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Hello, I write a column called No Life Offline for College Times, a newspaper out of Phoenix, Arizona ( I'd like to do a short piece on you guys, so I thought I'd just post here and see what kind of responses I get. Basically, if you post, please list your username, where you're from, and if you don't mind, your age. Also, what you've just completed and what you're working on next. What I want to know is when you started doing this, why you started doing this and what the heck's the point (it seems almost like a Japanese art form, like bonzai trees)? I'd rather get it in your own words than just scoop it off the FAQ page. I might chime in with a few more questions as we go on. Try to keep your answers as brief as possible since I only have a few hundred words to work with. Also, I can't use anything not posted by Sunday afternoon. I *cannot* guarantee anything will make it into print, but lets see what we can get. Thanks. (edited out 1st name)
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?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h?,? ?S?w?e?d?e?n?,? ?2?1? ?(?i?n? ?2? ?w?e?e?k?s?)? ?y?e?a?r?s? ?o?l?d?.? ? ? ? ?J?u?s?t? ?f?i?n?i?s?h?e?d? ?D?a?r?k?w?i?n?g? ?D?u?c?k? ?w?i?t?h? ?a? ?t?i?m?e? ?o?f? ?1?1?:?3?5?.? ?N?e?x?t? ?p?r?o?j?e?c?t?.?.?.? ?I? ?h?a?v?e? ?n?o? ?i?d?e?a?.? ? ? ? ?I? ?s?t?a?r?t?e?d? ?t?o? ?d?o? ?t?h?i?s? ?i?n? ?m?a?r?s?/?a?p?r?i?l? ?s?o?m?e?t?h?i?n?g? ?2?0?0?4?.? ?A?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?t?i?m?e? ?I? ?f?o?u?n?d? ?t?h?i?s? ?s?i?t?e? ?a?n?d? ?h?e?r?e? ?I? ?a?m? ?t?o?d?a?y?.? ? ? ? ?I? ?d?o? ?t?h?i?s? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?I? ?l?o?v?e? ?o?l?d? ?g?a?m?e?s?.? ?A?n?d? ?t?h?e? ?f?a?c?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?y?o?u? ?n?o?w? ?c?a?n? ?d?o? ?m?o?v?i?e?s? ?o?u?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?e?m? ?q?u?i?t?e? ?e?a?s?y? ?m?a?k?e?s? ?m?e? ?h?a?p?p?y? ?;?)? ?A?l?s?o? ?I? ?e?n?j?o?y? ?c?r?e?a?t?i?n?g? ?s?o?m?e?t?h?i?n?g? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?i?l?l? ?e?n?t?e?r?t?a?i?n? ?p?e?o?p?l?e?s?.? ? ? ? ?A? ?f?e?w? ?c?o?u?n?t?e?r?-?q?u?e?s?t?i?o?n?s? ?m?e?a?n?w?h?i?l?e?.? ?W?h?a?t??s? ?t?h?e? ?p?o?i?n?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?a?r?t?i?c?l?e??? ?W?h?e?r?e? ?w?i?l?l? ?i?t? ?b?e? ?p?u?b?l?i?s?h?e?d??? ?U?h?m?.?.? ?T?h?a?t??s? ?i?t? ?f?o?r? ?n?o?w? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k?.?
/Walker Boh
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First off, you wrote that you can guarantee anything will make it into print. Just wanted to point that one out... My username is Zurreco, and I live in San Diego County, California. I am 19. I started making movies for this site about 3 months ago for no reason other than to see how it felt. Since I also have a month to burn before classes start for me, I figured I might as well get involved in the community. I really only make these movies to either test/show my skill/determination for certain games, or to bring in competition for other games. I could care less if I ever get a movie published; I'm not here to make a name for myself. editL Forgot to mention that I've just finished a run of Nosferatu and am currently working on a few random games, namely King of Dragons and Bubsy
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I meant cannot.
