTube's community guidelines, as one video with NLR as the video's title is worth three community guideline strikes as opposed to one. The channels were originally removed on accident, but were actually removed on purpose as the appeals to revive the channels have failed. I smell a potential lawsuit brewin' somewhere...
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@PikachuMan I have no idea where you get that from (can't find news of it) but I'd love to read that. Anyways: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/786318/regarding-leaked-content Apparently there's a leak of the next season already. To those who care about spoilers, its not linked on the blog above; that's only a warning to users against posting spoilers apparently.
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Even better than that, there are some leaks that are allegedly from plans for Gen 5.
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Looks like Season 8 will start airing on March 31th, according to the countdown on EQD.
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For those of you who still care. Link to video
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Nice. I kinda forgot that even existed. lol I wonder how will it be once out? Hopefully not flop like Mighty Number 9.
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They've kept quiet about the development, so it really hasn't had a chance to hemmorage good will like MN9 did. But it's also been fairly forgotten about. So yeah, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.
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Tara Strong as not!Applejack? Interesting...
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Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship is on at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Discovery Family. Keep calm and pony on! Be cool or be mule!
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jlun2 wrote:
I wonder how will it be once out? Hopefully not flop like Mighty Number 9.
It's nothing too severe, but it looks like jimmies are starting to get rustled!
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I'm hoping that the switch over to "Early Access" forced them ot use the most recent beta, because holy cow this game looks so unfinished.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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SPOILER ALERT! There's gonna be a Granny Smith episode for season 8!
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The season 8 premiere is gonna start, but I'm not gonna be awake to see it. This is why I stay up during the night so that my schedule for game making won't be disturbed. When I started to readjust my sleep cycle back in the 17th, It was looking fine, until I overslept a few days later. *sigh* As of 2013, I never missed out on a season premiere since season 4 until just now. After I read about the Princess Twilight fiasco, I started binge watching the first (then) 65 episodes before the season 4 premiere. Somewhere between the season 3 finale and the season 4 premiere, I was curious about the Japanese dub I was hooked, After episode 8 of the second season of the Japanese dub, Season 4 premiered in the USA. Well, I might as well (try to) watch the season 8 episodes on YouTube before Hasbro takes them down, as YayPonies had trouble with the season 7 finale color corrected, remaster, and definitive... I hope they get the season 8 episodes up and running. Wish me luck...
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Oh, so it started a week earlier? I wasn't prepared for this. Will watch the premiere later and give my thoughts...
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S8 E1 School Daze - Part 1 - There are callbacks to the happenings of the 2017 movie. So the movie is considered canon to the TV series. Unlike the Equestria girls movies, because the TV series doesn't make callbacks or mentions to those. - The idea of a school and the mane 6 running them seemed odd to me at first. After all it's obviously Hasbro's doing again (Hasbro wants to sell school house toys now?). I think it makes sense the mane 6 should be the ones teaching after all though, them being the central characters of the show and all. The school is also a good way to introduce new characters (the students). I didn't pay much attention to it but the series actually built up to this moment by establishing and introducing us to all the different races over time. Acceptance and tolerance plays a big role in this episode, which I really appreciate! We're all different and need to accept and tolerate one another. A good moral to teach children. - This episode has quite a number of funny moments btw. - Chancellor Neighsay strikes me as being the snobby noble kind which is portrayed in this series ever so often (see: Canterlot nobles), although he is putting forth well educated arguments and points. Twilight not worrying as much as in past episodes, and actually standing up for her beliefs near the end of the episode seems like character development. S8 E2 School Daze - Part 2 - Starlight played a big, big supporting role here, cheering Twilight up and getting her to continue. - The rest of the episode was good. I just don't feel like commenting on everything. Basicly the student learned that the mane 6 are epic. - Some people you can't win over. Twilight wasn't able to win Chancellor Neighsay over, but she stood up for her own project. This goes hand in hand (or: hand in hoof in wing in claw?) with the 2nd song in this premiere. You got to trust your heart and believe in your plans. Find your way. Not everything has to go by a book. The way Neighsay made his departure has me hoping the issue he was addressing will be picked up again in a later episode. As in, there will be war, there will be conflict, on a bigger scale. Twilight: "The school will help protect Equestria" Neighsay: "Or destroy it." I'm really touched by this episode. Since I've been going through hardships lately and also sometimes feel like I want to give up, it's good timing that MLP is starting again now. I'm not as into the series as I used to. The series has been gradually losing me ever since season 5. In fact, I haven't even watched all episodes in season 7. But this premiere did a good part on getting me back interested. The running theme in season 8 obviously seems to be exploring far away lands and other races, moreso than in the previous seasons.
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ZR finally finished the Color Corrected set for Season 7 and is working on the Color Corrected set for Season 8. Still waiting for Scootaloo to upload the Remastered and Definitive versions of the rest of the Season 7 set and work on the Season 8 set.
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S8E3 is so horrible that it made me postpone watching new episodes for the time being. I can't dig the Maud humor. It's even worse than the preceding Maud episodes, maybe because this episode was written by someone I don't know. By the 11th minute, I still don't know what this episode is actually about or what the conflict is aside from Pinkie not getting along with Maud's love interest. I thought Pinkie's party planning cellar was a secret. Why is she showing it off?
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MUGG wrote:
S8E3 is so horrible that it made me postpone watching new episodes for the time being. I can't dig the Maud humor. It's even worse than the preceding Maud episodes, maybe because this episode was written by someone I don't know.
I still haven't seen that episode, but now you are making me curious. I loved Maud's debut episode (it's definitely in my top-10 best episodes list, perhaps even top-5), and while the other ones might not have exactly reached the quality of that one, they weren't that bad. How bad can this one be? OTOH, the series creators have had a really bad habit of ruining some good things over the years, so it wouldn't be unprecedented if they ruined Maud as well.
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@Warp I wouldn't say Maud is "ruined". It's probably just me. I would say it was a weak episode and it didn't keep me interested, but this may look completely different for others.
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I was honestly ready to hate the episode, especially given its title, and its beginning. But I couldn't. I actually liked it. It was surprisingly funny.