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Alright, after putting this on the back-burner for a little bit, here's the next WIP for Hard Mode with Bass. Link to video
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6 down in splendid fashion! Keep it up!
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With Bass it does look SO MUCH MORE like a speedrun than with Megaman...
Editor, Skilled player (1436)
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Oh please, do keep 'em coming
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Pump Man in 1:03.93 Link to video
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nice :)
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Am I the only one who thinks a pink Bass looks even more laughable than a Megaman of the same color? Anyway, great work, diggi, so far, Pump Man seems to be the most substantially different stage from the normal run.
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Is it me, or is this new Bass run going to make a Proto run completely useless. Mega Man has the different weapon usage for each stage, while Bass has the speed of a real speed run. So what would Proto Man bring?
Active player (278)
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Huh, I didn't expect the lower route to be faster in Pump Man stage. Did you make a comparison to the upper path? I'm curious as to how much time going the lower route saves for Bass
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I always test all alternate routes and tactics before committing to one. For this level, there's actually an interesting point behind-the-scenes. With Mega Man, the top route is ~100 frames faster than the lower route. With Bass, the the top route is ~100 frames slower that the lower route. The direct correlation is merely a coincidence, but there's a specific reasoning for the path choice. It all comes down to individual character qualities. Bass excels at horizontal movement, but suffers when it comes to upward movement without Rush. The real factor here is the reverse flow water screens, which is about 4 screen lengths long. Bass can power past it, but Mega Man loses way too much time. Also, Bass can take full advantage of the forward flow water screens. I'm a little fearful off Wily Stages 3 and 4 at the moment. Without Rush Jet, I'm not sure how I"ll get past the spike screens in Wily 3. I'm hoping I can damage hop between enemies and make it across, but we'll see. And without Rush Coil in Wily 4, I'm not going to be able reach Wily's second form efficiently. We'll see how it all pans out in time.
Joined: 12/6/2008
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Well you are playing on hard now. So chances are there will be enough enemies to do that. Nice side effect. :) Btw. great WIPs so far. With Bass this gam is even more fun to watch.
Editor, Player (44)
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Why are you saving at the end of each level? (And if you have to save for some reason, wouldn't it be faster to save in a different slot each time to avoid the prompt that asks if you want to overwrite your save?)
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That's purely to gauge my progress in the WIPs. I don't record the saves into the input files. Here's the most recent file if anyone wants to see the progress on Dolphin*. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CHNMCZ74 *Note: The game must be beaten already to sync. [1812] Wii Mega Man 10 "Mega Man" by diggidoyo in 33:42.37 accomplishes this requirement. Must also have the DLC .wad installed.
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Damn, that was slick as a grease monkey. Can't wait to see how you handle Solar Man, since it has a lot of vertical sections...and of course the Wily levels!
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Solar Man in 1:17.56 (MM 1:34.71) Link to video 8 robot masters down in 15:38.03 (8:38 in game time). Took Mega Man 19 minutes flat (11:31 in game time) to reach this point. Only the Wily Stages remain. The delay in WIP's is due to getting sucked into the MMO scene for a short time. And well, you know how that usually goes... haha.
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looks very fast, I like
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Wily Stage 1 in 2:13.06. Even managed to find a small zip at 1:45. :D Link to video
Joined: 7/2/2007
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Impressive! Keep it up. :)
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Zips? In my Mega Man 10? Just a shame it's so tiny. Great work nonetheless.
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Great job so far diggidoyo, I can't wait for your next WIP!!!
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Thanks, guys. And nearly 2 months later: Wily Stage 2 in 1:31.26 (MM 1:59.56). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYMx79iZTA
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Nice one. Only one question :D : The hit you take in the beginning seems to slow you down for a few frames. Couldn't you prevent that with a water shield? Btw. congrats on your world record.
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Ya know, that's a great point and I'm fairly sure I tried that (since it seems the obvious solution), but I recorded the beginning months ago. I'll check that part again and fix it if it I missed that. Thanks. ::EDIT:: Ah, now I remember. The water shield is indeed faster, but it takes 4 bars of energy to use. Those 4 bars require 16 frames to refill, and it only shaves 9 frames from the method I used. I took a hit in Treble form and switched to buster to avoid the pushback animation. This allowed me to not use any weapon energy. Thanks for the feedback, though.
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Wily Stage 3 in 2:04.10 (MM 2:27.85) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuJwt7luuQo Sorry about the quality, but that's all I can afford to upload on my connection in the middle east -_-. On the plus side, the two extra lives I picked up in this stage were the last ones I needed to obtain maximum lives once again!
Joined: 2/22/2012
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So, is Proto Man making a TAS appearance? I really enjoyed watching the Mega and Bass runs, but Proto Man is mah hero! :|
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