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I know. feel free to go back and edit your post.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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?W?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?n?i?c?e? ?t?o? ?h?e?a?r? ?w?h?a?t? ?y?o?u? ?m?a?d?e? ?o?u?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?h?e?n? ?y?o?u?r??e? ?d?o?n?e? ?w?i?t?h? ?i?t?.?
/Walker Boh
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?&?g?t?;?W?h?a?t??s? ?t?h?e? ?p?o?i?n?t? ?o?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?a?r?t?i?c?l?e??? ?W?h?e?r?e? ?w?i?l?l? ?i?t? ?b?e? ?p?u?b?l?i?s?h?e?d??? ? ? ? ?T?h?e? ?t?i?t?l?e?'?s? ?"?N?o? ?L?i?f?e? ?O?f?f?l?i?n?e?,?"? ?w?h?i?c?h? ?i?s? ?a? ?r?e?f?e?r?e?n?c?e? ?t?o? ?n?e?a?r?-?f?a?c?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?i?t?h?o?u?t? ?t?h?e? ?I?n?t?e?r?n?e?t?,? ?I?'?d? ?c?e?a?s?e? ?t?o? ?e?x?i?s?t?.? ?E?a?c?h? ?w?e?e?k?,? ?I? ?f?i?n?d? ?a? ?t?o?p?i?c? ?o?f? ?i?n?t?e?r?e?s?t? ?o?r? ?q?u?i?r?k?i?n?e?s?s? ?t?o? ?w?r?i?t?e? ?a?b?o?u?t?.? ? ? ? ? ?F?o?r? ?e?x?a?m?p?l?e?,? ?t?h?e? ?t?o?p?i?c? ?r?u?n?n?i?n?g? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?e?e?k? ?i?s? ?"?T?h?e? ?S?i?x? ?S?t?a?g?e?s? ?o?f? ?F?o?n?t? ?A?d?d?i?c?t?i?o?n?.?"? ?B?e?f?o?r?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?h?a?d? ?a?n? ?i?n?t?e?r?v?i?e?w? ?w?i?t?h? ?a?n? ?I?n?t?e?r?n?e?t? ?p?o?k?e?r? ?p?l?a?y?e?r? ?a?n?d? ?b?e?f?o?r?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?a? ?r?u?n?d?o?w?n? ?o?f? ?t?h?e? ?n?e?w? ?g?m?a?i?l? ?s?y?s?t?e?m?.? ?T?h?e? ?i?d?e?a? ?h?e?r?e? ?i?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?h?a?t? ?y?o?u?'?r?e? ?d?o?i?n?g? ?i?s? ?o?b?s?c?u?r?e?,? ?y?e?t? ?f?a?s?c?i?n?a?t?i?n?g?.?.?.? ?a?n?d? ?d?e?f?i?n?i?t?e?l?y? ?w?o?r?t?h? ?a? ?l?i?t?t?l?e? ?p?i?e?c?e?.? ? ? ? ? ?T?h?e? ?p?u?b?l?i?c?a?t?i?o?n? ?i?s? ?c?a?l?l?e?d? ?C?o?l?l?e?g?e? ?T?i?m?e?s? ?.?.?.? ?i?t?'?s? ?a? ?w?e?e?k?l?y? ?p?r?i?n?t? ?n?e?w?s?p?a?p?e?r? ?g?e?a?r?e?d? ?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?1?8?-?3?0? ?y?e?a?r? ?o?l?d? ?m?a?r?k?e?t? ?i?n? ?P?h?o?e?n?i?x? ?(?y?o?u? ?c?a?n? ?a?l?s?o? ?s?e?e? ?i?t? ?o?n?l?i?n?e? ?a?t? ?e?c?o?l?l?e?g?e?t?i?m?e?s?.?c?o?m?)?.? ?O?c?c?a?s?i?o?n?a?l?l?y? ?a?r?t?i?c?l?e?s? ?g?e?t? ?p?i?c?k?e?d? ?u?p? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?L?A? ?T?i?m?e?s? ?n?e?w?s?w?i?r?e?,? ?a?l?t?h?o?u?g?h? ?I? ?d?o?u?b?t? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?i?l?l?.? ?T?h?a?t? ?s?a?i?d?,? ?i?t?'?s? ?n?o?t? ?i?n?c?o?n?c?e?i?v?a?b?l?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?m?i?g?h?t? ?r?i?g?h?t? ?a? ?l?o?n?g?e?r? ?p?i?e?c?e? ?f?o?r? ?a?n?o?t?h?e?r? ?p?u?b?l?i?c?a?t?i?o?n? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?f?u?t?u?r?e?.?
