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Run attributes
   * Aims for fastest completion of the game
   * Manipulates luck
   * Abuses programming errors
   * Exploits a game-breaking glitch
   * Corrupts save data 
emulator: Visual Boy Advance re-recording v21-interim
I recently realized that the zzazz glitch and corrupt save data could be made in blue and red Pkmn so choose to do so in the blue as you can see the plants is similar to that made p4wn3r or strategy because it does exactly the same that the yellow but in this is much more difficult to do because there to investigate where they will receive as much as I could do is make it appear in the elite four.
as you can not fight with anyone for doing the glitch only thing I had to do is to drop or change some items from place to start I had to throw the Pokeballs to transfer the first 3 doors and finally had to change the town map by the masterballs to pass right through and then set the place as they were to spend the next room without difficulty.

Flygon: Added YouTube module.
Mukki: I will judge this as I am particularly familiar with the glitches used here.
Mukki: This movie does not beat the currently published run. This is because you did not set up the warps optimally. You also used turbo-A during the opening sequence; this is bad for most games, but it is particularly bad here as a frame of lag is caused every time an unnecessary A keypress is made. There is no need for a save-corruption run of Pokemon Blue to be published alongside that of Pokemon Yellow as the differences between the two are superficial. As far as this category is concerned only one is needed and we prefer to keep the faster run. Rejected.

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How to complete a TAS: Crash the game. Good work! I do throw my Yes vote, however much it resembles (And uses similar tricks) to the Pokemon Yellow TAS. HD encoding, and getting a friend of mine to handle the SD encode. :3
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SD video: He was mean to the game. ;.;
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I decided to upload this to for Alexra! Archive collection Archive download Oh, and, YouTube.
Active player (278)
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Hey cool. I didn't think this sort of thing was possible in RB. Yes vote
Editor, Expert player (2172)
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I got a bit suspicious when I saw the turboing A in the start menus. This caused you to lose 37 frames instead of pressing the A button when you needed to. Here's the version I just made: Linkylink And you could most likely save some more time the other places in the run were turbo was used the same way. So I suggest that you fix these mistakes. Very nice way of beating the game though!
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Memory corruption for zdtxsdffg and profit.
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This run does not beat all existing records
gia's pokemon yellow comments wrote:
Yes, the three games can be finished with this exact same route. Yellow is the slowest for the simple fact that it has ONE extra tile on its map which means you have to walk one extra step. Red and Blue lack this step. Out of the two, Red is the fastest because its first name choice for the protagonist is Red which has one less letter than Blue for Pokemon Blue. The name gets printed three times, for a total of 3 frames advantage for the red version.
Therefore this run should at least be faster than 2:06.58
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If this is the same glitch as is done in yellow, is the execution substantially different?
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Editor, Expert player (2324)
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This run uses save corruption so it competes with this published run which is faster than this submission. On another note, why isn't the red version used for the save corruption category?
Joined: 7/12/2009
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This movie is interesting because it has to walk through the Elite Four, glitching his way to block the battles and the ending is glitched differently. However, since we already have the yellow run that glitches straight to the ending, this one is somewhat redundant.
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Well, I wanted to love this run because save corruption is awesome. However, the yellow run is significantly more broken than this (less WTF, COOL! factor), and this run also does not show off anything the other run does not, aside from walking a rather long way. Sorry, but I have to vote no.
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I love the glitching and all, and it was entertaining, but I would like to know why this was done with a slower route than the Yellow run. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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Although I'm in love with this game, I'm forced to vote No to this run, sorry. Blue lags horribly if you mash buttons, don't do it. The fastest way to get through the title screen is by pressing Start/A/Start/A without mashing. You lost frames naming the rival A, it'd be faster to give him a default name, even if you have to lose time by scrolling the menu with B. Also, where exactly did you manipulate luck here? You didn't get you trainer ID to match the Hall of Fame map offset, which can be done in Blue like it was done in Yellow. For anyone wondering how he beat the game, he inserted Lorelei's Map ID in the staircase warp and tricked the game to walk through the doors by changing coordinates, which is even slower than gia's pioneering run. Anyway, it seems to me that this is not technically on par with the other RBY runs we have here, and I don't see any reason to prefer this type of warp opposed to a faster one.
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I voted "yes" before reading the comments but they've changed my mind to "no"
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This run is interesting. However, I am voting NO because this run doesn't introduce anything new that results in a faster than the existing Yellow run.
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minglw wrote:
This run is interesting. However, I am voting NO because this run doesn't introduce anything new that results in a faster than the existing Yellow run.
Nailed my opinion too.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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good watch, very similar to the yellow one indeed. I decline to vote.
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Just a crappy movie (almost unassisted) to prove what I said earlier, that it's possible to glitch Blue like in Yellow. (Blue would still end up slower if optimized, because it lags more, no credits is also very bad).
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Voted no. Doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and the Yellow run is superior in both WTF factor and time.
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Since it's slower, no vote from me.
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I think this not will be a concept of TAS, but it was fast, but for me it no
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This run is no voting: Faster run is
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I really dont unterstand whats the issue here. Why is everybody talking about this being slower then the yellow run, since it is for blue? I mean after all, they are 2 different games, whcih already have diffrent publications. So im voting yes on this since its not Pokeomn Yellow and I give a shit about the fact, that it could be faster.
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According to gia, Yellow, Blue and Red are all the same (they use the same route in the save-corruption category) with small exceptions. Yellow has one extra tile on the map, and Red has the shortest name for the rival (making Red the 'best' version of the three). However, Red and Blue seem to lag more so that makes Yellow the 'best' version. Please point out if I made any mistakes in my statement. I think it does make sense to compare this run to Yellow since all three games are basicly more or less the same game. Personally, it would make sense to me to take the fastest game out of the three versions, depending on the speedrun category. So if Red is indeed the fastest version, I think that should be used instead of Yellow. So far, I've only heard of these categories: normal = The normal playthrough TAS which abuses glitches, but doesn't use save-corruption. The upcoming TAS is going to use the ZZAAZZ bug. 151 pokemon = Upcoming run worked on by Mukki and p4wn3r. save-corruption = The Yellow run that uses reset while the game is being saved. dokokashira door = For me, a somewhat arbitrary category... When I think about it, this could be the "normal" category (a game should be TASed on the version that allows the greatest shortcuts/bugs, so in this case the Japanese version that allows the dokokashira door glitch). But given the popularity of the game with the US / E version, apparently an exception was made. I don't have any particular attitude towards this category, since I think the normal run is interesting in that it doesn't play through the game in only 5 minutes, but the dokokashira door category also shows that the game can be beaten in 5 minutes on the J version. (not sure if my text makes sense to anyone)