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And if whoever made the 11 minute Super Mario 3 vid could speak up, I'd appreciate it. I'm attaching the easy link for that one for the idiots who can't figure out bittorrent.
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If youre talking about Morimoto, the author of "moSMB3"", that movie has been obsoleted. There is an improved movie in the NES video section by a different author.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Is there a shorter one now? Is there a wmv or mpeg file of it available online- without going through bittorrent? Otherwise, I'll still have to run with it, with a note that it's obsolete.
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there is an avi file, but its torrented off of this site. if you want to go to the trouble of torrenting it and then hosting it (it is 37MB), then youre in business. otherwise, feel free to show off morimoto's movie with a statement saying that this movie has already been obsoleted on our site.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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A couple more questions What makes a movie obsolete? Are you ever challenged by people for calling these "movies"?
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?M?o?v?i?e?s? ?g?e?t?s? ?o?b?s?o?l?e?t?e?d? ?w?h?e?n? ?t?h?e?y? ?a?r?e? ?b?e?a?t?e?n? ?i?n? ?t?i?m?e?.? ?A?t?l?e?a?s?t? ?t?h?a?t??s? ?m?y? ?e?x?p?e?r?i?e?n?c?e?,? ?t?h?e?r?e? ?m?i?g?h?t? ?b?e? ?s?o?m?e? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?f?a?c?t?o?r?s? ?b?u?t? ?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?k?n?o?w? ?t?h?e?m? ?r?i?g?h?t? ?n?o?w?.?
/Walker Boh
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obsoletion occurs due to many factors. usually, a movie becomes obsolete when a movie with a better time comes out. this is the most common way that obsoletion occurs. other times movies can be obsoleted if a "less sloppy" version of the movie is released (if movie A and movie B are the same time length, but movie B collects more points or takes less hits, B is considered better and A is obsoleted). Yes, people get mad about us calling these "movies." Generally, these people are misinformed or have a subtle hatred for emulation/using emulation tools (ie savestates or slowdowns). Others just dont think that these are movies by nature. everyone has their opinions on the subject, and there is no universally correct answer to this question.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Almost always movies are obsoleted by being slower than a new version, but sometimes not if they're not as entertaining to watch. I don't have any examples at the moment. In the end, it's up to Bisqwit (the site owner) and whoever he appoints as movie judge which movies make it. >Are you ever challenged by people for calling these "movies"? Not for calling them movies, but for ruining competitive gaming, yeah. (Since movies made with tools naturally are faster than regular speed runs.) Some of them are very hateful and get personal. Most people aren't like that though. We have plenty of people here who do both tool-assisted movies and regular speed runs. I do hope that you are planning to write how these movies are made...?
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?I? ?d?o?n?t? ?a?g?r?e?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?e? ?r?u?i?n? ?c?o?m?p?e?t?e?t?i?v?e? ?g?a?m?i?n?g?.? ?T?h?e?r?e? ?a?r?e? ?i?n? ?m?y? ?o?p?i?n?i?o?n? ?o?n?l?y? ?a? ?f?e?a?r? ?a?m?o?n?g?s?t? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?r?u?n?n?e?r?s? ?(?m?y? ?d?e?f?i?n?i?t?i?o?n? ?o?f? ?t?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?e? ?m?a?k?e? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k?s? ?a?n?d? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?r?u?n?n?e?r?s? ?m?a?k?e?s? ?r?e?c?o?r?d?s?)? ?t?h?a?t? ?o?u?r? ?m?o?v?i?e?s? ?w?i?l?l? ?b?e? ?c?o?n?c?i?d?e?r?e?d? ?a?s? ?r?e?a?l? ?r?e?c?o?r?d?s?.? ?B?u?t? ?I? ?h?e?l?p?e?d? ?s?o?m?e?o?n?e? ?t?o? ?i?m?p?r?o?v?e? ?h?i?s? ?r?u?n? ?(?D?e?j?a? ?V?u?)? ?s?o? ?i?t? ?c?a?n? ?a?l?s?o? ?b?e? ?e?d?u?c?a?t?i?n?g?.? ?A?t?l?e?a?s?t? ?t?h?a?t??s? ?w?h?a?t? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?i?t?.?
/Walker Boh
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Truncated wrote:
sometimes not if they're not as entertaining to watch. I don't have any examples at the moment.
I remember once rejecting Michael Fried's SMB3 movie (or keeping it as a secondary movie) because it only aimed to beating Morimoto's time, and it didn't do much to be interesting to watch in the autoscrolling levels.
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I'll upload the latest Super Mario 3 run to my personal web space so you can get hold of it. The run is made by one of our guys called "Genisto", who will probably see this thread later and make some comments. Like someone already suggested, it's of great importance what it's explained clearly how those movies are made. Most of the ppl who hate us are misinformed and believe we are trying to trick them into believing we are playing honestly, which is not the case. I'm sure you've already seen the faq on the main site which explains most of it. And I'm sure our... boss, bisqwit can provide you with a breif and good answer to your article. My name is Mattias and I'm 22, live in Sweden. I've played NES since I got my NES back when I was 6 (1988). I enjoy watching these movies cause they provide entertainment and often give you some funny surprises. I also enjoy watching honestly played runs, cause I know they feature alot of skill. I've only made one movie, the 2 player (I played both players) Bubble bobble run, which I'm pretty happy with. Well, I guess that's it.
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of course. i'll be explaining via the faq page. are there other people making movies without the slowdowns and emulators?
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Those should be the "speed runners" who competes for world records. They, if I have got it right, plays in one sitting and on a real console, recording with.. a regular video?
/Walker Boh
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There are currently two categories of gaming records: "legit" runs and emulation runs. Legit runs tend to be created with the original console and game cartridge. They have their own set of rules that try to bind players to avoid "unfair" glitches and are usually judged by official sites. These are recorded into physical film. They can be played in one sitting or in segments, depending on the player's preferences. These movies, by penalty of rejection and usually boycott, can not be edited. Emulation runs are more commonly known as "time attacks". This is because, due to the assistance of the emulator, players can achieve much more efficient runs of games, usually beating any "legit" records. These runs have their own set of rules and are judged separately. These movies are usually recorded on digital film. These movies, by penalty of rejection, can not be edited in any way until deemed acceptable. These two categories are NEVER TO COMPETE WITH EACHOTHER. This is where most people that deem emulation runs harmful for competetive gaming are confused. They each set out to show different forms of talent and commitment to their games.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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URElephant wrote:
are there other people making movies without the slowdowns and emulators?
Here is a site you should visit if you are interested in non-assisted videos, and here is a site you should visit if you are interested in the current world-record times/scores/etc for games.
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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>it didn't do much to be interesting to watch in the autoscrolling levels. What makes a movie interesting? >each set out to show different forms of talent and commitment to their games. Can you explain a little more about talent and commitment? >These runs have their own set of rules and are judged separately. These movies are usually recorded on digital film. These movies, by penalty of rejection, can not be edited in any way until deemed acceptable. I'm not sure I understand.
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In other words, what do I, as a stranger, need to know in order to appreciate what you're doing?
Joined: 8/11/2004
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wow these sites and videos sure have gotten a lot more popular since i first started watching them...